Mastering netball passes key to keeping opponents guessing (2024)

This is an excerpt from Netball: Steps to Success - 2nd Edition by Wilma Shakespear & Margaret Caldow.

Types of Passes

Netball throws fall into two categories: two-handed and one-handed passes. Within these categories are high-ball and low-ball passes that can be delivered with speed or floated into the space that a team member has created. Make sure you are proficient with either hand as well as with both hands. The strong defensive pressure on every pass that can be seen at the top levels of the game has resulted in two-handed passes, particularly the overhead pass, being used more frequently by all teams.

Most of the passes that you are introduced to here can be executed with one or two hands. These include the bounce, flick, overhead, side or bullet pass, shoulder and underarm. The lob is the one-handed pass that we cover; and the chest pass, the two-handed.

The passes and their advantages are listed in table 2.1. Mastering these basic techniques will enable you to develop a versatile range of throws that will keep your opponents guessing.

If you are a very young player, you might find it easier to use a smaller ball and try two-handed passes first. You will find that using both hands gives you more control and power initially.

One- or Two-Handed Passes

Passes that can be executed with either one or two hands are the easiest throws to begin with. Your hands sit either behind the ball or on the side of the ball. Your wrists and fingers guide the ball, and your elbows, arms and body weight generate speed and distance on the pass.

For the beginner the two-handed version enables a good long throw, even though the player may not have yet developed much upper-body power.

The more experienced netballer should be able to work the one- or two-handed version of the pass. Really good players can pass with either hand and from both sides of the body. Having a broad range of passes that you can use will be an asset in match play.

Remember: The two-handed pass has a built-in safety device. It can be retrieved quite easily at any point before the final release. The one-handed pass, on the other hand, is often difficult to retrieve once the throwing action has begun.

Mastering netball passes key to keeping opponents guessing (1)

One- or Two-Handed Bounce Pass

Hold the ball firmly in the fingertips of both hands (figure 2.1a). Flick your wrists and fingers to release the ball; you can use either one hand or two hands, as shown in figure 2.1b. (The one-handed release is shown in figure 2.2.) For the short bounce, aim to have the ball bounce close to the receiver's feet. For a long bounce pass, generate more speed and power to create a higher bounce. Follow through with the arms, fingers and wrists while relaxing your shoulders and deeply bending your knees to maintain body balance (figure 2.1c).

Mastering netball passes key to keeping opponents guessing (2)

Mastering netball passes key to keeping opponents guessing (3)

In a match play situation the placement of the pass will be determined by the defender's positioning. Make sure that when you practise you are able to deliver to a variation of positions-front, right and left sides, and both stationary and moving.

The bounce pass allows an element of surprise because you can disguise the two-handed release so well. It is frequently used in and around the goal circle as attackers endeavour to outwit defenders. However, it is also used to good effect anywhere on the court.

Remember, the ball can bounce only once before it gets to the receiver.

One- or Two-Handed Flick Pass

The flick pass is no doubt the quickest way to propel the ball forward. The ball is quickly controlled and then moved on from the catching position. A flick of the wrists sends the ball quickly to the receiver. Its great strength is the element of surprise because it does not allow the defender time to recover.

Hold your arms in the catching position. Quickly roll your wrists towards the receiver and use your fingers to flick the ball to the receiver (figure 2.3). Make sure that your wrists and fingers not only generate power to propel the ball onwards but also direct the flight. For a short flick, a light touch is required. A longer flick requires more power.

Mastering netball passes key to keeping opponents guessing (4)

More Excerpts From Netball: Steps to Success 2nd Edition
Mastering netball passes key to keeping opponents guessing (2024)


How do I improve my passing in netball? ›

The ball should be held in front of the chest with the elbows tucked in. Step in the direction of the pass, by extending their legs, back, and arms. Push the ball from the chest with both arms (not from one shoulder). Fingers are rotated behind the ball and the thumbs are turned down.

Why are strong passes important in netball? ›

Passing is a fundamental skill within netball and cannot be overlooked. The speed and accuracy of each individual pass can control the game, allowing play to speed up or slow down, whilst ensuring you maintain possession.

What are the key teaching points for overhead pass in netball? ›

Keep your feet, hips, and shoulders square to the direction of the ball. Bring your hands to your head with your thumbs pointed back at your forehead. To make contact, move your hands directly behind the path of the ball. Maximize the contact surface area between the ball and your fingertips.

How many key methods are there to pass the ball in netball? ›

The ball can be passed using one hand or both hands. The methods namely the shoulder pass, high-shoulder pass, bounce pass and under arm pass can be used to pass the ball with one hand. The methods namely the chest pass, overhead pass, side pass and bounce pass can be used to pass the ball using both hands.

What is the drill to practice passing in netball? ›

Drill Description:

One player runs to the side and the other player throws the ball in front of the running player. The running player catches the ball, pivots and throws the ball back. The player runs to the other side and the steps are repeated. After 5 passes each side, swap over.

How can I improve my passing skills? ›

6 Tips to Improve Passing and Reduce Turnovers
  1. Do overload drills to build speed and strength. ...
  2. Teach spacing. ...
  3. Teach players to shorten the pass. ...
  4. Make the easy pass. ...
  5. Emphasize the catch. ...
  6. Scrimmage without dribbles.

What are the two most important skill to learn in netball? ›

Hand-Eye Coordination and Passing Technique

Passing in netball is a fundamental aspect of the sport that takes lots of practice to master. The ability to move the ball around the court accurately & strategically as a team is imperative to winning games of netball.

How to improve coordination in netball? ›

If you want to practice some of your basic netball passes while improving your coordination, Ms Boulton recommends throwing your ball against the wall, using different passes such as chest, shoulder and overhead.

What are the three most important skills that are used during a netball game? ›

Goal Shooter To shoot in the net and score goals. Goal Attack - To get the ball in the shooting third and score some goals. WIng Attack - To get the ball in the shooting third. Centre- To get the ball from one side of the court to the other.

Why is passing a key skill in netball? ›

A shoulder pass is a very dynamic, fast and long pass. This enables a team to switch positions on court very quickly to either find a player in space or break defensive screens.

How do you stand out in netball trials? ›

Be smart on court, don't try to outrun, use your skills, and help make the team you're on with play well. Be ready to play any position. Show energy and enjoyment while on the court. see what they do well and how you can adapt your strengths to play that position.

Is there a 3 second rule in netball? ›

The three-second rule

If a player does not release the ball after three seconds, the umpire will call “held ball” and it is a turnover ball with the opposing team gaining possession. The three-second rule in netball means attackers must develop dodging skills to get free for their teammates.

What are the five skills in netball? ›

  • Passing and receiving (chest pass, shoulder pass, one/two handed passing).
  • Dodging – single/double/sprint.
  • Marking a player.
  • Shooting (close/distance) or rebounding (attacking or defending) or marking a pass/intercepting (centre court players).
  • Footwork and movement – landing on one/two feet, pivoting.

How do you step and pass in netball? ›

Step in the direction of the pass, through extending your legs, back and arms. The wrist and fingers should be forced through the ball releasing it off the first and second fingers of both hands. Follow through with the arms fully extended, fingers pointing at the target and thumbs pointing to the floor.

How can I improve my netball accuracy? ›

8 Netball Tips To Improve Your Goal Shooting
  1. Posture. Your stance is critical to transferring adequate power into your shots. ...
  2. Grip. ...
  3. Concentrate. ...
  4. Don't Rush. ...
  5. Fake The Shot. ...
  6. Go For The Rebound. ...
  7. Borrow A Second Pair Of Eyes. ...
  8. Practice, Practice, Practice.
Feb 6, 2018

How do you improve dodging in netball? ›

Demonstrate what a dodge looks like 2. Keep body upright, balanced stance with weight on balls of feet 3. Suddenly change direction by bending knees and pushing off strongly with the opposite foot in the new direction – e.g. lead left push off right foot 4. Use arms to lead off in new direction 5.

How to improve chest pass in netball? ›

  1. Ball should be released at chest height.
  2. Fingers spread around the ball in W shape.
  3. Elbows tucked in (no chicken wings)
  4. Transfer weight forward and push the ball.
  5. Extend and follow through with arms, wrists and fingers.
  6. Path of ball should flat and fast.

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