How to Tell Your Coach That You Are Quitting (with Pictures) (2024)

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1Building Confidence Before the Discussion

2Confronting Your Coach

3Dealing with a Bullying Coach

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Co-authored bywikiHow Staff

Last Updated: June 1, 2021ReferencesApproved

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Quitting a sport can be a difficult decision, but you should not feel afraid to break the news to your coach. You may need more time for school work, or an injury may have left you in too much pain to continue. Whatever the reason, stand by your decision, and you may be happier in the long run.

Part 1

Part 1 of 3:

Building Confidence Before the Discussion

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  1. 1

    Determine why you want to quit. Talking to your coach will be easier once you have defined the reasons why you need to leave. Perhaps you have an obvious reason, such as a medical condition. Maybe you’re just overwhelmed or stressed out by your duties. Being able to put your feelings into words will help you talk to your coach. Some reasons might be:

    • You have a medical condition or injury
    • You need more time to focus on school or work
    • You're not having fun anymore
    • You no longer have the time
    • You have family or personal reasons
    • The coach or teammates are bullies[1]
  2. 2

    Identify other solutions. If you are upset about quitting or if you are uncertain about your decision, there may be factors that can help you stay on the team. Think about your situation. Are there compromises that you and your coach can work out to help you stay on the team?

    • If you are quitting because the sport takes up too much of your time, perhaps the coach can cut back on practice hours, or perhaps practices can be rescheduled to fit more easily into your schedule.
    • If you have problems with other people on the team, ask the coach to mediate your arguments. Perhaps you can work out a solution together.
    • If you are injured, you can ask the coach if you can still attend practices and events on the sidelines until you have recovered. If you are not certain you will be able to play again, you can volunteer for other, non-intensive tasks such as water duty.[2]


  3. 3

    Find moral support. If you can, it may help to ask others to back you up on your reasons for leaving. Perhaps they can provide you moral support while you talk to your coach, or maybe they can give you a signed note that explains your reasons for leaving.

    • If you are quitting for medical reasons, ask your doctor or therapist for a signed letter detailing your condition. They may state in the letter that they recommend you to stop the sport.
    • If you are quitting to focus on your studies, you can ask a teacher or professor to write you a note, stating that you need to spend more time on your schoolwork.
    • If you are in middle or high school, your parents might come with you when you talk to your coach. Explain to your parents why you want to quit, and ask them if they would be willing to help you break the news to your coach.
  4. 4

    Write what you will say first. You can prepare to talk to your coach by writing an outline of what you plan to say. You do not need to write a script; rather, jot down why you are quitting and how you might introduce the topic to your coach.[3]

    • Think about how your coach might respond to you quitting. Do you think they will be understanding? Are you worried that they will be mad? Try to plan for that reaction as you write your reasons. How might you respond to their objections?
    • Keep a confident but polite tone. Emphasize that you want the best for the team, but that leaving is the right thing for you to do now.
  5. 5

    Practice with a friend or family member. A good way to build confidence before you meet with your coach is to practice your speech on a family member or friend. Ask them if they would be willing to talk you through the process.

    • If you cannot find anyone to listen to you practice, you can talk to yourself in the mirror.
    • You may not want to tell your teammates that you are quitting before you tell your coach. You want your coach to hear the news from you, not from locker room gossip.[4]
  6. 6

    Give yourself a pep talk beforehand. You may be nervous about telling your coach about your plans to quit. Before you have the talk, energize yourself with motivational sayings. These can give you confidence and ease your nerves.

    • You can say, “You’ve got this. Just tell them what’s up.”
    • You might remind yourself, “You will feel so much better once you have done this. You can do this.”
    • Try to frame the discussion in a positive light.[5] You might tell yourself, “Imagine how relieved you’ll be when this is done. You won’t have so much stress every day to worry about.”
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Part 2

Part 2 of 3:

Confronting Your Coach

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  1. 1

    Ask your coach if you can talk after practice. It is good to set aside time when you and your coach can talk one on one. At the beginning of practice, ask your coach if they have a few minutes afterwards to talk. This will give them a heads up that you need to discuss something, and they will not leave immediately.[6]

    • You can say, “Hey coach, can we chat after practice today? I have something I need to discuss with you.”
    • If your coach tries to ask you what you want to talk about, tell them, “I’d like to discuss my future on the team. We can talk more after practice.”
  2. 2

    Tell them that you are quitting. When the time comes, you should let your coach know directly that you want to quit. By stating it in a clear, confident tone, you will demonstrate that you are serious. You might want to let them know that you have thought this decision over carefully and that this the right decision for you.

    • You can say, “I’ve been thinking this over for several weeks now, and I think I have to quit.”
    • Another way you can say it is “It’s time for me to move onto other things. I need to leave the team.”
  3. 3

    Explain why you need to quit. You should give your coach reasons why you want to quit. While they may want to change your mind, by stating why you want to leave, you will demonstrate that you have thought this decision through completely.

    • You might say, “I have to focus on my other work right now. My grades have been slipping, and I need to focus on my GPA so that I can get a good job.”
    • You can say, “I’ve been having pains in my leg, and I went to the doctor. I have a torn meniscus, and I won’t be able to play for a while. I think this will give me some time to pursue some other interests in my life.”
    • If you have a doctor’s or teacher’s note, now would be the time to present it. Say, “I have a note from my doctor if that would help explain the issue.”
  4. 4

    Let them know how you might consider staying. Perhaps you are quitting because of a problem on the team or maybe your coach can accommodate some of your needs. If there is a reason why you might stay, you should inform your coach what it is. They may be willing to work with you to fix the issue.[7]

    • You might say, “I will be honest. I’ve had some arguments with members of this team, and unless we can work out something between us, I think it is best for us all if I go.”
    • You can say, “I need more time to study so that my grades do not slip. Maybe if I didn’t have to go to that extra weight training session on Friday, I’d be able to manage my time more effectively.”
    • If you have a “bully coach,” it may be best not to tell them that they are the problem. They may redirect their anger at you. Instead, let them know that you are quitting for personal reasons, and do not provoke them.[8]
  5. 5

    Tell them when you plan to stop. It is good to let your coach know how much longer you are planning to be on the team so that they can prepare accordingly. Give them a date when you will no longer be on the team.

    • You can say, “I’m planning on staying for the rest of the season, but I will not be returning after that.”
    • Alternatively, you might say, “I can only stay on for another two weeks. I’m sorry that I have to leave in middle of the season.”
  6. 6

    Thank them for their help. Make sure that your coach knows you appreciate their hard work since you’ve joined them. A sincere thank you can show that you are grateful for their influence and help while you have played the sport.[9]

    • You might say, “It’s hard for me to leave, and I really appreciate all that you have done. Thank you so much for believing in me up until this point.”
  7. 7

    Write the coach an email if you cannot meet. If you cannot tell your coach in person, an email is the best way to get in touch. You may find your coach’s email on a school, university, or league directory. If you cannot find your coach’s email, you might try writing them a letter. Give that letter to a teammate, who can pass it onto the coach.

    • It is not a good idea to quit in writing unless you are unable to talk to your coach in person.[10] Perhaps you must quit suddenly and can’t go to another practice. Maybe you’re receiving treatment and cannot see your coach.
    • A letter might read: “Dear Coach, It’s hard to say this, but I have to quit the team. I’m sorry I could not tell you in person. I have to go home suddenly for personal reasons, and I will not be able to continue on this season. I’m not sure if I will be able to continue playing. Thank you for all of your support and hard work. I will always appreciate it. Sincerely, Trent.”
    • If you are in middle or high school, you might CC your parents on the email. Alternatively, your parents might write the email for you.
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Part 3

Part 3 of 3:

Dealing with a Bullying Coach

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  1. 1

    Bring someone with you. If you have a coach that is known for abusive or insulting behavior, you should bring someone along with you. The coach may be encouraged to use more polite language if someone outside of the team is there. You might consider bringing a parent, teacher, or friend.

  2. 2

    Use I statements. Avoid blaming the coach or using accusatory language. This might incense them further. Instead, use “I” statements to focus on your needs. “I” statements are sentences that start with “I”, instead of “you.” They can help defuse the tension.

    • For example, instead of saying, “You always make us stay an hour late after practice,” you can say, “I do not have time to spend on my homework, and I need to focus on my studies.”
  3. 3

    Stand your ground. Some coaches might try to persuade you to change your mind. Let them know that you are serious about quitting. Let them know that you have thought the issue over very carefully and that unless they can make serious accommodations, you will not be able to continue.

    • You might say, “I appreciate all this team has done for me, but I feel as though my time here is coming to an end. With my family situation the way it is, I need some space to handle my own personal life.”
  4. 4

    Ignore abuse. If your coach reacts with anger or abuse, try to shake off their insults. They may try to call you a quitter or guilt you into staying. Be firm and confident in your decision to leave.[11] Say, “I am not a quitter. I just know my limits, and I have other things in my life I need to focus on.”

    • Some coaches might try to tell you that you are making a mistake or that you will regret your decision. You can respond, “I know this is the right decision for me now. While I might regret leaving, I also might regret not leaving.”
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    What if my best friend is on the team?

    How to Tell Your Coach That You Are Quitting (with Pictures) (23)

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    Remember, it's your choice to do this. If you decide that it's time for you to leave, weigh your options. If it's truly what you want, then go through with it.

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    I'm afraid. What should I do?

    How to Tell Your Coach That You Are Quitting (with Pictures) (24)

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    Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that everything will be all right. The conversation will be over before you know it, and you will feel relieved and relaxed after it has taken place. Try not to focus on the reaction of your coach or teammates. Think instead about how this will benefit you. You will have more time to relax. You will not be as stressed. Perhaps you will be able to heal from an injury. By looking at the positive side, talking to your coach will seem less scary.

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    What if I am quitting for academic reasons? Is that OK?

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    Academic reasons are a common reason for people to leave a sport. Remember that school is very important. Very few athletes become professionals. Your schoolwork will help you prepare for a successful and fulfilling career, which is also important in your life. This does not mean that your sport isn't important; it just means that you are prioritizing something else in your life.

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      • Shake hands with your coach when you're done. This shows respect and, in a way, says thank you.

        As a small thank you, we’d like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more. Enjoy!

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      • It is better to quit early in the season rather than procrastinate and disappoint your team.

        As a small thank you, we’d like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more. Enjoy!

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      • If the coach tries to persuade you, don't listen. Try to stay focused on quitting or the coach will still think you like the sport.

        As a small thank you, we’d like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more. Enjoy!

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      How to Tell Your Coach That You Are Quitting (with Pictures) (26)



      • It can be difficult to quit a sport, especially if you have devoted years of time and effort to it. See this as an opportunity to pursue other interests.

        As a small thank you, we’d like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more. Enjoy!

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      • There is nothing wrong with quitting a sport. If your coach tries to call you a quitter, reaffirm your strengths and skills. Stay positive, and remind yourself of what is good about yourself.[12]

        As a small thank you, we’d like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more. Enjoy!

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      About This Article

      How to Tell Your Coach That You Are Quitting (with Pictures) (40)

      Co-authored by:

      wikiHow Staff Writer

      This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 197,465 times.

      73 votes - 91%

      Co-authors: 15

      Updated: June 1, 2021


      Categories: Team Sports

      Article SummaryX

      When you're read to tell your coach you’re quitting, ask if you can talk to them after practice or when they aren’t busy. Tell them directly that you are quitting, and explain that you have thought carefully about your decision. You might say something like, “I’ve been thinking this over, and I think I have to quit. My grades have been slipping, and I need to focus on my GPA.” Before you leave, remember to thank them for their help. For advice dealing with a coach who has a negative reaction to your news, keep reading.

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      How to Tell Your Coach That You Are Quitting (with Pictures) (2024)


      What do you say to your coach when quitting? ›

      Tell them that you are quitting.

      You can say, “I've been thinking this over for several weeks now, and I think I have to quit.” Another way you can say it is “It's time for me to move onto other things. I need to leave the team.”

      How do you tell your coach you're gonna quit? ›

      If you're leaving a sports team, you can write a letter of resignation to your coach to explain your situation. Start your letter by telling your coach that you're leaving and why. Then, thank them for their time and support.

      How do you quit something nicely? ›

      How to Tell Your Boss You're Quitting
      1. Be polite.
      2. Don't burn bridges.
      3. Don't diss the company or department.
      4. Pick a few things to thank them for.
      5. Give them a reason that shows you must quit.
      19 Sept 2022

      How do you leave a club respectfully? ›

      Dear Mr. Young, I regret to inform you that I am resigning from my membership with ABC Community Club. Although I have enjoyed the membership, there are many other priorities in my life at this time and I have made the decision to step down from a few in order to enjoy life more fully.

      How do I professionally say I'm quitting? ›

      How to tell your boss you're leaving
      1. Set up a one-on-one meeting in person (or via Zoom) ...
      2. Be direct about your decision at the front of the conversation. ...
      3. Outline the reasons why you're leaving. ...
      4. Express gratitude and appreciation. ...
      5. Provide the appropriate two weeks' notice. ...
      6. Help put together a transition plan.
      12 Jul 2022

      What are good reasons to quit a sport? ›

      What if I Want to Quit a Sport?
      • Some of the excitement that you had for the sport is gone.
      • You're having a problem with a teammate or coach.
      • It's too much with homework and all your other responsibilities.

      How do you tell your mentor you're quitting? ›

      How to Break Up with Your Mentor
      1. What the Experts Say. ...
      2. Take stock of your needs and goals. ...
      3. Consider giving your mentor a second chance. ...
      4. Don't draw it out. ...
      5. Disengage with gratitude. ...
      6. Be transparent and direct. ...
      7. Keep the door open. ...
      8. Principles to Remember.
      29 May 2014

      Is it OK to quit a sport? ›

      If you feel stuck in your identity as an athlete

      But it's okay to let things go. “Picture the next few years,” suggests Kyba. “Imagine sticking with a sport you hate, staying in it all through high school, and heading into college. Then, picture what you could do if you quit.

      What to say when quitting examples? ›

      I'm so grateful for the opportunities I've had here, and how you've trusted me to take the reins on larger client projects. Thank you for training me, trusting me, and being an important part of my professional growth. Hand over your resignation letter and take a big sigh of relief.

      What is a good reason to quit? ›

      Some good reasons for leaving a job include company downturn, acquisition, merger or restructuring as well as the desire for change — be it advancement, industry, environment, leadership or compensation. Family circ*mstances may also be a factor. Deciding to leave a job is a tough decision.

      What is soft quitting? ›

      Quiet quitting refers to doing the minimum requirements of one's job and putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary. As such, it is something of a misnomer, since the worker doesn't actually leave their position and continues to collect a salary.

      How do I tell my team I am leaving? ›

      Tips for Bidding Farewell to Co-Workers
      1. Tell close colleagues in person. It's fine to email or message most people you've worked with. ...
      2. Connect on LinkedIn. ...
      3. Say goodbye via email. ...
      4. Keep your message brief and to the point. ...
      5. Remember the good times. ...
      6. Stay in touch. ...
      7. Review sample farewell letters.
      4 Aug 2022

      How do you tell a group you are leaving? ›

      The most direct way to leave a group of friends is to talk to them about your choice to leave. You can tell the group all at once or on an individualized basis that you'll be ending your friendship with them. This method of leaving a group of friends can be awkward because the group might have lots of questions.

      Is it OK to quit a school club? ›

      That's perfectly normal and okay! It's better to try new things and decide they're not for you than to stick too closely to what's comfortable. In order to make effective use of your time and effort, you'll inevitably need to quit some of the activities that you initially explore.

      What is the best word to quit job with? ›

      Regular folks simply resign when they're ready to go. In those cases, resign is a nicer way of saying quit.

      How do you tell a coach you are committed? ›

      Emailing a verbal commit is not the recommended way for initial contact. The best way to avoid miscommunication is to call the coach and verbally commit, and then send a follow-up email stating your enthusiasm to be a part of the program so the coach has the commitment confirmation in writing.

      How do you tell a coach you are already committed? ›

      How to Inform College Coaches of Your Decision
      1. Be professional. Above all else, keep your tone and approach professional. ...
      2. Be prompt. Don't wait to inform other coaches and programs that you will not be attending. ...
      3. Keep your bridges intact. ...
      4. Keep it mature.

      At what age do most kids quit sports? ›

      There are so many benefits of playing sports in childhood, including boosts in physical health and social and emotional skills. However, about 70 percent of kids stop playing sports by age 13, says a poll from the National Alliance for Youth Sports. The reason? “It's just not fun anymore.”

      Why do most kids quit sports? ›

      The main reasons kids quit sports are: It's not fun anymore. Pressure to perform...and injuries that can result from overtraining due to that pressure to perform. Their own perceptions of their own lack of competence at the sport.

      Why do kids give up sport? ›

      So, why do most kids quit sport? Well, one of the main reasons, apart from the obvious ones - didn't like the coach, not enough time, too much pressure - is one parents don't want to think about: The car ride home. The car ride home after playing sport can be a game-changer.

      How do bosses feel when you quit? ›

      Leaving a job can be an emotional experience for you and your boss. When you tell your supervisor you're quitting, you are essentially stating that you are firing him as your boss. He may feel shocked, angry, or defensive. He may have to answer to a superior about why you decided to leave.

      How do I quit a toxic job? ›

      Tips for leaving a toxic job while preserving your mental well-being, according to someone who's been there
      1. Be gentle with yourself. ...
      2. Don't feel like you have to explain yourself or justify your departure. ...
      3. Try not to take hostile responses to your departure personally. ...
      4. Remember: A toxic workplace is not your fault.
      10 Aug 2022

      Should I tell my manager I'm thinking of leaving? ›

      Don't do it! It's not reasonable for your boss to ask you to give months of notice that you'll be leaving, let alone expect you to tell her when you haven't yet accepted another position yet.

      Can quitting a sport cause depression? ›

      The first few months after retiring from your professional sport may cause depressed feelings. You may find yourself feeling depressed and having a hard time getting out of bed. While you were training as an athlete, you had a goal to be the best and you were training daily.

      When your kid wants to quit a sport? ›

      First, try to find a solution: If your child feels too tired, you may need to cut back on the sport or take something else off the schedule. If there's an issue with a teammate or coach, this is a good time to teach your child how to work through a problem. Talk about ways that your child could make things better.

      Should I quit a sport if it gives me anxiety? ›

      You're anxious or depressed

      A lot of people can suffer from anxiety and depression, but when it is solely derived from sport, it may be time to call it quits. Mental health comes first, and you shouldn't have to suffer through mental illnesses just to play a sport that causes them.

      How do I quit without notice? ›

      I sincerely apologize for not being able to provide notice, but due to [reason for leaving], I must resign immediately. Please advise the best way to process my last paycheck and remaining balance. I can collect the paycheck from human resources, or you can mail it to me. Please let me know whatever works best for you.

      Can I quit without warning? ›

      Most U.S. states have at-will employment, which means that an employee can resign without notice and for no stated cause. However, there are some exceptions. For employees covered by an employment contract, the contract may stipulate how much notice you are expected to give.

      Can I quit for no reason? ›

      Most U.S. workers are employed "at will," meaning your employer can fire you at any time and for any reason (as long as it's not discriminatory or retaliatory). By the same token, if you're an at-will employee, you can quit your job whenever you want, for any reason or no reason at all.

      What are the rules to quitting? ›

      7 Rules for Quitting Your Job Gracefully
      • Speak to Your Boss First. ...
      • Be Prepared for a Counteroffer. ...
      • Give Sufficient Notice. ...
      • Abide by Professional Codes of Conduct. ...
      • Continue to Meet Your Performance Expectations. ...
      • Never Trash-Talk Your Employer or Your Boss. ...
      • Be Wary of Exit Interviews.
      14 May 2012

      Why is quiet quitting so popular? ›

      Quiet quitting is the art of not taking work too seriously, mostly used by Gen Z workers who have helped the term go viral on TikTok. COVID-19 has fuelled stress, burnout and falling engagement amongst workers, studies show.

      What are the signs of quiet quitting? ›

      Only meeting the minimum performance requirements: This might be one of the most obvious signs of quiet quitting. Working the bare minimum means that the employee isn't actively pursuing a promotion or seeking any additional praise from their manager.

      Why do people quiet quit? ›

      Quiet quitting is a way the employee deals with burnout to help alleviate stress. It may also mean they are ready to change positions or may be currently looking for another job. During the Great Resignation, employees started thinking about their careers, salaries and how they are treated at work.

      What to say before leaving a team? ›

      Example farewell messages when you are leaving

      *“You have been a strong influence on my professional career. Your work ethic inspires me to be my best every day. I look forward to keeping in touch and let me know if you need anything!” *“I appreciate you allowing me to work here and be a part of the team.

      How do you say goodbye when leaving a team? ›

      15 ways to say farewell to a coworker
      1. "I'm going to miss seeing you around the office. ...
      2. "Good luck with your new job! ...
      3. "Thank you for being such an important part of our team these past few years. ...
      4. "Your new job is lucky to have such a hard worker like yourself.
      7 Oct 2022

      How do you say thank you and goodbye when leaving a job? ›

      Tomorrow will be my last day at [company] before [optional—reason for leaving] and I wanted to extend my sincere thanks for your support and guidance during my time here. I have had a wonderful experience working with you over the past [timeline] and have experienced tremendous personal and professional growth.

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      split. verb. to separate from a group or organization.

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      5 Ways to Leave a Friend Group Without Major Drama
      1. allow The Relationship To Naturally Fade. ...
      2. put Your Energy Into Other Friends. ...
      3. look For New Friends. ...
      4. envision Your Future Without Your Old Friends. ...
      5. 5. have The Difficult Conversation.
      16 Feb 2022

      How do you tell someone you're leaving them? ›

      Here are my best tips.
      1. Make sure the kids are somewhere else. ...
      2. Be direct and as compassionate as possible. ...
      3. Do it in person. ...
      4. Speak only about yourself. ...
      5. Don't make idle threats about not giving your spouse any money or taking the children. ...
      6. Make sure you're safe. ...
      7. Once the decision is made, be sure to get educated.
      23 Jan 2018

      What is the youngest age to quit school? ›

      Until recently, most states permitted students to drop out of high school at age 16; now, 32 states have set their compulsory school age to 17 or 18.

      Can student athletes quit? ›

      When an athlete informs their university that they are “Voluntarily Withdrawing” from the team, that means the same as that they are quitting their team. In this situation, the coach or a staff member in the athletic department will tell your athlete that they need to sign a Voluntary Withdrawal Form.

      Is it OK to quit high school? ›

      Yes. In fact, some of the most successful people in the world never graduated from high school. And for every famous dropout, many other dropouts exist who quietly lead prosperous and fulfilling lives.

      What to say to a coach to thank them? ›

      You are an amazing coach, and I'm blessed to have you in my life. Your constant motivation and encouragement pushed me to heights I never dreamed I'd reach. Thank you for inspiring me to be excellent in all that I do. Thank you for seeing and bringing out the best in me.

      How do I tell my team I'm quitting? ›

      Here are tips for saying goodbye.
      1. Tell close colleagues in person. It's fine to email or message most people you've worked with. ...
      2. Connect on LinkedIn. ...
      3. Say goodbye via email. ...
      4. Keep your message brief and to the point. ...
      5. Remember the good times. ...
      6. Stay in touch. ...
      7. Review sample farewell letters.
      4 Aug 2022

      What are good excuses quitting? ›

      Here are 10 good reasons for leaving a job and trying something new.
      • Company downturn. ...
      • Acquisition or merger. ...
      • Company restructuring. ...
      • Career advancement. ...
      • Career change to a new industry. ...
      • Professional development. ...
      • Different work environment. ...
      • Better compensation.

      What is a good sentence for coach? ›

      Example Sentences

      He coaches the tennis star. He has coached the team for several years. She coached the U.S. gymnastics team at the Olympics. He has coached at the college level for many years.

      How do you say thank you in fancy words? ›

      Show Your Appreciation With 25 Other Ways To Say “Thank You”
      1. I'm so grateful. Thanks is an expression of gratitude, so cut to the chase. ...
      2. I appreciate it. ...
      3. Thanks for your hard work on this. ...
      4. I couldn't have done it without you. ...
      5. I owe you one. ...
      6. Much obliged. ...
      7. Thanks for having my back. ...
      8. Please accept my deepest gratitude.
      9 Dec 2021

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      Article information

      Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

      Last Updated:

      Views: 5599

      Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

      Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

      Birthday: 1992-10-31

      Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

      Phone: +6111989609516

      Job: Chief Farming Manager

      Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

      Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.