How Soviet hockey ruled the world — and then fell apart (2024)

The famous "Miracle on Ice" is perhaps the hockey game most Americans know best. In that game, which occurred on February 22, 1980, a young group of US players defeated a seasoned Soviet team in a shocker cemented by Al Michaels's famous play call of "Do you believe in miracles?" The Americans would go on to win the gold medal, after defeating Finland in their final game.

But for the Soviets, the loss was the beginning of a transformative period, in which the former coach was removed, many veteran players were booted from the national team, and the program would find a new way forward throughout the 1980s. A new coach, disliked by his players, would put together one of the most effective group of players in history, utterly dominating the decade in ways that challenged even the NHL's most famous players in exhibition matches.

The story of that period — and how it ultimately ran into the collapse of the USSR — is the subject of the documentary Red Army. In 2015, to commemorate the film’s release, I talked with its director, Gabe Polsky, about what made the Soviet system so special, whether the players were wrong to dislike their new coach, and the prejudice Soviet players faced as they immigrated to North America and the NHL.

Todd VanDerWerff: What, to you, are the big ways the Soviets changed the way we play hockey?

Gabe Polsky: They approached it from a philosophical and creative standpoint. The creator of Soviet-style hockey is Anatoli Tarasov, who studied chess and ballet and literature. He made it more of a magical thing to watch, a deep expression of human creativity. It was a very fluid style, improvisational. They were playing jazz on the ice.

The North American system was more conservative and linear and systematic, almost primitive. They didn't take the creative chances the Soviets did. The Soviets played more of a possession game. They wanted to possess the puck the entire game. You see them weaving around the ice, in constant movement and circling and passing.

TV: You deal with the players coming into the North American system and how they had problems with that. What was the biggest difference they found as they moved into the NHL?

GP: It's not just a cultural clash. It's a clash of ideas on how to play the sport. These are guys who knew complex physics, let's say, and then they're forced to do 1 + 1 = 2. The Soviet style, you have to have five guys on the ice who really know that style and can play it and create together. You can't just put a talented guy on a North American team and expect him to succeed.

It's a style that you need all five guys to play together. The North American style is more of an individualist game. You saw that the guys were having trouble adjusting to that game, sort of dumbing themselves down in a way.

TV: Has the Soviet style influenced modern hockey?

GP: It has. It's a complicated question, because clearly a lot of the Russians now are playing in the NHL. You see a little more dynamic players nowadays. But at the same time, you still don't see that collective brilliance, the weaving, that constant passing. In fact in the NHL, it's rare to see four, five passes in a row. It usually gets broken up. It still has a long way to go as far as creativity and ingenuity. You see maybe two or three nice plays a game, whereas in that era, the Soviets, every time they touched the puck, they did something interesting.

TV: What did you find was the Soviet response to the Miracle on Ice game?

GP: They're a bit tired of talking about it, because any time a Western journalist talks to them, they mention the Miracle on Ice or want to talk about it. It's a story we all know. It's been played over and over. Nobody asks them about what they contributed to the game. In fact, the Miracle on Ice overshadows any other achievement of Soviet hockey.

[Viacheslav] Fetisov [a famous defenseman for the Soviets] jokes that his most famous medal is not a Stanley Cup or gold medal. It's the silver medal from the 1980 Olympics. They see it as they underestimated their opponent and lost. That happens in sport. It happens all the time. But Americans made it into this 35-year celebration. It's a good story, but they just lost at the wrong time in the wrong place, and it became all anyone remembers here in the United States about Soviet hockey.

TV: What are some of the big games that were big moments for them that have been the most overshadowed?

GP: They won almost every Olympic Games since, like, the '50s. [The USSR won its first gold medal in Olympic hockey in 1956.]

They won every world championship and stuff like that. When they played against the NHL superstars, it was pretty much almost even. The Soviets had a slight edge, but those were great series, against the Gretzkys and Lemieuxs and all that.

TV: What was the thinking within the Soviet Union about using sports as a way to promote a political philosophy?

GP: The players just wanted to be the best in the world. But everything in the Soviet Union was political in certain ways. You had to get everything approved by the party. Sports was specifically funded by the government, and the Red Army team [the name for the hockey team], and the program. If you wanted to be the best player in the world, you had to play on the national team. That's just how it was. And if you're on the national team, you're indirectly spreading the ideas of Communism.

I don't think the players were always aware of that or that's what they wanted, but if you lived there, that's what you had to do if you wanted to be the best. By default, they were unwilling participants in this political conflict.

TV: What did these guys find when they came to the Western world, and what were the drawbacks of coming here?

GP: It's like living one way and knowing one thing and seeing only one thing because of the Iron Curtain and going to a completely opposite society and system. They're human beings, like all of us, but they grew up in a world that was so different, and they had to adjust, both from a professional standpoint and also culturally.

A simple example is the produce in stores. All of a sudden, they can buy any kind of fruit they want. You can get any kind of car they want. All these material things were eye-opening. But culturally, it's just a different culture, different values, different ways of behaving. It's an adjustment. It was very, very difficult.

And at that time, I don't think anyone wanted them there. It was the aftermath of the Cold War. They were discriminated against a little bit.

TV: The film really digs into the prejudices against Communists at that time.

GP: This is a common immigrant experience, only they were sort of the sworn enemies.

TV: Their training took them away from their families for 11 months. What did you find out about that that you were surprised by?

GP: These guys were 40 years ahead of everybody. They were doing ingenious training and team bonding, carrying each other on their backs. A lot of plyometric jumping and somersaulting, and all of these unique training systems.

They were throwing rocks around. They were swimming, playing soccer. It was like a holistic approach to the sport. It was developing the body and putting it in situations to make their mental faculties stronger. To the Western eye, it seems so unorthodox and strange, but if you look at what they were doing, it was incredibly innovative.

TV: There's some conflict in the movie between the players and their new coach, Viktor Tikhonov, but he certainly didn't hurt their success. Did the players underestimate his ability, or were they just so good he was along for the ride?

GP: The latter, I think.

If he was worthy of their respect, they would have given it to him. I don't think he was a particularly creative guy, but one thing he did do is put this Russian five together and let them play. And that was one of the greatest five-man units ever, so clearly, he saw the talent and put them out there. That's more than most coaches can say.

TV: What do you think is the modern state of Russian hockey?

GP: They develop individuals, and everybody tries to go into the NHL. It's about me, me, me, and how big of a star can I be. Their goal is to play in the NHL and make the most money and all that. That's what it's turned into.

There's no more state-run development where they select kids and develop them as a team to be dominant collectively. For these international events, they get them back together, but there's not the same kind of chemistry because they don't spend a lot of time together.

TV: I had heard you were coming back from Russia once, and you ended up on the same plane as Vladimir Putin. How did that happen?

GP: I arrived in Moscow to interview Fetisov for the last time. When I arrived, I called him and said, "I'm here. I'm ready to go." He basically said he couldn't do the interview. I got very upset and said, "I flew all the way out here. I've got crew. You can't just say you can't do the interview."

He said, "Oh, well, Putin asked me to go to Sochi, because there's this presentation I've gotta be at with him." So I said, "Can I come?" He sort of paused and then said, "Meet me there."

We ended up doing the interview, and I had no way of getting home, because nothing was planned. So I said, "How are you getting home?" He said, "I'm going on the presidential plane," and I said, "Well, can I come?"

He, again, thought I was kind of crazy, and he got on the phone. I don't know who he talked to, but he got off the phone and said, "You're going to come with me on the presidential plane."

Before we got on the plane, he said, "Don't look at anybody. Don't talk to anyone. Just go straight to the back of the plane and don't say a word."

They were doing some sort of hockey thing out in Sochi, and all the Soviet hockey legends were on that plane, every single one of them that are still living. It was incredible. Those guys are the best players in the world.

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How Soviet hockey ruled the world — and then fell apart (1)

How Soviet hockey ruled the world — and then fell apart (2024)


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After its dissolution in 1991, the Soviet team competed as the CIS team (part of the Unified Team) at the 1992 Winter Olympics. After the Olympics, the CIS team ceased to exist and was replaced by Russia at the 1992 World Championship.

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For the Soviets, ice hockey was an opportunity to win important athletic (and ideological) victories from scratch— they did not compete in international ice hockey competitions until after WWII, and they created a unique and ruthlessly effective system for “collective hockey” that was a practical application of ...

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On Feb. 22, 1980, the United States beat the Soviet Union 4-3 in an ice hockey game at the Lake Placid Olympics. It was one of the biggest upsets in sports history. The Americans had lost to the USSR 10-3 in their final exhibition game before the Olympics.

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The Russians never pulled their goalie for an extra attacker, presumably because they were so used to winning that they didn't know what to do in such a situation. Two days later, the U.S. rallied past Finland for the gold medal on the final day in Lake Placid.

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CCCP stands for Union of Soviet Republics. The Russian letter C is pronounced as S, and the letter P as R. The full Russian name for the Soviet Union is Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik. Abbreviated, that is SSSR.

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The Soviets defeated the NHL All-Stars two games to one. The team of All-Stars from the National Hockey League included 23 Canadians and three Swedish players.

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For the first game in the medal round, the United States played the Soviets. Finishing the first period tied at 2–2, and the Soviets leading 3–2 following the second, the U.S. team scored two more goals to take their first lead midway in the third and final period, then held on and won 4–3.

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The day after Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, Russian NHL star Alex Ovechkin briefly spoke to the media, saying, 'Please, no more war,' but declined to criticize Russia or Putin. And perhaps his most surprising comment? "I am not in politics. I am an athlete."

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Many considered Jim Craig, just 22 at the time, the MVP of the Miracle on Ice for his 36 saves on 39 shots from the vaunted Soviet offense. Craig, now a motivational speaker and resident of St. Pete, told the. “We took each game one at a time,” said Craig.

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But to hear Al Michaels tell the story behind his unforgettable line at the conclusion of the United States' 4-3 victory over the Soviet Union in the Lake Placid 1980 Olympic Winter Games ice hockey tournament, the fact that one line has stood the test of time is remarkable in its own right.

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The U.S. triumph in Lake Placid—dubbed the “Miracle on Ice”—was far more than a dramatic upset in a sports event. The game aroused nationalistic exuberance among the American public because of the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union.

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But he thought that chess and gymnastics were particularly important as a cheap and efficient way of developing body and mind. So, inspired by Lenin, the Soviet regime promoted chess as a worthy form of “cultured recreation”. As opposed to drinking and fighting and stuff, let alone gambling.

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The Soviets also saw chess as embodying their revolutionary ideals. It was a game of skill, and the USSR prided itself on its intellectual talents.

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BEIJING (AP) — The silver medal is the prize no one wants to wear after an Olympic hockey final. So Ivan Fedotov didn't. The Russian goaltender held his medal in his hand instead of putting it around his neck after a 2-1 loss in the gold-medal game Sunday to Finland, the country of his birth.

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The Soviets were led by legendary players in world ice hockey, such as Boris Mikhailov (a top line right winger and team captain), Vladislav Tretiak (the consensus best goaltender in the world at the time), the speedy and skilled Valeri Kharlamov, and talented, dynamic players such as defenseman Viacheslav Fetisov and ...

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Victor Tikhonov, right, coaches the Soviet National Hockey team in 1979. The legendary Russian hockey coach, whose teams won three Olympic gold medals, died after a long illness. He was 84.

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But 13 of the 20 players from that 'Miracle On Ice' team went on to play in the NHL. Some appeared in just a smattering of games. Others, such as Neal Broten who skated for 17 seasons, had more distinguished and productive careers.

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Four more victories followed, including one-goal wins over gold medal favorites Canada (as McCartan made 38 saves) and the Soviet Union (with the brother tandem of Roger and Bill Christian combining for the tying and winning goals).

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