Jersey's for Charity (Ancaster Minor Hockey) (2024)

Hockey Jersey's For Charity

Jersey's for Charity (Ancaster Minor Hockey) (1)

Hockey Jersey's for Charity is an organization that collects used hockey jerseys and delivers them to those in need.

Ancaster Minor Hockey parents and players donated 315 jersey's in 2011 and have donated 473 jersey's so far in 2012 (as of June 1, 2012).

It is the brainchild of Ronald Reeleder, a local Ancaster resident:

"A little about our charity. It started when I was on a climb of Everest Base Camp in Nepal to raise money for MS , I had taken 4 jerseys along for our porters a way of saying thank you for their hard work. They were such a huge success that right there I decided to do it everytime I went some where. The day I got home from Nepal I got on facebook and started " Hockey Jersey's for Charity " it started out a little slow but all of a sudden it has become a great success last year we went to Peru to climb Machu Picchu again for MS this time we took just over 300 jerseys. This year we are heading to South East Asia and we hope to take a least 1000 jerseys to give to others.

You may ask why Hockey Jersey's and what do these people know about hockey if anything? The answers are simple. First hockey jersey's are so durable and long lasting I actually had a couple donated recently that were over 35 years old and in amazing condition. Most of these people don't know much about hockey what they do know is that they have a new and warm shirt to wear , the one that you have given to them.

So when you give a jersey or donation you can be assured that it is going to someone that will be using it!"Jersey's for Charity (Ancaster Minor Hockey) (2)

Hockey Jersey's for Charity was featured on Hockey Day in Canada on February 11, 2012. Click hereto view the video.

Hockey Jersey's for Charity

Jersey's for Charity (Ancaster Minor Hockey) (2024)
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