Ice hockey | History, Rules, Equipment, Players, & Facts (2024)

Top Questions

What is ice hockey?

Ice hockey is a game between two teams who wear skates and compete on an ice rink. Each team usually has six players. The object is to propel the puck past a goal line and into a net guarded by a goaltender. Ice hockey is popular for its speed and frequent physical contact.

Where is ice hockey most popular?

Ice hockey is immensely popular in Canada, where it is the national winter sport and arguably the country’s most popular game. Hockey is also popular in the United States and in European countries such as Russia, Sweden, and Finland. More than a million registered athletes play regularly in leagues worldwide.

Is ice hockey an Olympic sport?

Ice hockey is an Olympic sport. The sport made its Olympic debut in 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium. Participating teams consisted mostly, if not completely, of amateur players. However, in 1995 an agreement between governing bodies and player associations allowed professional athletes to compete at the Olympics, and National Hockey League players participated in the Olympics from 1998 through 2014.

Where did ice hockey originate?

Research suggests that ice hockey is derived from a game played in Nova Scotia by the Mi’kmaq people. It included the use of a “hurley” (stick) and a square wooden block. It was probably fundamentally this game that spread throughout Canada via Scottish and Irish immigrants and the British army and evolved into an informal ice game later known as shinny or shinty.

Why does ice hockey allow fighting?

Fighting is not condoned in hockey. Players who fight are given penalties and can be ejected from the game. Fighting can also lead to suspension. Although European and collegiate leagues are stricter than North American leagues when it comes to fighting, it still occurs, often to protect teammates.


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ice hockey, game between two teams, each usually having six players, who wear skates and compete on an ice rink. The object is to propel a vulcanized rubber disk, the puck, past a goal line and into a net guarded by a goaltender, or goalie. With its speed and its frequent physical contact, ice hockey has become one of the most popular of international sports. The game is an Olympic sport, and worldwide there are more than a million registered players performing regularly in leagues. It is perhaps Canada’s most popular game.



Until the mid-1980s it was generally accepted that ice hockey derived from English field hockey and Indian lacrosse and was spread throughout Canada by British soldiers in the mid-1800s. Research then turned up mention of a hockeylike game, played in the early 1800s in Nova Scotia by the Mi’kmaq (Micmac) Indians, which appeared to have been heavily influenced by the Irish game of hurling; it included the use of a “hurley” (stick) and a square wooden block instead of a ball. It was probably fundamentally this game that spread throughout Canada via Scottish and Irish immigrants and the British army. The players adopted elements of field hockey, such as the “bully” (later the face-off) and “shinning” (hitting one’s opponent on the shins with the stick or playing with the stick on one “shin” or side); this evolved into an informal ice game later known as shinny or shinty. The name hockey—as the organized game came to be known—has been attributed to the French word hoquet (shepherd’s stick). The term rink, referring to the designated area of play, was originally used in the game of curling in 18th-century Scotland. Early hockey games allowed as many as 30 players a side on the ice, and the goals were two stones, each frozen into one end of the ice. The first use of a puck instead of a ball was recorded at Kingston Harbour, Ontario, Canada, in 1860.

Early organization

The first recorded public indoor ice hockey game, with rules largely borrowed from field hockey, took place in Montreal’s Victoria Skating Rink in 1875 between two teams of McGill University students. Unfortunately, the reputation for violence that the game would later develop was presaged in this early encounter, where, as The Daily British Whig of Kingston, Ontario, reported, “Shins and heads were battered, benches smashed and the lady spectators fled in confusion.” The first organized team, the McGill University Hockey Club, formed in 1877, codified their game’s rules and limited the number of players on a side to nine.

By the late 1800s ice hockey competed with lacrosse as Canada’s most popular sport. The first national hockey organization, the Amateur Hockey Association (AHA) of Canada (which limited players to seven a side), was formed in Montreal in 1885, and the first league was formed in Kingston during the same year, with four teams: the Kingston Hockey Club, Queen’s University, the Kingston Athletics, and the Royal Military College. Queen’s University scored a 3–1 victory over the Athletics in the first championship game.

Ice hockey | History, Rules, Equipment, Players, & Facts (2)

By the opening of the 20th century, sticks were being manufactured, shin pads were worn, the goaltender began to wear a chest protector (borrowed from baseball), and arenas (still with natural ice and no heat for spectators) were being constructed throughout eastern Canada. In 1893 national attention was focused on the game when the Canadian governor-general, Frederick Arthur, Lord Stanley of Preston, donated a cup to be given annually to the top Canadian team. The three-foot-high silver cup became known as the Stanley Cup and was first awarded in 1892–93. (The first winner was the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association team, which also captured the Stanley Cup the following season by winning the initial challenge series to determine the Cup holder, which was the Cup-awarding format that Lord Stanley originally intended.) Since 1926 the cup has gone to the winner of the National Hockey League play-offs.

In 1899 the Canadian Amateur Hockey League was formed. All hockey in Canada at the time was “amateur,” it being “ungentlemanly” to admit to being paid for athletic services. Thus, the first acknowledged professional hockey team in the world was formed in the United States, in 1903, in Houghton, Michigan. The team, the Portage Lakers, was owned by a dentist named J.L. Gibson, who imported Canadian players. In 1904 Gibson formed the first acknowledged professional league, the International Pro Hockey League. Canada accepted professional hockey in 1908 when the Ontario Professional Hockey League was formed. By that time Canada had become the centre of world hockey.

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League rivalries

The National Hockey Association (NHA), the forerunner of the National Hockey League (NHL), was organized in 1910 and became the strongest hockey association in North America. Rising interest in the game created problems, however, for there were few artificial-ice rinks. In 1911 the Pacific Coast Hockey Association (PCHA) was formed by Joseph Patrick and his sons, who built two enclosed artificial-ice arenas, beginning a boom in the construction of artificial-ice rinks.

The PCHA became involved in a money and player war with the NHA. Although the NHA ultimately emerged as the stronger league, it was the PCHA that introduced many of the changes that improved the game. The only radical rule change adopted by the NHA was to reduce the number of players on a side to six, and that move was made to save money. The western league retained seven-man hockey, but it allowed the goalie to leap or dive to stop the puck. Under the previous rules, a goalie had had to remain stationary when making a save. The western league also changed the offside rule. Under the old rules, a player had been deemed offside if he was ahead of the puck carrier when he received a pass. The PCHA divided the ice into three zones by painting two blue lines across the surface and allowed forward passing in the centre zone between the blue lines. This opened up the game and made it more exciting. Another innovation in the western league was the idea of the assist. Previously, only the goal scorer had been credited with a point. In the PCHA the player or players who set up his goal were credited with an assist. The first numbered uniforms also appeared in their league.

Ice hockey | History, Rules, Equipment, Players, & Facts (2024)


Ice hockey | History, Rules, Equipment, Players, & Facts? ›

Players. A team must not have more than six players on the ice while play is in progress. Typically, these players are one goalkeeper, two defenders, two wings and one centre.

What equipment do all players need in hockey? ›

Hockey players need:
  • Helmet. When it comes to preventing serious injuries, this is the most important piece of equipment. ...
  • Skates. As with helmets, be sure to get skates that fit well. ...
  • Shoulder pads, elbow pads, knee and shin pads. ...
  • Hockey pants. ...
  • Gloves. ...
  • Athletic supporter and cup. ...
  • Neck protector. ...
  • Mouthguard.

How many players are in an ice hockey game? ›

Players. A team must not have more than six players on the ice while play is in progress. Typically, these players are one goalkeeper, two defenders, two wings and one centre.

What are hockey players not allowed to do? ›

The basic field hockey rules

Hockey players (other than the goalkeeper) are not allowed to use their feet, or any other parts of the body, to control the ball at any time. A goal can only be scored either from a field goal, a penalty corner, or from a penalty stroke.

How many players can be on a hockey rink at once? ›

ice hockey, game between two teams, each usually having six players, who wear skates and compete on an ice rink. The object is to propel a vulcanized rubber disk, the puck, past a goal line and into a net guarded by a goaltender, or goalie.

What is a hockey ball called? ›

Ice hockey uses a puck.

What happens if a goalie is pulled? ›

The goalkeeper must be replaced or a bench minor penalty assessed. Rule Reference 205(c). Any time that a goalkeeper goes to their player s' bench during a stoppage of play, they must be replaced or penalized. If replaced, the goalkeeper is not allowed to return to the game until the next stoppage of play.

How many players play at a time for each team in ice hockey? ›

Therefore, a commentator will always refer to the five (5) players on the ice, even though there is technically six (6) with the goalie. Most of an NHL game is played 5-on-5, but there are exceptions when a team does not have five (5) skaters on the ice. Let's talk a look at those.

How many points is an assist in hockey? ›

Players who gain an assist will get one point added to their player statistics.

How many minutes is ice hockey game? ›

The average NHL hockey game length is about 60 minutes. There are three 20-minute periods in a game with intermissions after the first and second periods.

Why can't you wear 0 in hockey? ›

Beginning with the 1996-97 season, the NHL decreed that Nos. 0 and 00 could no longer be worn since they confused the League's digital database; today, only No. 1 through No. 98 are allowed, No.

What is an illegal goal in hockey? ›

(c) A goal shall not be allowed if the following occurs: (1) An attacking player kicks the puck directly into the goal or the kicked puck deflects off any player , including goalkeeper , prior to entering the goal.

What does turtle mean in hockey? ›

"The Code" of NHL fighters includes this maxim: don't turtle. For those who aren't familiar with the term, turtling is when a player initiates a fight and then covers up like a turtle going into his shell without actually throwing a punch. This move is considered dishonorable.

What does 5 hole mean in hockey? ›

The five-hole is an ice hockey term for the space between a goaltender's legs. The name and its first recorded usage was in 1976 by Flyer Reggie Leach The phrases through the five-hole and gone five-hole are used when a player scores by shooting the puck into the goal between the goaltender's legs.

Can hockey players go anywhere on the ice? ›

Checking—body contact to take an opponent out of play—is permitted anywhere on the ice. In most leagues, including the NHL, players may not make or take a pass that has traveled across the two blue lines; if this occurs, the play is ruled offside.

Do hockey players share rooms? ›

The collective-bargaining agreement now rules that only players on three-year, entry-level contracts have roommates. After that, every player gets his own room on the road.

What do you call hockey without ice? ›

Ball hockey is a type of Floor Hockey, and a variation of ice hockey. This game is very similar to ice hockey, but this variation is played on foot and on a non-ice surface. As in ice hockey, the aim of the game is to score more goals than the opposing team, by hitting the ball into the opposing team's net.

What does bully mean in hockey? ›

The term “bully” refers to a method used. by two opposing players to restart play. Once the ball is in play, it must be hit or touched by an attacking player's stick. within the striking circle of the goal cage so that the attacking team can score a goal or one point.

What is hockey bench called? ›

Rule 108 | Timekeepers Bench

(a) Each rink shall have a timekeepers bench area.

What happens if the goalie touches the ball? ›

The penalty is an indirect free kick for the opposing team. At the spot where the goalie touched the ball. An indirect kick is a free kick is where two players must touch the ball before it goes in the goal.

What happens if someone besides the goalie touches the ball with their hand? ›

If a player other than the goalie touches the ball with their hand or arm or the goalie is outside the box, it is a violation called a “hand ball.” The other team gets a free kick.

Can you throw-in to your goalie? ›

Goalkeepers are allowed to handle the ball if the ball is played back to them by an action other than a kick or throw-in (such as a header), but defenders are not permitted to attempt to use a deliberate trick to pass the ball to the goalkeeper with a part of the body other than the foot to circumvent the rule.

What does 11 7 mean in hockey? ›

11 and 7 means eleven forwards and seven defensem*n in the hockey team roster to adjust to an injury. Normally, a team has twelve forward players and six defensem*n, excluding two goaltenders. As ice hockey is unpredictable, any player can get injured by the impact of the puck.

What is a power play in hockey? ›

In hockey, a power play is when one team has an advantage in numbers. The team enjoys having greater manpower for a certain time, in most instances having a one- or two-person advantage over their opponent.

Can you tackle in ice hockey? ›

Is tackling allowed in hockey? Yes, tackling is allowed. However, you are not allowed to use your body to push the opponent out of the way or block them. In hockey, tackling means you can play the ball and intercept as long as you do not make contact with the other player or his stick.

What does G mean in hockey? ›

G. Goals. A goal is awarded to the last player on the scoring team to touch the puck prior to the puck entering the net.

What is 3 assists called in hockey? ›

Get three assists and you've got yourself a Thornton Hat Trick. Because you know you can't put the puck in the net yourself, the "A" is all you'll get.

Does a blocked shot count as an assist? ›

Goal Assist

If a shot on goal is blocked by an opposition player, is saved by a goalkeeper or hits the woodwork, and a goal is scored directly from the rebound, then an assist is awarded.

Why is hockey played in 3 periods? ›

Hockey is played in three periods to maintain the ice for better play. The longer hockey players skate on the ice, the more the ice quality diminishes. Splitting the game into 3 periods is better than 2 halves because it gives the Zamboni a chance to clean the ice to improve the game.

How many feet is a hockey rink? ›

The standard ice rink in North America measures 200 feet long by 85 feet wide. And every NHL game in North America is played on a standard-size rink, which means conditions in every building should be identical. Make that nearly identical.

What do you wear to an ice hockey game? ›

You should wear multiple layers to a hockey game or at least a pair of jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and closed-toe shoes. Sweaters, jerseys, hats, gloves, scarves, wool socks, and hoodies are also good options. Professional games are around 60-65°F (15-18°C) and local rinks are colder than that.

Can you wear 69 in the NHL? ›

3, 2011, and played seven seasons in the League, including winning the Stanley Cup with the Chicago Blackhawks in 2015 (wearing No. 11). Fun fact: Desjardins and forward Melvin Angelstad (two games with the Washington Capitals in 2003-04) are the only players in NHL history to wear No. 69.

Why can't you wear 66 in hockey? ›

In baseball, the #3 was Babe Ruth's number. In basketball, the #23 was Jordan's number. In hockey, the number 66 is Lemieux's number. It's his, you can't have it.

What number is banned in the NHL? ›

Athletes in every team sport have a number on their jersey to identify them.In the NHL, players are given numbers between 1 and 98. Anything less than 1 (0, fractions, decimals) are not permitted and anything over two digits is not permitted. Additionally, 99 was retired by the league to honor "The Great One."

Does the entire puck have to cross the line? ›

For a goal to be scored, the puck normally must entirely cross the goal line between the posts and under the crossbar of the goal frame. A goal is not allowed under any of the following conditions: the puck is sent into the goal from a stick raised above the height of the crossbar.

Can you kick a puck in the goal? ›

Kicking the puck cannot result in a goal, unless a defending player kicks the puck into their own goal. This includes when an attacking player kicks the puck and it deflects off any other player or object and goes into the goal.

Can you carry the puck in hockey? ›

A penalty shot/optional minor penalty shall be awarded to the non-offending team anytime a defending player , other than the goalkeeper , picks the puck up off the ice with his hand or holds the puck while play is in progress and the puck is in the goal crease.

What does pizza mean in hockey? ›

Pizza: A brutal pass up the middle of the ice intercepted by the opposing team. "Bidini is serving up more pizzas tonight than Little Caesar's."

What does muffin mean in hockey? ›

Muffin: a shot that should have been stopped after wavering back and forth in the air all the way to the net. Pillows: the goaltender's leg pads. Plumber: maybe not the best player on the team, but a hard working player who does the dirty work in the corners.

What is a cookie in hockey? ›

Tic-tac-toe: refers to a quick passing play that results in a goal. Toe drag: when a player uses the end of his blade to dangle the opposition. Top cookies: top shelf (where grandma hides the cookies) Trapezoid: the area behind the net where a goalie is allowed to play the puck.

What does Tilly mean in hockey? ›

Snarl: The step before the donnybrook/dropping the mitts/tilly/fisticuffs. Tilly: Oh look, it's another word for a fight!

Why is 99 not allowed in hockey? ›

99 is retired throughout the NHL not only because he is considered the greatest player in League history, but because the number and his name are synonymous. Though there is no debate over who the best player to wear that number is, there are 98 other numbers with more than one worthy candidate.

What is a penny in hockey? ›

Penny hockey is named for the game's puck, a common penny. Penny hockey is a simple game that replicates hockey, using a penny in place of a rubberized puck and fingers in place of sticks. The penny is placed atop a wood board with a hole drilled at both ends to represent the goals.

Do they ever drop 2 pucks in hockey? ›

It hasn't happened since 1936, but a reminder that if an NHL game goes to a sixth overtime, they drop...the second puck.

Do you bully off in ice hockey? ›

Hockey face-offs (also called 'bully', and originally called 'puck-offs') are generally handled by centres, although some wingers handle face-offs and, very rarely, defensem*n. One of the referees drops the puck at centre ice to start each period and following the scoring of a goal.

Can a goalie ice the puck? ›

The rules allow a goalie to cover the puck outside the crease if it is part of blocking a shot then freezing the puck immediately. Otherwise, a goalie who comes outside of the crease to freeze the puck will be assessed a 2 minute penalty for delay of game.

Do hockey players shower between periods? ›

Some players will take a shower during the intermission to feel revitalized for the upcoming period. Other players choose to meditate, closing their eyes, staying silent and visualizing their success for the remainder of the game.

Do hockey guys shower together? ›

Majority of the time, the showers in hockey arenas are usually pretty weak. If you're the first person in the shower, please turn on all of them. Your teammates will thank you when it's nice and warm for them once they're ready to hop in. The same rule applies for leaving the shower.

What airline do NHL teams use? ›

Jetz is the official carrier for all seven Canadian teams and one U.S team of the National Hockey League (NHL).

Do NHL players get new equipment every game? ›

Professional NHL hockey players typically update their equipment regularly, often several times per season or more, depending on their individual preferences and needs. Equipment can become worn or damaged over time and may need to be replaced to ensure maximum safety and performance on the ice.

Do NHL players get free equipment? ›

Do NHL players pay for their own gear? NHL players do not pay for sticks. Their current team pays for the sticks. Even if certain players are sponsored by a brand, the team still has to buy the sticks from the brand.

Do hockey players pay for their own equipment? ›

All of the pads on an NHL player add up to about $1,200, and with replacements it costs a team about $21,000 per year to outfit a skater. Goalies are even pricier, with teams paying $36,000 per season to keep them suited up.

Do NHL players use smelling salts? ›

Today, smelling salts are still widely used in the NHL, the NFL, and powerlifting and strongman competitions. They cause a quick burst of adrenaline which athletes believe helps them perform better despite the fact that science suggests the effects of smelling salts are extremely brief.

Do hockey players pay for their sticks? ›

Pro hockey players typically pay for their own sticks, as the cost can be quite expensive. A high-end stick can cost up to $300, and players usually go through a few sticks per season. While some teams may reimburse players for the cost of their sticks, it is not common.

What do NHL players do with their gloves between periods? ›

Gloves sit on the machine while a blower fan dries them out, so they'll be fresh to use by the time the next period begins. Some players even rotate through gloves during games, allowing them to keep their hands fresh and dry.

Do NHL players get their own hotel room? ›

The collective-bargaining agreement now rules that only players on three-year, entry-level contracts have roommates. After that, every player gets his own room on the road.

Do NHL players get free meals? ›

On game days, they are provided breakfast, lunch, pregame snacks and postgame food, either at their hotel or on their plane. On the mornings after road games, the team provides breakfast at the hotel. So on this trip, the players were fully responsible to address their own meals on two of the 11 days: Feb.

Do NHL players get new jerseys every game? ›

In recent years NHL teams generally give players 3-4 sets of white and dark jerseys annually, with special sets being introduced for alternate/heritage designs or special games.

Do NHL players use new gloves every game? ›

While skate blades now are changed on the fly, gloves are, too. And much like skate blades, the glove cycle comes down to feel. "A lot of guys switch [their gloves] at the middle commercial break of each period, so at the 10-minute mark," Wilson said. "A lot of guys will run two pair and switch every commercial break.

What does buying out a player do in NHL? ›

In ordinary-course buyouts, the team's NHL salary cap hit for the player is stretched over a period of twice the remaining length of the contract. Compliance buyouts follow the same formula as ordinary-course buyouts but do not count against the cap.

How much does a hockey player play per game? ›

On average, a defenseman will play 20:11 per game and a forward will play 15:37 per game. The amount each player plays each game varies, depending on a number of factors including their own skill level, overall team depth, and the coach's decisions.

What do NHL players drink on the bench? ›

“You're sweating a lot,” said Chris Wagner. “I drink three bottles of water like, the last hour and a half before a game, then we have BioSteel, and I'll usually have a Gatorade for extra electrolytes after the second (period). On the bench, I take a sip after every shift, but don't really notice it.”

What do hockey players eat before a game? ›

An ideal hockey pre-game meal would be high in carbohydrates and protein and low in fats. For example, 6oz chicken breast, 1-2 cups of brown rice, and ½ – 1 cup of green vegetables. How Many Hours Should You Eat Before A Hockey Game? 1-3 hours before your game is the best time to consume your pre-game meal.

What do hockey players smell to wake up? ›

More recently, athletes have begun to use smelling salts with the belief that their use will keep them more alert. The use of smelling salts is particularly popular among football and hockey players who believe this reflex will counteract the effects of concussion.

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