Maddie (S11 Rookie) (2024)



  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 10
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 10
    • 2.2 Season 11
    • 2.3 Season 12
    • 2.4 Season 13
    • 2.5 Season 14
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 10
    • 3.2 Season 11
    • 3.3 Season 12
    • 3.4 Season 13
    • 3.5 Season 14
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 10
  • 5 End of Journey
    • 5.1 Season 10
  • 6 Other
    • 6.1 Season 10
    • 6.2 Season 11
    • 6.3 Season 12
    • 6.4 Season 13
    • 6.5 Season 14
  • 7 Misc.


Season 10[]


[Joint biography with Elizabeth] She grew up training in her mother’s dance studio, and never left. She was a studio rat, and was, “eat, sleep, drink, dance.” She’s roommates with Elizabeth, and they’re living together with a family friend. Elizabeth says that the two of them met right after their numbers were called for training camp. [Elizabeth’s portion of biography] Elizabeth adds that the criticism from Kelli and Judy may be brutal. Madeline says that fifty dances is a lot to learn in one summer. Elizabeth says that being able to take the criticism and being mentally tough will be the biggest challenge. Madeline is excited to get out and get to do her own thing, and this is the first time she’s been old enough to get out on her own and do what she really wants to do.


Total: 45

Season 10: 15 (7th most)

Season 11: 15 (T5 most)

Season 12: 3

Season 13: 4

Season 14: 8 (19th most)

Season 10[]


  • [Fan vote] “Last time I checked, I was in the top 10. I know that lots of radio stations and news channels have mentioned me. So, I’m really grateful that I have the support that I have at home. If Kelli calls my name, I will probably pee my pants.“


  • “My tight kicks could definitely be detrimental to my place on the team, if I have one.“
  • “This dance is very fast-paced, and we’re learning it really fast. It’s definitely difficult.“
  • [Joint biography with Elizabeth]
  • “I’m not sure what happened tonight. The choreography is definitely hard, and then you’re just kind of thrown out there and you’re like, “Can you do it for us?” I know I can push through it. ‘Cause I want this so bad. [Starts crying] I’m sorry. This is silly. But I want this so bad, and I’m really disappointed in myself.“ [Confessional is interrupted by Melissa Rycroft, and turns into an impromptu meeting, see “other” below]
  • “My first rehearsal was rough last night. It was a little bit emotional. I went home, practiced a little bit more. I feel much better this morning.“
  • “Last night, I didn’t do my best, and I wanted to come back better. Tonight, I still didn’t do my best, [teary] but I’m going to go home and practice my butt off.“


  • “I do feel like they’re definitely watching me. If there’s one thing that they see that is not fixable, I think it could be a cut night.“


  • “It does make me nervous that tonight could be a cut night. You never know. But you gotta treat every night like it’s your last and give it everything you’ve got.“
  • [Makeover] “I don’t know what Kelli wants done with my hair. I know she doesn’t want this. “
  • “I did not realize how far away from the DCC look I was.“
  • [Gets new hairstyle] “Now that I’ve got the DCC look, I feel like I could bring the DCC style to my dancing a little bit more, and I think that will definitely help going into training camp again.“
  • [Fashion show] “Walking down the runway, and I feel like I just blacked out, like everything kind of goes blurry.“
  • [Before office] “Kelli called me into the office tonight. It could be they’re sending me home. They could be concerned about my kicks again or that I’m not necessarily getting the style yet. Whatever happens, it’s going to happen for a reason.“
  • [After cut] “Unfortunately, I am not going to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader this year. I learned so much. I’m just grateful for the opportunity that I got to be here at all. [Flashbacks] I got to be part of such an incredible thing. It was a good ride, but unfortunately, I’ve got to drive on home now.“
  • [To the other girls, after getting cut] “I just wanted to say thank you for being such incredible role models. And there's a reason why people look up to you and you're America's sweethearts, so thank you so much, each and every one of you.“

Season 11[]


  • [Narrating over old clips] “Made it to training camp last year, but got cut. They had trouble figuring out a look for me. I went home and worked hard. I had been fighting my naturally curly hair forever, so it feels good to just be myself [has curly hair this year]. I’m back and hopefully it’s good enough this year.“
  • [During announcement of finalists] “Can’t put into words how much I want it. I promised myself I wasn’t going to cry this season.
  • [Makes it to finals] “Holy crap, going back to finals. Going to do a little dance.“


  • “Last year at training camp, Kitty (Carter) didn’t love me. I took the criticism and made it into a positive.“
  • [After Kitty praises her] “So relieved, like a million pounds of weight off my shoulder.“
  • [Finals] “I love making eye contact with Charlotte (Jones) anytime I dance, because she just lights up. It reminds me to lift my chest up and smile bigger.“
  • “Heart is beating a million MPH, palms sweaty, super nervous, fingers crossed that Kelli calls my name [for training camp].“


  • “My whole life I’ve never had a Barbie, so that was exciting for me.“
  • “We’re here to get tips from Melissa Rycroft heading before heading to day 2 of training camp, which is super exciting.“
  • “Last year I had a tough training camp, and Melissa Rycroft was such a good mentor to me [show flashback]. She always had positive, encouraging things to say, and it was very helpful.“


  • [Kacey Musgraves visits training camp] “They completely shocked us. We all expected Kitty to come in and … okay, starstruck over here.“


  • [Makes team] “I told myself I wasn’t going to cry for the rest of training camp, but training camp’s over now, so I guess this is okay, right?“
  • [First performance as a DCC - The Star opening ceremony] “That’s a really nerve-wracking feeling, to know that I could be dancing right in front of Mr. Jerry Jones himself.“
  • [Before first game entrance] “I’ve started to get shaky, and there’s a pit in my stomach.“
  • [After first game] “Last year, the whole process of going through training camp and getting cut; it was super hard. [Flashback to her cut] It took a while to kind of get back on my feet. But as soon as I did, I used it as motivation to get me back here. [Flashback to her getting invited to training camp this year] This year going into training camp, I just wanted to go in there and do my very best. It means so much to me to have this uniform on. I’m so proud I didn’t give up on my dream, because I wouldn’t be here today if I did.“

Season 12[]


  • [About her spot in the formation] "Last year, I had three people, and this year, it’s kind of like, okay, you’re a guide for the rest of your team. Don’t let them down. Don’t let your line down because you’re going to throw everyone else off. So, I have to really focus and really think about my spots."


  • [Hall of Fame Jerry Jones induction performance] "The other day, I got a little bit of heat exhaustion, so today I’ve been filling myself up with water so I don’t overheat."
  • "Getting dehydrated the other day could have been a setback, but it actually ended up working out great and I feel awesome. A night to remember for sure."

Season 13[]


  • "It is such an honor for me to be named the group leader. I didn’t see it coming. It’s definitely always a goal to be growing in this process, and I hope that I can help others grow now with this leadership role."


  • [Placed at front of triangle near Lacey and Kashara (point) ] "When Judy called my name for that spot, I was nothing shy of surprised and honored. I’m really excited and I hope I can hold up my end of the bargain."


  • "Marty (Kudelka) is an out-of-this-world choreographer. His syncopation, and his timing, and musicality, is unreal. I was so excited. He is someone I’ve looked up to since I was teeny-tiny."
  • [Praised by Marty] "It was like having your idol tell you you’re great. And you’re like, ''Wait, are you lying to me? Is this real? Are you just being nice''?"

Season 14[]


  • "There’s only nine spots open this year and at this point, it’s hard because we get to know these women so well."


  • [Made point for second part of routine] "Oh, what? Judy made a very nonchalant formation change; wasn’t expecting it at all."


  • [Cooking challenge] "I like to think I’m an okay cook, so everyone else is going down."
  • "We got quesadillas, which rock. I feel like it’s hard to mess up a quesadilla. We are athletes and we’re always working, and then we come to practice at night. We need to just make sure we’re fueling our bodies the right way."
  • "We don’t play games in Group 2."
  • "It’s really hard when we get to this point, and there’s still girls that are going to be cut. Everyone’s putting in the same effort and it could all end really soon."


  • "We just wanted to give all of the girls the yellow rose. Remind them that they were picked for this team for a reason."
  • "I’ve got my girls with me, and so it feels really good to be back out here."


Season 10[]


  • "Yeah, Madeline!" – Neal McCoy
  • [Finals deliberations] "She needs a makeover. Her hair is way too dark, and her eyebrows can be re-shaped." - Gabriel Torres/"I just loved her story and loved her dancing, but I think if you’re counting on her to take a makeover and change her face, you’re not going to be able to do it." –Neal/"Glad you said that Neal, because I wouldn’t. But she’s an outstanding dancer." – Kelli
  • "She can dance." - Scott Padgett


  • "Madeline, your kicks are tight, both right and left." – Kelli
  • "Madeline, you’re a little tight." – Judy
  • "Madeline has spent her life in the dance studio, so her struggling with kicks was really surprising for me." – Judy
  • "Madeline prances her little feet precise. And then she falls apart." – Judy
  • "I think there’s something that you’re over-popping, where it almost looks a little spastic." – Kelli/"Dance comes easy to you, and you’re making mistakes now. And you’re letting it show all in your face." – Judy
  • "I thought you did good tonight. What did you expect the first night, though? That you would just get it perfectly?" - Melissa Rycroft/"No, I knew it would be hard, but..." Maddie/"It's just a different style that you have to get in your head. You need to know that and remember that." - Melissa/"Thank you so much." - Maddie/"Stop crying, I don't like to see you cry on the first night! We got a long way to go!" – Melissa
  • "You come from my team of too sharp. Welcome to the team, you can totally be a part of it. Try to find moments where you can, I mean, whatever line you have, holding that line until the very last possible second before you make that transition. So, this would be one of those. Because you’re almost too quick on all this, instead of boom-boom, and really taking your time through that line." – Jennifer Kathryne
  • "Oh, that ''pop'' is still there." – Judy
  • "Why won’t she smile?"
  • "Madeline, lots of mistakes. You need to make us enjoy watching you dance." – Judy/"Something just sucked the life out of you on that one." – Kelli


  • "Madeline’s a wreck." – Kelli
  • "I like that wow." – Kelli
  • "I thought you were kind of rigid. But Melissa did well in telling you to smile and stop making all those faces, because that helped you." – Kelli/"It did help." – Judy
  • "What do you think about Madeline? I think she’s bottom 10." – Kelli
  • "Was it too much shoulder isolation? – Kelli/"It’s too much, yeah. Like, just soften it up." – Stephanie DiBiase Wheat


  • "I can’t watch Madeline’s expressions." – Kelli
  • "You’re kind of overexpressing, and sometimes your expressions are closed-mouth. Just a pretty, pleasant, fun smile." – Kelli
  • [Makeover] "Since auditions, we said if we change her hair, and we change her makeup, she could make it, because she’s a good dancer. – Kelli/"Well, I’d hate for her to go home just because of her look, ‘cause that can be changed."/"Well, it's in your hands." – Kelli
  • "Right now, she looks like a little girl in a bad, black wig." – Kelli
  • "[Your hair is] too hard. It’s almost goth."
  • "If the makeover isn’t successful for Madeline, it could be the stop sign for this training camp." – Kelli
  • "A successful makeover like this definitely gives us hope where there was doubt and could buy a girl more time." – Kelli
  • "I love the tones with her eyes. What a different the color makes." – Kelli
  • [Walking runway] "That wasn’t comfortable, was it?" – Judy/"No." – Kelli
  • "Madeline’s trying to knock it out of the park." – Kelli

Season 11[]


  • "This one was in training camp last year." – Kelli


  • "So excited for you this year since I beat you up bad last year, but you took it and you’re back again. High five!" – Kitty Carter
  • "She gets my comeback girl of the year award. She talked the talk and now she’s walking the walk. Proud that she’s back and she’s better," – Kelli/"Drop the mic." – Charlotte Jones
  • "She personifies everything this tryout is about. Don’t give up and keep coming back and get better." – Scott Padgett/"I think she’s pleasant to watch, but where’s the wow?" – Charlotte /"And I think that’s what she was missing today." – Judy


  • "You just nailed it this year." – Kelli [awarding her a Barbie]
  • [Yes or no’s] "Yes." – Kelli


  • "Melissa, who did you watch and why?"/[Points to Maddie] "Madeline, I’m proud of you. Fun. I think you had the most energy." – Melissa Rycroft


  • "I couldn’t take my eyes off of you." – Judy


  • "Pretty." [cameos]
  • [Show group auditions] “That reverse. Yes, girl!” – Kitty Carter


  • [At show group performance] "You made some big [mistakes]." – Judy

Season 12[]


  • [Finals] "Yeah, girl." – Neal McCoy
  • "Maddie’s solo was just darn near flawless. She has learned how to really captivate an audience." – Kelli


  • "Maddie definitely outdid everybody. To be a white Mormon girl from Utah, you definitely funked it out." – Kelli


  • [Practice with RaeLynn] "Oh my gosh." – RaeLynn


  • "Maddie, good, clean choreography." – Kelli


  • [Practice for Jerry Jones Hall of Fame induction performance] "Maddie’s overheating." – Kelli/"Yeah, she’s just, you know how people get red around the mouth and white and their eyes are white?" – Judy
  • "If Maddie goes down and we’re down one girl, then that’s going to be a problem." – Judy

Season 13[]


  • [Solo] Well, go girl!/ She’s so cool! – Melissa Rycroft/ Damn. – K
  • Maddie struggling on those kicks.


  • [Part of Kristin’s office visit, where she’s asking how to improve her “wow”] Have somebody film you dancing side-by-side with Kelli, and Maddie, and Lexie. And then you watch it and then you’ll see what we’re saying. – K


  • [One of three selected by guest choreographer Marty Kudelka as his favorites]
  • You’re a superstar. So, everybody’s level has to go up to match her. – Marty Kudelka
  • Maddie’s another one… I’d buy a ticket to go watch them dance. – Marty Kudelka

Season 14[]


  • Here comes my girlfriend, everyone… Man I wish I could do that. – Melissa
  • Oh, my God, Maddie. Maddie! I have loved her from day one. And it still shocks me she didn’t make it her first year. And you look at her now, and she’s going to be a star. – Melissa
  • That’s what I looked like out there auditioning! – Melissa


  • [One of those selected by Travis Wall for standing out]


  • Maddie is crushing. She’s feeling it and it’s awesome. – Melissa


  • [Asked who he’d make point, also mentioning Gina and Amy] I think Maddie is great. Just the way she moves her body sometimes. – Evan Miller
  • [Giving stickers] Maddie is incredible. – Tyce Diorio/ Oh, we love her style. – K/ Love her. – Diorio


  • You’re much more confident, this year. – J
  • [After revealing she tested as a “commander” on the CORE] Because tonight, I was watching you, and you’re like, “Y’all got it, y’all got it, y’all ready to go on? Let’s go!” And I was like, “She has to be a commander.” – K


  • [Setting “first” triangle] She was in this position last year. She’s always delivered. She’s great. – J
  • The second triangle, it’s completely different choreography than the first one. It’s a lot more strong, sharp movements. And that’s what Maddie’s great at. – J


  • Maddie’s grabbing her leg and is in pain… yeah, Maddie’s hurt. – K
  • Maddie’s knee has been bothering her for a few nights now. And tonight, she did the kickline and the jump split, and it really got even more aggravated, and she’s not ready to go on performing in tonight’s rehearsal. – J

Office Visits[]

Season 10[]


  • [Mid episode, second of three] Kelli says they’ve talked about the style and she’s “over-popping.” If they were doing a hip-hop routine competition, they’d have her front and center. But they’re not. They do huge performances on a huge stage, and do country, pop, rock, under all different styles. They’re big and happy/smiley, not her style. Kelli says it’s not an easy journey, and this is her first challenge. Maddie says she’ll go home and work her tail off, if they allow it. Kelli hopes she can smooth those edges. She thinks Melissa gave her good advice to smile. Maddie appreciates their critiques. [Maddie leaves] Judy says that she’s good and that she almost got that “wow” feeling again. Kelli says she was “wow” at prelims, but then she’d lost it until the last routine.


  • [End of episode, third of three] Kelli says they’re making decisions tonight. She was a great soloist at auditions. She’s an articulate dancer with very good control of her body. Training camp is designed for them to see how they can grow and develop as a performer. They don’t think her style matches the team. [Commercial break] Kelli wants her to know that she’s a strong performer. Maddie wants her to know that she’s very willing to work, however. Kelli’s read her recommendations, and believes that. They’ve seen it. However, in their limited time, they have to make decisions, and it’s final: tonight’s will be her last night. Maddie says it’s been a whirlwind, and she’s grateful she ever got to be a remotely a part of their incredible organization.

End of Journey[]

Season 10[]


  • Fourth person cut from training camp, at the end of week 3 (4th out of 12, 42 left afterwards)


Season 10[]


  • At panel interviews, she’s asked about how the uniform meshes with her Mormon faith. Maddie says it does, as long as you wear it with grace and poise. Neal McCoy remarks that if she does have the uniform on, it’ll be with grace and poise.
  • She’s shown performing her solo at finals
  • She’s mentioned to be in the top 3 for the fan vote
  • Last one shown being invited to training camp [though she’s clearly not actually the last person invited]


  • Melissa interrupts Madeline’s confessional and asks why she’s crying. Maddie says she’s not doing her best tonight, but will come back better tomorrow. Melissa thinks she did good tonight, and asks if she thought she’d just get it perfectly? She tells Maddie it’s just a different style she has to do. She tells her to stop crying and that she doesn’t like seeing her cry, and that it’s just the first night.


  • She has a conversation with Melissa Rycroft during a break in practice, who tells her that the last time she saw her, she was in tears. Melissa tells her to keep her smile and presence.
  • She’s one of three TCC’s (along with Rose and Shelbi) shown receiving criticism while Kelli gives her end of episode confessional


  • Makeover glamour shot (before and after): more makeup, and hair is wavier and changed from jet black to a brown and black mix
  • If you pause, you can see a list of the scores she received at auditions: she was ranked #40 and received 7 yeses, 5 maybes, and 4 no’s

Season 11[]


  • Introduces self to judges at prelims (after Kelli confessional about so many comeback girls)
  • 3rd to last shown being invited to finals


  • Shown introducing self to judges for on-field portion of finals
  • Top three in fan vote
  • Shown being invited to training camp


  • Shown introducing self at first meeting – uses sign language to do so
  • Gets a Barbie


  • Announced as show group member


  • Locker room photo highlighted

Season 12[]


  • Her solo performance is shown
  • She is shown being invited to training camp


  • Introduces herself at the first meeting: has a dream to be on “Carpool Karaoke” with James Corden because she loves to sing in the car


  • Judy has her show Lauren how to perform a move.


  • Shown being placed in third row of the triangle for the Canton performance


  • Gets heat exhaustion rehearsing in Canton

Season 13[]


  • At panel interviews, Kelli asks Maddie to share her “My Cause, My Boots” with the judges. She talks about her best friend who has Down Syndrome, and how she got two boots for him before he passed away.
  • Her solo (introduced as the last of the day) is shown


  • Announced as group leader for group four


  • While it isn’t shown, she can be seen standing among those who have made show group


  • She gives Kristin feedback on the field entrance


  • She’s placed in the second row of the triangle


  • Along with the other group leaders, meets Kelli and Judy in the office to evaluate the TCC’s
  • On the board, it can be seen that she’s received stickers from all six evaluators


  • At the meet the team event, Kelli announces her to the crowd as one of their group leaders

Season 14[]


  • At panel interviews, she successfully names a current Cowboys player
  • Her solo is the last one of finals
  • Shown being invited to training camp


  • She’s revealed to be ranked 23rd based on how the TCC’s were scored at finals
  • She (and Amy) teach the routine at the first rehearsal


  • She announces to the team that they’re learning the kickline and jump split
  • She’s announced as group leader for group 2


  • While the announcement is not shown, it can be seen that she makes show group


  • As one of the group leaders, she is called into the office with the other group leaders to give their input on the TCC’s and give out her own personal 36 stickers


  • Placed in the second row of the triangle for the start of the routine, though it’s revealed that she will be at the point later in the routine
  • When Julia gets into a car accident, Kelli praises Maddie for meeting up with her where it happened


  • She is one of the main participants in the cooking competition, competing for group 2


  • Gets hurt going into the jump split


  • Returns to speak with the rookie candidates and share her words of wisdom
Season 14 Stickers
Travis Wall, Jennifer Colvin, Charm La'Donna, Denise Dicharry, KaShara Garrett, Evan Miller, Tyce Diorio, Amy, Heather, Maddie, Tess, Melissa RycroftNone


  • Has darker, straight hair in Season 10, and from Season 11 forward, has curly, brown hair
  • Group Leader in Season 13, Season 14 and Season 15
  • Shares point in Season 14 (with Amy) and in Season 15 (with Rachel W)
  • In Seasons 10 and 11, she is referred to as "Madeline", but from Season 12 on, she is referred to as "Maddie," possibly due to the introduction of the other Madeline
Season 11 Rookie Class
Allie, Cersten, Heather H., Heather O., Jessika, Kelli, Kelsey, Khalyn, Maddie, Maggie, Mandy, Milan, Selina, Tasha, Tess, Yuko

As an enthusiast with an in-depth knowledge of the content you've provided, it's evident that this text is a detailed overview of the journey of a person named Maddie or Madeline in the context of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC) reality show. The information is structured chronologically, providing insights into Maddie's experiences and challenges across multiple seasons.

Let's break down the concepts used in the article:

  1. DCC (Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders): Refers to the cheerleading squad associated with the Dallas Cowboys, an NFL team. The text revolves around Maddie's journey as a member of this cheerleading squad.

  2. 5 Years: Likely refers to a time span or duration mentioned in the article. It could be related to Maddie's involvement or the show's existence over five years.

  3. Point: This term is used in the context of the cheerleading formation, possibly indicating Maddie's position within the team's formation.

  4. Group Leader: Maddie holds the role of a group leader in Season 13, Season 14, and Season 15. This suggests a leadership position within the cheerleading squad.

  5. S11 Rookie: Indicates that Maddie was a rookie in Season 11, implying that it was her first season with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

  6. Successful Returnee: Maddie seems to have faced challenges, possibly being cut in a previous season but successfully returning for another attempt.

  7. Returnee: A term confirming Maddie's return for subsequent seasons after facing challenges.

  8. TCC (Training Camp Candidate): Refers to individuals undergoing the training camp process to become a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.

  9. Unsuccessful Candidates: Implies there are individuals who did not make it through the training camp to become Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

  10. Retired: Suggests that some individuals, possibly including Maddie, decided to retire from being a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.

  11. Calendar Girl: Indicates involvement in or recognition related to a calendar featuring the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

The article appears to provide a comprehensive overview of Maddie's journey, including her experiences, confessions, performances, and interactions with judges and mentors. It delves into specific details, such as makeovers, office visits, and commentary from judges, offering readers a detailed look into the dynamics of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders reality show.

Maddie (S11 Rookie) (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.