Money Challenge: Check Your Expense Ratios - (2024)

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Money Challenge: Check Your Expense Ratios - (1)

This is the second in our series on occasional tasks you can do to improve your financial well-being. I’m not a personal finance expert — this is just stuff that I do myself from time to time. If you have any comments or different strategies, I’d love to hear them! See the entire Money Challenge series here.

(If you’re looking for more basic investing advice, I’d suggest taking a look at our Money Roadmap, which lays out what steps you should take and in what order, with links to posts with more information and discussion.)

WHY You Should Check Your Expense Ratios

There is very little that’s certain in the investing world, and one often feels like a crystal ball would come in handy. But one thing is not uncertain, and it’s how much money you’re paying to hold an investment — the different fees, administration costs, overhead, and management that reduce your return on investment. This is the expense ratio — and I largely credit the readers with teaching me that the lower it is, the better it is.

Here’s a quote from Investopedia on how much the expense ratio matters (they have a whole handy little chart, too, if you feel like clicking through)….

…[E]ven a small difference in expense ratio can cost you a lot of money in the long run. If you had invested $10,000 in the fund with a 2.5% expense ratio, the value of your fund would be $46,022 after 20 years. Had you instead invested your $10,000 in the fund with a lower, 0.5% expense ratio, your investment would be worth $61,159 after two decades, a 33% improvement over the more expensive fund.

Now, the ideal time to check your expense ratio is when you’re making a new investment. But maybe you didn’t really know to pay attention to that particular number when you were investing. So today’s money challenge: Check your expense ratios.

If you find something that’s a lot higher than the others, I further challenge you to a) decide if you want to keep putting money into it, b) try to take a look at the fund’s trajectory and decide what would be a good price to sell. (From there you can set up a stop limit order or just set an alert to watch the fund prices.)

(Side challenge: while you’re looking at your accounts, make sure you’re reinvesting your dividends. There may specific situations where you don’t want to reinvest the dividends, like early retirement, but in general if you don’t know much about them you should just reinvest them. Schwab shows me a column with “reinvest dividends?” on my Positions page.)

My husband and I have accounts at Schwab and Vanguard (as well as his 401K at American Funds). I used to have an IRA at Fidelity but rolled it over into Vanguard because the fees were high and the returns weren’t great.

Don’t forget to check the expense ratios on the funds you hold in your retirement accounts — you may decide on different allocations in an active 401K, and you may decide you want to roll over an older 401K from a former job. (I know I’ve sat on the rollover task far too long the few times I’ve done it!)

{related: check out our personal money snapshots, where anonymous readers share their net worth, salary, and other thoughts on personal finance}

Where to Find Your Expense Ratios: Schwab

The tricky thing with expense ratios is that they’re relatively hidden. Logging in to Schwab, I don’t see them on my Balances page or my Positions page. Instead I have to click on the individual fund and look at it in “Fund Facts & Fees.” Here’s the first fund, the Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund SWPPX, which has a little note at the top that it’s a “no load no fee” fund and is, in fact, an index fund, meaning there should be almost no overhead expenses because they’re just investing in whatever is in the S&P 500.

You can see that the expense ratio (at the top and under the “fund fees” section) is .02% — pretty good. Schwab also tells me the category average right below the gross/net ratio, and for SWPPX it’s .83% — so .02% is much better than the “category average.”

Money Challenge: Check Your Expense Ratios - (3)

(Just a note that the fund profile above also includes whether or not Schwab rates the fund as “socially responsible,” if that’s something that’s important to you — but that would probably require more management and thus higher fees. But I’d love to hear about it if you’ve started trying to only make socially responsible investments!)

I mostly hold stocks and index funds in my Schwab account, but looking at a few of the mutual funds I still hold (from my earliest days of investing!) my expense ratios are:

FundFund’sgross expense ratioCategory average ratio(Percent of my account)

So these fees are way higher. These funds make up just a small portion of my account (the fourth column); even though I know they’re not super great investments I figure they bring some diversity to my account, and I’m weirdly sentimental about them. Still, they’re the first places I will look if the market is down at the end of the year and I can sell them for capital losses. Looking at this, the WOGSX fund, White Oak Growth, has a pretty high expense ratio and is even higher than the category average — and it’s almost 5% of my Schwab account. My assessment: time to start watching that one and pick a time to get out.

(I should note that the LSBRX fund is a bond fund, which has different metrics. But even then, compared to my Vanguard bond funds, LSBRX isn’t great — my Vanguard expense ratios are between .05-.07%.)

{related: financial tasks to do at year-end}

How bad are the fees? They’re still below 1%, right? As part of this exercise I just looked at my husband’s 401K account, managed through American Funds — it’s such a small group they don’t offer index funds, and in fact ALL of the fees for the available funds for investment had expense ratios between 1.32% and 1.78%. Not great, Bob, but we’re stuck with those options unless he quits his job and we can roll the money into an account at Vanguard or Schwab.

Where to Find Your Expense Ratios if You Have the Symbols

Just a note here that if you have a list of which funds you’re in, and their stock symbols, you can just look them up from Google — just putting RWMBX (one of his 401K funds) into the address bar pulls up this information from Google, including the expense ratio.

Money Challenge: Check Your Expense Ratios - (4)

For what it’s worth, a lot of times when I’m trying to plan a buying or selling strategy for a particular stock or fund, I just use this tool to click around and see how the stock price and the chart has changed over the last six months to a year to see “when I wish I’d gotten in” (or out). I’m sure there are much, much fancier methods of doing research, but for the time being I’ve had a lot of success with this.

Now is probably a good time to point out more extensive research tools like Morningstar… which I almost never use. (Readers, do you have favorite ways to research stocks and funds? I’d love to hear them…)

How to Check Your Expense Ratios at Vanguard

Next, over to Vanguard… I mostly hold index funds at Vanguard, which I chose intentionally because they have really low fees. Another advantage to Vanguard is that they offer Admiral Funds, which have a higher minimum investment (generally $3K–$50K) but in exchange offer a lower fee. According to the company, the Admiral Shares expense ratios are “35% lower than our standard Investor Share class, and 82% lower than the industry average.”

(But even this you should check — just this morning I noticed that one of their big, popular stock market Admiral Funds (Vanguard Total Stock Market Admiral Shares, VTSAX) has an expense ratio of .04% and a $3K minimum investment, while the sister ETF fund (VTI) has a much lower minimum (one share, which today is around $235) and a lower fee of .03%. Interesting.)

I actually keep an Excel spreadsheet of all of my various funds in Vanguard with the stock ticker symbol, so I found it easiest to just add a column on my chart for fees and then use Google to find the fees. Some are as low as .04 (VTSAX), while others are as high as .38 (VWUSX).

(Drat, I just found it — you can go to your Holdings Page, and then look at Prices & Returns, and see your expense ratio. See the image below (redacted a bit).)

Money Challenge: Check Your Expense Ratios - (5)

Interestingly, the ones I was expecting to be really bad in Vanguard weren’t bad at all. We have money in two different “retirement funds,” where the funds reallocate the makeup of the holding as the deadline (retirement) approaches — but both of them were a .14% ratio. Way better than my long-held Schwab funds and my husband’s 401K funds. We also have a bit of money in a REIT (VGSLX), which I know hardly anything about but my husband was interested in — but even then the expense ratio was only .12%.

Like with Schwab, in Vanguard I had to do a lot of clicking to find the information about expense ratio. I found Google to be easier since I already had a chart with all my symbols, but you can also look on the fund profile page.

Money Challenge: Check Your Expense Ratios - (6)

Here’s What I Learned When I Checked My Expense Ratios

And, done! Having done this review today, I probably won’t think about these fees for the next 5–10 years, to be honest. I’m happy with my Vanguard fund fees for the most part, even though I think my Schwab index fund fees were my rock bottoms. It’s also reminded me that by being sentimental about holding my older funds I’m not necessarily doing myself any favors, and I really need to look more closely at them to decide if they actually are adding diversity, and whether the rate of return is better or worse than I could be getting in other investments.

(The one redeeming feature of the most expensive fee (WOGSX) is my unrealized gain/loss — 153.91% according to my Schwab, which is pretty good. One of them (LSBRX) is at -2.5% though, so that one may be at the top of my list to start selling before the end of the year since it’s a negative. I don’t actually check my unrealized gains/losses on individual funds on a regular basis, I’d love to hear how more experienced investors check those issues. I last did a big “reallocation” project where I tried to balance my portfolios a few years ago. It’s easy if all of your money is in one place, but harder if it’s spread among investing accounts at Vanguard, Schwab, and Fidelity — I’d probably take that kind of information into account only at the reallocation point.)

Readers, what are your thoughts on investments? Do you know what your expense ratios are? If you have a partner, who manages your finances? What are your “set it and forget it” kind of investments?

Stock photo via Deposit Photos / Andrey Popov. All screenshot taken by Kat.

Money Challenge: Check Your Expense Ratios - (2024)


How much am I paying in expense ratio? ›

The expense ratio is how much you pay a mutual fund or ETF per year, expressed as a percent of your investments. So, if you have $5,000 invested in an ETF with an expense ratio of . 04%, you'll pay the fund $2 annually. An expense ratio is determined by dividing a fund's operating expenses by its net assets.

Is a 0.07 expense ratio good? ›

A reasonable expense ratio for an actively managed portfolio is about 0.5% to 0.75%, while an expense ratio greater than 1.5% is typically considered high these days. For passive funds, the average expense ratio is about 0.12%.

Are expense ratios automatically deducted? ›

The cost of an expense ratio is automatically deducted from an investor's returns. In fact, when an investor looks at the daily net asset value of an ETF or a mutual fund, the expense ratio is already baked into the number that they see.

What is a good income to expense ratio for a person? ›

50% of your net income should go towards living expenses and essentials (Needs), 20% of your net income should go towards debt reduction and savings (Debt Reduction and Savings), and 30% of your net income should go towards discretionary spending (Wants).

Is expense ratio worth it? ›

The ratio is crucial for investors as it directly impacts the net return on their investments. A higher expense ratio can significantly erode returns over time, making it a critical factor to consider when evaluating and selecting mutual funds.

Is 0.75 expense ratio too high? ›

Typically, any expense ratio higher than one percent is high and should be avoided. Over an investing career, a low expense ratio could easily save you tens of thousands of dollars, if not more. And that's real money for you and your retirement.

Is 0.2 expense ratio good? ›

Nowadays, an expenditure ratio greater than 1.5% is usually regarded as excessive. A suitable range for an actively managed portfolio's expense ratio is 0.5% to 0.75%. The percentage for passive or index funds is typically 0.2%, however, it occasionally drops to 0.02% or less.

What is the expense ratio for the spy? ›

Since the SPY ETF is passively managed, the operational expenses to run the fund are extremely low. ETF fees are expressed as an expense ratio, which is a percentage representing a fund's assets used to pay its operating costs. The SPY ETF expense ratio is just 0.09%, which is $9 for every $10,000 invested.

What is the safest mutual fund? ›

Money market mutual funds = lowest returns, lowest risk

They are considered one of the safest investments you can make. Money market funds are used by investors who want to protect their retirement savings but still earn some interest — often between 1% and 3% a year. (Learn more about money market funds.)

Which is the best mutual fund to invest now for 3 years? ›

Here are 5 mutual fund schemes with highest 3-year returns along with their expense ratios: Quant Small Cap Fund(G) tops the chart with over 39% returns followed by Quant Mid Cap Fund(G), Nippon India Small Cap Fund(G), Quant Flexi Cap Fund(G) and Motilal Oswal Midcap Fund-Reg(G) in the same pecking order. 1.

What expense ratio is too high? ›

“The best expense ratio is the lowest expense ratio,” Arnold says. It's important to compare a fund's expense ratio with similar offerings so you don't overpay for your fund's management services. In general, an expense ratio over 1% may be too high for the average investor.

Who decides expense ratio? ›

Expense Ratio Limit by SEBI

This ensures a substantial flow of financial resources to capital market of the country. The rules are different for Exchange Traded Funds and Index Funds. For an initial asset base of Rs. 500 Crore of such a fund, a maximum total expense ratio of 2% is levied.

Who pays the expense ratio? ›

Expense ratios are annual fees that investors pay to cover a fund's expenses, such as management and marketing. If you invest in a fund with a 1% expense ratio, you'll pay $10 annually for every $1,000 invested. Expense ratios are subtracted automatically, making them easy to miss.

How do you calculate the expense ratio? ›

This is represented by the expense ratio formula, which is calculated by dividing total expenses by the total assets of the funds.

How to calculate expense ratio insurance? ›

Expense Ratio = Expenses / Premium Combined Ratio = (Losses + Expenses) / Premium = Loss Ratio + Expense Ratio Underwriting Profit = 100% – Combined Ratio Example: Loss Ratio = 70% (ratios may be expressed as a % or a decimal; either is correct) Expense Ratio = 25% Combined Ratio = 95% I.e. 95% of premium is used to ...

What does .75 expense ratio mean? ›

Expense ratios matter because they reduce your net return on investment. For example, an expense ratio of 0.75% will reduce an average annual return of 7.00% to 6.25%. That might not make much of a difference in any single year.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.