How to spot good quality smoked salmon (2024)

“Try smoked salmon without the lemon – you might just like it!” says Lance Forman, the fourth generation owner of family salmon smoking business H. Forman & Son. Overlooking the Olympic Stadium, Forman’s smokehouse (cum-deli-cum-restaurant-cum-shiny-disco-palace) is the fishtastic Trump Tower of the East End.

“In a restaurant,” continues Forman, “the plate arrives, and people often add salt to their food before they’ve tasted it. It’s the same with smoked salmon – people automatically squeeze lemon over it. But actually, that’s a habit that has sprung from eating poor quality smoked salmon which can be quite slimy. The acid in the lemon helps to cut through the sliminess – but good quality smoked salmon doesn’t need it.”

Dispelling the lemon myth once and for all, Forman says: “It’s personal preference, so if you like lemon, that’s fine – but never squeeze lemon anywhere near wild smoked salmon because it’s so lean, it would literally burn the flesh.”
Stridently shattering my misconceptions, Forman declares that smoked salmon shouldn’t even taste smoky. “Salmon is smoked to preserve it – not to flavour it,” says Forman, explaining that the subtle flavour of the salmon shouldn’t be overpowered, and warning that an overly smoky flavour could be a sign that the salmon has been flavoured artificially.

Just as I’m starting to fear that Forman’s next revelation will involve putting back the bubbly, he assures me that smoked salmon and Champagne go together like strawberries and cream. “The oily texture and flavour of smoked salmon needs a dry, crisp white wine to cut through it, and Champagne works beautifully!” he declares, adding that English sparkling wine such as Balfour Brut is also: “Spectacular!”

So how can we make sure we’re buying the good stuff? Forman gives me his fail-safe guide:

Do be afraid of the dark

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If there’s a dark brown edge on every slice, that’s not a great sign. It means it’s a cheaper smoked salmon because they haven’t properly trimmed it. There shouldn’t be any dark brown meat either – that’s the muscle and it should never be in a packet of smoked salmon because it goes off quickly, and it pulls the rest of the salmon off with it.

Stick to Scottish

Make sure it’s Scottish salmon. If it says it’s “Scottish smoked salmon” it could be Norwegian salmon, that’s been smoked in Scotland. Norwegian salmon is often used because it’s cheaper than Scottish salmon, and there’s nothing necessarily wrong with it – but Scottish salmon will be three or four days fresher, so look out for “Smoked Scottish salmon” on the label.

Shine like a… salmon

Salmon is an oily fish, but it shouldn’t be dripping in moisture. The oil should be retained within the texture of the flesh, not sitting on the outside of the fish. Often that liquid is there because the fish hasn’t been properly cured (ie dried out) and this can be a sign that the producer is trying to save money by selling water for the price of salmon. The result? Slimy salmon.

Don’t be dense

The salmon should look quite translucent. If it’s very dense in colour, it probably means it’s been frozen, and also that it hasn’t been cured properly, so the water that turned into ice when it was frozen, breaks down the flesh of the salmon when it’s defrosted, and you end up with an unpleasant, mushy texture.

On the shelf

If a product has a three or four week shelf life, it means they’ve put far too much salt and sugar in it to preserve it. There should never be any sugar in smoked salmon because it doesn’t need it, so if you look at the ingredients, and you see sugar, that’s a bad sign.

Cost cutting

If it’s too cheap, it can only mean they’re using poor quality ingredients, or it’s not being cured and smoked in the traditional way. If it’s expensive, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good – but if it’s cheap, it can’t be. In a competitive world, it’s unlikely that you’re being ripped off, so price is often a good guide for quality.

Between the lines

How to spot good quality smoked salmon (2)

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If you see white lines on the smoked salmon, this is nothing to do with the quality – it just means it’s been sliced from the fattier part of the fish. Some people prefer the lean, dry slices from the top of the salmon, and other people prefer the fattier bits near the skin – it’s just personal preference, like choosing breast or thigh when you’re carving chicken. These long slices are the traditional way of slicing salmon, but you can also get a “D cut” which gives you the different flavours going through each slice, from lean to fatty.

Samantha Rea can be found tweeting here

How to spot good quality smoked salmon (2024)


How to tell good quality smoked salmon? ›

Good smoked salmon should have an even colour across the entire top and a slightly firm texture to the meat. If it has too deep of colour, it may mean that the meat has been previously frozen or that it has not been cured correctly.

How to tell if salmon is good quality? ›

Fresh farmed salmon should have a link pink color to it, while wild-caught salmon should be dark pink. If the fish has any gray blemishes or brown areas, then it's not that fresh. And if you're buying the whole salmon, the eyes should look plump, shiny, and clear.

What are the points to observe when buying smoked fish? ›

Fish when properly smoked feel firm and springy to the touch, and the whole fish or fillets are fairly rigid; fish that are soft, flabby and sticky on the surface have either not been fully cured or were in poor condition when processed.

What is the best kind of smoked salmon to buy? ›

Smoked Keta Salmon – Keta salmon might have a bad rap because of its lower price point, but this is actually one of the best candidates for smoking. The variety has a firm texture and a strong taste.

What should the texture of smoked salmon be? ›

The temperature difference results in cold-smoked salmon and a fresher and less smoky flavor, while the hot-smoked version is much smokier. In terms of texture, cold-smoked is more smooth and silky, while hot-smoked salmon is flaky, as if it had been baked.

What color is good quality salmon? ›

The first indicator of fresh salmon is its colour: it should always be a lovely, bright pinkish-orange hue. While colours can vary slightly according to salmon species, the key is the brightness of the meat. If your salmon looks dull, pale or discolored, it is not fresh at all and could be spoiled.

How to tell if smoked salmon is bad? ›

How do you know if smoked salmon has gone bad? Check for a strong, unpleasant odor and any signs of sliminess or a mushy texture to check if your salmon has gone bad. Look for discoloration or the presence of mold. If the taste is off or unpleasant, it is best to discard the smoked salmon.

How to tell if vacuum sealed salmon is bad? ›

If the salmon smells fishy, sour or ammonia-like, then it's gone bad. Appearance: Fresh salmon fillets should be bright pink or orange with no discoloration, darkening or drying around the edges. If you notice any dull or gray coloring, dark spots or filmy white residue, then it's a sign that the salmon has spoiled.

How to know if vacuum sealed fish is bad? ›

The best way to determine if fish has gone bad is to smell it. If the fish smells sour or spoiled, throw it out.

How to check fish quality? ›

Check the gills

Fish gills are an excellent indicator of quality. When first caught, the gills are bright red but slowly darken over time so the brighter the colour, the fresher the fish. Like the flesh of the fish, the gills should also feel clean and cold, not slimy.

How to select good quality fish? ›

Buy Right
  1. Fish should smell fresh and mild, not fishy, sour, or ammonia-like.
  2. A fish's eyes should be clear and shiny.
  3. Whole fish should have firm flesh and red gills with no odor. ...
  4. Fish fillets should display no discoloration, darkening, or drying around the edges.
Mar 5, 2024

What are the factors that contribute to the quality of smoked fish? ›

Raw material quality and its storage conditions are the important parameters for the smoked fish quality. Better raw fish quality can be provided, when reaching low storage temperature as fast as possible after catching.

Is supermarket smoked salmon good for you? ›

Smoked salmon stands out in particular as a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can ease inflammation, preserve brain function and structure, and lower triglycerides. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help prevent heart disease by balancing out omega-6 fatty acids in your blood.

Which is the healthiest smoked salmon? ›

For the best nutrition possible, choose smoked salmon made with wild fish from pristine waters, harvested before they enter their home rivers to spawn. These salmon are vigorous, with layers of omega-3–rich fat they've packed on to fuel their runs up the river.

Is Aldi smoked salmon any good? ›

Aldi Specially Selected Strong & Robust Smoked Salmon

Lovely looking slices, and the flavour is a nice balance of smoke and fish.

How can you tell if smoked salmon is safe? ›

How do you know if smoked salmon has gone bad? Check for a strong, unpleasant odor and any signs of sliminess or a mushy texture to check if your salmon has gone bad. Look for discoloration or the presence of mold. If the taste is off or unpleasant, it is best to discard the smoked salmon.

What type of smoked salmon is healthier? ›

For the best nutrition possible, choose smoked salmon made with wild fish from pristine waters, harvested before they enter their home rivers to spawn. These salmon are vigorous, with layers of omega-3–rich fat they've packed on to fuel their runs up the river.

What is the best cut of smoked salmon? ›

The Long Sliced Side

It is sometimes referred to as a 'lateral' slice. This type of slice is the most versatile when it comes to using smoked salmon in a wide range of dishes – from smoked salmon bagels to pasta dishes.

What is the difference between Nova and Norwegian smoked salmon? ›

Gaspé Nova, smoked in the style of Nova Scotia, tends to be fattier, milder in flavor, and less smoky. Tupper describes Norwegian salmon as subtle in smoke with little oil and a mild flavor. The Irish is fattier than the Norwegian with milder smoke, and a similar texture to Nova.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.