How old can a character become? (2024)


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Dec 3, 2017
  • How old can a character become? (2)
  • How old can a character become? (3)
  • How old can a character become? (4)
  • How old can a character become? (5)
  • How old can a character become? (6)
  • How old can a character become? (7)
  • How old can a character become? (8)
  • How old can a character become? (9)
  • How old can a character become? (10)
  • How old can a character become? (11)
  • How old can a character become? (12)
  • How old can a character become? (13)
  • How old can a character become? (14)
  • How old can a character become? (15)
  • How old can a character become? (16)
  • How old can a character become? (17)
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  • How old can a character become? (19)
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  • How old can a character become? (21)
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Characters in CK3 reaching 100 years old is exceedingly rare. In my current game there are 26,661 living characters, and not a single one is 100 years old. 13 of them are at age 90+.

Oh, and of those 13 who are alive at 90+, every single one is a mayor. Mayors can live very long because when a character is generated it starts with the base Health by default, regardless of age. Since mayors are often generated at an old age they tend to live longer than most other characters, since those other characters will have lost a significant amount of Health by the time they reach an equivalent age to the newly generated mayor.

If we exclude the "mayor glitch" then not a single character of 26,661 has reached age 90.

In other words, the system as it is currently set up seems to work pretty well. I don't think we need to make Health decrease faster. How old can a character become? (52)

Ok, that sounds good How old can a character become? (53) mayby I was exaggerating when I saw more than one character (never found out that schema with mayors) being more than 80+ How old can a character become? (54)

According to defines:

  • At age 25 there is a 7.5% chance to lose 0.125 health.
  • After that the chance increases 2.2% per year.
  • The cap is reached after 42 years (1 - 0.075) / 0.022 = 42.05
  • At age of 25+42=67, there is a 7.5% + 2.2% * 42 = 99.9% chance to lose health.
  • So health will always be lost when at age of 68+.

One interesting question is what is the expected health loss before age 68. The formula for that is health loss * expected rolls.

Expected rolls is sum of all chances.

  • At age 25: 7.5%
  • At age 26: 7.5% + 2.2%
  • ...
  • At age 67: 7.5% + 42 * 2.2%.

This gives a formula sum from 0 to 42 (7.5% + i * 2.2%) which can be refactored 43 * 7.5% + 2.2% * sum from 0 to 42 (i). With math stuff that becomes 43 * 7.5% + 2.2% * 42 * 43 / 2 which equals 23.1.

With 0.125 health loss, the expected health loss before age 68 is 0.125 * 23.1 = 2.89.

I guess the next step is to check how much health characters actually have.

Man, that is awesome! Thanks for putting this out How old can a character become? (55) For me it's very reasonable system How old can a character become? (56)

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  • 1How old can a character become? (57)


How old can a character become? (2024)


At what age is a person's character set? ›

While a variety of explanations are possible, most experts agree that whatever the causes, an individual's personality is solidly established by the end of early childhood.

At what age is character set? ›

A long-term child development study shows that by 3 years old, it is possible to predict the adult he or she will become. The study, which follows 1000 children into adulthood, shows uncontrolled and unruly toddlers are far more likely to have anti-social problems and end up in trouble with the law.

How old should my main character be? ›

Remember, you are not writing adult fiction, where the development of a person from childhood onwards is a common theme, but a genre with very specific and narrow conventions. Usually the protagonist is at the upper end of your reader's age bracket: 14 or so for MG and 16 (or "in the last year of High School") for YA.

How do you decide the age of your character? ›

Many people roll from a random chart to determine a character's age, others simply pick an age that is right on the cusp of adulthood for that particular race. Thus, you find many humans who are 17-18 when they begin their adventuring careers and dwarves who start out at the budding young age of 55.

Does personality change after 25? ›

WASHINGTON - Do peoples' personalities change after 30? They can, according to researchers who examined 132,515 adults age 21-60 on the personality traits known as the "Big Five": conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion.

At what age do people stop changing? ›

These are our core traits which aren't affected by moods, and various studies suggest they're genetic. When we're maturing, however, these traits are still forming. By the age of 30, the majority of people have reached maturity. But according to Buss, that doesn't mean the five traits are completely set in stone.

Who is the oldest fictional character by age? ›

List items
  • Galactus. Sole Survivor of the Universe that existed before the Big Bang.
  • Elder Kai. 75,000,000 Million Years Old.
  • Supreme Kai. 5,000,000 Million Years Old.
  • Kibito. 5,000,000 Million Years Old.
  • Majin Buu. 5,000,000 Million Years Old.
  • Professor Paradox. 100,000 years old.
  • Vandal Savage. 25,000 years old.
  • Apocalypse.

Is 7 main characters too many? ›

So there are no fixed rules about how many characters should be present in a story. What matters is that the major characters should be there for a reason -- because they are important to either the external action of the plot or to the main character's growth.

How old are middle grade characters? ›

At a glance, the protagonist's age is a big giveaway. Middle-grade characters that serve as protagonists are typically aged 10-12 and YA protagonists can be anywhere from 14-18, but most commonly 16-18.

How does age change your identity? ›

Your identity constantly changes throughout your life but you might go through the most significant changes in your sense of self as you reach retirement age. As you get older, your role in your family and community can shift dramatically, which can lead to notable changes in your understanding of yourself.

How do I identify my character? ›

Your character is the sum of all the qualities that make you who you are: your values, your thoughts, your words, your actions. Select some of the positive character traits below that you either have now or would like to have.

What decides your character? ›

Character: Refers to our individual beliefs and values—both of which shape our personalities. Our life experiences also shape our characters and reveal our intrinsic qualities and morals.

How much of your personality is set from childhood? ›

In short: yes. Research has shown that our personalities as children remain relatively fixed throughout our lives. Four childhood personality traits have been identified as being good predictors of a child's adulthood personality and life outcomes.

At what age is personality set in stone? ›

Character is never set in stone. You may always change. Scientists believe that after age 27 the brain stops maturing and in turn you rarely change your beliefs. But that does not mean you are set tin stone.

Is a child born with a character? ›

Your little one's temperament is present from birth, but their character and personality develop over time. Character is generally defined as who we are and how we act.

What is the most common character set? ›

UTF-8 has been the most common encoding for the World Wide Web since 2008.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.