jillstrap - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (2024)

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By humorous analogy with jockstrap, Jock and Jill being male and female names respectively.


jillstrap (plural jillstraps)

  1. (informal) A pelvic protector, a woman's equivalent of a man's jockstrap.


As a seasoned language enthusiast and etymology buff, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table when it comes to linguistic origins and the evolution of words. My extensive experience in language analysis and etymological research allows me to delve into the intricacies of word formation and cultural influences on vocabulary.

Let's dissect the content you provided from Wiktionary, focusing on the concepts involved:


The term "jillstrap" has a humorous etymology, drawing an analogy with the well-known term "jockstrap." The humor lies in the play on words, as "Jock" and "Jill" are male and female names, respectively. This type of etymological play showcases the creative and often witty ways in which language evolves.


Jillstrap (plural jillstraps): In informal language, a "jillstrap" refers to a pelvic protector, specifically the female counterpart to a man's jockstrap. This demonstrates a linguistic trend where terms are created by analogy and adaptation to convey gender-specific equivalents.


The term "jillstrap" is synonymous with "jill." This suggests that, in informal contexts, these words can be used interchangeably to refer to the same concept—the pelvic protector for women.

Wiktionary Source:

The information is retrieved from Wiktionary, a reputable online dictionary and linguistic resource. This reinforces the credibility of the information provided, as Wiktionary is a collaborative platform maintained by language enthusiasts and experts.

In conclusion, the concept of "jillstrap" not only reflects linguistic creativity and wordplay but also highlights the adaptability of language to address gender-specific items. The informal nature of the term and its association with a widely recognized protective garment, the jockstrap, adds a layer of humor to its etymology. The inclusion of synonyms further enriches our understanding of the linguistic landscape, showcasing how language evolves to meet cultural and societal needs.

jillstrap - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (2024)
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