How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (2024)


How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (1)If you want to learn how to start making money with your blog, then this blog post is for you.

There are many different ways to monetize a blog:

  • Become a freelance blogger
  • Sell coaching and consulting services
  • Create and sell eBooks
  • Google AdSense
  • Affiliate marketing
  • And more

Related Reading: 5 Proven Ways to Monetize a Blog that Generates Under 1,000 Visitors Per Day

In this post, I’m going to share with you how to get started and start earning passive income with Bluehost Affiliate Program.

No matter how big your business is, it’s always smart to have multiple streams of income.

I know you might be wondering why I would recommend making money with affiliate marketing since I make most of my passive income by selling books on Amazon.

Undoubtedly, building a 6-figure publishing business on Amazon allows me to spend more quality time with my family, traveling, writing blogand doing what I love. As you read this post right now, I’m actually traveling in Australia.

But I think it’s too risky to have a business awfully dependent on the whims of a powerful big company like Amazon. Any changes made to the rules or program will have a significant effect on your revenue.

For example, self-published authors like myself used to earn royalty by per book read and in mid-2015, Amazon decided to change the KDP Select payment to per page read. From earning about $2 per book, and now we’re getting $0.004-$0.005 for each page read. For a 100-page book, I would get about $0.005×100=$0.50. It’s a drastic change- overnight my eBooks royalties dropped more than 70%.

There’s nothing we can do about it- you can either opt out from KDP select or adapt to the change.

By relying on ANY one single platform, you’re building your business empire on somebody else’s backyard. And that is risky.

Steve Chow in Mywifequitherjob mentioned that Amazon is like a drug, a drug that promises you quick sales in a short period of time while making you addicted and dependent on their marketplace. Sales and revenue might be great right now, butthings can turn on a dimeand you have to make sure you have a fall back plan just in case…becauseAmazon doesn’t really care about you.

The best advice I can give is that youplace at least 20% of your resources on your own branded platforminstead of going all in on Amazon.~ Steve Chow

He could not have said it well enough.

That’s the reason why I think you should start blogging and build your own audience.

I have written a helpful guide to help you start your profitable blog withBluehost(Only for serious beginners). For less than $4/month, you can create your own blog and get a FREE domain name!click heretogetstarted now.

So I thought since I’ve already started a blog, why not try to recommend products that have helped me grow and make a profit from it?

On the 4th day of my one-month traveling in Australia, I received this email from Bluehost:

How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (2)I just made another $65 commission from Bluehost Affiliate Program! If someone signup for Bluehost hosting, you’ll receive $65 per referral.

It’s not big bucks, but it’s an additional source of passive income. There’s no cap on the amountof commissions you’ll receive. And it’s free to join!

Things you will prior to joining Bluehost Affiliate Program:

– Get ready your tax information

– Paypal account

  1. Go to Bluehost Affliate Program and click “Sign Up” to create an affiliate account with Bluehost.How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (3)
  2. Next, fill up the Affiliate Signup form by entering your information: account username, password, email address, and Paypal email address. And click “Sign up” button to proceed.

How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (4)

  1. Done. Now you will be taken to your newly created Bluehost Affiliate dashboard. You will be prompted to provide your tax information.Do note that without completing this tax form, you won’t be able to receive any payment from Bluehost.

How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (5)

  1. To provide your tax information, click “Settings”> “Tax form”. If you’re a U.S. person or organization, you’ll need to fill out Form W-9. For affiliates from any countries other than U.S., you’ll need to complete Form W-8BEN.

How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (6)Bluehost tax form

  1. That’s it. Now you can start promoting Bluehost products. To get your special tracking link, click “links” on the top menu bar. You can create your first affiliate links, banners andwidgets.

How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (7)

Follow these tried-and-true techniques to promote Bluehost and make money online:

  1. Write a How-To Guide

One of the best ways to promote Bluehost on your blog is writing a helpful step-by-step guide to help your audience sign up for a Bluehost web hosting plan. Add some sign-up screenshots, written descriptions and include your unique tracking link when you mention Bluehost on your how-to post. Whenever someone clicks on links from your page, it will be recorded in your affiliate account.

  1. Create a Resource page on Your Blog

You can curate a list of products, services andtools that you’re using for your blog. Under the web hosting section, you can recommend Bluehost and share why you love using Bluehost. Remember to include your affiliate link so that any sales coming from your blog will be reflected in your Bluehost affiliate account. Make sure you add your resource page on your menu bar too.

  1. Use Banners, Widgets andLinks

There are few effective ways to place links and banners on your website. Placing large banners and widgets on your website will increase the visibility and click-through rates.

First, I include a hyperlink in my articles when I talk about web hosting. Secondly, I place Bluehost affiliate banners on my blogging resource page.

  1. Social Media Marketing

If you already have an engaging online following, why not promote Bluehost to your social networks.

For me, after creating blog posts, review articles and resource page, I will promote them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram andPinterest.

Related reading:

10 Strategic Ways to use Pinterest to Drive Blog Traffic

How to Choose the Best Social Media for your Business

7 Tips to Get Started with Social Media for your Small Business

  1. Email Marketing

Although it takes time and effort to build an email list, it’s still the best way to build a deeper relationship with your readers.

Not only doesemail convertsto sales better than other channels, you can build a brand loyalty too. I would recommend ConvertKit for your email list building.

Not sure whether you should start building your own email list? Check out this article.

Related Reading: Email Marketing Guide: How to Get Started With ConvertKit


If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing, check out this5-day free training on Affiliate Marketing.It’ll help you craft a successful affiliate marketing strategy and make your first sale!

And also,get this spreadsheet of affiliate programs(along with sign-up links, commission rates and minimum payout threshold). It’s totally worth it.

Do you have any concern not to have this extra passive income stream?

Do you have any problem or question following this tutorial? Tell in the comments!

Last but not least, if this post was of any help to you, please share it on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

A quick share from you would seriously help the growth of this blog.

Thank you so much!

Related Reading:

  • How to make passive income by selling information products
  • 5 Proven ways to monetize a blog that generates under 1,000 visitors per day (#3 is my favorite)
  • Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
  • How to Make Money with ShareASale Affiliate Program
  • 17 of the Best Affiliate Programs That Pay the Highest Commission

I live and breathe making an income online.

I’ll be sharing more ideas and guides soon. Stay tuned.

If you haven’t already,sign up here to receive my emails.


How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (8)


10 years ago, I boldly ventured into the realm of breaking free from the corporate mold to forge my path as a solo-preneur. Transitioning from retail sales, I leapt into the world of online business, initiating and navigating through multiple ventures.As a solo-preneur, I've recognized the innate tendency for individuals in technical roles to become entangled in details, occasionally overlooking the bigger picture.Questions, akin to strategic tools, have been my guide in uncovering the riches within. This blog is designed to empower fellow solo-preneurs, providing insights and perspectives to navigate the complexities of professional independence. Subscribe now to the Maverick Newsletter and embark on a journey of continuous learning and strategic growth!

How to Start Making Money with Bluehost Affiliate Program - ThinkMaverick (2024)


How to make money with Bluehost affiliate? ›

When someone signs up via your link, you'll see your affiliate commission in 10 days. But if they drop Bluehost within 6 months, you won't be compensated. Here's a neat Bluehost perk: their 30-day referral window. If someone clicks your link, they have a whole month to sign up and still get you that commission.

How much does Bluehost pay affiliates? ›

Our Affiliate program only offers a one-time referral commission of $65 for each qualified customer who purchases any of our 12 or 36-month hosting packages upfront.

Is Bluehost a good affiliate program? ›

Of all the web hosting affiliate programs out there, Bluehost's is one of the most generous. Plus, Bluehost is a well-established, reliable provider with great performance and uptime, so it's easy to recommend its services.

Which is the highest paying affiliate program? ›


It is one of the highest-paying affiliate programs in the niche, with up to 50% commissions! In reality, that means you can earn up to $2,500 for each new customer you refer via your affiliate link. And with a 60-day cookie policy, you're going to struggle to find better terms in this niche.

Does Bluehost pay per click? ›

We offer pay-per-click services and insights, even if you're not familiar with the process going in.

What is the most profitable affiliate? ›

The most profitable affiliate marketing niches are those with relatively expensive products or services that lots of people need. Think, for example, of financial products (mortgages, insurance, or credit cards) or subscription services like SAAS programs that offer recurring revenue.

How much can you make with Bluehost? ›

Earn at least 70% for each qualified sale.

There's no limit to how much you can earn once you put those banners and ads on your site. And our affiliate support team are always here to give personalized tips and advice.

Which platform is best for affiliate? ›

Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms
  • CJ Affiliate.
  • Amazon Associates.
  • Rakuten.
  • eBay Partner Network.
  • ClickBank.
  • ShareASale.
  • FlexOffers.
  • Awin.
Feb 6, 2024

How much can a beginner make in affiliate marketing? ›

Average Income of Affiliate Marketers

While some affiliates may earn less, others can achieve a six-figure income with hard work and dedication. It typically takes several months to two years of consistent effort to see tangible results, but even beginner affiliates can expect to earn up to $1,000 per month.

What is the best way for a beginner to start affiliate marketing? ›

  1. Decide on a niche. A niche is the segment of a larger market defined by its own unique characteristics. ...
  2. Choose your affiliate platform. The next step is considering what platform you'll use for your business. ...
  3. Find a relevant affiliate marketing program. ...
  4. Create valuable content. ...
  5. Build an audience. ...
  6. Follow FTC regulations.
Mar 5, 2024

Is affiliate marketing hard for beginners? ›

Reality: Anyone can be an affiliate marketer, but not everyone will succeed. Being an affiliate marketer requires skill, experience, and work. It is not a quick or easy road to success, but when done properly, it can generate impressive income.

Can you realistically make money from affiliate marketing? ›

Affiliate marketing can be lucrative, but it takes a commitment of time and money to make it a real business. Do thorough research before you jump on the affiliate-marketing bandwagon. Also, remember to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.

How do you get paid as an affiliate? ›

Affiliates earn money primarily through commissions. By promoting products or services and driving leads or sales for the merchant. For example, if you promote a book on your blog and a reader clicks through and buys the book, you earn a commission from the sale. Affiliate marketing is popular because it's a win-win.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.