How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying (2024)

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How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying (9)

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How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying (10)
How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying (11)

When it is a time to go to school, most of the kids cry in the begging. Parents can make this difficult time easy by following these simple tips. Find out how to get your child go to school without crying right away.

Most kids cry when they are taken to school because of the separation anxieties, the very thought of getting away from their parents makes them cry. Dragging the kids to school forcefully does no good as that would mean that there must be something to worry about which makes the child more scared and they start crying. Instead take your kids gently to school, introduce them to the teacher and assure them that you would be back just after an hour. Here are some tips given how to get your child go to school without crying.

In this article

  • Create Excitement In Kids
  • Acquaint Your Kid With Her School
  • Keep Your Little One Busy
  • Stay Calm And Positive
  • Do Not Look Back
  • Give Her A Good Sleep The Night Before

Create Excitement In Kids

Talk to your kids and encourage them about school. Have a conversation about what she might do at school, talk about the games that your kid can get to play etc. You have to divert your kid’s attention to something that would please her so that she is not scared of the separation from her parents when she is at school. Never stress your kids with negative talks like, “do not create a mess at school”, or “I shall punish you if you cry at school” etc. Never bring out any comparison of your kid with other kids in front of children. It creates a negative influence in small children and they start losing their self confidence which may prove to be very fatal in the years to come.

Acquaint Your Kid With Her School

Before enrolling your kid in a school, make sure that your child is acquainted with her school. Take your kid for a casual walk in the school or meet with the teachers to make her acquainted with the surroundings of the school. This will let her become familiar with the school and its surroundings and she will not feel bizarre at the first day in her school.

Keep Your Little One Busy

It is one of the best ideas to keep your child busy in some activities at the time you head out of your house for taking her to school. Settle your kid by giving her some work so that she has her attention on that work and by that time drop your kid at the school gate and kiss her good bye. The work given to your kid must be interesting so that she is engrossed totally in her activity by the time you bid her goodbye.

Stay Calm And Positive

Always try to keep a confident look to show your kid that you know she will do her best at school. If you look worried about your kid’s preschool drop off, then your little one will be more scared and confused when you drop her at school. Stay calm when you see your kid crying at the separation from you; do not take your kid in your arms again at this moment. This will weaken your kid more and it will be difficult to pacify your child of this separation anxiety.

Do Not Look Back

When you drop your kid at school and she cries continuously, do not look back after dropping her at the school gate. Look straight and walk away. This is very tough but you need to do this for the sake of your child.

Give Her A Good Sleep The Night Before

Kids often behave clingy when they are tired, sleepy or hungry. Make sure these do not become the reason for your child’s uneasiness to go to school. Put your kid early to bed and wake her up early so that she gets a leisurely time to finish her breakfast to keep herself full during the school hours.

Try out these simple steps to make your child love her school. Bid a tear taming good bye to your kid everyday when you drop your kid at the school gate.

Why do kids cry while going to school? How to make kids go to school without crying? Is it correct to make kids stay at home if they cry while going to school? Discuss here.

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How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying (22)

Ishika.8 years ago

It reminds me of my childhood when I see my child crying. I also used to cry while going to school. But slowly they will forget everything and enjoy schooling so be patient in the beginning.






How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying (23)

Fatima.8 years ago

It is very heart breaking to see kids cry while going to school.






How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying (24)

Sumit.8 years ago

It is a part and parcel of growing up and we cannot escape it.





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How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying (2024)


How to Get Your Child Go to School Without Crying? ›

Establish a soothing goodbye ritual that includes a handshake, hug, or high five. Let your child know that once you do your special goodbye signal, you'll head to work and they'll head to the classroom to learn and play. Then remind them that you'll be back to get them before they know it!

Why is my child crying not wanting to go to school? ›

Children might refuse to go to school because of worries about leaving home, learning difficulties, social problems or other reasons. The best way to get children back to school is by working as a team with the school. If school refusal is related to anxiety or depression, children might need mental health support.

How to stop your child from crying when going to school? ›

Try to change their mood before they enter the school gates. You can easily do this by hugging them or kissing them on the cheek. Pique their curiosity for learning and get them excited about their classes. These few tips can go a long way in preventing them from bursting into tears.

Why does my child suddenly hate school? ›

A child may be upset about being away from you, or may have stored up fears from very early childhood that are making her want to be at home. Children can carry strong feelings from babyhood or toddlerhood, and school may exacerbate an old sense that they're not safe, or not welcome, or not in charge.

Should I be worried if my child doesn t want to go to school? ›

For these kids, it is important not to let them stay home. They need to get back in the swing of things as fast as possible. If school refusal goes on for weeks or months, it's time to take action. It's possible that your child is being bullied or having a hard time with a teacher.

Should I force my anxious child to attend school? ›

Even though this situation can be really stressful for you, remember to show your child that you understand why school is difficult for them and why they don't want to go at the moment. Avoid forcing your child to go to school. Try not to shout, tell them off or force them into school.

Why does my child cry everyday going to school? ›

Separation anxiety is the most common cause of school day jitters, but it's not the only one. There may be moments during the day that raise a child's anxiety level. Perhaps your child is jealous that a younger sibling gets to stay home. Perhaps the chaos of an open playground makes them nervous.

How to help with school anxiety? ›

12 Ways to Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety During the School Year
  1. Talk to a therapist. Seeking advice and talking to someone can help keep your mind healthy and give you the tools you need in stressful situations. ...
  2. Take deep breaths. ...
  3. Get outside. ...
  4. Get moving. ...
  5. Make a list. ...
  6. Get creative. ...
  7. Call a friend. ...
  8. Grab a snack.
Jan 13, 2023

What are the symptoms of school anxiety? ›

have trouble concentrating in class or completing classwork. feel self-conscious and avoid certain situations. have physical symptoms, such as a racing heart, fast breathing, tense muscles, sweaty palms, a queasy stomach, and trembling hands or legs. take medication to help reduce anxiety.

What to say to a kid who doesn't want to go to school? ›

“I wonder if you want to stay home because things aren't going well at school. When you get home, let's talk about what's most difficult and figure out what we can do to make it better.” “I'm too tired to go.” Your child gets plenty of sleep, so that's just an excuse.

Is it common for kids to not want to go to school? ›

Most kids have some reluctance to go to school at one time or another, but kids with school refusal have difficulty attending on a regular basis and it is usually associated with significant distress.

Why does my daughter not wanna go to school? ›

The reasons children are reluctant to go to school vary. One common reason is high rates of school anxiety. Reluctance also tends to be worse after kids have been out on sick days or vacations because they have a hard time going back after missing or being on a break from school for a few days.

How do I motivate my child to go to school? ›

Using positive reinforcement helps. You don't need to give kids big rewards, but even small ones like a high five or a few extra minutes of screen time can make a difference. It's also important to praise effort, not results.

What are the signs of anxiety in a child? ›

What are the signs of anxiety in children?
  • finding it hard to concentrate.
  • not sleeping, or waking in the night.
  • not eating properly.
  • quickly getting angry or irritable, and being out of control during outbursts.
  • constantly worrying or having negative thoughts.
  • feeling tense and fidgety, or using the toilet often.
Feb 2, 2023

What percentage of kids hate school? ›

Approximately two-thirds of the students reported liking school overall, and one-third reported disliking school. While the percentage of school likers decreased between Grades 7 and 9, dislike is also reported by most students as a relatively recent phenomenon.

Is school phobia a symptom of depression in children? ›

Children with anxiety disorders or other mental health conditions are more likely to develop school refusal. Children with scolionophobia may also have: Depression. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

How can I tell if my child is stressed? ›

Stress in Children: Signs, Symptoms and Strategies
  • Being moody or irritable.
  • Withdrawing from activities they once enjoyed.
  • Routinely expressing worry.
  • Complaining about school.
  • Crying.
  • Showing fearful reactions.
  • Becoming overly clingy.
  • Changing eating and sleeping patterns.

When a child has anxiety about school? ›

If your child is worried about school, you can work with them and the school to identify the problem and find solutions together. This might include getting support from a peer mentor, or avoiding a noisy playground by coming in early to help tidy the classroom.

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