How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (2024)

Table of Contents
How I Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom Are these legit ideas to make money? More Ways To Make Money as Stay at Home Mom From Home The 7 Best Ways To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom 1. Blogging: $2,000(or more)/ month Why do I talk about blogging for how to make money as a stay at home mom? Blogging Is Not A Get-Rich-Quick-Scheme How to make money with a mom blog? 2. Freelancing: $200/month Non-Writing Freelance Jobs 3. Usertesting: $120/ month 4. Swagbucks: $50/ month 5. Pinecone Research: $50/ month 6. BestMark: $125/ month What is Bestmark? 7. Babysitting: $800/ month 8. Proofreading: $1,000+ 9. Online English Tutoring ($20+/hour) : 10. Data entry 11. Photography 12. Pet Sitting 13. Transcription 14. Flea Market Flipping 15. Be a Facebook Ads Manager So what does a Facebook Ads manager actually do? 16. Become an Influencer How do you become a social media influencer? What does a social media influencer do? 17. Selling your crafts on Etsy 18. Bookkeeping 19. Virtual Assistant 21. Graphic Designer 22. Content Writing 23. Transcribing 24. Bookkeeping 25. Video Editing 26. Reselling (aka: flipping!) 27. Dropshipping 28. Pet Sitting 29. Amazon FBA 30. In-Home Day Care 31. Selling Stock Photos 32. Housesitting 33. Event planning 34. Sell ebooks 35. Provide Laundry Services 36. Tutor Kids Online (or In-Person) 37. Become an AirBNB Host 38. Renting Out Your Car When It’s Not In Use 39. Be an online customer service agent 40. Rent out your baby gear 41. Rent out you garage or attic 42. Rent out ad space on your car 43. Sell your skills on Fiverr 44. Do TaskRabbit tasks 46. Voiceover acting work 47. Sell your clothes on Mercari, Poshmark, or eBay 48. Start a Youtube Channel and be a vlogger 49. Buy and sell domain names 50. Dog walking 51. Deliver groceries 52. Teach music lessons 53. Sell food or jewelry at the farmers’ market 54. Teach a foreign language 55. Buy A Vending Machine 56. Become an Amazon Associate (aka: Amazon Affiliate Program) 57. Print On Demand T-Shirts ⛔Avoid These Work From Home Ideas ⛔ 1. ANYTHING that’s an MLM 2. Survey Companies 3. Get Rich Quick Schemes FAQs on how to make money for stay at home mom What about yard sales? How can a housewife earn money? (Or how can a stay at home mom make money?) What is the dollar value of a stay-at-home mom?

Dreaming of ways you can be at home with your children while also still earning money? It’s never been easier, thanks to the internet! These legit, vetted ideas will show you how to make money as a stay at home mom. Yes, you can earn an income and stay at home too!

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How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (1)

Do you dream of staying home with your little ones, but your family needs the extra income that you bring in? Maybe you want to know how to make money as a stay at home mom, but feel like maybe it’s not for you.

I can tell you this: I know exactly how you feel and it’s an awful place to be. The rock and the hard place where you’re unhappy being away from family, but also need to make money.

Thankfully, there is hope to get out of this situation. There are ways that you can be a stay-at-home mom and make money for your family.

How I Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom

I know that it’s possible to make money as a stay at home mom because that’s exactly what I do.

How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (2)

I’m a full-time stay-at-home work-at-home mom of 3. And I’m able to bring in around $3,000 each month from my work. And, here’s the best part,youcan bring in even more. There’s no real limit here!

(Update: I now make$10,000/month from my blogand have 4 children I stay home with, so… seriously… if you’re still wondering how to make money as a stay at home mom, it is really possible!)

These solutions don’t have to just be for stay-at-home moms. I’ve recommended these same activities to friends and family members who are hard off for extra money.

You don’t need a college degree or to be an expert for any of these. In fact, you don’t ever even have to get out of your PJs for any of these ideas!

And, let’s be real here, who doesn’t dream about getting paid to work while in your PJs?

Are these legit ideas to make money?

Oh, yes! There are no scams or tricks here. The question of how to make money as stay at home mom is one of my favorites to answer because I’m so passionate about it!

I personally use every single one of these to help boost my income each month.Every single recommendation has been personally used and loved by me.

I want you to know that there are options for you. You can still make money from home. Even if it’s just when the baby is napping or when you’re folding the 100th load of laundry. It is still very possible.

More Ways To Make Money as Stay at Home Mom From Home

We are going to cover my favorite methods for ways to be a stay at home mom making money below, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Here are some other ways that you should know how to make money as a stay at home mom.

  • 6 Easy Ways to Make Money From Home
  • How to Start a Profitable Blog the Right Way
  • 30+ Real Ways to Earn Money From Home
  • How to Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant and Make a Full-Time Income
  • How to Become a Virtual Assistant and Make a Full-Time Income Doing It!
  • Start Selling on Amazon FBA and Make a Full-Time Income
  • Make a Full-Time Income From Home Proofreading
  • Make $40,000 per Year From Home as a Bookkeeper
  • How To Make $20 an Hour Teaching English from Home
  • Can You Make Money Blogging in One Year?

The 7 Best Ways To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom

Here are my favorite ways to make money as a stay at home mom, along with how much I have made from them. Please understand that your earning potential could be much higher, but I want to be as honest as possible when it comes to how to make money as a stay home mom so that you don’t go and tell your husband to quit today or anything. 😉

1. Blogging: $2,000(or more)/ month

Blogging is the biggest earner for me. If someone were to ask me how I earn money as a stay-at-home mom, the first thing I’d tell them is thatthey should start blogging.

Why do I talk about blogging for how to make money as a stay at home mom?

Because it’sthatimportant to me that you know that it’s much, much, MUCH more than just moms complaining about their husbands and lives. All of those amazing Pinterest images and ideas all had to come from somewhere!

Here’s my thinking: if I can do it,anyonecan do it! I mean it! I was so concerned about being just another mommy blogger in the world, butI was earning $2,000/ monthby the time I had been blogging for just one year!

Blogging Is Not A Get-Rich-Quick-Scheme

You might get really, REALLY lucky and make $10,000 in your first month, but that’shighlyunlikely. Like, somehow you won a blogger jackpot and every blogger in the world gave you some money. It’s that kind of unlikely.

It’s much more likely that you’ll make a few dollars each month for your first few months. But hang on, because it does get better around month 6.

The closest thing to a “magic wand” for blogging isthis course. It’s the best resource I could ever recommend to guide you to make your blog into a profitable business as quickly as possible.

It isn’t always open for enrollment, but it’s somethingto planto buy! In the meantime, you can get the ebook “7 Ways to Boost Your Blog Income Overnight” and all of their other free resources to help you get started making money blogging.

If you’re still looking for a hold-your-hand step-by-step guide to starting a blog, you need to check out the this starter guide to blogging. It’s the next best thing to help you get started. Plus, you can get started right away!

How to make money with a mom blog?

  1. Affiliate Marketing: Partner with companies and promote their products or services on your blog using unique affiliate links. Earn a commission when readers make a purchase through your links.
  2. Sponsored Posts: Collaborate with brands and write sponsored content that aligns with your blog’s niche. Get paid for featuring their products or services in your blog posts.
  3. Display Advertising: Join advertising networks like Google AdSense and display ads on your blog. Earn revenue based on the number of ad impressions or clicks.
  4. Digital Products: Create and sell digital products such as e-books, courses, printables, or templates tailored to your audience’s interests and needs.
  5. Brand Partnerships: Work with brands on long-term collaborations, becoming a brand ambassador or spokesperson. Get compensated for promoting their products over an extended period.
  6. Coaching or Consulting: Share your expertise by offering coaching or consulting services to other moms or individuals interested in your niche. Provide personalized guidance and charge a fee for your time and expertise.
  7. Sponsored Social Media Content: Leverage your blog’s influence to create sponsored content on social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube. Get paid for promoting brands and products to your followers.
  8. Events and Workshops: Organize workshops, webinars, or local events related to your niche. Charge attendees for participation or collaborate with brands to sponsor the event.
  9. Membership or Subscription Model: Create premium content or a membership area with exclusive resources, articles, or community forums. Charge a monthly or annual subscription fee for access.
  10. Product Reviews: Write honest reviews of products or services relevant to your audience. Include affiliate links or sponsored content in the reviews, earning income from referrals or sponsored partnerships.

Remember, building a successful mom blog takes time and effort. Focus on providing valuable content, growing your audience, and establishing a strong online presence to maximize your earning potential.

Related posts for making money blogging:

  • 10+ Incredible FREE Blogging Resources
  • How to Start a Profitable Blog the Right Way
  • How Many Pageviews Do You Need to Make a Full-Time Income Blogging
  • 6 Steps to Take To Become A Full-Time Blogger
  • How to Frugally Start a Blog on a Budget
  • Can You Make Money Blogging in One Year?
  • Best Tips for a New Blogger From a Blogging Pro
  • The Blogging Class that Made Me a Full-Time Blogger

2. Freelancing: $200/month

If you like writing, then here is one of the answers to how to make money as a stay at home mom! Being a freelance writer is a great option for you to make money in your own home.

Each month, I freelance write for another blogger in a different niche. The content wouldn’t do well on my site, but it does very well on hers! Plus, I’m passionate about the topic.

If you love to write but you just don’t think you’d be able to write for your own blog, being a contributing author or a freelancer is a great way to earn money.

It also allows you to see the blogging process without needing to take on any risk of starting your own blog. So much that I’ve learned about blogging was from training sessions for the blog that I contribute to. I learned about image sizes, SEO (search engine optimization), tags, and more just from her training.

If you’re passionate about writing but don’t think you could make 3 posts per week, freelancing might be a great fit for you.

Here’s more abouthow to make money freelance writing.

Related post:Make a Full-Time Income Proofreading

Non-Writing Freelance Jobs

Not a writer? That’s okay! You can also offer other services such as graphic design, social media management, or even bookkeeping!

If you worked before you had children, look at freelance positions in your former field. You can look at LinkedIn, job search boards, or even reach out to your former company to see if they need a freelancer for a few hours a week. It doesn’t hurt to ask!

Fiverr is also a great spot to check for freelance opportunities too.

3. Usertesting: $120/ month

This is one of my absolute favorite ways to make money! Usertesting allows you to go through websites, talk about what you’re thinking and seeing or what you like or hate. This helps website owners to know what is working and what isn’t working, so it’s also altruistic in a way. 😉

You’ll make about $10 each time. Again, you’re not going to replace a full time income with these tasks, but it’s an easy (and even fun) way to make money online.

All you need is a computer. Seriously, that’s it. They’ll ask you some basic questions to make sure that they have the right demographic for the test and then you’ll start your recording.

The program records your voice and your current computer screen to see how you navigate through the tasks. They’ll ask you some questions that they want you to answer out loud.

Find out more abouthow to make money through UserTesting here.

Related post:How to Start Selling on Amazon FBA and Make a Full-Time Income

4. Swagbucks: $50/ month

IlovemySwagbucks. They’ll give you SB (their form of currency) for basically everything. You can redeem your SB for gift cards all over the place (Amazon, Macy’s, Target, Walmart, Sephora, you name it!), and you can even get the cash sent directly to your Paypal or in the form of a Visa gift card.

You can earn SB from so many different ways. But the most passive ways are by:

  • playing the Swagbucks radio for 30 minutes at a time in the background of your computer.
  • watching short videos about animals, entertainment news, or movie trailers.
  • finding the free SB codes of the day.
  • making sure to reach the daily goal every day for that sweet daily bonus and then for the daily streak bonus too.
  • using the Swagbucks search engine to do searches each day. The company randomly give out lots of SB just for using their search engine.

You’re not going to be getting rich off of Swagbucks, but it’s a really easy ways for stay at home moms to make money to get gift cards basically for free!

Find out more about Swagbucksand how I use it to pay for Christmas shopping, back to school shopping, and more!

5. Pinecone Research: $50/ month

Pinecone Researchis the only survey company that I’ll use to make money. It’s owned by Neilson (do you remember the whole “Neilson Family” thing? It’s the same well-known company).

There’s no “qualifying” for surveys, you just enter your information once and Pinecone Research sends you surveys that fit your demographic. Thesurveys are fun and pretty easy. And they’re for big brands, too!

You can expect to earn between $3-5 per survey. Plus, they will also send you free products to try out and review.

Finding a place to sign up isn’t easy. The idea (I guess) is that if you really want to work with them, you’ll do some work finding out how to sign up. I did that work for you, and you cansign up for Pinecone Research here.

Related post:How to Become a Virtual Assistant and Make a Full-Time Income Doing It!

6. BestMark: $125/ month

If you have already spent your time researching, you’ve likely seen secret shopping listed as one of the ways you can make money as a stay at home mom. It’s usually one of the first suggestions that pop up! You don’t need to have any expertise or be good at math 😉 but this is a great way to

But I never have the time to leave the house. Plus most of them require that I don’t bring kids with me and, let’s be real here, who has the time to do that?! The money they offer is not nearly enough to cover a sitter AND make it worth my time and effort to go.

I thought secret shopping was out for me…until I heard aboutBestmark!

What is Bestmark?

Bestmarkis a secret shopping (or mystery shopper) website that lets you schedule secret shops for mostly car dealerships and automotive repairs, and most of them can be done online or over the phone. They’ll then pay you for the secret shop and reimburse you fully for the repairs if you need them to be done.

This is a double-win: this is one of those how to make extra money for stay at home moms, and you then don’t even have to pay for car maintenance again!

You can also go out to eat and review restaurants and hotels with Bestmark. It’s a really great way to get things for free AND get paid for it!

But the thing I love most about Bestmark is that I can complete little shops from home each day. They have phone call shops that are testing a salesman’s ability to answer questions and be professional.

I’ll be honest: the pay isn’t spectacular. You can expect to earn between $3-5 for each call. But you can do these shops from the couch in 5 minutes, and you’re done. Earning money in my PJs is my favorite, remember?

Bestmark is one of the easiest ways to make money from home. You won’t be able to make a full time living doing this, but that extra cash plus the savings from not having to pay for oil changes is a nice boost.

You canread more about Bestmark and how to make moneyfrom them here.

Related post:30+ Real Ways to Earn Money From Home

7. Babysitting: $800/ month

Before blogging became my primary source of income, I was watching children whose parents had to leave for work early and got home late and would miss their child’s drop off/ pick up from school. I only watched 3 children for a total of 2-3 hours each day and made $200/week.

This was great because it didn’t put me out of my way at all. I was already home with my children at the time anyway. The bus picked up the kids outside of my house in the morning and dropped them off there after school. I just had to get them onto and off of the bus.

I’m not brushing off having an in-home daycare as easy. It really isn’t! But I really loved the before and after-school babysitting. It never made me feel like I was losing my mind or drowning in kids all day. Being a babysitter is a great side hustle for people of any age.

You can read more abouthow to start an in-home daycareto see if it’s the right fit for you.

Related post:How to Earn a Full-Time Income from Etsy

8. Proofreading: $1,000+

There are many ways to make money as a stay at home mom. One way is to be a proofreader. Proofreading is a great way to make money at home because it can be done part time or full time. The best part is that there is no experience necessary, so anyone can do it!

Caitlyn is an expert at this and talked to me about howshe makes $40,000 a year proofreadingfrom home (checking grammar, editing, etc.). As far as legitimate stay at home mom jobs, this is a great one.

You make your own hours as long as you meet your deadlines. All you need is an internet connection and some innate grammar skills.

If you want to start your own proofreading business, you can watch this workshopHERE

Related post:

  • Make a Full Time Income From Home Proofreading
  • Make a Full Time Income Proofreading
  • How to Find Jobs for Proofreading Online

9. Online English Tutoring ($20+/hour) :

Stay-at-home mom jobs can be a great way to make money while spending time with your children. One option is to become a VIP Kid English teacher. With this company, you can work from home and teach English to Chinese students online. Another option is to become a part-time online tutor. There are many online tutoring companies that are always looking for qualified tutors.

Stay at home mom jobs can be a great way to make money while still being able to take care of your children. VIP Kids is one online platform that hires English teachers to teach students from China. The pay is good, and the hours are flexible. Another option for stay at home moms looking for part-time work is online tutoring. There are many websites that hire tutors for a variety of subjects. The hours are flexible, and the pay can be good.

Related post:How To Make $20 an Hour Teaching English from Home

10. Data entry

There are many stay-at-home mom jobs that don’t require experience and offer a flexible schedule. Data entry is a popular option because it can be done from home with a computer and internet connection. Other options include part-time jobs in customer service, retail, or hospitality. With a little creativity, many stay-at-home moms can find ways to make money that fit their lifestyle and interests.

Related post:Data Entry Home Jobs – Legitimate Work From Home Job

11. Photography

There are a few stay at home mom jobs that can help you make money while taking care of your children. Photography is a great option, especially if you have some experience with cameras and photoshop. Another option is to start your own website and offer photo editing services. This can be a great way to make a little extra money each month. You can photograph weddings, birthdays, celebrations, newborns, families, and more.

12. Pet Sitting

If you’re a stay-at-home mom, there are plenty of ways to make money from home. Stay-at-home mom jobs are plentiful, and one of the most popular is pet sitting through Rover. One option is pet sitting through Rover. You can set your own rates, and you’ll get paid when your clients leave positive reviews.

If you love animals, this can be a great way to make some extra money. You can also look for part-time jobs in your area, or start a side hustle. A full-time job is also an option, but it’s important to have experience with animals if you’re going to work with them directly. This is for sure more of a side hustle or a part-time job.

13. Transcription

Transcription is a great way for stay-at-home moms to make some extra money. As a transcriptionist, you would listen to audio files recordings and type out what you hear. This is a great part-time job, and you can do it from home with just an internet connection on your own schedule as long as you meet your deadlines. You don’t need any special equipment, just a computer, a headset, and internet connection. And if you have experience in transcription, that’s a plus!

Related post:How to Work at Home as a Transcriptionist

14. Flea Market Flipping

There are a lot of stay-at-home moms out there looking for ways to make money. And, if you’re one of them, you’re in luck – because there are a ton of ways to bring in some extra cash without ever having to leave home.

One great way to make money from home is by reselling things that you find at thrift stores on eBay. Thrift stores are great places to find bargains on all sorts of items – from clothes and accessories to furniture and home decor. And, since everything is already discounted, you can often make a nice profit by reselling those items on eBay.

To get started, take a look around your local thrift stores for items that appeal to you. Once you’ve found something that you think might sell well on eBay, do some research to see what similar items are selling for online.

Related post:How to Find Junk and Sell it for a HUGE Profit with the Flea Market Flippers

15. Be a Facebook Ads Manager

Working from home as a Facebook ads manager is a great way for moms to make money while staying home with their children. By managing Facebook advertising campaigns for clients, you can earn a steady income without having to leave your house. There are many online courses and resources available that can teach you how to be a successful Facebook ads manager. Once you have the skills required, it’s easy to find clients who are looking for someone to help them create and manage their Facebook ad campaigns. There are many opportunities for growth in this career, and it’s a great way to use your skills and knowledge to generate an income from home.

So what does a Facebook Ads manager actually do?

A Facebook Ads Manager helps businesses to create and manage their Facebook ads. They can target their ads to specific people, and measure how well the ads are doing. They can also create custom audiences from data collected on Facebook, to make sure the ads are reaching the right people.

Related post:How to Make Money as a Facebook Ads Manager as a Gig or Full-Time

16. Become an Influencer

There are many stay-at-home moms out there who are looking for ways to make money. If you are one of those moms, and you have a social media account or a youtube channel, you may be able to make money by becoming a social media influencer.

One way to become a social media influencer is to join an affiliate marketing program. An affiliate marketing program is a program through which you can sell products or services online. You can find affiliate marketing programs through companies like Commission Junction or Clickbank.

Another way to make money as a social media influencer is to sell advertising on your social media account or youtube channel. You can sell advertising directly to companies, or you can use an advertising service like Google Adsense.

How do you become a social media influencer?

There are a few things you need to do to become a social media influencer. first, you need to have a large following on one or more social media platforms. Then, you need to create content that people will want to see and share. Finally, you need to partner with brands and promote their products and services.

What does a social media influencer do?

A social media influencer is someone who has a lot of followers on social media, and because they have so many followers, companies will pay them to promote their products. For example, if you see an Instagram post with a product in it and it says “sponsored by” at the bottom, that person was paid to post that photo by the company who made the product.

17. Selling your crafts on Etsy

Are you looking for a way to make money from home? If so, consider selling your crafts on Etsy. Etsy is a website where people can buy and sell handmade or vintage items. It’s a great place to sell your crafts because there is a large audience of potential buyers.

To get started, create an Etsy account and then set up a shop. You’ll need to provide some information about yourself and your shop, including a description of your products, pricing information, and photos of your creations.

Once your shop is set up, start adding products for sale. Be sure to describe each product in detail and include clear photos. You’ll also want to set prices that are fair and competitive.

When you first start selling on Etsy, it may take some time to build up a following. But don’t give up on that Etsy shop!

18. Bookkeeping

You can make money at home by being a bookkeeper online and working your own hours. You don’t even need to have a degree in accounting. There are plenty of online courses that will teach you the basics of bookkeeping, and then you can put those skills to work for yourself. Being a freelance bookkeeper is a great way to earn some extra money, and it’s also a great way to stay home with your kids. You can set your own hours, and you can work from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Related post:Make $40,000 Per Year Bookkeeping From Home

19. Virtual Assistant

Did you know that you can make money as a virtual assistant (or, as they’re known in the biz, a VA)? Here are some tips on how to make money as a stay-at-home mom as a virtual assistant:

Start by creating a portfolio of your work. This can include samples of your work, such as writing, editing, or design projects.

Next, create a list of services that you offer as a virtual assistant. This may include services such as social media management, customer service, or data entry.

Promote your services online. You can do this by creating a website or blog, or by listing yourself on online marketplaces such as Fiverr or Upwork.

network with other professionals in your field.

Find out more aboutbecoming a Virtual Assistant HERE

According to recent studies, the number of women who stay at home with their children has increased in the past decade. As a result, there are more opportunities than ever before for mothers to make money from home using their skills and talents. One such opportunity is social media management.

Social media managers are in high demand these days, as businesses of all sizes realize the importance of having a strong online presence. If you have experience with social media and are good at managing multiple accounts simultaneously, then you have what it takes to be a successful social media manager.

The best part about this job is that it can be done from anywhere, so you can work from home while your kids are napping or doing homework.

21. Graphic Designer

If you love drawing and creating and making things beautiful online for other people, then your skills as a graphic designer can make you the big bucks! There are plenty of opportunities for stay-at-home moms to make money as a graphic designer. Here are a few ideas for a stay at home mom to make money to get started:

Sell your designs online. There are a number of platforms where you can sell your designs, such as Creative Market, Etsy, and Zazzle.

Start your own freelance business. This option allows you to be more selective about the jobs you take on and gives you more control over your income.

Bid on design projects through online marketplaces or job boards. This can be a great way to get started with freelance work and gain experience.

22. Content Writing

If you’re looking for ways to make money as a stay-at-home mom, consider becoming a content writer.

With a computer and an internet connection, you can start writing for clients who need content for their websites, blogs, and social media pages.

You can find work as a freelance writer by registering with online job boards or by contacting content writing agencies directly.

When bidding on projects, be sure to include your rates and specify the type of writing you’re interested in doing (e.g., blog posts, website copy, social media updates).

Keep in mind that it may take some time to build up a steady client base, but with hard work and perseverance, you can make money as a stay-at-home mom content writer.

23. Transcribing

If you’re one of the millions of stay-at-home moms out there trying to find ways to make some extra money, transcription may be a good option for you. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about starting a transcription business:

First, you need to decide if this is something you want to do full time or part time.

Next, you need some basic training and/or experience in transcription. There are plenty of online courses available, or you may be able to find a local course.

Once you have the necessary training, it’s time to start building your client base. This can take some time, but it’s important to be patient and persistent.

Finally, make sure you have the right tools for the job.

Find out more about transcribing work from home HERE

24. Bookkeeping

There are many opportunities for stay-at-home moms to make money. One option that is often overlooked is bookkeeping. Bookkeepers keep track of the financial records of a business or individual. They may work for a company or be self-employed.

If you are interested in becoming a bookkeeper, there are a few things you need to know. First, you need to have strong math skills and be able to quickly learn new software programs. You should also be able to stay organized and pay close attention to detail.

Bookkeepers can find work in a number of industries, including accounting firms, banks, and insurance companies. They may also work for small businesses or individuals. The average salary for a bookkeeper is $38,000 per year.

Find out more about becoming a bookkeeper at home HERE

25. Video Editing

There are plenty of opportunities for stay-at-home moms to make money editing video. In many cases, all you need is a computer with video-editing software and an internet connection. Here are a few ways to get started:

Offer your services to local businesses. Many small businesses don’t have the budget to hire a full-time video editor, but they may be willing to pay for help on a per-project basis.

Create short videos for social media. If you can produce creative and engaging videos, there’s a good chance you can find work creating content for social media pages.

Start your own YouTube channel. This can be a great way to showcase your skills and attract new clients.

26. Reselling (aka: flipping!)

There are a few different ways that a stay-at-home mom can make some money on the side. One option is to resell items that she no longer needs. This could include anything from clothes and toys to furniture and appliances. By doing a little bit of research, it’s possible to find good deals on items that can be resold for a profit.

Another option is to offer services such as childcare, pet sitting, or housekeeping. There are often opportunities for moms to work part-time hours, which can be a great way to earn some extra money without having to leave the house.

Finally, many stay-at-home moms sell items online through platforms such as eBay or Craigslist. This can be a great way to get rid of unused items and make some extra cash at the same time.

27. Dropshipping

If you’re looking for ways to make money as a stay at home mom, dropshipping may be the perfect solution for you. With dropshipping, you can run your own online store without having to worry about handling any inventory. Here’s how it works: you find a supplier who offers products that you want to sell, and then you create a listing for those products on your store. When someone orders something from your store, you simply purchase the item from the supplier and have it shipped directly to your customer.

Dropshipping is a great way to start your own business with very little up-front investment. In fact, you don’t even need to have any products of your own when you start out. You can find products to sell by looking on websites like Alibaba, Printly, or Printful.

28. Pet Sitting

If you’re a stay-at-home mom looking for ways to make money, pet sitting may be a great option for you. Here are some tips to get started:

Start by creating a profile on websites like or In your profile, be sure to list your experience with pets, as well as any special skills or services you can offer (e.g., walking dogs, feeding fish, taking care of horses).

Promote your pet sitting business online and through word-of-mouth. Flyers in your neighborhood, online classifieds, and social media are all great ways to let people know about your services.

Get insured. Pet sitting can be a risky business, so it’s important to have insurance in case something goes wrong while you’re caring for someone else’s pet.

29. Amazon FBA

There are a variety of ways stay-at-home moms can make money. One option that is growing in popularity is Amazon FBA. Amazon FBA, or “Fulfillment by Amazon,” is a program that allows sellers to send their products to Amazon’s warehouses, where they will be stored and then shipped out when orders come in. The best part about this program is that Amazon takes care of all the shipping and handling costs. In order to participate in Amazon FBA, you first need to create an account with Amazon Seller Central.

Once you have created an account, you will need to choose a product to sell. When choosing a product, it is important to consider the following factors: how much competition there is for the product, how much profit you can make on the product, and how much inventory you will need to carry.

30. In-Home Day Care

There are a few different ways that a stay-at-home mom can make money. One option is to provide in-home daycare. This can be a great option for both the mom and the children, as it allows the children to stay at home with a trusted caregiver and saves the parents money on daycare costs. In order to start an in-home daycare, there are a few things that you will need to do.

The first step is to get licensed. This can be done by contacting your state’s department of early childhood education or licensing board. They will be able to tell you what steps you need to take in order to become licensed. You will likely need to complete a training course, as well as meet certain health and safety requirements.

Once you are licensed, you will need to create a plan for your daycare.

31. Selling Stock Photos

There are a few ways that you can make money as a stay at home mom by selling stock photos. One way is to create an account with a microstock company like iStockphoto or Shutterstock. You can then submit your photos for approval, and if they are accepted, you will earn a commission every time someone downloads them. You can also create a portfolio on websites like SmugMug or PhotoShelter, and sell prints or digital downloads of your photos. Alternatively, you could start your own photography business and offer wedding or portrait photography services.

32. Housesitting

Are you a stay-at-home mom looking for ways to make money? Here are three ways to make money housesitting:

Housesit for friends and family. Ask your friends and family if they need a housesitter, or if they know anyone who needs a housesitter. This is a great way to start out, since you already have some connections in place.

Sign up with a housesitting service. There are several online housesitting services that connect homeowners with sitters. These services often charge a membership fee, but it can be worth it if you’re able to find a lot of housesitting assignments through them.

Start your own house Sitting business. If you don’t have any connections in your area, or if you’re looking for more assignments, start your own house sitting business.

33. Event planning

If you’re always throwing great parties for your kids, yourself, friends, family, and more… then you might want to look into event planning. Event planning can be a very lucrative business, and there are a number of ways to get started.

First you can do event planning for ANY situation. Kids’ parties, engagement parties, weddings, anniversaries, family reunions, and more can all be your specialties.

34. Sell ebooks

One way to make money as a stay-at-home mom is to sell ebooks. There are a few things you need to do before you start selling your ebooks. You need to create an ebook that is of high quality. You also need a good marketing strategy and a way to track your sales. Once you have all of that in place, you can start selling your ebooks online.

The first step is to create an ebook that is of high quality. Your ebook should be well written and informative. It should also be well-designed and easy to read. The next step is to come up with a marketing strategy. You need to figure out where your target audience is and how you can reach them. You also need to come up with a way to track your sales so you can see what works and what doesn’t.

You can sell your ebook directly from your website, but will likely have more luck (and more money) from selling it on Amazon. Amazon KDP is free to use and you don’t need to hold any inventory. It will allow you to have physical books printed to generate passive income without you needing to market your ebook very actively.

35. Provide Laundry Services

The thought of how to make money staying at home mom with the kids while earning an income is a dream come true for many mothers. However, figuring out how to make money as a stay at home mom can be daunting. One option to consider is laundry services.

There are a few things to think about before starting a laundry service from home. First, you need to decide what type of service you will offer: wash and fold, dry cleaning, or both? Next, you need to price your services and set up some ground rules for customers. Finally, you need to get the word out about your new business.

One of the benefits of starting a laundry service from home is that it’s relatively low-cost. You’ll need some basic supplies such as detergent, bleach, fabric softener, and boxes or bins to store the clothes in.

36. Tutor Kids Online (or In-Person)

One option to make money from home is to tutor kids online. There are a number of websites that allow you to sign up as a tutor, and many parents are looking for help with topics like math, science, English, and test prep. You can set your own hours, and the pay can be good.

You can find out more about online tutoring HERE

37. Become an AirBNB Host

According to recent studies, nearly two-thirds of American families are now dual income households. This means that there is a greater need than ever for moms to find creative ways to make money from home. AirBNB hosting is one option that can allow moms to earn some extra money while staying at home with their children.

There are a few things that you will need to do in order to become an AirBNB host. First, you will need to create a listing on the AirBNB website. You will need to include information about your home such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as photos of your property. You will also need to provide information about yourself such as your age, occupation, and interests.

It is important to remember that AirBNB is a business, so you will need to be prepared to treat it as such.

38. Renting Out Your Car When It’s Not In Use

Stay at home moms can make some extra money by renting out their cars when they’re not using them. There are a few ways to do this. One way is to use a service like Turo, which allows people to rent out their cars for short periods of time. There’s also a website called Getaround that does the same thing.

Another way to do this is to simply post your car on Craigslist or another classifieds website and wait for people to contact you. You can set your own price, and you’ll likely get more money than if you used a service like Turo or Getaround.

Just be sure to take into account any expenses you may have, like gas and wear and tear on the car. And be sure to get insurance, since you will be liable if anything happens while your car is being rented out.

39. Be an online customer service agent

There are a number of online opportunities for stay-at-home moms to make money. One option is to become an online customer service agent. This involves providing customer support for a company or organization through an online chat interface or by telephone.

There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for online customer service jobs. The most important is that the company be legitimate and have a good reputation. It is also important to be familiar with the company’s products or services so that you can provide good support to customers.

Another thing to look for is the hours that the job offers. Many customer service jobs offer flexible hours, which is ideal for stay-at-home moms. Finally, it is important to compare the pay and benefits offered by different companies before making a decision.

40. Rent out your baby gear

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money while staying at home with your little one, consider renting out your baby gear. There are a number of websites and services that make it easy to list and rent out everything from car seats to strollers.

By renting out your gear, you can help other parents while also making some money. You’ll likely want to start by evaluating what you have and then pricing it accordingly. Be sure to take into account how often the item will be used and how much wear and tear it may incur.

When setting up your rental listing, be sure to include clear photos and a detailed description of the item. You’ll also want to set terms and conditions, such as specifying how long the renter can keep the item for and whether they are allowed to bring it on trips.

41. Rent out you garage or attic

One option to making money as stay at home mom is to rent out space in your garage or attic. This can be a great way to make some extra cash, and it’s also a great way to get rid of clutter.

Start by cleaning out the space and making sure it’s in good condition. If you have any furniture or other items you don’t need, sell them online or at a garage sale. Next, create an ad listing the space and its features. Be sure to include photos of the space so potential renters can see what they’re getting. Finally, set a price and wait for tenants to start signing up!

42. Rent out ad space on your car

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, consider renting out ad space on your car. There are a number of companies that will pay you to place ads on your vehicle, and the amount you can earn varies depending on the company and the size of the ad.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about renting out your car for advertising. First, be sure to read the company’s policies carefully to make sure you’re comfortable with their terms. Also, be aware that driving around with large advertisem*nts on your car can impact your gas mileage and may even affect how other drivers treat you on the road.

43. Sell your skills on Fiverr

As far as ways for a stay at home mom to make money, selling services on Fiverr is a great way if you are technologically inclined. . Services can be anything from writing a review to creating a logo. The best way to find what services to offer is to think about what you are good at and what people have asked you for in the past. Then, create a listing on Fiverr with a price and description of what you are offering. Finally, wait for people to start buying your services!

44. Do TaskRabbit tasks

TaskRabbit is a great way to make some money on the side while you stay at home with your kids. You can do tasks like grocery shopping, cleaning, and dog walking. This is a great way to make some extra cash, and it’s also a great way to get out of the house and meet new people.

One of the best kept secrets for stay-at-home moms looking to make a little extra money is mystery shopping. Mystery shopping is a great way to earn money by simply doing what you would normally do, like going grocery shopping or eating out at restaurants. The only difference is that you will get paid to do it!

There are a few things you need to know before getting started as a mystery shopper. First, not all companies are legitimate so it’s important to do your research before signing up with any one company. There are several websites that list reputable mystery shopping companies, so start there.

Also, be sure to read the fine print before signing up for any assignments. Most companies will require you to purchase something from the store or restaurant where you are doing the shop, and then they will reimburse you for the purchase.

46. Voiceover acting work

There are a number of ways to make money as a stay-at-home mom. One option that is growing in popularity is voiceover acting work. This can be done from home, and there are a number of online resources to help you get started.

One important thing to keep in mind when pursuing voiceover acting work is that you need to have a great voice and be able to convey emotion through your words. You should also be able to take direction well and be able to work independently.

If you want to start pursuing voiceover acting work, the best place to start is by doing some research online. There are a number of websites that offer tips and advice on how to get started in this career field. You can also find online directories of casting directors and agencies that are looking for new talent.

47. Sell your clothes on Mercari, Poshmark, or eBay

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, you should sell your designer and brand-name clothes on Poshmark. It’s a great way to get rid of unwanted clothing and make some money at the same time. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Clean your clothes before you sell them. Make sure they’re free of wrinkles and stains.
  2. Take good pictures of your clothes. Use bright lighting and take photos from different angles.
  3. Price your clothes appropriately. You want to make sure you’re making a profit, but you also don’t want to overprice them.
  4. Ship your items quickly and securely. You want your buyers to be happy with their purchase, and that means shipping their items quickly and safely.

48. Start a Youtube Channel and be a vlogger

Moms are always looking for ways to make money at home, and what better way than being a Youtuber?

Now, this isn’t for everyone! This is a lot of work and puts yourself and your family potentially under a microscope. BUT! You’ve seen the Youtube channels before with the family Youtubers. They’re very successful and seem to love what they do.

And yes… you can make money from it!

To start, you will need a Youtube account and a camera. You can use your phone to record videos, but it is not recommended because the quality will be lower. Once you have those, you will need to come up with a catchy name for your channel and start recording videos.

Your videos should be interesting and engaging in order to get people to watch them. You can talk about anything you want, but it is recommended that you focus on a specific topic or hobby. When you first start out, it is important to upload videos regularly so that people will keep coming back for more.

You can also monetize your channel by signing up for Google Adsense once you meet the Youtube requirements for monetization.

49. Buy and sell domain names

Another great way to make money as a stay at home mom is by buying and selling domain names for websites that are in high demand. Domain names are relatively inexpensive, and there is always a demand for good domain names.

You can buy and sell domain names through online marketplaces like Flippa, or you can use services like NameJet to auction off expired domain names.

Personally, I useNameCheapto buy the domain name for pretty inexpensive.

50. Dog walking

Do you need a way to make some extra money from home as a busy mom and love animals? Check out dog walking! Dog walking is a great way to make some extra cash and get some exercise at the same time.

You can sign up with to find dog-walking jobs in your area. Rover is a website that connects dog owners with walkers in their area, and it’s a great way to make some extra money on the side. You can set your own rates, and there are no commitments – you can choose which dogs you want to walk and when.

If you’re a mom who loves pets, walking, and are in need of some extra cash, dog walking is a great option.

51. Deliver groceries

Delivering groceries with Instacart is one of those great ideas for stay at home moms to make money. The best part is that there is no experience required and you can work whenever you want. All you need is a car and an iPhone or Android phone.

To get started, create an account on the Instacart website and complete your profile. Next, search for grocery stores near you and select the store you would like to work with. Once you’ve been approved to deliver groceries, simply open the app and begin selecting items from the store’s inventory.

Customers will place orders through the app, and you will pick up their groceries and deliver them directly to their door.

As an Instacart driver, you will be paid for each order that you complete. You can expect to make around $10-15 per hour, depending on how many orders you complete.

Hear me out! You already do the grocery shopping, so it’ll be a breeze to get everyone else’s groceries in a snap. Plus, you can do this at the same time you do your groceries, too!

52. Teach music lessons

If you’re looking for how stay at home mom can make money, teaching music lessons is a great option. You can teach piano, guitar, voice, or any other type of music. Lessons can be in-person or online.

To get started, create a profile on websites like Craigslist or Thumbtack. List your rates, availability, and what instruments you can teach. Once you have some students, create a lesson plan that meets the needs of your students. Be sure to keep track of payments and cancelations so you can invoice your students correctly.

Teaching music lessons is a great way to make money while also doing something you love. It’s a perfect option for busy moms who want to start their own business.

53. Sell food or jewelry at the farmers’ market

One option for ways to make money as a stay at home mom is to sell food or jewelry at the local farmers’ market. This can be a fun way to make some extra cash, and it can also be a great way to get experience in running your own business. Here are a few tips for getting started:

  1. Decide what you want to sell. You can either sell homemade food items or jewelry that you’ve made yourself.
  2. Make sure you have the right supplies. If you’re selling food, you’ll need a table, chairs, and a canopy or tent to keep your food protected from the sun or rain. If you’re selling jewelry, you’ll need display cases and racks to showcase your pieces.
  3. Promote your business.

54. Teach a foreign language

One great way to make money as stay at home mom is to teach a foreign language. Spanish, French, English, and Mandarin are all great options. The best part is that there are many different ways to do this. One option is to become a tutor. This can be done in person at your home or the home of a client (or at a community center or a similar place) or online using Zoom.

Find out how to teach English as a side hustle HERE

55. Buy A Vending Machine

To make money as a stay at home mom, you can buy a vending machine. This is a passive income investment, as you will earn money from the machine without having to do any work beyond stocking it with products. Be sure to research the stock of vending machines available to ensure you purchase one that will be profitable.

56. Become an Amazon Associate (aka: Amazon Affiliate Program)

One of the coolest ways for stay at home to make money is to become an Amazon Associate. An Amazon Associate is someone who promotes products on and gets paid a commission for every sale that they make. You can sign up for free

To increase your chances of making sales, it’s important to build a following on social media. You can do this by sharing your favorite products on your social media pages and tagging the Amazon product pages.

You can also tell your friends, local moms groups, etc. about products that you genuinely love, and make money from them.

57. Print On Demand T-Shirts

You can make money for print on demand t-shirts very easily and cheaply. All you need to do is find a design that you like, and then have it printed onto a shirt. There are many online stores that will do this for you, and the prices are usually very reasonable.

You can get aFREE Canva accountto create the designs (use a school email address ending in .edu to get the free account as a teacher or student of a college. And you can have them printed from Amazon Merch directly or from a site likePrintful

⛔Avoid These Work From Home Ideas ⛔

Now let’s talk about the things that I don’t think are worth my time (or yours!), Don’t buy into ways to earn money from home as a stay-at-home mom like these.

When you do any kind of search for how to make money as a stay at home mom, you will always find JUNK. There are tons of people and companies who prey on people looking for how to make money as a stay at home mom. It’s incredibly frustrating and a HUGE pet peeve of mine.

Here’s what I recommend you absolutely avoid:

1. ANYTHING that’s an MLM

Anything multi-level marketing is not worth it. It’s just not.

All of those very catchy marketing tactics aren’t actually out to make you money. The only way to make money is to get tons of people “on your team” or to work “under” you. Not worth it. It actually costs you more money to join than you’ll ever make. You might also hear these called: Pyramid schemes, direct sales, direct marketing.., anything like that… run away.

Other names for MLMs to look out for:

  • Network marketing companies
  • Direct selling companies
  • Pyramid schemes (Note: While some MLMs have been accused of resembling pyramid schemes, it’s important to distinguish between legitimate MLMs and illegal pyramid schemes.)
  • Affiliate marketing programs (“but wait, didn’t you say affiliate marketing?” Yeah, but if you have to buy your way into using an affiliate program, then it’s an MLM and not a pure affiliate marketing.)
  • Party plan companies (referring to the sales model where representatives host parties or gatherings to promote and sell products)
  • Referral marketing companies
  • Home-based business opportunities
  • Independent business opportunities
  • Direct sales companies
  • Consumer direct marketing companies

Related post:Why I HATE Multi Level Marketing And You Should Too

2. Survey Companies

Remember above when I said that the best survey company and the one I recommend isPinecone Research? There’s a very good reason for that!

The rest of them are junk and not worth your time.

Anything that will pay you $.10 for every 20-minute survey isn’t worth it. Not a chance. An hour of my time is worth WAY more than $.30!

Not to mention, there are a lot of surveys who, after you’ve spent the last half hour completing the dumb thing, will take you to some spammy page asking you to sign up for magazines or health insurance quotes.

And then on top of that, half the time they won’t pay you. (Note: I don’t consider Swagbucks a survey site, although you can take surveys on it, I don’t use it for that.)

(Note: if you REALLY want to do survey sites, thenthese are the only survey sites that I recommend, although I think your time is better spent doing one of the other tasks mentioned above.)

3. Get Rich Quick Schemes

Anything that tells you that you can get rich overnight isn’t telling you the truth. Even with my beloved blogging, it took MONTHS of getting paid pennies for hours and hours of work. Anything that will tell you that you can be making $1,000 tomorrow isn’t telling you the truth.

How I earn money as a stay-at-home mom will be very different from the way that you do it, or your neighbor, or your sister. But it’s this great secret that I feel like no one talks about: it’s possible to make money from home as a stay at home mom. It won’t be easy and there will be sacrifices that need to be made, but at the end of the day, you’re still having your cake and eating it, too.

I don’t say that to scare you, I promise! I say it to motivate you! Let that be the kick in the butt you need to really ramp up the way you see making money from home. You’ve got this, girl!

FAQs on how to make money for stay at home mom

What about yard sales?

Yard sales can indeed be a good way to make money as a stay-at-home mom! They offer several advantages that make them appealing for earning extra income.

Firstly, yard sales allow you to declutter your home and get rid of items you no longer need or use. This not only helps create a more organized living space but also gives you an opportunity to turn those unwanted items into cash. Lastly, hosting a yard sale requires minimal investment compared to other business ventures, making it a cost-effective way to make some extra money.

However, keep in mind that success depends on factors like location, advertising, pricing, and the quality of items you have for sale. With proper planning and promotion, yard sales can be a fun and profitable endeavor for stay-at-home moms seeking to supplement their income.

Disclaimer, however, if this is your top idea on how to make money as stay at home parent… this is a pretty low ROI (return on your investment) job. Unless you are a collector (even then, your best bet would be eBay) or have tons of in-demand items, running a yard sale will usually only clear out some of the stuff at home and bring in a twenty.

It’s a better and more profitable bet to use eBay, Poshmark, Mercari, ThredUp, or even using your local consignment store rather than using your front lawn.

How can a housewife earn money? (Or how can a stay at home mom make money?)

Housewives have many opportunities to earn money from home. If you still need more ideas for stay at home mom to make money, here’s the TL;DR version.

They can start a home business, do freelance work, or take online surveys. Housewives can also make money by selling products or services that they create or provide. For example, they can make and sell crafts, bake and sell cakes and cookies, or offer pet-sitting services. Finally, housewives can also participate in paid focus groups or sign up for paid online surveys.

There are endless opportunities for making money for stay at home moms. If you’re crafty, you can sell your creations online or at local craft fairs. You could also start a home daycare or pet-sitting business. If you have a lot of experience in a particular field, such as marketing or accounting, you could freelance and work from home. And don’t forget about the tried and true methods of selling items you no longer need, like clothes and toys, or starting a blog and accepting advertising. Whatever route you choose, be sure to research the options and get started today!

What is the dollar value of a stay-at-home mom?

There is no dollar value that can be placed on a stay-at-home mom. The work that they do is invaluable and not quantifiable.


According to 2019 data, if you are a stay-at-home parent and paid for your services, you would be looking at a median annual salary of $178,201. (And no doubt that number has only gone way WAY up year over year.)

How do you make money as a stay at home mom?

How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (3)
How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (4)
How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (5)
How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (6)

How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (7)

How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (8)

How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom - How I Do It (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.