Loans for First-Time Homebuyers: How to Finance (2024)

Obtaining a mortgage is a crucial step in purchasing your first home, and there are several factors for choosing the most appropriate one. While the myriad of financing options available for first-time homebuyers can seem overwhelming, taking the time to research the basics of property financingcan save youa significant amount of time and money.

Understanding the marketwhere the property is located and whether it offers incentives to lenders, may mean added financial perks for you. By taking a close look at your finances, you can ensure that youare getting the mortgage that best suits your needs. This article outlines some important details that first-time homebuyers need to make their big purchase.

Key Takeaways

  • When applying for a mortgage, lenders will evaluate your creditworthiness and ability to repay based on your income, assets, debts, and credit history.
  • As you choose a mortgage, you’ll have to decide between a fixed or floating rate, the number of years to pay off your mortgage, and the size of your down payment.
  • Depending on your circ*mstances, you may be eligible for more favorable terms through a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan, a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) loan, or another type of government-guaranteed loan.
  • As a first-time homebuyer, you may be eligible for special programs that allow you to access deeply discounted homes and put low or no money down.

First-Time Homebuyer Requirements

To be approved for a mortgage, you’ll need to meet several requirements, depending on the type of loan for which you are applying. To be approved specifically as a first-time homebuyer, you’ll need to meet the definition of a first-time homebuyer, which is broader than you may think. You don't have to be a homebuyer in your 20s to be considered a first-time buyer.

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, a first-time homebuyer is someone who meets one of the following criteria:

  • Has not owned a principal residence for three years
  • Is a single parent who has only owned with a former spouse while married
  • Is a displaced homemaker and has only owned with a spouse
  • Has only owned a residence not permanently affixed to a foundation
  • Is an individual who has only owned a property that was not in compliance with building codes.

You’ll generally need to have proof of income for a minimum of two years income sufficient to pay the mortgage, a down payment of at least 3.5%, and a credit score of at least 620; however, as a first-time homebuyer, some programs can allow you to buy a home with a low income, $0 down, and credit scores as low as 500.

Loan Types

Conventional Loans

Conventional loans aremortgagesthat are not insured or guaranteed by the federal government. They are typicallyfixed-rate mortgages.They are some of the most difficult types of mortgages to qualify for because of their stricter requirements: a biggerdown payment, highercredit score, lower debt-to-income (DTI) ratios, and the potential for aprivate mortgage insurance (PMI)requirement. However, if you can qualify for a conventional mortgage, they are usually less costly thanloans that are guaranteed by the federal government.

Conventional loans are defined as either conforming loans or nonconforming loans. Conforming loans comply withguidelines, such as the loan limitsset forth by government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These lenders (and various others) often buy and package these loans and then sell them as securities on the secondary market; however, loans that are sold on the secondary market must meet specific guidelines to be classified as conforming loans.

The maximum conforming loan limitfor aconventional mortgage in 2024 is $766,550, though it can be more fordesignated high-cost areas. A loan made above this amountis called a jumbo loan, which usually carries a slightly higher interest rate. These loans carry more risk (since they involve more money), making them less attractive to thesecondary market.

For nonconforming loans, the lending institution underwriting the loan, usually a portfolio lender, setsits ownguidelines. Due to regulations, nonconforming loans cannot be sold on the secondary market.

Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loans

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), provides various mortgage loan programs for Americans. An FHA loan has lower down payment requirements and is easier to qualify for than a conventional loan.

FHA loans are excellent for first-time homebuyers because, in addition to lower up-front loan costs and less stringent credit requirements, youcan makea down paymentas low as 3.5%. FHA loans cannot exceed the statutory limits described above.


Upfront fees on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac home loans changed in May 2023. Fees were increased for homebuyers with higher credit scores, such as 740 or higher, while they were decreased for homebuyers with lower credit scores, such as those below 640. Another change: Your down payment will influence what your fee is. The higher your down payment, the lower your fees, though it will still depend on your credit score. Fannie Mae provides the Loan-Level Price Adjustments on its website.

However, all FHA borrowers must pay a mortgage insurance premium, rolled into their mortgage payments. Mortgage insurance is an insurance policy that protects a mortgage lender or titleholder if the borrower defaults on payments, passes away, or is otherwise unable to meet the contractual obligations of the mortgage.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Loans

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) guarantees VA loans. The VA does not make loans itself but guarantees mortgages made by qualified lenders. These guarantees allow veterans to obtain home loans with favorable terms (usually without a down payment).

In most cases, VA loans are easier to qualify for than conventional loans. Lenders generally limit the maximum VA loan to conventional mortgage loan limits.Before applying for a loan, you’ll need to request your eligibility from the VA. If you are accepted, the VA will issue a certificate of eligibility that you can use to apply fora loan.

In addition to these federal loan types and programs, state and local governments and agencies sponsor assistance programs toincreaseinvestment or homeownership in certain areas.

Equity and Income Requirements

Home mortgage loan pricingis determined by the lender in two ways, and both methods are based on thecreditworthiness of the borrower. In addition to checking your FICO score from the three major credit bureaus, lenders will calculate theloan-to-value (LTV) ratio and the debt-service coverage ratio (DSCR) to determine the amount that they’re willing to loan to you, plus the interest rate.

LTV is the amount of actual or implied equity available in the collateral being borrowed against. For home purchases, LTV is determined by dividing the loan amountby the purchase price of the home.Lenders assume thatthe more money you are putting up (in the form of a down payment), the less likely you are to default on the loan. The higher the LTV, the greater the risk of default, so lenders will charge more.

For this reason, you should include any type of qualifying income that you can when negotiating with a mortgage lender. Sometimes, an extra part-time job or other income-generating business can make the difference between qualifying or not qualifying for a loan, or in receiving the best possible rate. A mortgage calculator can show you the impact of different rates on your monthly payment.

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

LTV also determineswhether youwill be required to purchase the PMI mentioned earlier. PMI helps to insulate the lender from default by transferring a portion of the loan risk to a mortgage insurer. Most lenders require PMI for any loan with an LTV greater than 80%.

This translates to any loan in which youownless than 20% equity in the home. The amount being insured and the mortgage program will determinethecost of mortgage insurance and how it’s collected.

Most mortgage insurance premiums are collected monthly, along with tax and property insurance escrows. OnceLTV is equal to or less than 78%, PMI is supposed to be eliminated automatically. Youmay also be able tocancel PMI once the home has appreciated enough in value to give you20% home equity and a set period has passed, such as two years.

Some lenders, such as the FHA, will assess the mortgage insurance as a lump sum and capitalize it into the loan amount.

As a rule of thumb, try to avoid PMI because it is a cost that has no benefit to you.

There are ways to avoid paying for PMI. One is not to borrow more than 80% of the property value when purchasing a home; the other is to use home equity financing or a second mortgage to put down more than 20%.The most common programis called an 80-10-10 mortgage. The 80 stands for the LTV of the first mortgage, the first 10 stands for the LTV of the second mortgage, and the second 10 represents your home equity.

The rate on the second mortgage will be higher than the rate on the first mortgage, but on a blended basis, it should not be much higher than the rate of a 90% LTV loan. An 80-10-10 mortgage can beless expensive thanpaying for PMI. Italso allows you to accelerate thepayment of the second mortgage and eliminate that portion of the debt quickly so you can pay off your homeearly.

Fixed-Rate Mortgages vs. Floating-Rate Mortgages

Another consideration is whether to obtain a fixed-rate or floating-rate (also called a variable-rate) mortgage. In afixed-rate mortgage,the rate does not change for the entire period of the loan. The obvious benefit of getting a fixed-rate loan is that you knowwhat the monthly loan costs will be for the entire loan period. And, if prevailing interest rates are low, then you’ve locked in a good rate for a substantial time.

Afloating-rate mortgage, such as an interest-only mortgage or an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), is designed to assist first-time homebuyers or people who expect their incomes to rise substantially over the loan period. Floating-rate loans usually allow you to obtain lower introductory rates during the first few years of the loan, which allows you to qualify for more money than if you had tried to get a more expensive fixed-rate loan.

Of course, this option can be risky if your income does not grow in step with the increasein interest rate. The other downside is that the path of market interest rates is uncertain: If they dramatically rise, your loan’s terms will skyrocket with them.

How Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs) Work

The most common types of ARMs are for one-, five-, or seven-year periods. The initial interest rate is normally fixed for a period of time and then resetsperiodically, often every month. Once an ARM resets, it adjusts to the market rate, usually by adding some predetermined spread (percentage) to the prevailing U.S. Treasury rate.

Although the increaseis typicallycapped, an ARM adjustment can bemore expensive than the prevailing fixed-rate mortgage loan to compensate the lender for offeringa lower rate during the introductory period.

Interest-only loans are a type of ARM in which you only paymortgage interest and not principal during the introductory period until the loan reverts to a fixed, principal-paying loan.

Such loans can be very advantageous for first-time borrowers because only paying interest significantly decreases the monthly cost of borrowing and will allow you to qualify for a much larger loan; however, because you payno principal during the initial period, the balance due on the loan does not change until youbeginto repay the principal.

The DSCR determines yourability to pay the mortgage. Lendersdivide yourmonthly net incomeby the mortgage costs toassess the probability that youwill default on the mortgage. Most lenders will require DSCRs of greater than one.

The greater the ratio, the greater the probability that you will be able to cover borrowing costs and the less risk that the lender assumes. The greater the DSCR, the more likely a lender will negotiate the loan rate; even at a lower rate, the lender receives a better risk-adjusted return.

Mortgage lending discrimination is illegal. If you think that you’ve been discriminated against based on race, religion, sex, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability, or age, there are steps that you can take. One such step is to file a report with either the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or HUD.

Specialty Programs for First-Time Homebuyers

In addition to all of the traditional sources of funding, there are several specialty programs for first-time homebuyers.

Ready Buyer

The Federal National Mortgage Association’s (Fannie Mae’s) HomePath Ready Buyer program is designed for first-time buyers and provides up to 3% assistance toward closing costs on the purchase of a foreclosed property owned by Fannie Mae. To be eligible for the program, interested buyers must complete a mandatory home-buying education course before making an offer.

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

Every first-time homebuyer is eligible to take up to $10,000 out of atraditional individual retirement account (IRA)without paying the 10% penalty for early withdrawal. The limit is per individual, so a couple could withdraw up to $10,000 each from their own IRAs for a total of $20,000 to put down.

If a homebuyer wants to withdraw up to $10,000 for a home purchase from a Roth IRA, they can do so without penalty, as long as they’ve had the Roth account for at least five years. Note that this only exempts you from the penalty for early withdrawal. If you withdraw from a traditional IRA, you will still have to pay income tax on the money withdrawn.

Down Payment Assistance Programs

Many states have down payment assistance programs for first-time buyers. Eligibility varies from state to state, but generally, these programs are geared toward lower-income individuals and public servants. HUD maintains a list of programs for each state.

What Credit Score Is Needed to Buy a House?

Most conventional mortgages require a credit score of 620 or greater; however, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans can accept a credit score as low as 500 with a 10% down payment or as low as 580 with a 3.5% down payment.

What Is the Average Interest Rate for a First-Time Homebuyer?

Interest rates depend on various factors, including credit scores, down payment percentage, type of loan, and market conditions. There is no data to indicate that first-time homebuyers with similar creditworthiness and circ*mstances pay higher or lower interest rates than experienced homebuyers.

Are There Any State Tax Credits for First-Time Homebuyers?

While the first-time homebuyer tax credit was eliminated at the federal level in 2010, several states still offer state tax credits for first-time homebuyers. Additionally, some municipalities and counties offer property tax reductions for first-time homebuyers in their first year. Check with a local tax professional to see what you may be eligible for in your area.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking fora home mortgage for the first time, you may find it difficult to sort through all the financing options. Taketime to decidehow much home you can afford and then finance accordingly.

If you can afford to put down a substantial amount or have enough income to create a low LTV, you will have more negotiating power with lenders and the most financing options. If you push for the largest loan, you may be offered a higher risk-adjusted rate and private mortgage insurance.

Weigh the benefit of obtaining a larger loan with the risk. Interest rates typically float during the interest-only period and will often adjust in reaction to changes in market interest rates. Also, considerthe risk that yourdisposable income won’t rise along with the possible increase in borrowing costs.

A good mortgage broker or mortgage banker should be able to help steer you through all the different programs and options, but nothing will serve you better than knowing your priorities for a mortgage loan.

Loans for First-Time Homebuyers: How to Finance (2024)


What type of loan is best for first-time buyers? ›

Government-backed mortgage loans

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Agriculture (USDA) back mortgage programs that are often an option for first-time homebuyers.

What is the most common way to finance a home purchase? ›

Apply for a conventional mortgage

Conventional mortgages are the most common home financing tool. Conventional mortgage lenders, like banks and credit unions, typically require you have a credit score of at least 620 and a debt-to-income ratio lower than 50%.

What is the $10,000 grant for first-time home buyers in Florida? ›

The Florida Assist program provides eligible borrowers with up to $10,000 in assistance on FHA, VA, USDA, and conventional loans. The assistance is provided as a deferred second mortgage with a 0% interest rate. One of the benefits of the Florida Assist program is that there are no monthly payments required.

What is the income limit for first-time home buyers in Florida? ›

What is the income limit for first-time homebuyers in Florida? The income limit to qualify for first-time homebuyer assistance programs varies by county and program. Generally, you should be around or below 80% of your area's median income, which is $35,216 for an individual and $61,777 for households in Florida.

Is an FHA loan a good idea? ›

Benefits Of FHA Loans. An FHA loan can grant many borrowers the opportunity to become homeowners – especially those who have a somewhat low credit score and a reasonably high amount of debt. Known to be more forgiving and less restrictive than some other loan types, FHA loans present numerous benefits.

What credit score is needed to buy a house? ›

For a conventional mortgage in California, you typically need a minimum score of at least 600. If you qualify for certain government-backed loans, however, you may be able to buy a home with a score as low as 500. Read on to learn about credit scores and how they affect your ability to make a home purchase.

What is the easiest home loan to get? ›

An FHA loan will typically be the easiest mortgage to qualify for because it offers the lowest credit score requirement — far lower than for a conventional loan — and requires only a 3.5% down payment.

What is the easiest type of home loan to get? ›

FHA loans: Insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), FHA loans can be had with a credit score as low as 580 and a 3.5 percent down payment, or a score as low as 500 with 10 percent down.

What is the best bank to finance a house? ›

Best Mortgage Lenders of 2024
  • Northpointe Bank – Best Lender for No Down Payment Mortgage.
  • PenFed Credit Union – Best Lender for Saving Money on Fees.
  • Rocket Mortgage – Best Lender for Flexible Mortgage Terms.
  • Truist – Best Home Loan Lender for Applying Online.
  • loanDepot – Best Lender for Fast Closing Times.

How does an FHA loan work? ›

FHA loans work like most other mortgages, with either a fixed or adjustable interest rate and a loan term for a set number of years. FHA loans come with two term options: 15 years or 30. You'll also pay closing costs for an FHA loan, such as appraisal and origination fees.

What is the income limit for down payment assistance in Florida? ›

Eligibility Requirements
Income Level (AMI)Maximum Award Amount
Low-Income Households (51-80% AMI): Up to $53,500 annual income for individual; $76,400 for family of four.$75,000
Moderate Income Households (81-120% AMI): Up to $80,280 annual income for individual; $114,600 for family of four.$50,000
1 more row

How much are closing costs in Florida? ›

According to ClosingCorp, the average closing costs for buyers in Florida is 2.3% of the purchase price. This means you would spend $6,900 for a $300,00 house in Florida. You can use the Florida buyer closing costs calculator to get the most accurate costs.

What credit score do I need to buy a house with no money down? ›

Eligible borrowers typically include those with debt lower than 41 percent of income, a fairly good credit score above 620, no previous home ownership in the last 36 months, primary residence intent for the property being bought, and the overall financing is 97 percent maximum.

Does Florida have a down payment assistance program? ›

The Florida Hometown Heroes Housing Program makes homeownership affordable for eligible community workforce. This program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time, income-qualified homebuyers so they can purchase a primary residence in the community in which they work and serve.

What is the minimum credit score to buy a house in Florida? ›

Most of them require a minimum credit score of 580. A VA loan usually requires at least a 620 credit score. An FHA loan will usually require a FICO score of 580, while a USDA loan, jumbo loans and conventional loans (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans) are the highest with a minimum credit score of 640 or higher.

How much down payment for first-time home buyer in California? ›

California home buyer stats

"Minimum” down payment assumes 3% down on a conventional mortgage with a minimum credit score of 620. If you're eligible for a VA loan (backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs) or a USDA loan (backed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture), you may not need any down payment at all.

Which type of loans are usually the easiest to get? ›

Some of the easiest loans to get approved for if you have bad credit include payday loans, no-credit-check loans, and pawnshop loans. Personal loans with essentially no approval requirements typically charge the highest interest rates and loan fees.

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