Mortgage Calculator - How much can I afford? (2024)

Mortgage calculators can be a great tool for those wishing to understand how much they should be spending on their home payments monthly.

Table of Contents:

How to calculate a mortgage payment?

How much mortgage can I afford?

How much mortgage can I afford based on income?

How much of a mortgage can I afford based on my salary?

What percentage of my income should go to the mortgage?

How much house can I afford calculator?

How much mortgage can I get approved for?

How much house can I afford calculator?

How much mortgage can I qualify for?

How to calculate a mortgage payment?

Being able to calculate your mortgage payment is essential for determining both its affordability and your ability to make the payments each month. While there are certain mortgage monthly payment calculators, learning how to calculate your monthly payment on your own can be important if you want to have a clearer understanding of what your money is going towards.

To calculate your monthly mortgage payment, you will need to know the following information.

1. Principal loan amount (P)

This is the exact amount that you borrowed from the lender for your new home

2. Monthly Interest Rate (i)

To calculate your monthly interest rate, you will need to divide your yearly interest rate by 12.

3. Months required to pay off the loan (n)

Based on that set of information you will be able to calculate your monthly house payment by completing the following equation.

M = P [ i (1 + i) n] / [ (1 + i) n – 1]

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How much mortgage can I afford?

A good method of determining the amount that you can afford to take on as a home loan is by following the 28%/36% rule. According to this rule, no more than 28% of your gross monthly income should be spent on home-related costs. These costs relate to not only your mortgage payments but also to your home insurance costs and taxes. The 36% on the other hand refers to the relation between your home debt and other debts. Therefore, according to this rule, your mortgage should not amount to more than 36% of your total debts. By following this rule, you are very likely to get an affordable mortgage. Apart from doing the math yourself and applying this principle based on your situation, you can also use an online affordability calculator to determine whether the house that you are looking to purchase with a mortgage is one that you can afford on your income.

Some of thefactorsthat will affect how much mortgage you can afford include:

  • Your income
  • Your savings/ cash reserves
  • Your other debts
  • Your expenses
  • Your credit scores

Oftentimes all of the above will also be used by your lender to determine whether you should be approved for the mortgage that you are requesting. Therefore, being aware of all of these can help you calculate better the amount that you can borrow for a home without risking your finances.

How much mortgage can I afford based on income?

There are many different ways of determining the amount that you can afford to borrow on a home loan, but generally, it is advised that your monthly home-related costs, including your mortgage payment, taxes, and insurance, should never exceed 28% of your gross income. Other rules that are often applied to determine the affordability of a mortgage relating to gross income include:

1. Ensuring that your mortgage is only 2 to 2.5 times more than your gross income.

2. Make sure that your debt payments in a year, including your mortgage, never exceed 43% of your gross income.

All of these different rules can also be applied much quicker by using an affordability mortgage calculator and seeing how the math would work out in your specific situation. Normally such calculators are easily accessible and free online. Many banks, financial websites, and real estate websites provide access to their very own calculator. Some of the most well-known ones among those affordability loan calculators include the ones from US Bank, Chase, Zillow, and NerdWallet.

How much of a mortgage can I afford based on my salary?

Your salary is your main tool for repaying your monthly mortgage payments and as such ensuring that you have taken on an affordable mortgage should be a top priority when looking at what home you would like to purchase.

Some good principles to follow to ensure that your home is within the realm of affordable include the following:

1. Ensuring that your home expenses, that is your mortgage payment, insurance cost and taxes do not amount to more than 28% of your gross annual salary

2. Getting a mortgage that is only 2 to 2.5 times more than your gross annual salary.

While both of these principles will assist you with borrowing from your lender an amount that you can repay, there are other aspects of your budget that you should consider when deciding on the amount that you are willing to borrow. Life expenses and more importantly debts can be incredibly big factors in assessing the amount that you can spend on your mortgage. This is why the following two rules which relate both to your debts and your salary can also help you steer away from getting a home loan that is way above your means.

1. Ensuring that your mortgage payment does not amount to more than 36% of your total debt.

2. Ensuring that your total debts don’t exceed 43% of your gross annual income.

By keeping to the majority of these rules you will be able to ensure that whatever home loan you take on, will be one that you can in the long run afford. Buying a bigger house than what is financially feasible for you can only lead to further problems as you will run the danger of either getting foreclosed on or of being house poor. Since houses go up in value and as your career grows so will your salary, it is much wiser to buy a property that is within your budget and potentially move somewhere else in time than to buy from the get-go a big property that you will be unable to afford in the long run.

What percent of income should go to mortgage?

The general consensus and recommendation are that you never take on house costs, which include your mortgage payment, taxes, and insurance, that amount to more than 28% of your monthly gross income. This means that if you were making $5,000 per month, your mortgage, that is both principal and interest, your insurance and tax payment should not amount to more than $1,400. According to some people that 28% should also include any HOA payments associated with your property.

While in general keeping to that 28% is a good rule of thumb you may be willing to adapt that percentage by either lowering or increasing that percentage based on your other expenses and debts.

How much house can I afford calculator?

With so many percentages associated with determining the affordability of any given home it only makes sense why so many people will resort to using an online calculator to determine the mortgage that they can afford to take on. There are many different loan affordability calculators available online, some of them are created by real estate services, while others are part of financial websites or are offered by large banks. Almost all of them, use similar principles and can provide you with results that are comparable in every aspect. Some of the biggest affordability calculators are offered by:

Mortgage Calculator - How much can I afford? (1)

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How much mortgage can I get approved for?

Getting approval for a mortgage can be a lengthy process and oftentimes there is a lot of stress included in this process. Before you start looking for lenders you must determine the exact amount that you would like to ask for and to stick to your pre-determined budget even if one particular lender is willing to give you more money. Most mortgage lenders will assess each application based on a variety of factors including:

  • Your income
  • Your savings/ cash reserves
  • Your other debts
  • Your expenses
  • Your credit score

Each one of these factors could dramatically alter the amount that they are willing to lend out, or the interest rate and terms of your home loan. While some lenders stick to the maximum amount of a mortgage being 28% of the borrower’s gross income, there are those lenders who willingly exceed that amount. This means that some lenders will allow you to take out home loans for as much as 30 to 40% of your gross income salary. According to most financial advisors, it is not recommended that you take out such loans as they would far exceed what you can pay on your loan each month, and therefore it will be more likely that you will default on your home payments.

When looking at what mortgage you can get approved for, apart from looking at the amount that the lender is willing to let you borrow, you should also consider the interest rate that they are willing to give you. In general, you want to get a lender who will give you a low-interest rate, and not necessarily one that is willing to let you borrow well above your means.

How much house can I afford calculator?

One of the biggest questions to answer when looking to buy a house relates to the total cost that you are both willing and able to spend on your house. While there are many ways of budgeting and determining what you can spend on your mortgage and house, one of the easiest and best ways of determining it is by looking at a mortgage affordability calculator. These calculators are widely available online from many respectable sources and they can provide the answer to how much house you can afford without the need for extensive mathematical equations on pen and paper. Some of the most respectable and easy to use calculators are included in the following list:

How much mortgage can I qualify for?

The question of how much mortgage one can qualify for can often be a trap as it is a question that will vary from lender to lender. While many lenders cap the amount that you are able to borrow at maximum debt to income ratio of 28%, some completely disregard that limit by setting the amount that they are willing to let you borrow for up to 30% or 40%. While at first, it may seem like an attractive option to take advantage of the larger mortgage offered, in the long run, it may backfire in the long-run.

While this may seem counterintuitive to some, for other the reason for this will seem relatively easy to understand. Regardless of what your lender can provide you with, your budget is something that you should know and be aware of. For most people, spending 30% or 40% on just their mortgage will simply end up being unreasonable, and sooner or later they will likely default on their payment as they will be unable to contribute that much towards their home. Therefore, just because you are able to qualify for a mortgage of a certain amount it does not necessarily mean that you should. Instead try to keep to some of the general principles of what your monthly mortgage payment should be, as in the long run that will surely benefit you.


Being able to determine the amount that you can spend on your mortgage comes with a deep understanding of your personal finances, income, and budget. Each person and family have different expenses and debts that they need to tackle and your mortgage is usually only one of the fronts that require your financial attention. To determine what an affordable mortgage in your case would be you can use one of the widely available home loan calculators to see what would mathematically be a good amount to spend on your home, regardless of the amount that you can qualify for.

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Mortgage Calculator - How much can I afford? (2024)


How much of a mortgage can I afford based on my salary? ›

Lenders generally want to see that when you add up your principal, interest, taxes and insurance, it totals less than 28% of your gross monthly income. Lenders also generally want to see that those housing costs plus other debt (i.e. auto loans) are less than 36% of your gross monthly income.

How much of a mortgage can I afford if I make $70000 a year? ›

The house you can afford on a $70K income will likely be between $290,000 to $310,000. Aside from your gross monthly income, lenders look at your credit report, down payment, monthly debt payments (including car payments and personal loans), and your estimated mortgage rate, among other things.

How much house can I afford if I make $36,000 a year? ›

On a salary of $36,000 per year, you can afford a house priced around $100,000-$110,000 with a monthly payment of just over $1,000. This assumes you have no other debts you're paying off, but also that you haven't been able to save much for a down payment.

How much mortgage can I afford with $60,000 salary? ›

The 28/36 rule holds that if you earn $60k and don't pay too much to cover your debt each month, you can afford housing expenses of $1,400 a month. Another rule of thumb suggests you could afford a home worth $180,000, or three times your salary.

Can I afford a 300k house on a 70k salary? ›

So, to estimate the salary you'll need to comfortably afford a $300,000 home purchase, multiply the annual total of $24,000 by three. That leaves us with a recommended income of $72,000. (Keep in mind that this does not include a down payment or closing costs.)

What mortgage can I afford on 75k salary? ›

Here's how the 28/36 rule works, assuming you make $6,250 per month ($75,000 per year) before taxes. If my “front-end” DTI ratio is 28%, what monthly payment can I afford? Your monthly mortgage payment, including taxes and insurance, shouldn't exceed $1,750.

Can I afford a 300K house on a 60k salary? ›

An individual earning $60,000 a year may buy a home worth ranging from $180,000 to over $300,000. That's because your wage isn't the only factor that affects your house purchase budget. Your credit score, existing debts, mortgage rates, and a variety of other considerations must all be taken into account.

What credit score is needed to buy a $300K house? ›

The required credit score to buy a $300K house typically ranges from 580 to 720 or higher, depending on the type of loan. For an FHA loan, the minimum credit score is usually around 580.

Is 70k a good salary for a single person? ›

If you are a single person in Los Angeles making around $70,000 a year, you are still considered low-income, according to a new statewide study. The California Department of Housing and Community Development released the report in June and found that income limits have increased in most counties across California.

Can someone who makes 40K a year afford a house? ›

If you have minimal or no existing monthly debt payments, between $103,800 and $236,100 is about how much house you can afford on $40K a year. Exactly how much you spend on a house within that range depends on your financial situation and how much down payment you can afford to invest.

Can a single person live on $36,000 a year? ›

If you want to have a minimalist lifestyle, 36k/year is more then enough. If you want a home, family, car, insurance and some "toys", it's not going to be enough, at least in a majority of places in the U.S. But again, the term "decent" is pretty objective.

Can I afford a house making 40K a year? ›

How much house can I afford with 40,000 a year? With a $40,000 annual salary, you should be able to afford a home that is between $100,000 and $160,000. The final amount that a bank is willing to offer will depend on your financial history and current credit score.

Can I afford a 400k house with a 60k salary? ›

For example, at current mortgage rates, borrowers with an FHA loan and a 10% down payment would need to earn about $70,000 a year to afford a $400,000 house. Borrowers with a conventional loan and a 20% down payment would need a salary of $100,000 or more.

Can I afford a 300k house on a 50k salary? ›

A person who makes $50,000 a year might be able to afford a house worth anywhere from $180,000 to nearly $300,000. That's because your annual salary isn't the only variable that determines your home buying budget. You also have to consider your credit score, current debts, mortgage rates, and many other factors.

Is $60,000 a good salary for a single person? ›

Generally speaking, $60,000 per year is considered a modest income in California, especially in areas like San Francisco or Los Angeles where the cost of living is high. However, it is possible to live a comfortable lifestyle in California with this salary if you manage your expenses carefully.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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