How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (2024)

Every relationship has its fair share of conflicts and disagreements.

However, is it really healthy for couples to argue?

How often does a couple in a healthy relationship argue and how much fighting is too much?

Table of Contents

  • How often couples argue is not always a helpful predictor of the health of a relationship.
  • Couples who are in “attachment stress” often fight almost constantly.
  • In a healthy relationship, the key is not how much you fight, but how well you fight.
  • If you’re fighting every day then you’re fighting too much.
    • These are signs of an unhealthy dynamic or a couple that’s incompatible.
    • I tell my clients to fight smarter, not harder.
  • No average amount of times.
  • No “one-size-fits-all” answer.
  • Any two people will disagree, but fighting is a choice.
  • There isn’t a single metric for this.
  • Fighting is a sign of the inability to “separate” from the other person.
  • Arguing upon occasion is extremely normal and healthy in relationships.
  • There is no ironclad rule for how often couples fight in a healthy relationship.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • How can couples avoid unhealthy arguments?
    • How can couples make sure their arguments are productive and not harmful?
    • Can arguments be a sign of deeper problems in a relationship?
    • How can I tell if an argument gets more serious and requires intervention?
    • How do you know if a relationship is worth saving?

Heather Z. Lyons, PhD

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (1)

Licensed Psychologist | Couples Counselor | Owner of the Baltimore Therapy Group

How often couples argue is not always a helpful predictor of the health of a relationship.

As counterintuitive as this might sound and as unpleasant as arguments might feel, they can actually help couples come to a common understanding or inspire couples to make changes that strengthen relationships.

What is important to be mindful of is not whether couples argue but how they argue. If couples fight but avoid the following four behaviors they might be ok:

  • Stonewalling: Tuning out your partner, shutting down a conversations or arguments
  • Defensiveness: Not taking responsibility for your role in a disagreement
  • Criticizing: Attacking who your partner is instead of focusing on a single concern
  • Showing contempt: Assuming an air of superiority and lack of respect for your partner

Another important indicator of the strength of a relationship when it comes to arguing is whether couples are matched in arguing styles.

If two very passionate and emotional couples or alternatively, two conflict avoidant couples are paired together they’re more likely to feel satisfied with arguments in their relationship than couples who have different styles.

Dan Auerbach

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (2)

Director and Relationship Counsellor with Associated Relationship & Marriage Counsellors

Couples who are in “attachment stress” often fight almost constantly.

By attachment stress, we mean that the couples emotional bond is strained.

One or both partners feel that they can not reach each other for reassurance, acceptance or care. Under these conditions, we can come to feel constantly frustrated or irritated and every action of our partner can stir us into an angry protest.

Moreover, we are not often aware of the underlying feelings of disconnection and instead are likely to notice surface issues, like partner leaving some dirty dishes or forgetting to call.

Typically, one partner will begin to feel disconnected and will protest this disconnection by pursuing closeness. We call this partner the Pursuing partner. This partner will often complain about the disconnection in a way that is critical or with heightened emotion.

The other partner, feeling blamed or feeling like a failure in the relationship, often withdraws to avoid conflict. We call this partner the Withdrawer. By their withdrawal, the Withdrawing partner creates further fear of disconnection in the Pursuing partner, who becomes even more critical, emotional and often blaming.

This interaction pattern then becomes cyclical, which we call a couples reactive cycle of conflict. Each partner reacts to the other’s behavior.

Humans are primed to look to our partner to see if they are accessible, responsive and engaged and when we don’t feel that they are, we are biologically wired to try and reach them to reestablish closeness.

That means that couples can be very irritable and can get into seemingly unending cycles of conflict until the affectional bond is restored.

Finally, it’s important to note, that some couples hardly ever fight but aren’t happy. These can be couples who have burnt out or who simply keep too much of a distance from each other.

How we often we fight is less of an issue, than whether we are able to repair our bond afterward.

Stephanie Macadaan, LMFT

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (3)

Licensed therapist | Creator of The Happy Couple Plan

In a healthy relationship, the key is not how much you fight, but how well you fight.

If your fights leave you feeling unheard, misunderstood, and disconnected that is a danger sign. If your arguments play out in a way in which you both feel emotionally safe with each other, that is a good sign.

The key is finding the balance of not stuffing your feelings and being able to squabble with each other as much as needed because it feels safe to do so, you know your partner will hear you, it will not threaten the relationship and you won’t be filled with resentment afterward.

Couples tend to get caught in a cycle that they repeat over and over in conflicts, about big things and little things.

The key is identifying that cycle and adjusting it so that you both feel heard, which leads to a deeper connection and feeling bonded.

Brad Browning

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (4)

Relationship Coach | Breakup & Divorce Expert, LoveLearnings

If you’re fighting every day then you’re fighting too much.

If you’re fighting with your partner every day, if it’s interfering with your ability to connect, or if it’s having a negative impact on your life outside the relationship, then you’re fighting too much.

These are signs of an unhealthy dynamic or a couple that’s incompatible.

Another sign your fighting is unhealthy is if you avoid specific activities that you know will lead to a fight. For example, if you can’t get through a trip to the mall without screaming at one another, then you need to take a look at what’s keeping you two apart.

Love and passion are important but you need a baseline of trust, comfort, and respect to have a healthy relationship. Excessive fighting makes this impossible.

On the flip side, many people think that a healthy relationship means no arguments and smooth sailing. But a lack of fighting can actually be the sign of a relationship in decline.It means that one or both parties have stopped trying to solve problems or that they’re too afraid of what their partner will do if they criticize them in any way.

I tell my clients to fight smarter, not harder.

This means don’t let fights escalate to the point of doing damage to the relationship. Keep things focused and on topic, don’t raise your voices and listen to each other’s point of view before responding.

Sophia Reed, Ph.D., NCC

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (5)

Marriage and Family Therapist | National Certified Counselor

No average amount of times.

There is no “average amount of times” on how often a couple should argue but rather how they argue. You can disagree with a lot of things. You can disagree with each other every day if you want to. After all, a couple has two people in it who are not the same and have different opinions on how things should go. Arguments will happen.

But the danger is if when a couple argues and it becomes destructive and a way to bash each other or name call.

Or if when they argue, they say things to intentionally hurt each other or try to make the other person feel bad about themselves for not agreeing with them.

Another red flag is when one person or both people just argue for the sake of arguing and they just want to be “right” and have no real merit or basis for what they are arguing about. That is not a healthy couple or a healthy argument.

A real healthy relationship knows that even when you argue that you still respect each other, love each other, and accept that it is okay to agree to disagree.

The sign of a healthy relationship is when during an argument one or both people are willing to compromise and come up with a solution just to keep peace in the relationship.

Adina Mahalli, MSW

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (6)

Social Worker and Relationship Expert on behalf of Maple Holistics

No “one-size-fits-all” answer.

It should come as no surprise that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how often healthy couples fight.That being said, it’s the “holding a grudge” aspect of the argument that really defines the length of the argument.

Healthy couples may or may not fight daily, but they don’t hold onto the argument long after its over.

If you’re constantly in an argument with your partner, and one or both of you just can’t let it go, it could be a sign of an unhealthy relationship. On the flip side, if you’re arguing one minute but laughing the next, the amount of times that you fight isn’t a factor in how healthy the relationship is.

Lesli Doares

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (7)

Marriage Coach and Relationship Expert, Foundations Coaching NC | Author of the book, “Blueprint for a Lasting Marriage: How to Create Your Happily Ever After With More Intention, Less Work

Any two people will disagree, but fighting is a choice.

Couples in healthy relationships know this and have developed productive ways to handle it when they disagree.

John Gottman has determined that 67% of all disagreements can go unresolved. Healthy couples know which 33% need to be addressed. In other words, they know which battles need to be fought. That doesn’t mean they actually fight, however, but if they do, it is rare.

People in healthy relationships get tired, hangry, don’t feel well, get distracted, or misunderstand just like the rest of us. It is at these times that arguments can occur.

But they also can rein them in before they get out of control. They are able to table whatever is creating friction to a better time without feeling abandoned or unimportant. They also have learned good communication skills and use them. This is what makes them healthy couples.

Dr. Jephtha Tausig

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (8)

Licensed Clinical Psychologist | Clinical Instructor at Mt. Sinai Medical Center

There isn’t a single metric for this.

What is important to know is that all relationships have some conflict – that this is inevitable because two minds are not always perfectly in sync (nor would we expect this).

What is important is not how much conflict but really, how is conflict handled in the relationship?

How are things getting resolved (or not)? Is the couple consistently having the same conflicts repeatedly? Do they move past current conflicts and on towards new ones? When there is a conflict, how do they communicate about it? What is the outcome?

If a couple is struggling with this, there are ways to assist them.

Fighting is a sign of the inability to “separate” from the other person.

It is difficult to accept the fact that although we may be bonded to each other, we have different needs and perspectives on reality. Fighting is a demand that the other be just like me.

When couples discover each other, they usually go through a period of experiencing the delight of feeling like they have found their “soulmate,” the perfect companion, someone with whom they finally feel oneness.

This is a period of bonding, in which that experience of oneness, or of “fusion,” is exquisitely comforting. This period is short-lived, serving to bring us together to be “learning partners” in life, for none of us are fully educated in the challenge of having a relationship.

After this initial period, we enter a phase of needing to learn how to move appropriately along a continuum of closeness, or fusion, and separateness.

While no one gets upset if the other person needs to physically separate to do a task (or go to the bathroom!), we tend to get very upset at the reality of emotional separateness, for it threatens the cozy closeness that was the source of the comfort of oneness.

A fight is simply the signal that we are stuck in “fusion” and need to take a step back – and take a really big breath! – and separate: look at our partner as a being with their own reality, needs and solutions.

Our culture is an Either-Or culture. Either I exist or you do. And no one wants to disappear. The challenge is to create a solution that satisfies the needs of us both. As imperfect as it may be, it still allows us both to exist, rather than one person being forced or feeling that they need to disappear.

Niki Davis-Fainbloom

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (10)

Sexuality and Relationship Expert

Arguing upon occasion is extremely normal and healthy in relationships.

I often find that couples that never openly argue or disagree often don’t feel comfortable to fully express the way they feel.

Making decisions with another person takes work and it is highly unlikely that two people will always agree on decisions about boundaries, relationships, politics and sometimes simply what to eat for dinner and when to leave social engagements.

Arguing upon occasion is extremely normal and healthy in relationships. However, what happens following the argument is more telling whether the relationship is healthy or not.

In healthy relationships, couples are able to fight but then move on and still express love and affection for each other.

However, in unhealthy or abusive relationships one or both partners are unable to let the subject go and may manipulate the situation or gaslight the other partner, acting differently than they would normally act following a disagreement.

This is often part of a larger pattern in the relationship where one partner has power over the other partner and uses that to control and isolate them.

However, it’s not necessarily unhealthy if a couple often has disagreements where they have differing opinions and express them in a potentially unthoughtful or unkind way, but the power dynamics are equal and both partners are able to move on post-argument.

Shlomo Slatkin

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (11)

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor | Certified Imago Relationship Therapist | Co-Founder, The Marriage Restoration Project

There is no ironclad rule for how often couples fight in a healthy relationship.

The truth is, that there are always ups and downs in any relationship.

However, couples who are in a healthy relationship fight less, and when they do, their recovery time is quicker, because they have a strong baseline and the tools to help them get back on track, process the conflict, and reconnect.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can couples avoid unhealthy arguments?

Practice active listening:When a partner talks, listen actively without interrupting or getting defensive. Repeat what you hear to ensure you understand the other person’s point of view.

Avoid personal attacks:Avoid harsh words or personal attacks during an argument. Instead, focus on the real issue and underlying feelings.

Take a break:When emotions are running high, it can be helpful to take a break and continue the discussion later when both partners have calmed down.

Set clear boundaries:It’s essential for couples to set clear boundaries and expectations about their communication during an argument. This may include not yelling or calling each other names.

Get professional help:If a couple is having difficulty communicating effectively or resolving their differences, seeking professional help from a couples therapist can be a good way to improve their communication and conflict resolution skills.

How can couples make sure their arguments are productive and not harmful?

– Stay on the current topic and avoid bringing up past problems.
– Take responsibility for your own actions and avoid blaming the other person.
– Use “I” statements instead of “you” statements.
– Practice active listening by really listening to the other person’s point of view.
– Avoid interrupting or trying to persuade the other person.
– Pause when emotions are running high and return to the discussion when you have both calmed down.

Can arguments be a sign of deeper problems in a relationship?

Yes, frequent arguments are often a symptom of deeper problems in a relationship, such as unmet needs, underlying resentment, or a lack of emotional intimacy.

It’s crucial for couples to pay attention to the patterns in their arguments and identify underlying issues that may need to be addressed.

For example, a couple may frequently argue about housework, but the underlying problem may be a lack of appreciation or feeling undervalued. Or a couple may frequently argue about financial issues, but the underlying problem may be a lack of trust or fear of not being able to provide for the other.

It’s important for couples to address these underlying issues in a constructive and respectful manner. This may require professional help, such as couples therapy, to address these issues and improve their communication and conflict-resolution skills.

By addressing the underlying issues, couples can strengthen their relationship and reduce the frequency of disputes.

How can I tell if an argument gets more serious and requires intervention?

It can be challenging to determine when an argument has become more serious and requires intervention, but there are some signs to look for:

Escalation:If the argument is getting more heated and both partners are getting more upset or angry

Personal attacks:If one or both partners use personal attacks or insults during the argument

Physical violence:Any kind of physical violence or threatening behavior during an argument is a serious warning sign and requires immediate intervention.

Emotional damage:If one or both partners constantly feel emotionally hurt or distressed after an argument, this is a sign that the argument is more serious, and professional help could be sought.

Recurring patterns:If the couple keeps having the same argument without finding a solution, this may indicate that underlying issues need to be addressed.

If any of these signs are occurring, it may be time to seek professional help.

How do you know if a relationship is worth saving?

Deciding whether a relationship is worth saving can be a difficult and personal decision, but here are some signs that suggest it’s worth making an effort to resolve any issues:

Respect:Partners should respect and value each other as individuals. If both partners have a high level of respect for each other, it may be worth working through any issues.

Communication:Communication is key in any relationship. If both partners can communicate openly and honestly, it may be possible to resolve disagreements or problems.

Shared values:If both partners have similar values and goals, it may be worth investing time and effort to work through any issues.

Emotional connection:If both partners have a strong emotional connection and are committed to each other, it may be worth trying to work through it.

Effort:If both partners are willing to make an effort to solve any problems and are committed to making the relationship work, it may be worth saving.

It’s important to remember that every relationship is unique, and not all relationships are meant to be saved. It’s up to each individual to assess whether a relationship is worth saving and make decisions based on their values and priorities.

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As an expert in relationships and psychology, it's evident that the individuals contributing to this article have a deep understanding of the dynamics involved in couples' conflicts and healthy relationship management. The insights provided by various professionals shed light on key aspects of arguing in relationships.

  1. Heather Z. Lyons, PhD:

    • Arguing frequency is not a reliable predictor of relationship health.
    • Emphasizes the importance of how couples argue rather than how often.
    • Lists four detrimental behaviors to avoid in arguments: stonewalling, defensiveness, criticizing, and showing contempt.
  2. Dan Auerbach:

    • Couples in "attachment stress" experience constant fighting due to emotional bond strain.
    • Describes the reactive cycle of conflict and how it can perpetuate negativity.
    • Highlights the significance of recognizing underlying feelings of disconnection.
  3. Stephanie Macadaan, LMFT:

    • Focuses on the quality of arguments in a healthy relationship, not the quantity.
    • Encourages couples to identify and adjust repetitive cycles in conflicts.
    • Emphasizes the need for emotional safety in arguments.
  4. Brad Browning:

    • Arguing every day is a sign of an unhealthy dynamic or incompatibility.
    • Warns against avoiding activities to prevent fights.
    • Advocates for fighting smarter, not harder, and maintaining trust, comfort, and respect.
  5. Sophia Reed, Ph.D., NCC:

    • Rejects the idea of an average number of times couples should argue.
    • Flags destructive arguing behaviors and highlights compromise as a sign of a healthy relationship.
    • Defines a healthy relationship as one where partners respect, love, and accept each other despite disagreements.
  6. Adina Mahalli, MSW:

    • Rejects a one-size-fits-all approach to arguing frequency.
    • Stresses the importance of resolving conflicts and not holding onto them.
    • Defines the length of an argument by how long partners hold onto it afterward.
  7. Lesli Doares:

    • Couples in healthy relationships know which conflicts need addressing.
    • Emphasizes the importance of good communication skills in resolving conflicts.
    • Recognizes that healthy couples may still face challenges but can manage them effectively.
  8. Dr. Jephtha Tausig:

    • Acknowledges the inevitability of conflict in relationships.
    • Stresses the importance of how conflicts are handled, not their frequency.
    • Advocates for creating solutions that allow both partners to exist rather than forcing one to disappear.
  9. Niki Davis-Fainbloom:

    • Arguing occasionally is normal and healthy in relationships.
    • Differentiates between healthy and unhealthy post-argument behaviors.
    • Highlights that power dynamics should be equal for a disagreement to be healthy.
  10. Shlomo Slatkin:

    • No ironclad rule for how often couples should fight in a healthy relationship.
    • Couples in healthy relationships fight less, with quicker recovery times.
    • Emphasizes having a strong baseline and tools for conflict resolution.
  11. Frequently Asked Questions:

    • Provides practical advice on avoiding unhealthy arguments, ensuring productive arguments, identifying deeper relationship problems, recognizing when intervention is needed, and assessing if a relationship is worth saving.

In conclusion, the article emphasizes the complexity of relationship dynamics, highlighting the importance of communication, respect, and effective conflict resolution for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

How Often Do Couples Argue or Fight in a Healthy Relationship (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.