KaShara (2024)


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 10
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 10
    • 2.2 Season 11
    • 2.3 Season 12
    • 2.4 Season 13
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 10
    • 3.2 Season 11
    • 3.3 Season 12
    • 3.4 Season 13
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 12
  • 5 Other
    • 5.1 Season 10
    • 5.2 Season 11
    • 5.3 Season 12
    • 5.4 Season 13
  • 6 Misc.


Season 10[]


  • 23-years-old from Kentucky. She and Raylee just moved in together. They met at audition, and just happened to be hugging after they made training camp. They have a very basic apartment. They’re your typical 20-something girls moving to the big city. [Raylee’s portion of biography] The biggest obstacle KaShara’s had to overcome was moving away from her boyfriend, friends, and family. She’s spent much of her savings to be living there. It’s been hard, but she didn’t want to look back and think, “What if I could have been in those boots on that field?” Kelli and Judy will have to kill her to get her out of training camp.


Total: x

Season 10: 10 (12th most)

Season 11: 1

Season 12: 16 (T15th most)

Season 13: 17 (9th most)

Season 10[]


  • [Joint biography with Raylee]
  • [Wrong outfit] “In the back of my mind, I was just thinking, I mean, they’re already gonna send me home.“


  • “These shorts are probably shorter than my attention span.“
  • “Two minutes of sit-ups is almost as bad as sitting in traffic.“


  • “It’s not fun getting called out for the weight issue over and over and over. I’m trying my best to get where I need to be, and it’s just hard, because body image is such a delicate thing with women, but it’s part of the job.“
  • [Makeovers, in hairnet] “This is as good as my DCC look is going just yet. It’s a little lunch-lady.“
  • [Fashion show] “Just got done with my runway walk. My hat didn’t come off. I didn’t show nobody anything, so, so far, so good.“
  • [Kitty Carter arrives] “My jaw hit the floor. I thought, “Here we go“. ”


  • [Cameos] “This very recognizable uniform that has my name on it. For the next hour or so I get to sort of claim it, and hopefully this will be mine to keep for good.“


  • [After making team, she makes a goofy face in the squad photo after being told not to look surprised] “I have all this emotion tied up in me. You caught me, sorry I did it. Hopefully they didn’t get that in the picture.“

Season 11[]


  • “I'm nervous about finals, last year got off on wrong foot wearing the wrong outfit. This year, I won Rookie of the Year, and hopefully I show up in the right outfit for finals.“

Season 12[]


  • [Show group audition] “Last year, I was a little upset that the cards didn’t play out in my favor, so this year, fingers crossed, sending over prayers that everything falls into place.“


  • [Etiquette training dinner] “Proper etiquette and KaShara go together like oil and water. Not too much really blends there for me.“
  • [Trying shrimp during etiquette session] “Shrimp is not one of my favorite things. But I will try anything once. I’m not really good at lying. You can read my expressions through my face. I need to work on that.“


  • [Appointed as point for Jerry Jones Hall of Fame performance] “When Judy called my name, first of all, had to literally pinch myself, shake my head a couple of times to make sure I wasn’t in a dream. I feel very privileged to stand in front and lead these girls out onto the field.“
  • “When Jenna (previous point) came over to give me a hug, I almost wanted to cry. To have her blessing, it’s kind of like passing the torch. I look to her for guidance, and I watched her dance up there, and hopefully I can make her happy.“
  • [First show group performance] “Performing on a stage definitely makes it harder. Lots of on-the-fly adjustments. Lots of figuring it out as you’re going.“
  • “We got boots on and are getting ready to step out on to the stage. Got a little bit of game day jitters, but to finally perform as part of show group is definitely a dream come true.“
  • [After show group performance] “The pyro went off. You could feel the heat literally in your face.“


  • [Jerry Jones induction Hall of Fame performance] “Rehearsal day’s been a little hectic. We’re gonna be a little nervous today. We’re making changes on the fly and that’s why we’re America’s best.“
  • “To see Emmitt Smith here at the Pro Football Hall of Fame is one of the most amazing privileges I’ve had as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader so far.“
  • “People are actually insane here. Everybody’s ready for the game. They got their Cowboys gear on. I know I got a huge chunk of family here, and they were raising it, getting us going. Definitely a superstar moment.“
  • “We have some last-minute staging on the field to get done. And, it’s going to be high intensity, very high standards. Kelli already told us it’s world class or nothing.“
  • “To be leading the team out during our iconic performance (point) at this huge of an event is something that I never in a million years would have imagined. I’m ready to go out there and just attack this.“
  • “That was the first time I got to perform at the point of our pre-game routine, and talk about scary. It’s a rush of emotion. But it was something I’ll never forget.“


  • “We’re here at the Star in Frisco welcoming back the Cowboys to Texas for their first day of training camp back at the Star.“


  • [Lots of flashbacks to her moments from this season interspersed throughout] “This is a place where you earn your spot every day. When they called me up as group leader this year, that’s something I never thought I would hear in my career as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Less than 700 women have worn this uniform, so that’s not a lot of women that have been a leader. Being named point of the triangle, it definitely caught me by surprise. And I’ve got some huge boots to fill. I have learned so much about myself, about my teammates, and about trusting the process. I don’t usually get emotional on this kinda stuff, but my parents have done so much for me, and every time I take a step on the field or in this uniform, I just think about all they’ve done to keep me down here. I thank, you know, Kelli and Judy for trusting me. That what I like to reflect on and that’s how I keep it in perspective what an honor it is to stand in front of that triangle.“

Season 13[]


  • [Swimsuit fittings] "Today is the most fun day of the year, and it’s long awaited."
  • [About possibly being cover girl] "It’s a coveted spot, and there’s very few girls that get to be that.'
  • [Leisure trip during calendar shoot] "It was a little bit of a struggle getting off the boat and getting over here. Go our workout in for the day, absolutely, 100%. But it was way worth it once we got over here. These stingrays are awesome."
  • "Who gets to do this [go on a boat], especially on a work trip? I get to just hang out with stingrays. You sure don’t get this in Dallas, Texas, that’s for sure."
  • "Honestly, I think Kelli got more excited over the sharks than she does auditions, so that was fun."
  • "This is the kind of stuff that really makes being a DCC what it is."


  • "I’m one of the captains, so just like whenever the football team walks out for the coin toss, they send four people out. It’s the same thing. It’s our job to be one step ahead."


  • [Falls during Nick Florez rehearsal] "They ran some quick X-rays on my elbow. There’s no obvious fracture. I’m supposed to go back in about a week and see where we’re at from there. I’m going to be okay. I’ve had worse."


  • "There’s still no official diagnosis on my elbow. I’m going to have to go get an official reading on it by the ortho, but the team’s been praying for me; they’ve been so supportive and I just, sitting in the stands watching them (during field rehearsal) just ain’t the same."


  • "Since I fell on my arm at our rehearsal, I am concerned that my position at point is at stake. I would really like to prove to Kelli and Judy that I’m not going to let an injury or anything else get in my way. I was point last year and I can do it again this year, and I can do it better than last year."
  • "Hearing my name called for the second year in a row to be the point of the triangle, I’m not gonna lie, my heart was kinda jumping out of my chest. I thought I might throw up on the field – I didn’t know if that was just the heat, but I’m so excited to lead the team this year on the 50-yard line."
  • "All of the rookie candidates and the veterans are here for a football 101, and anytime we get classroom time with ''teacher Kelli'', you never know what it’s gonna be. So, I think that most of us have prepared for anything and everything football oriented."
  • [Calendar reveal] "When I saw my calendar photo, I kinda had to take a double take. ''Who is that?'' Because for sure, I know some mornings I wake up and I don’t look like that."


  • "To be honest, a quail is a game bird. I was kinda nervous. I’m like, they clean this thing out before they serve it to us or not?"
  • "It’s always good to be an all-around kind of woman and one that… I could change your oil, but I can sit down and eat continental style."


  • [Player intros rehearsal] "Player intro's probably one of the most complicated parts of game day. It’s when the players are out, there's TV cameras. This is on network television. These are straight lines. Everyone in the stadium can see that one girl’s wrong."


  • [Retrospective] "I’ve decided to retire after four years because I feel like there’s other places for me to give my talents and passions to. My journey as a DCC has been like a semi-truck on the side of a mountain, hanging onto the side. You’re gonna get there, but it’s gonna be a rough climb. My first year, I was trying to figure it out. I was trying to figure out how to be on this team. Second year, I spent learning how to be a vet, and to be a good teammate. My third year was for me. I think once I started dancing with a purpose for myself instead of a purpose to be noticed, it really did change the way I performed. Looking back now, on that 50-yard line and the point, I never take that position for granted, and I never will. To stay at the point position, it takes hard work. There’s not one time that I feel like I can slack off. I still know that I have to work my hind end off. Through this journey, I’ve learned that it’s not about what you get, it’s about the girls that you dancing beside. I’ve made four years’ worth of new best friends, new sisters, girls that, so cheesy, will stand beside me at my wedding. And new family. I don’t want to leave, but it’s okay."


Season 10[]


  • “Is she “hippy” or curvy?“ – Kelli/“I think she’s got a bigger saddle than most.“ – Charlotte


  • “Why are you in the wrong outfit?“ – Kelli/“This is my fault. I should have brought all my costumes with me.“ – KaShara/ “The only thing we spoon-fed you last night was pictures of exactly what to wear. That’s strike one. Who else is… are we good? [Raylee raises hand, also in wrong outfit] Well… I don’t know what to say.“– Kelli
  • “Two of the girls wore the wrong outfit. Really? I was kind of speechless. Our first night and they blew it. They better never make a dumb mistake like that again.“ – Kelli
  • “KaShara winks when she dances. It’s really kind of cute.“ – Melissa Rycroft
  • “You’re real fun to watch, and you’re more fun to watch in the right outfit.“ – Judy
  • “KaShara had a little wardrobe redemption tonight when she came into the studio dancing well.“ – Judy


  • “KaShara looks heavier.“ – Kelli
  • “Visually, I’ve seen weight gain, and I hope the scales will disagree with me, KaShara looks heavier, and rookie Holly.“ – Kelli
  • [Walking runway] “Wow!“ – Kelli/“She looks beautiful.“ – Judy

Season 11[]


  • [Show Group auditions] “Some were horrible. [KaShara botches front flip] I always say don’t do crap you can’t do.” – Kitty Carter
  • [Botched front flip] “Oh boy.” – Kelli/“Oh.” – Judy/“Ugh, no.” – Kitty

Season 12[]


  • [Yuko's office visit] “After the calendar shoot, the girls discovered the new Yuko, and I roomed KaShara with Yuko because if anyone is going to be surrounded by friends and laughter, it’s KaShara. And I wanted Yuko to kind of be in that mix.“
  • “KaShara could have had a roommate she was more familiar with, but I think she honestly made a difference in Yuko’s whole experience here.“


  • [During her solo at finals] “Well hello, KaShara.”
  • [After her solo at finals] “Number 36, Ka-sexy.” – K


  • “KaShara is like sparkle. I love it.” – Ramos
  • “I gave her a yes, only because… I don’t even know why the hell I gave her a yes.” – McCoy, “Oh, my goodness. She’s not the strongest technical dancer, but she can sell it.” – K, “Yeah, she does sell it.” – McCoy


  • I mean, you’re the party. We all want to be at your party. – Florez [KaShara says she loves to party]


  • The point person; she’s dancing by herself. If she makes a mistake, it stands out more than if anyone else on that field makes a mistake. The point of the triangle has to be perfect. – J
  • “What a journey KaShara’s had from coming in from Kentucky to wearing the wrong outfit at the first week of training camp as a rookie, to now being a solid third-year performer who’s front and center for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. How rewarding is that?” – K
  • “KaShara looks great up there.” – K
  • We have Cersten, KaShara, Tasha, Heather, and Stephanie who have never performed with us as a show group member. And they’re going to be pressured to put on a great show. – J


  • This is the first time KaShara’s the point of our triangle. She can giggle for a second, and then it’s ‘Hey, I’m front and center. I have no one to watch. I have nothing to reference. It’s all on me, and here I go.’ – K
  • “KaShara looks good out there.” – K


  • “KaShara is killing it.” – Ramos


  • Ooh, oh. – J/ She chose the wrong dance. – K/ Try again. – J/ Where is she going with that? – K/ KaShara [laughing]. That’s a hard song. Hey, KaShara, sing happy birthday Chris

that was too slow, right? But you had to go with it. And KaShara owned it and kind of made it still look cute even though it was pretty bad. So, everybody has to make it look cute. – J

  • “KaShara’s on fire tonight.” – K

Season 13[]


  • (Rachel W.’s office visit) You’re gonna need KaShara power. – K
  • (Victoria office visit, when she asks which veteran to work with) KaShara’s great! – J


  • I like Jalyn, KaShara, and Bridget in this a lot. – K/ I would say yes on them right now. – J


  • [After she falls] KaShara said she’s okay, but that fall was hard and loud, and I’m calling our trainer over to see if she thinks she’s okay, because she took a pretty hard fall. – K
  • Our trainer decided that she actually needs to get an x-ray and see what’s going on. So, KaShara’s now off to the emergency room. – K
  • You seem pretty perky to have already been at the emergency room and back. – K (who then jokingly refers to her as “KaSling”


  • KaShara’s injured. She’s in a sling. They took an x-ray and she did do some damage to her elbow, and now she may be out for a while. – K


  • I had no hesitation to put KaShara at the point of the triangle. I know she has a fracture in her arm, but KaShara’s proven that she’s a great performer and deserves to be there. – J


  • [One of three selected by guest choreographer Marty Kudelka as his favorites]
  • I’d buy a ticket to go watch them dance. – Marty Kudelka


  • Where’d KaShara come up with that extra beat? – K

Office Visits[]

Season 12[]


  • [Towards end of episode, pre-audition office visit – primarily Yuko’s office visit] Kelli says they just wanted to see how she feels before audition season. [Yuko says ‘uhhh’ before it cuts to a commercial break] Yuko says this year was amazing because my dream came true. Now I feel so much better. [KaShara enter the office and Yuko hugs her] Kelli tells KaShara that Yuko seems to be a lot more comfortable. KaShara says at first she was kind of nervous – you’ve got the two biggest accents. KaShara says they talk about a lot. Japanese culture. She’s never been overseas. They watch Japanese TV. Kelli laughs and says those game shows are hilarious. KaShara says she had no idea what they were saying, but Yuko was laughing so she laughed with her. KaShara says Yuko has the cutest laugh. Yuko says she really appreciates it; KaShara would always include her in things, and it made her better as a DCC and a person. Kelli says Yuko definitely seems happier


Season 10[]


  • She’s shown introducing herself to the judges on the field at finals
  • She’s included in the segment of girls for whom the HD screen is unflattering


  • She’s shown introducing herself at the opening meeting: She’s 23-years old from Kentucky.
  • She and Raylee wear the wrong outfit to the first night of practice at training camp


  • If you pause, you can see a list of the scores she received at auditions: she was ranked #27 and received 12 yeses, 2 maybes, and 2 no’s


  • She’s shown doing a solo performance at show group auditions


  • Her cameo photo above her locker is highlighted

Season 11[]


  • Segment shown of her botching front flip at show group auditions

Season 12[]


  • Discussion of KaShara rooming with Yuko for the calendar shoot.


  • Her solo performance is shown
  • Shown being invited to training camp


  • Announced as leader of group 4** (In actuality, it initially was Erica, and KaShara was promoted after Erica left)


  • Is the veteran present to help with Melissa Rycroft’s showmanship practice for the rookies.
  • Kelli asks her to show Brianna how to do a move


  • Announced as a member of show group (for the first time)


  • Made new point of the triangle after Jenna’s demotion. Judy asks her if that scares her, and she says her heart’s beating fast. Judy tells her that there’s a lot of responsibility with point.

Season 13[]


  • In Kelli’s opening confessional of the season, the show flashes back to the scene of KaShara being awarded point


  • Shown performing her solo at finals after being introduced by name
  • Second-to-last shown being invited to training camp


  • Shown introducing herself at the opening meeting: she loves cars. Her personal hashtag would be #0to100.
  • Kelli has her introduce and explain the official hashtag of this year’s training camp: #Elevate
  • She and Lacey teach the signature routine at the first rehearsal of training camp


  • Announced as a group leader


  • Shown being announced as a member of show group


  • She loses balance and falls over during rehearsal and goes for an X-ray, but later returns with her arm in a sling, but no fracture


  • She is made the point of the triangle
  • Revealed to be in the swimsuit calendar for May


  • Along with the other group leaders, meets Kelli and Judy in the office to evaluate the TCC’s
  • On the board, it can be seen that she’s received stickers from all six evaluators


  • At the meet the team event, Kelli announces her to the crowd as one of their group leaders


  • Group Leader in Seasons 12 and 13
  • Pro Bowl Cheerleader in Season 12
  • Point in Seasons 12 and 13
  • Rookie of the Year in Season 10
KaShara (2024)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.