Lily (S14 Rookie) (2024)


  • 1 Confessionals
    • 1.1 Season 13
    • 1.2 Season 14
  • 2 Commentary
    • 2.1 Season 13
    • 2.2 Season 14
  • 3 Office Visits
    • 3.1 Season 13
    • 3.2 Season 14
  • 4 End of Journey
    • 4.1 Season 13
    • 4.2 Season 15
  • 5 Other
    • 5.1 Season 13
    • 5.2 Season 14
  • 6 Misc.


Total: 45

Season 13: 8

Season 14: 37 (T3rd most)

Season 13[]


  • [Veterans performing] "Oh my gosh, we just sat there and were overwhelmed to be in the same room as these women."


  • [Team building visit] "I have never been to a stockyard, of course, so this will be a brand-new experience for most of us, I think. There’s only like four girls out of 40 that are local, so a really cool experience for all of us."
  • "I’m pretty excited to see what real cowboys and cowgirls do."


  • "Every rehearsal this entire summer has been an important rehearsal, but as the game gets closer and closer, definitely more nerves build and build."


  • "It would be devastating to work this hard and not make the team this year, but you just can’t come to practice with that in your head. You just gotta go in, do it dance by dance."
  • "Like, no one is safe, everyone is still on edge, so I definitely do not feel like I have a secure spot, and just working hard from there."
  • [Before office] "This is my first time into the office, so not sure what to expect. Obviously, I’ve worked very hard for them all training camp and hopefully that’s shown."
  • [After cut] "Unfortunately, I was not top 36 this year. Just some things I can work on, just staying in Dallas, taking classes. And obviously I wanted this night to go differently, but everything happens for a reason. Hopefully one year, I’ll be in uniform."

Season 14[]


  • Last year on the night the team was announced, I was not selected as part of the team. [Flashback] Everyone is beautiful, everyone is talented. And the competition is as fierce as ever.
  • [Makes semifinals] It felt just as amazing as last year.


  • I‘ve been working on my flexibility and my stamina for the past few months, so I’m ready to go.


  • I feel like I came back as strong as possible this year. If I wasn’t called back, then maybe it’s not the right fit even though I desperately want it to be. It would be such an honor to have a second shot at my dream.
  • [Invited to training camp] I was sitting there looking at my feet. I knew I was like white as a ghost, anticipating the heartbreak to come. But I feel grateful as ever to have a second shot at my dreams.


  • Not everyone in training camp will make the team, and unfortunately, that was me last year. So, I’ve thought about this moment a lot in the past nine months that I’ve been preparing and it’s a great feeling to be welcomed back into training camp.
  • Tonight ends week one of training camp and it feels good to be back in the swing of things and back in the studio, and back fighting for your chance on the team.


  • [Uniform fitting] Last time I put this on was almost a year ago, so I’ve been thinking about this moment. It’s amazing motivation to feel it back around your body and it makes it feel more real.


  • The last time I had hair this short, I was six years old. So, I keep pulling at it.
  • [Before office] Last year, when I was cut, it was my first time talking to them in this office, but I’m excited to see what they have to say.
  • [After office] At the end of the day, we’re all here because we love to dance, and the pressure of the situation could take control of that. So, we have to just dig down deep and block out everything else and just remember that you’re here because you love to dance. And hopefully if I can find that again, that’ll be true to them.


  • After an office visit, it can obviously become like a spiral downhill mentally, but I really put on a different game face today. And I walked in – I have to go in there and have fun. I love dancing, so there should be no reason that my performance doesn’t also reflect that.
  • I’ve been really trying to work with some of the vets on getting low when using my plié, so it’s really awesome to hear that something I was focusing on really hard was noticed by one of the guests.


  • The pressures of training camp can definitely get heavy on everyone. So Melissa Rycroft, she’s a great mentor for us because not only has she been in our shoes, but she also has experience in arenas around the world.
  • Melissa gave some great insight and advice along with Gina. And hopefully I can take what they said to me today and try it out on the field tonight.
  • When you receive a compliment, it’s definitely what you need to keep pushing forward. For her to like the way I performed and say it was my best was a really awesome feeling and then the reaction to all of my hopefully teammates was incredible too and just a cherry on top.
  • [Before office] So, I’m being called into the office for the second time. Hopefully, I would be given more chance to work on whatever they think I need to improve on.
  • [After office] Last year was obviously heartbreaking being cut on the day the team was announced but yesterday was hopefully a turning point. Hopefully, I can just keep that momentum of looking fun in my routines and finish strong in the top 36 this year.


  • [Video of her making face] Yeah, they kept sitting on it, and kept looking at it, and kept looking at it, and time kept moving by, and they did not unpause it, and I was like, “I swear I was smiling for some of the dance.”
  • Each week that goes by, you kind of feel a sense of relief and gratitude that you’re still here and still around. At this point, you just never know what to expect at all. They can get you by surprise any night with cuts or not cuts or office visits.


  • [Cameos] Having the uniform back on, you just feel so close to accomplishing the dream. You’re up there, and they’re staring at you and they’re clicking away.
  • [Cameos] Mine took a little longer to get the exact shot. It’s definitely a heart-wrenching process, but days like today make you realize how close you are to your dreams and to keep fighting and pushing.
  • Judy tells me I rush my dances. So, for her to compliment me and tell me I actually look strong and I was accenting the right things was super big progress for tonight.
  • I just keep looking up and thinking like, “Wow, this could be hundreds of thousands of people watching you perform and that definitely keeps the smile on my face.


  • [Scene with Alanna] We’ve been roommates together since we first moved here last year during training camp and then obviously best friends throughout it all.
  • It’s definitely something I’ve dreamed about and wanted for a really long time. Now that it’s getting closer and closer, the stakes are rising. You can just really see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Last year, on the last night of training camp, I was unfortunately cut without a prior office visit and did not make the team and obviously, I’m hoping for a different end result this year.


  • I feel like everything I did last summer, this past year, and this summer kind of adds up to this moment and this day.
  • [Before office] Definitely not what you want to hear on the last night being called into the office, but trying to keep an optimistic mindset and just hear what feedback they have.
  • [On making team] I will sleep better tonight than I have literally in five months.
  • [Squad photo] There’s so many intricate details of height and hair and makeup touchups. I did not realize how much went into getting this perfect ideal photo.
  • Just when you think the night can’t be topped, it is.
  • I’m about to enter the world of the NFL, and I cannot be more excited.
  • My last-minute preparation is reviewing sidelines. Just making sure we’re as prepared as possible.
  • Walking out of the tunnel as one whole team for the first game day was a memory I would cherish forever.
  • [Retrospective, with flashbacks] I tried out last year and made it all the way to the last night. But, unfortunately, last year was not my season. Even thought that sting lasted a long time, Kelli and Judy mentioned there’s no better way to prepare for this dream than being in Dallas and immersing yourself in all the prep classes you can go to. Moving a 15-hour drive from any family and friends was a huge deal. But then I thought of the regret and fear I would have when I was past the age and ability to try out for the team, and the feeling of “what if?” Like, “what if I had go after it?” I was fortunate enough to be roommates with Alanna this past year. She believed in me when I did not believe in myself all the time. And then her pushing me to be in the uniform next to her was something I will… Alanna encouraged me along the way so much as did so many of the other girls. I definitely would not be sitting here in this uniform if it wasn’t for them. I can’t even describe the feeling of the moments that you realize all of your hard work and all of your dreams have come true. It’s the most incredible feeling. I’m officially a rookie Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, and still in the dream.
  • [Final cheerleader confessional of season] Receiving Abbey Bear was incredible. Knowing that I have so much love and support from my teammates, the women that I admire so much, absolutely means the world.


Season 13[]


  • "Right of the bat, need to be bigger." – Melissa Rycroft
  • "Seeing you against somebody that knows the moves I think would be a huge help for you." – Melissa/"You may feel like you’re doing the exact same movement, with exact same style. And when you watch it back, you see so many different things." – Gina
  • "This field showed me that Lily’s got what it takes." – Kelli [end of episode confessional]


  • [Group leader office visit] "Lily, on the field, impressed me, to be honest. Because in the studio, she would rush her music... And when I have to give my final (sticker), I would say (Lily)." – KaShara
  • "Lily is fun." – Kelli/"But Victoria is more musical." – Judy/"No question there." – Kelli


  • "Ooh, don’t rush… You’re rushing your exit a little bit. Make sure you stay on the beat." – Judy


  • "Lily’s kind of flailing." – Judy
  • "Lily has always been described as a fresh favorite, but I want to see if she is matching with the whole unit in terms of tempo and rhythm." – Kelli

Season 14[]


  • [Kelli] I am so impressed with the ladies who were released in training camp last year that are back to compete this year. It takes courage to do this.


  • [Kelli] Strong
  • [Kristi] I have some plusses. She was one of the strongest in terms of knowing the routine and everything. And I have a plus on her kicks as well. I like her look. I think she has the look.


  • I did feel like Lily technically seemed better today. Look how she pulls up on her turns. – K


  • What do you think about Lily? – K/ I like Lily, and I think I’m a sucker for the team rallying behind someone, and I felt like everyone was behind Lily. – J
  • For Lily, aren’t you flirting with the audience with your eye the whole time? Flirt, flirt flirt. Yeah. Keep your eyes to the audience while you’re… – K/ The last one is the picture. Don’t turn your head away. – Jennifer Colvin
  • There’s just something about Lily that’s so likeable. I think it’s a full package, I feel really confident, and I think she would be a real asset to the team. – Jennifer Colvin


  • Lily’s right kick’s prettier than her left. – K
  • What are your thoughts on Lily? – Travis Wall/ We want to hear your thoughts. – J/ I have mixed thoughts! – K/ That’s because we don’t know. – J/ Like was like a facade happening where I felt it didn’t feel as genuine as I wish it did. – Travis/ She looked scared to death. – J/ Yeah, so maybe it’s the fear. That makes more sense. – Travis/ Have you ever had a dancer that just stays frozen. – K/ All the time. Yeha, I usually have to make them cry to… I’m just kidding. They need to, like I say, cracking an egg, like, there’s a break time probably and then there’s that humility and that vulnerability that comes out where the true star shines. – Travis


  • [To her, Alexandra, Madeline S, and Meredith] Now, you all know that was not acceptable. You’re the last group and the entire group messed up. I will cut this entire group. – Charm La’Donna
  • Meredith just blew Madeline and Lily out of the water. – Denise Dicharry
  • I didn’t give a sticker to Kristin, Alexandra, Kat, Madeline, and Lily. It’s painful to do. – Denise Dicharry


  • Lily’s ahead of it. – K
  • What do you think of Lily? – K/ I think she’s in her head, I can tell. – Cheryl Burke/ She’s been in her head for two years. We can’t get her out. Lips are frozen. – K/ A little bit stiff, very stiff. – Burke


  • Lily looks good on this. – K
  • Pliés, amazing. She’s the lowest one out of all of that. For sure. – Evan Miller
  • [Giving stickers] Right away, I would take Lily with the plié. Great. – Evan Miller/ You gave her the best plié in the room, which is something we really look for on resumes. Best pliés. – K
  • Please, please, please have fun and stop looking stressed. – K
  • [To her, Madeline S, and Meredith] Were you guys nervous? I could tell a little bit. It happens, but you can’t let them see you sweat. Something has to come over you, then when it’s go time, you’re like, “I got this.” – Melanie/ You’re all good dancers but there’s some frayed ends. Just somethings technically, I think could be better. – Tyce Diorio
  • [To her, Madeline S, and Meredith] You are all three good dancers. But I felt like I was watching three different dances. – J/ The best dancer knows how to work as a unit. So, you take a piece from Madeline, a piece from Meredith, a part from… put the puzzle together as one. – Melanie/ I think there’s definite room for improvement. So, try to focus on those things to really elevate the craft. – Tyce Diorio
  • [To her, Madeline S, and Meredith] The three of those girls, they’re not at the level that I can see. – Tyce Diorio/ I think they’re the weakest. – Melanie/ They’re the weakest. – Diorio/ That’s concerning. – K
  • [Giving stickers] I’m going to pass on Lily… (Lily, Madeline S, and Meredith) specifically all have the same issue. They do the movement, but it’s not polished. It’s not understood. It’s all possible for these girls; it’s just that they need to do a little more work, I think. – Tyce Diorio
  • There weren’t any surprises with who Tyce and Melanie didn’t pick. It’s been the same set of rookies that have had a lot of discussion. So, these are not new comments and not surprising comments. – K


  • Lily’s face looks frozen in that same expression. – K
  • [Giving stickers] I remember last year she got out on the field and she just shined. – Tess/ She’s one of everyone’s favorite girls in the locker room. – Heather/ I think she does have what it takes to be on this team, and to be an ambassador, and to be a performer. – Maddie
  • Lily always seems to have this worried look on her face, and she’s definitely behind in the group of training camp girls. – Melissa Rycroft
  • I can see what Kelli and Judy are talking about; it’s like her face freezes. And to me, it doesn’t look like she’s nervous. It looks like she’s thinking. And we need to get her to shut her brain off and just smile. – Melissa Rycroft
  • I will be honest. There is a disconnect. So, you need to think of something else when you’re dancing other than “I’m dancing and here’s my face.” Because right now that’s what I’m getting from you is that you’re trying to tell me you’re having fun but I’m like, “you’re not having fun.” – Melissa Rycroft
  • Smile, Lily, smile! – Melissa Rycroft
  • It looked like you were having fun is what it looked like, like your face was just easy. – Melissa Rycroft
  • Lily did great. She had a moment when she came up and that face lit up. And it was great. And if she can take that to practice, she’s good. – Melissa Rycroft
  • That’s Lily’s best. – K
  • That was your best routine of the season. – J
  • [End of episode confessional] I think now, it’s going to get harder because the ones that I thought might not make it through training camp are actually picking up steam and making progress. Lily has taken an uptick. Meredith’s taken an uptick. Kat’s taken an uptick. If they keep getting better, which we want them to, and we keep getting closer to them as people, it’s going to make my job really hard. – K


  • I love the University of Kentucky connection. – K [regarding an answer at media training]
  • Lily’s timing is way off. – J
  • Going to the circle, you’re getting there a little bit late. There’s four front rows here. Everyone is in somebody’s view. You can’t hide. One wrong move and it stands out like a sore thumb. – J
  • Lily’s making faces. – K/ I don’t think she knows she’s doing it. – Melissa
  • [Watching video of performance] Did you see yourself rushing a little bit on that? Can you back that up a little bit… ooh, look at Lily’s face. Do you all see how that could be a picture moment, and you have to be smiling. That picture right there could get published. – J
  • Lily’s off. She’s rushing. – Melissa
  • There was a very slight rushing. – J
  • [Giving stickers] Ugh, I do think she’s so sunny when she is. Technically, she was sloppier than the other girls. – Melissa
  • Lily wants to hurry up and get through the dance. But when we watch that, she’s got some field power. – K/ Some signs of power. She doesn’t know how to use her face yet to be entertaining. – J


  • [Cameos] Her smile didn’t change. – J/ No. – K [They bring Lily over to show her]
  • [Cameos] It is what it, same look. – K
  • Lily just looks strong there. – K
  • So far, I think Lily was stronger than Julia tonight. – K
  • Lily’s better tonight next to Victoria. – K
  • You had great isolations and pops. – J


  • I think Lily is stronger on the field and she looks like she’s having a lot of fun out there, which is reassuring. – K
  • Lily, I’m getting more confident in. The field has been her friend. – K
  • I haven’t given up on Lily. In fact, I think Lily’s… – K/ Really improved. – J


  • The performance from Lily, she just looked real natural. She has a lot of charm and character. I was not expecting that. – Charlotte
  • Looking back over training camp, Lily and Meredith have been hot topics of conversation. – K
  • [Giving out uniforms] Lily was a team favorite and there was a reason for that. Because she got stronger and stronger every rehearsal. – K
  • Last game, when I was thinking about who to give Abbey Bear to, this person came to mind right away. She’s someone who worked so hard and didn’t let not making the team the first time around stop her… Lily girl. – Lexie

Office Visits[]

Season 13[]


  • [Mid episode, first of two, at AT&T Stadium] Kelli gives her some of their feedback: “Fun and fresh,” “Somewhat out of control with the feet,” “Need to find the style a little bit with our dance,” “Fan kicks were off a little bit,” “Balance,” “Running out of gas on the kicks,” “Timing on kicks.” Kelli thinks they’d need to spend more time with her cleaning the routines and the choreography. It’ll need more work. But with tonight being the night they have to make final cuts: she’s not going to make this team. She adds that the purpose of this conversation is they want her to know how much potential she has here. She’s the perfect candidate to take prep classes and come back. Lily admits she’s caught off-guard, with this being her first office visit, though it’s not as if she ever thought she was safe. She asks if there’s anything that could change their minds, but this is met with denial. She thanks them, and says they know it’s not easy breaking hearts. She’ll be back next year, and Kelli says they’d recommend that, and she wouldn’t tell her that if she didn’t mean it.

Season 14[]


  • [End of episode, during rehearsal, second of three] Kelli says that when they released her last year, she remembered Lily being bothered by not having a conversation prior to getting cut. This year, the judges felt stronger about her dance, technique, and just overall. However, what they’ve heard more than once is that she doesn’t look like she’s having fun. She’s been described as frozen and vacant. They concerned if she’s nervous or so scared that they’re seeing fear in her face; they’re not seeing fun. Currently, she’s not top 36, and Lily agrees she doesn’t want that, and doesn’t want to be in the place where she was last year. Kelli tells her to “bump up,” and that showmanship could make a difference for her. Her not making this team won’t be due to her technical talent. Judy adds she needs a bright, confident face. Lily acknowledges she needs to make it look effortless, and thanks them for the feedback.


  • [End of episode, during rehearsal, first of two] Kelli asks her what it’ll take to express “fun” in all of her dances. Last night went well, and based on it, Kelli wouldn’t think twice about her making the team. But that’s one out of 24 routines, and they see to see what they saw with that one in all of the others. Lily would hate to go home because it didn’t look like she was having fun. She felt comfortable in the boots and dancing with the other girls. She was having a great time watching the others dance, so when she got out there, she was in her zone/element. She had a lot of fun performing that routine, which they could pick up on. Judy says she needs it to show no matter who she’s next to – she needs to feed off of herself. Kelli dismisses her from the office, saying she could make the team, but not if there’s only one fun routine, and to get out there and have fun.


  • [Early episode, at AT&T Stadium, alongside Meredith] Kelli tells them they’ve done a great job this summer, and it’s obvious the team loves and supports them. However, they’ve also been telling them that the team will be 36. But last rehearsal, they decided that’s not going to be the case, so they wanted to talk to them privately. [Commercial break, followed by the team announcement. There is later a flashback of what happened in the office – Kelli tells them that they’ve made the team.]

End of Journey[]

Season 13[]


  • Cut during the final rehearsal of training camp during her first office visit (8th of 9 cuts, 37 left afterwards)

Season 15[]


  • One of four veterans cut from training camp


Season 13[]


  • Makeover glamour shot (before and after)


  • When Melissa Rycroft asks the rookies for their weaknesses, Lily says she sometimes focuses so much on the count, that she forgets to hear the beats of the music


  • On the board, it can be seen that she’s received stickers from 5 of 6 evaluators (everybody but Judy)


  • She gets pulled from the field in the middle of rehearsal for her office visit

Season 14[]


  • She’s shown introducing herself to the judges at preliminaries, saying that she’s excited to be back auditioning again this year
  • Shown dancing while Judy mentions the auditionees getting better every season, and being able to see some of them in uniform tomorrow
  • She’s involved in a scene talking with the other returning training camp candidates (Jasmin, Kristin, Malena, Taylor T, and Victoria) from Season 13 while they await the results of preliminaries


  • Shown being invited to finals


  • Second-to-last shown being invited to training camp


  • She’s revealed to be tied for 38th (with two others) based on how the TCC’s were scored at finals


  • At uniform fittings, Lily tells Kelli that she feels much better and more secure this year


  • Makeover glamour shot (before and after)


  • Alongside Madeline S and Meredith, she participates in a Melissa Rycroft mentoring session, where Melissa focuses on getting her to relax and entertain


  • At media training she’s asked about other teams cutting professional dance squads, and says the DCC are timeless
  • Later at media training, she’s asked who she thinks will be the most valuable player, and says she’s excited to see Randall Cobb based on being from Tennessee and going to the same university as her
  • She’s one of the last four girls that Melissa Rycroft decides between giving the last sticker to (along with Julia, Meredith, and Shaina) before ultimately selecting Meredith


  • She has a segment with Alanna moving into their new house


  • After Lily and Meredith get pulled inside for an office visits, Kelli comes out and informs the team they won’t be having a squad of 36 this year (possibly suggesting that those two were cut). However, it is revealed to be 37, as Lily and Meredith come running onto the field, and their teammates mob them.
  • Lexie gives her the Abbey Bear after their first game
Season 14 Stickers
Travis Wall, Jennifer Colvin, Charm La'Donna, KaShara Garrett, Evan Miller, Amy, Heather, MaddieDenise Dicharry, Tyce Diorio, Tess, Melissa Rycroft


  • Denver Broncos Cheerleader post-DCC
Season 14 Rookie Class
Amanda, Chandi, Kat, Kelcey, Kristin, Lily, Lisa, Meredith, Taylor P., Victoria

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Lily (S14 Rookie) (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.