Most Dangerous Sports - Top 37 List (2023) (2024)

Written by Usman Maqsood | Last modified on:

Strap yourself and brace for an electrifying journey into the domain of the most dangerous sports out there.

These aren’t your typical pastimes; they’re reserved for thosewith an insatiable hunger foradventure.

But where to come across such thrilling and adventurous moments?

For that, dive along with us into the most dangerous sports in the world and the fearless athletes. From the thunderous beat of your heart, brace yourself to immerse in the spine-tingling thrill of these remarkable pursuits.


Following are some of the most dangerous sports updated list which is very popular all over the world.

37. Hockey

What can you say about the hockey game? It is cold and fun to watch. This could be the only sport without a fight in which you always run the risk of being hit. Despite a large amount of filler used by players, they still figure out how to crush their countenances and break bones in each game. Afterward, they grin at the press after their ridiculous faces fill the game’s pages.

And to your surprise, there was a pair of blades attached to each player’s feet! Therefore, hockey, in addition to being a sport with known risks, may be greater than the possible rewards. Head injuries like concussions occur when players come in contact with other players, boards, slip, or accidentally hit.

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36. High Altitude Climbing

The high summits have always been challenging like k2 mountain elevationor climbing Mount Everest and require extreme guts and committed determination to surpass the top 10 highest mountain peaks. There is a vast account of the k2 summits and expeditions. Besides the usual climbing dangers, people often have to pass over frozen dead bodies on the way, on steeps, on valley glaciers, and in the snow-rivers. Up there, every step is final as gravity also works against climbers.

When you reach a high altitude you can enjoy your success. Remember your work is only half done, for the return will not be an easy trot. UV radiation can harm your eyesight and you’re this very accomplishment may make you careless. One can never think of medical aid, physical rescue, or even helicopter assistance which is always uncertain under a fast-changing climate. The fatality rate is declining but is around one dying for every six summits. So this very popular most dangerous sport is a real test of the climber’s real physical and mental strength.

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35. Lawn Bowls

Lawn Bowls is a really popular game but the most dangerous sport as well. This game is the highest death claimer worldwide. The players are deeply into the game till their last breath. They stop at nothing short of victory, in their pursuit. Those who escape death end up with bruises, torn knees, broken hips, and bone fractures. The game generates extreme stress resulting in strokes and even heart attacks. This most dangerous sport is very enthusiastic and produces nail-biting results whenever and wherever played.

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34. Cliff Diving

Highly most dangerous sports also include cliff in because it can never be called safe no matter what height you choose to dive. This is because it puts tremendous stress on your body even if you dive into a water body from a height of just 15 to 20 feet. Entering into the water feet first in a vertical line may reduce the stress a great deal which otherwise in a horizontal position feels like hitting a concrete. World High Diving Federation recommends a maximum height of 20m for the non-professional divers whereas professionals may jump from up to 148 ft because of high-level training and practice, but even they can sustain injuries. Cliff divers may experience dislocated joints, slipped discs, compressed spine, broken bones and even death.

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33. Jousting

Another highly dangerous sport is jousting involving two armor-clad opponents charging at each other on horses while wielding 11-foot-long wooden lances. The target is to break the lance on the opponent’s shield on a metal plate fitted to his chest. Moreover, unhorsing is an added thrill and a sure way to rack up points in the contest. A lot of injuries including back and neck fractures, trampling from the horses, and even deaths do occur during this sport. King Henry II of France is the most prominent figure victimized to death while enjoying Jousting in 1559. So, one has to be pretty careful while playing this dangerous sport.25

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32. LUGE

The Olympic Games include a lot of fantastic games that fascinate the players as well as the spectators. Among these, a dangerous sport exists under the name of Luge. Here, the athlete races down an icy, high-banked track at about 90 mph or 140km/h and proves himself a really brave person. At the last corner of the race, the Lugar has to bend or adjust his body at an angle of 270 degrees at a speed of 140 km/h. Here, he must have to be dead careful because he will lose his life due to a hairbreadth mistake. Very serious traumatic brain injuries and even deaths have occurred due to severe accidents in this activity.

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31. White Water Rafting

This is a very dangerous water sport in which the rafter has to face a lot of risks and dangers. These include drowning, hypothermia causing an increase in the blood pressure, heartbeat, and breathing rate, equipment failure, dangerous water conditions, sunburns, etc. One has to be very careful while enjoying this sport. It was introduced in the late 70s. Occasionally, casualties also result due to severe water conditions. Only a healthy and safety-conscious rafter can enjoy these most dangerous sports to the maximum.

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30. Volvo Ocean Race

The Volvo Ocean Race is the longest ocean race and most dangerous sport that covers about 39000 nautical miles in a nine-month period. This is the Endurance Challenge race. The tough and long journey through rough seas and oceans has no match. Participation is only up to 8 yachts. These pass through the freezing and chilling zones, near huge icebergs, and encounter relentless and horrifying storms just to mention a few hazards. The race is arranged every three years with a new course. The Somalian pirates have posed another possible dangerous obstacle to it. The race organizers are taking all precautions for safety during the race.

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29. Pole Vault

Another sport that appeals to the youth a lot is the one with an athlete having a long flexible stick in his hands and running at full speed towards a 20-foot high bar which he has to jump over. This is, undoubtedly, the most dangerous sport which involves you first as a sprinter and an athlete and then as a gymnast when you jump over the bar keeping you well-poised and well-aware of your body control and spatial status. At the same time, this sport also involves a lot of risks of head, spine, neck, and pelvic injury. One safety measure has recently been taken by increasing the vaulter’s landing pad in dimensions. This measure has reduced the injury rate a lot while enjoying these most dangerous sports.

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28. Swimming

Swimming is an individual or team sport with events in freestyle, back, breaststroke, and butterfly.

All sports carry inherent risks, but swimming is the only one where you put yourself in danger when entering the sports field. Humans are not ideally designed to breathe in the water. Even experienced swimmers can be in danger in the pool. But it is not drowning that causes most swimming injuries: it is the repetitive strain of doing the same strokes for miles and this is the main risk for competitive swimmers. There were 202,051 injuries in total in 2010.

An Australian study followed 5 different clubs for 12 months, with 74 swimmers participating in a self-reported study. 38% of swimmers reported missing training due to a shoulder injury. 22% had injuries that lasted more than two weeks. Injury rates went from 0.2 to 0.3 per 1000 km.

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27. 24 Hours Of Le Mans, Le Mans, France

Le Mans is the most dreadful of all the car races in the world. This race was initiated in 1923. It has claimed over 130 deaths so far. The race strategy stresses the high speed and the number of miles each driver travels in 24 hours. Track-rounds are of lesser consideration. The winners are classified into different categories. In 1955 a Mercedes-Benz driver Pierre Levegh crashed his car into the spectator’s stand killing himself and 83 visitors, extraordinary high speed enhances the chances of a high death toll rate. In spite of that, a large number of spectators still come crowding to watch this race and the most dangerous sport.

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26. BAJA 1000 (Mexico and California)

The dune buggies, motorcycles, and hundreds of non-conventional vehicles experience a 24-hour dune bump ride that includes numerous blind turns, channel crossing, wild terrain, and unlimited thrills of the rugged and unfriendly track that stretches across 1000 miles. The cheering viewers also increase the menace by throwing objects on the track course. The film “Dust and GLORY” illustrates the horrors faced by the racing drivers and their companions. The few surviving vehicles and humans show signs of an extreme shake-up to an almost-breakup condition. This most dangerous sport not only tests the physical strength and stamina of the driver but also his mental endurance and tolerance towards the nuisance he passes through.

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25. Baseball

Two teams of nine players play basketball with a bat and ball in a field, positioning it among the most hazardous games. Although it may seem like a safe, slow, and contactless sport, it is extremely dangerous. And sure, injuries do happen. The arms break, the knees twist, and even the bones break.

When a baseball is hit by a bat, it can increase in speed to more than 100 miles per hour. Players hit in the head by baseballs have suffered significant brain damage and other serious medical complications. A noteworthy number of wounds occur due to the repetitiveness of the game over and over, which can provoke shoulder precariousness, tendinitis, and joint irritation.

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24. Macau Grand Prix, Macau, China

There are two races and over 300 participants attend these events. The motorcycle event was initiated in the morning. The car race takes place in the evening. The tight city roads form the racetrack that involves extra thin turns making the whole affair most Dangerous Sports. Even warm-up sessions can cause death. This charming and attractive sport is a real ditch inwardly. It allures the drivers to get underway but gradually takes them to the worst and may in their death.

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23. Iditarod

Iditarod is also known as the “Last Great Race”. The rough Alaskan ice terrain is always changing its shape across the 1150-mile track that crosses mountains, tundra, and snow forests. The Dog-sled racers face temperatures of minus 50 degrees and strong cold winds. The organizers of this brutal race simply ignore the high count of the dogs that die during the races. The race participants suffer snowbites, bruised or broken ribs and legs, broken bones, and concussions. Rarely do people finish the race unsheathed. So far only about 700 people have reached the FINISH LINE. Mount Everesthas been surpassed by more people.

This clearly shows the toughness thissporthas for its performers. Most dangerous sports lovers wanted this thrill.

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22. Helicopter Skiing

Helicopter skiing is a dangerous variant of regular skiing that originated from the Canadian Snowcapped Rockies in the mid-1960s. Thrill seekers use the helicopter to access the carefully recommended snow-covered mountains. From where they are to enjoy their skiing down the snowy slopes. The world’s dream Heli-skiing area is Canada’s British Columbia with 11 meters plus of super dry snow, steep tree-lined pitches, and wide open glacial bowls. These most dangerous sports allow the skiers or snowboarders to enjoy the natural mountain environment with the infinite joy of Heli-skiing and the minimum risk of injuries involved in this activity. Muscular and skeletal injuries do occur during this activity which may even lead to the skier’s death. In short, if performed with care, this dangerous sport may be converted into a jubilant adventure imparting a thrilling pleasure to its performer.

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21. Basketball

This sport is dangerous but it is a massive game. Basketball is a sport including 2 teams with 5 players on a rectangular court. The goal is to launch a ball through the 18-inch diameter, 10-foot-high hoop mounted on a board at each end. And in the same way, it’s the holder of the absolute record of injuries as stated by American statisticians, almost half a million injuries annually!

Basketball causes the most harm to adult athletes in their 20s and 30s. Well, the jerks on the floor in different directions that especially damage the knee: the rupture of the Achilles tendon. The latter leads to the fact that a person can no longer restore previous speed and sharpness. General trauma also occurs in the knees, hips, ankles, and even the face.

Let me describe why it is not the safest sport in the world due to the large size of the players. Heights of up to seven feet tall and weights of 300 pounds are not uncommon. When they collide, serious injuries can occur.

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20. Isle Of Man Tourist Trophy, Isle of Man, U.K.

The high-speed motorcycle race runs along the narrow pathways, streets, and stone-lined tracks of the 33 x-13 miles island. The original track was designed for bicycle racing in 1907. Later on, motorcycles were introduced. The modern fast racing machines have made it very hazardous as the old-fashioned tracks cannot accommodate the super speeds and this is why about 200 racers have lost their lives so far, and becomethe most dangerous sports

The scintillation and jubilation it imparts is the real charm of this most dangerous sport, though very fatal at times as well.

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19. Cave Diving

The diver dives down about 100 feet into an unknown pitch completely at the mercy of the conditions underneath the surface. The base jumper’s safe landing depends on the parachute opening while the cave diver’s return depends upon what he discovers below. These most dangerous sports may result in spinal cord or brain injury along with the chances of heart or lung failure. Reportedly over 500 have died since the first such dive in 1960.

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18. Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is a very tough and courageous sport but carries a high death toll rate. The spirits and strength are at the optimum level when ascending. These are at the lowest level when descending. The slippery tracks, climatic changes too much, and fatigue make it hazardous to retrieve. Medical help is almost impossible up there while helicopter assistance is always uncertain.

The insurance classification rates this sport at category 5 which is next to naked knife sports. About 20 lives are taken each year in the U.S.A. Just imagine how many could be there across the globe. Nevertheless, this is one of the most dangerous sports in the world. Sport with the most deaths.

17. Bullfighting

Bullfighting is a dangerous sport that involves a rider who gets on a bull and tries to stay mounted while the animal tries to resist the rider. To receive a score, the rider must remain on top of the bull with the use of a hand holding a rope tied behind the bull’s front legs.

This sport involves a bull, and bulls are big and scary, no matter where you face them. Neck and head injuries, along with bone fractures, are common in bullfights. Bull riding, due to its level of difficulty, definitely deserves a place among the most dangerous sports.

Bullfighting is a dangerous and extreme sport. You can get out of the field with your legs or take your next ride by ambulance! This is because one of those bulls, weighing up to 1800 pounds, can crush a fallen rider under its weight. And you can imagine the wounds!

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16. Downhill Biking

Just the very thought of a 12-inch wide trial running downhill at 20-40 miles per hour, hurtling through rock formations, and flying around the corners fills one with the utmost thrill and excitement as well as fear. This dangerous sport has become very popular worldwide apart from the fact that it involves many a risk of endangering one’s life. Broken bones, concussions, internal bleeding, and organ damage are some of the major injuries in this dangerous sport. One Downhill biker suffers a major injury per ten bikers.

The main reason/cause of the accident consists of two lapses, 70% biker’s error, and 30% trail’s condition. Knowing what to expect will keep you a lot safe on the mountain. Always keep in mind the relative dependence of speed on gravity, the bike’s condition, the recommended lessons, and the importance of gear while undertaking downhill biking. So, enjoy this thrilling sport with a proper amount of caution.

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15. Big Wave Surfing

Wave surfing is great fun and gives unlimited joy. Surfers with a lot of guts and a high level of alertness can only risk riding the giant 50-foot water walls. These monster waves can offset life for miles deep into the coastlines. The huge force can kill the surfers or bury them deep underwater to drown or smash into hidden rocks.

The board hinge releases forcefully if stuck. It can bulldoze complete house structures in seconds. Hazards increase when sharks get on the way. People regard big wave surfing as the Most Dangerous Sport for bikini-clad girls and their rescuers when wave intensity persists. Most of the rescued survivors stay paralyzed for months, if lucky to have avoided the sharks.

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14. Longboarding

This is a type of skateboarding using a longboard instead of a regular skateboard. Longboarders often practice on open roads which increases the chances of injuries due to various obstacles in the form of moving vehicles and light poles coming on the way. Longboarders often suffer from head injuries and bone fractures including intracranial hemorrhage. The use of the helmet may reduce the injury rate to a great extent. This sport may also cause traumatic brain injury, which may even result in the longboarder’s death. Skateboarding is a bit less dangerous than most dangerous sports because they use a regular skateboard in place of a longboard.

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13. Buzkashi

Buzkashi, very popular in central-Asian countries but least popular among Western countries, is another very risky and dangerous sport. Often played as a symbol of prestige by a lot of Afghan heads of tribes, this sport involves the dragging of a goat carcass by a number of horsem*n toward their arena. Injuries are more usual for the players and spectators. No weapons are allowed in this sport. The horsem*n use the whip to push up the horse, but sometimes they beat the opponent with it as well. Hair pulling and grabbing the opponent from his horse cause a lot of consequent injuries which range from ordinary bruises and fractures to even the death of the participants. This most dangerous sport also has a great political impact on the society.

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12. Football

Football is a sport with two teams having goals at each end. Also, it is the definitive sport that combines speed, strength, planning, and teamwork.

Of course, like any other form of contact, injuries and even accidents are sometimes inevitable. First, the usual injury to a football player is a ruptured cruciate ligament and other knee injuries, sprains, fractures, and bruises. This happens not only among professionals and has a tangible impact on future life. Second, the problem with football is a concussion: 8% of players win this dangerous injury. A total of 394,350 pediatric injuries were reported in 2012.

A study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that football had the highest rate of concussion injuries among youth sports.

It may be hard to believe, but football is one of those very dangerous sports. In the past, it was even more dangerous than today, as the first games left dozens of dead on the field. Head-to-head collisions were often to blame for most life-changing deaths and injuries.

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11. Snowboarding

A good combination of skiing, surfing, and skateboarding is another most dangerous sport, snowboarding. It has become a very popular winter sport over the last two decades. Like all other dangerous sports, it also involves the risk of injuries. Snowboarders often get their wrists and ankles injured. Sometimes, their major organs/areas are badly hurtful causing death. Using a helmet and other protective gear can prevent these injuries. Also, you may use your heels or toes to control your board instead of putting your whole weight on the board which will make you unbalanced. Always try to keep your center of gravity over the middle of the board and keep your knees bent so that you may keep enjoying your snowboarding.

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10. Bull Riding- Most Dangerous Sports

Bull riding is associated with Old Western Ranching activities. In the earlier fairs, some sort of cattle/bull gymnastics laid the basis of the bull riding that we see today. This sport is painful for the animal as its genitals are tied to make it more ferocious. The bull exhausts its energy by hurling its 1700 lbs. weight twisting, leaping, and tossing the rider, at times, 10 feet up in the air. The rider’s abilities reflect how he manures his fall whether on the animal or on the one-inch layer of dust cushion on the ground. Consider being the most dangerous sport in the world.

The ultimate fate of the rider depends on the posture of the landing. He is lucky to not hit the ground flat or get locked on the horns for another big toss. At times, the bull gives a horrible chase when the rider lands upright within its reach. The breaking of jaws, ribs, and collarbones is quite common. The other participants help divert the bull’s attention, otherwise, this sport would involve much bloodshed for the riders. In short, this is a fantastic most dangerous sport that keeps the rider alert and on the psychological guess to enjoy it to the maximum ever at the cost of his life.

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09. Boxing

No one can reasonably argue that boxing is not the most dangerous sport. Most boxers end up with some type of enduring injury, be it vision or coordination issues, discourse obstructions, or even brain damage. Some of them have been disabled in wheelchairs.

Boxing has to do with violence, where the only objective of the participant is to hit his opponent; not surprisingly, this is not an injury-free sport. Statistics reveal that 90% of boxers suffer brain damage during their career. In any case, with the privilege of defensive rigging, you can limit the danger of injury.

Approximately 10 people die each year in boxing from head and neck injuries sustained. The number grows much more when you consider the number of people who died after a prolonged race of hitting their heads.

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08. Cheerleading

The past few decades have seen the development of a new joyful but risky trend in sports. The morale lifting is by dancing girls beside the field lines. They jump into action at the slightest advantage taken by their team. These girls in skimpy outfits cannot feel the danger instantly.

All happens in seconds when team players chasing the ball suddenly change direction, or the fast superstars take over by their sheer body momentum. They come banging into these fragile jumping dolls completely unprotected to bear such impacts. The result is obvious. The whole glamour vanishes away instantly by the sudden onrush of misery in this most dangerous sport. Broken legs, ribs, spinal injuries, and bruises are the most common. Reportedly about 20000 cheerleading girls suffer injuries every year worldwide. More safety is crucial for them for injury prevention. There are many arguments is cheerleading a sport?

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07. Mixed Martial Arts

The most beautiful and fantastic sport on the earth is mixed martial arts (MMA). It gives a real thrill to watch two highly skilled fighters showing MMA’s techniques in the cage. But, at the same time, MMA is an equally MOST DANGEROUS SPORTS as well in which the main objective or target of the player is to hurt the opponent to the maximum. A lot of injuries or even casualties may occur at any time not only during the fight but also during the training. The training sessions of MMA are perhaps the most arduous physical endeavor in the world. Muscles pull, ribs fracture, bones break, and head or skull ruptures quite often even during training sessions. These most dangerous sports can never be safe and secure because they will lose all their charm if a fighter does not hurt his opponent.

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06. Rugby

The world’s roughest and most brutal contact sport has the least protective gear. It is regarded as the maximum injury – prone game. The vicious tackling produces far more broken bones, torn muscles, and concussions than even martial arts. The totally absorbed players don’t stop till exhausted by injuries. The flow and rhythm once established can hardly be stopped. This is the beauty of this most dangerous sport, but all this may also prove quite lethal sometimes.

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05. Bicycle riding

Cycling also involves a large number of victims. Many might immediately conclude that injuries can be attributed to extreme mountain biking, while in fact, the primary cause is ‘other vehicles’. According to The New York Times, in 2009, about 86,000 people were treated for head-related cycling injuries.

Bicycle riding can also be dangerous because cyclists travel so close to each other that falling off can create a buildup, causing numerous injuries to many different cyclists. In the same period, 22 deaths occurred in the competitive sport of cycling.

It is not so easy to classify sports according to the dangers involved. Many sports have not made this list, but that does not necessarily make them less dangerous. But one thing to remember is that being careful and taking the necessary protective measures could go a long way, possibly even saving your life!

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04. Base Jumping

This is the sport of sports to participate in. The person has no control or checks on his performance. It all depends on the parachute. Jumpers are simply blind-betting their life on whether it opens or not. Either the jumper will land safely or embrace his death otherwise. Apart from being very risky, this sport appeals to the youth a lot. But at the same time, Base Jumping has consumed over 180 lives since its start around 1980 which is why it isthe most dangerous sports

Another very vast but Dangerous aspect of base jumping is the use of a wingsuit while performing the skill. It makes the jumper more attractive and compact but, unfortunately, it is causing more deaths than otherwise. The reasons behind this fact are the lack of know-how about it, the over-confident approach while wearing it, and the unnecessary mishandling of this suit on the part of the jumper. A little bit more awareness and carefulness may make these most dangerous sports safer a lot.

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03. Soccer

Soccer is a game known for its distress more than its players. As it is a low-scoring sport, players take this sport very seriously and the fact that it is the most mainstream sport around the world.

Soccer is classified as a dangerous sport due to the frequency of injuries. Statistics state that there is a 75% chance of having a concussion in this game, compared to 5% in other games. People chasing just one ball and often throwing with one or two feet to attack their opponents is an activity that often goes wrong. Besides, leg muscles and ligament injuries are very frequent. Still, all of this doesn’t make players compete fiercely in soccer leagues around the world.

Every player is aware of the risk to their body and brain throughout their career, but the sheer love for the sport and the massive following of fans keep the fire alive in them.

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02. Gymnastics

Though very charming and appealing outwardly, gymnastics may also prove the most dangerous sport at times. It requires a lot of practice and stamina to be a good gymnast. The balance, strength, flexibility, and control of a gymnast is always superb. The body shape of a gymnast is in the phase of natural perfection but it may get injury if there is a slight mistake or carelessness on the part of the performer. Wrist and spinal fractures, ankle sprains, and neck and head injuries are quite common in gymnastics. Only a gymnast can understand the real spirit and passion behind or within gymnastics. In short, apart from the risks involved, gymnastics is an excellent sport for youngsters and one of the most dangerous sports

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01. Horseback Riding

The most dangerous sport of riding on a horse’s back itself gives you more pleasure and diverts your emotions toward freedom. Your senses and body become more agile, able to adjust start to discover the balance of your physique against the gravitational force of the ground. You can never imagine how the weight of this giant animal can harm you while riding.Sometimes your first five minutes of a ride affect your whole life by having serious injuries.

For riders, it’s a challenging job in terms of commitment, time, patience, and most importantly building a bond with your horse. Build a good relationship with your animal and don’t go against him. Sometimes an experienced person is paralyzed when their horse kicks them down.

Just like horseback riding, other sports cheerleading, gymnastics, rugby, and bull riding are extremely Most Dangerous Sports that put your life at risk.

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What is The Most Dangerous Sport

Apart from these normal regular sports, there are some specific most dangerous sports which seem to be a bit dangerous outwardly but actually, they are the real bold games and sports.

We do not come across such fantastic moments quite often in our daily lives but keep on doing our normal chores which make our life monotonous and transform us into less adventurous and pains-taking persons.

Whether it’s the death-defying leaps of BASE jumping or the intense physical battles and mixed martial arts. An extraordinary blend of talent, bravery, and stamina is mandatory. The stakes are staggering, but so are the rewards. The satisfaction of conquering fear, pushing past limitations, and achieving the impossible keeps you going.

These most dangerous sports require a lot of valor, stamina, strength, mental force, and a sharp IQ level. These most dangerous sports teach their players a lot and inculcate such qualities in them as to be helpful in their personal grooming and daily life.

Some people are of the view that such dangerous sports are a great security risk and the players may lose their lives while playing. I think this is a pessimist approach and is a poor attempt to reduce the charm and spell of these sports. Moreover, life and death go hand in glove with each other.

Every living being is bound to die whether or not he is a part of these most dangerous sports. What a man can do maximum is sheer carefulness on his part and then he should leave everything up to God. He is the Creator who will take utmost care of His creatures and will protect them until the final time of their death destined to them.

So, it is very much advisable to take part and enjoy these most dangerous sports and improve your confidence and boldness, and then face real-life affairs with the same confidence and boldness with safetymeasures.

Statistics: Sports injuries

Number of injuries by age
Sport or activityInjuries (1)Percent concussion-
related (2)
than 5
5 to 1414 to 2425 to 6465 and older
Bicycle riding488,123320,085147,91687,869195,57636,646
Exercise (3)361,55115,69636,94775,015196,44547,432
Swimming (4)191,396218,08979,31232,30951,53710,133
Weight lifting107,65513,1608,92134,83356,5354,206
Skating–roller (5)57,192<0.538030,5868,75516,735736
Horseback riding56,72777549,26814,40228,0554,248
Golf (6)37,369<0.58553,9581,98212,96417,610
Gymnastics (7)35,063268627,6575,0191,68016
Track and field32,237211412,82114,3474,719237
Martial arts26,94931817,3517,82311,451143
Water skiing7,335405442,5353,946311
Hockey–street, roller, field5,9016171,7662,6351,4830
Water tubing5,280901,2051,3362,69049
Mountain climbing5,1862913151,8742,87731
Racquetball, squash, and paddleball4,354<0.563921,1082,081767
Billiards, pool3,29921267523141,601506

Most Dangerous Sports &Human Nature

Humans have a unique trend that is built into their nature. Some opportunities exaggerate them adversely in extremes of good and bad just like most dangerous sports. While some refine their personality to differentiate between love and hate, selflessness and selfishness, it is noticed that the more developed societies are adopting extreme positions in their lifestyles. The less fortunate societies generally prefer midway options or have no choice at all.

The Old and Modern Sports: People had less mechanization and communication facilities and therefore less leisure. The sports encouraged fair play and had well-defined safety standards. The basic idea behind this was to promote physical fitness and a healthy body for all age groups. Later more competitions induced professional players. The games then lost their calm atmosphere. Today some most advanced societies are encouraging very rough, the most dangerous sports and pain-inflicting trends in their most popular sports and games that kill hundreds of participants every year. We must THINK to find the causes and again THINK how to reduce these damaging trends.

The modern space and computer age have increased the development pace faster than societies, as a whole, can really adjust to or fully understand its utilization, except for a few. The new technologies are promoting tremendous convenience in our lifestyles. The priority goals are being achieved much quicker, than a century earlier such as a house, stable handsome income, distant traveling in no time, ample leisure time, and all worldly enjoyments that are accessible to all including wealth, women, and wine. The fulfillment of basic needs leaves nothing more to be desired in the developed world.

Human nature is also designed to promote self-prominence, and self-respect, to be ranked top class, to lead others, to race ahead of others, and to achieve the ultimate feats that stay recorded unbeaten for long. More recently devilish selfish trends have propped up To DICTATE and ACQUIRE, what is desired by ‘Hook or by Crook’. This attains personal satisfaction and is the result of the increasing leisure time that keeps the mind VACANT for a long and renders it the devil’s playground. The devil knows all intricate tricks to fool us and lead us to our self-destruction.

The Japanese have an increasing trend of committing suicide. Having satisfied all their worldly desires and nothing more to achieve, they consider it the bravest act. Most dangerous sports and life-risking expose us to extremes for the sake of momentary pleasures and “CHANGE”, means the same. We have nothing more to achieve, so who cares what happens?

Nothing else but the most dangerous sports can bring this zeal and zest to our lives and make us daring and courageous to tackle the risky and puzzling situations in life.

Usually, all sports and athletic activities count a lot and produce a very healthy influence on both body and mind, but most dangerous sports are really very much thrilling and inspire the players and viewers with such vigor and fervor as to be required to meet the real dangers of life.

Again, sports are also of various categories demanding different levels of physical and mental involvement both on the part of the players and the viewers. Some sports and games are regular, and everyone can play them according to the defined rules and regulations rather than most dangerous sports.

Such sports and games are very popular all over the world and their players and good performers are recognized and awarded at all levels. Besides, these sports carry equal weight in all the countries of the world.

Someone interested in the most dangerous sports in the world should think very carefully before engaging in activities.

Table of Contents

131 Replies to “The Most Dangerous Sports: Adventures Unleashed”

  1. “Lawn Bowls

    Lawn Bowls is a really popular men and women’s game but most dangerous as well. This game is the highest death claimer worldwide. The players are deeply involved in the game till their last breath. They stop at nothing short of victory, in their pursuit. Those who escape death end up with bruises, torn knees, broken hips and bone fractures. The game generates extreme stresses resulting in strokes and even heart attach.”

    What a load of old cobblers!!! The only reason there is such a high death rate among lawn bowlers is because no other individual sporting group has an AVERAGE AGE anywhere near as old … 72 years plus! The only reason they have “bruises, torn knees, broken hips and bone fractures” is because they overbalance after stepping on unplayed bowls while walking backwards off the mat, or during stepping up or down off the green when facing forwards, instead of stepping sideways over the ditch. It has absolutely nothing to do with the actual “playing of the game”.


    1. Right!!! I was like… how in the world is THAT dangerous, it looks safer than golf!


      1. I’ve been Outdoor rock climbing nearly my entire life and I have broken my back, both arms, and my wrist, and then this guy comes along
        and says bloody LAWN BOWLS is more dangerous, “The game generates extreme stresses resulting in strokes and even heart attack.” MY ASS


  2. Would be really interesting to see your traffic spike if you had any stats enabled 🙂


    1. Guys I’m going to have to disagree will every one of you. Overall I think Competitive Swimming is a Most Dangerous Sports. One time I was too close to the wall on my flip turn and I hit my head on the wall and almost Split my head wide open! So if you think Lawn Racing is dangerous try competitive swimming for a chance.


      1. Cross country jumping is literally the only sport where you are required to have your medical information strapped to your arm.


  3. what about horseback riding??? more people die in eventing than auto racing!! no other sport requires controlling a 1,000+ animal with a mind of it’s own and you are going on about lawn bowling? have you seen the accidents that happen to people and horses? i would like to see you try it because 1 lesson and you will be complaining about sore legs!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. It doesn’t have a mind of its own horses are one of the most clever animals and help people with autism. If the styrups are right it’s fine when Me and my sisters first got a pony I was nervous but have learnt to trust her like you have to with anything.


      1. But they do cause what about bolting? When a horse wants to they could just bolt right on over to grass patch if they want!


    2. I AGREE!!!


    3. You want sore legs? Try mountain biking. After half an hour of uphill you’ll want to quit. And downhill Freeride mountain biking makes horseback riding look like golf. It’s extremely dangerous. Hot one rock wrong, you could be seriously injured or even die. Wrong suspension settings? You could get hurt or die. Etc.


      1. Cycling in any capacity is dangerous sport. Remember, most cycling is done at on the road in close proximity with 3000-4000 lb vehicles which are “controlled” by others who do not really care about your safety. There is no reason to try and rate which “sport” is the most dangerous. They can all be deadly. If you think you’re invincible then there is a god chance you will be severely injured or die because rational thought is replaced by the need to accomplish something better, faster, higher, longer, deeper, etc. Let’s all agree that when doing a sport regardless of what level you participate/compete on, you are putting your health (even when trying to improve it) and life at risk.


      2. search up cross country flip falls you’ll change your mind. And in case you’re wondering, no no we can’t escape, with our feet in the stirrups its inevitable that the horse will land on you break a few bones and maybe even kill you.


  4. I think gymnastics is one of the most dangerous sports in the world, no one gets to catch you when you fall off a pyramid, if you make one little mistake, it can cost you your life.


    1. That’s not true! Horseback riding is the most Dangerous not only we ride a 1200lb animal we control it with our lives at hands and when we jump over 10 meters there’s no one not even a mat to at least protect us a little but there is nothing NOTHING at all catching us it’s just sand and then maybe a horse! So you should rethink what your gonna say!


      1. Try motocross and mountain biking…


        1. ya I do gymnastics and it is dangerous but ive wanted to do motorcross and ive seen pros do ir and they still get major injuries all the time


      2. Pretty sure that horses can’t jump 10 meters :/


        1. I love how everyone is talking like worst case scenario, but personally horse riding takes the win for me.


        2. Oh but they can , you clearly don’t know what you are talking about!


        3. If you did pro horse riding you would know that horses CAN jump 10 meters.


          1. Sorry for exaggeration I got angry with people dissing our sport
            Sorry for the issue

      3. Actually I’m a horseback ride her horses can’t jump 10 m that’s almost 4.2 stories you’re exaggerating the world record for a horse jumping The highest to meters 2.32 m


      4. I do the two most dangerous sports on this list Horseback Riding and Gymnastics and I only got a few bruises and got the wind knocked out of me but I had to stop gymnastics from not being able to move my shoulder as much but I still do weekly lessons of horseback riding and even rode a green mustang without getting hurt.


      5. Uh, but it’s not 10 meters.
        But in cross country jumping the jumps are solid so if a horse doesn’t jump high enough you basically just confirmed your doom. The horse will do a somersault and land on you. All 1000+ pounds or more.

        And if your feet gets caught in a stirrup when falling, they’ll end up spooking and bolting, dragging you along with them, getting kicked and stepped on.


      6. Shut up. Im a gymnast and i’ve had whiplash twice in the past to months and it can take 6 months to fully heal. Also on wednesday i hyper extended both of my knees and my ankle has been wrapped for the past two days and i can barely walk on it. SO SAY HORSE RIDING IS MORE DANGEROUS ONE MORE TIME!


        1. Ella, in all the lists i’ve seen gymnastics is mentioned, but horseback riding is normally MUCH higher on the list. i’ve been to several polo matchs and once i saw a person andhorse die with my own eyes so don’t go telling people that gymnastics is harder then horse back riding when a horse can literally be walking calmly and decide to bolt and throw you off it’s back and if it’s wild it could even decide to trample on you. an average horse weighs 1,200 pounds and could kill you easily. and i get your a gymnast but i don’t know why your so persistent on saying you sport is the most dangerous. i’ve seen a few of these lists and in two of them it said polo is the most dangerous sport, and in the other three i’ve seen it says mountain climbing is the most dangerous sport. i have never seen any of them say gymnastics is the most dangerous sport <3


    2. Funny because gymnastics isnt a sport


    3. You don’t do pyramids in gymnastics


  5. What about the wave surfing. It looks like fun, but it is very hardest event. It needs guts. I think it is the most dangerous game.


  6. No in gymastic is there anybody to catch you but your not 6,8 ft up in the air and one little wrong movement of the body can couse you to fall and yur backspotters and bases wont see it comeing becouse you are known to be very carefull and then you end up with a broken neck or a broken arm or something worse and shutup horse back riders how about you go and try cheerleading dont complain when you hurt your leg when you jumped to high or when you dont know what to do when the coach has explain or when you dont know the right counts cheerleading is a very hard sport and horse back riding is too babyish so suck it up horseback riders and learn your danm counts


    1. First of all equestrians are not babyish I’m not saying cheer leading isn’t dangerous but horse back riding is one of the most dangerous sports it’s our job to make it look easy and there is a difference from sitting on a horse and riding a horse. And horse riders have a very high pain tolerance we fall 6 feet from the air going 35 miles per hour do we cry no we get back on so no we don’t need to suck it up


    2. What about when we jump over a 5 foot brick wall? Who’s gonna catch you when you fall and possibly break your neck? What if a 1200 pound animal lands on you? I think you need to suck it up because horseback riding is more dangerous than cheerleading 🙁


    3. Okay shut the f*ck up. I highly doubt you’ve even ridden a horse before! Height AND distance matter. Clearly you have yet to see what an oxer is. I DARE YOU TO GALLOP DOWNHILL AND DO A COUPLE OF THOSE OXERS, EH?


    4. how bout you try and ride a 1000+ animal and communicate when you don’t speak the same language and we’ll see how you feel when you fall off and get stepped on and your back broken


      1. gymanstics can break your back


        1. At least you have control over your body. In horse back riding your just hoping that this horse your on doesn’t bolt or buck, rear, etc.


        2. you can also break any other bone in your body


          1. In horseback riding you can have your bones shattered (I’m not exaggerating you will have the same bone broken in 9 places) if the horse runs you over, kicks you, lands on top of you after a flip fall, bites you, falls, etc.

    5. Your just like all cheerleaders. A stuck-up brat. So no you need to learn our horse counts. Thanks


      1. Gymnastics and cheerleading are two completely different things. Cheerleading is crap and gymnastics is actually a real sport. So prove me wrong I dare you.


        1. Wrong.


    6. Actually I jump 4’2 everyday on HORSEBACK . I wake up everyday knowing that I could die. I did gymnastics for 3 years , but the worst injury I got was A FLIPPING PAPERCUT. Horseback riding is not babyish , my instructor fell off and SHATTERED HER PELVIS . Grow up!!
      If you fall off, u be lucky if you dont get trampled.And i do know my counts.


      1. no hate but jumping that high everyday isnt good for the horse plus you should do some flatwork once a week at least. Anyway, its not uncommon for riders to shatter a pelvis. In fact I’d say its the most common injury in horseback riding. The only reason why horseback riding has a lower number of deaths than all the other sports is because very few people play it for many reasons one of those being its very expensive.


    7. If horseback riding was easy, they would call it cheerleading.


      1. @Gabrielle
        Yass queen!!! Loved that inspirational video!


    8. I would like to see you try and ride a horse. Horses have flipped over on people while their jumping and we still get back on try and jump that jump again. Equestrians are not babyish. If it were babyish then after one fall we would quit and never get back on a horse again. But no, we get back on a horse and work our way up to where we were before, then even past that point. And I have trouble sometimes understanding what my instructor wants me to do so don’t act like gymnastic is the only sport where you have trouble understanding what to do. Since newsflash, I think that can happen in all sports. And we can mess up striding which can lead to a rotational fall. And that can lead to death. So don’t act like riding a horse is easy you go try and do it. And there’s a very big difference between sitting on a horse and actually riding one.


  7. I am a bull rider and i just wanted to inform you that the rope that is ” across the bulls genitals.” arnt actually across its genitals the rope is actully across the bulls flank which is in front of its back legs more at the hip. And i agree that bull riding is dangerous since from the time i havbe started riding to now i have broke every rib in my body my left wrist 3 times my left wrist 2 times my elbow once and my shoulder once. Also i have laserated my kidney and had blood floating in my lungs.


    1. Dear Brenton,
      where does it says “across the bulls genitals” in the article? Do let us know, so that we can fix it if mistaken.


    2. Did riding bulls affect your ability to spell and punctuate?


    3. Yeah, I didn’t think that was right when I read it.
      It either has to be horseback riding or bull riding.


    4. I think that they should at least say thank you to the pickup men and the bullfighters they always are trying to keep the rider safe even if it means getting tossed up in the air by a crazy bull or shattering your arm trying to pull a flank strap. They get kicked by the horse or the bull. Without the bullfighters and pickup men there would be a lot more injuries and deaths from rough stock riding.


  8. i think the description of rugby is abit over exhaturated,its no way near the toughest contact sport in the world and broken bones or torn muscles basically nevr happen,it depends if you fall in a awkard postion. i play rugby and i’ve done martial arts before and martial arts is much much much harder thn rugby.


    1. sure we will cover that most dangerous sports as well. Thanks.
      Keep us posted with your valuable comments.


      1. Anyone ever tried paramotoring or paragliding. I’d say their pretty hardcore and not even a mention


    2. With the addition of professionalism, it’s getting harder and harder than any other sport at the top level.


    3. I don’t know what rugby you play but concussions, torn muscles and ligaments, broken bones and deep gashes happen every single rugby game. You’re also only allowed to have around 20 players on a roster and 15 on the field at all time. Which means most players are sprinting and tackling and pushing in scorching hot heat for 80 minutes straight. Heat stroke happens very often as well.


  9. @sam

    Gee, I didn’t know controlling a 1,000lb animal with a mind of its own would be considered “babyish”. From the looks of your post, you’ve never actually ridden and took horseback riding lessons beside from going on a trail ride or a pony ride at a fair. If you lose your balance even for a split second, you face the possibility of falling on your head/breaking any bone in your body as well as being stepped on. The sport takes just as much skill and strength as cheer-leading/gymnastics, and if you think otherwise.. say that to a jockey or a professional horseback rider who jumps their horse 6ft.


    1. **And for the people who think gymnastics is hard and dangerous, try doing it on a horse. It’s actually considered one of the safest equestrian sports.


      1. **And for the people who think gymnastics is hard and dangerous… it is try doing competitive and getting whip lash all the time


  10. I agree. Horseback riding is MUCH more dangerous that cheerleading. Not only to you fall from high up, but you fall when going at high speeds, and if a horse gets pissed… those things will kill you. these things arent your average trail horses. these are BIG, WILD, animals. I dont ride, I dont cheer, I play lacrosse, which is also pretty gosh darn rough, but I have seen cheer, and i have seen riding.

    With lacrosse… its survivable if you keep your head on a swivel and you can stay on your feet when someone hits you (easier said than done). But with the slap and poke checks ig theres not a lot you can do except take the bruises and breaks. Todays game, two people got knocked unconscious. In the last game, we stopped 12 seconds earlier when a guy got sandwhiched by two hard hitters and fractured his shoulder and got a concussion. He got taken off on a stretcher and woke up the next morning, not remembering hardly any of what happened…


    1. is it possible to get your head stuck those net thingies srry ive never played lacrosse or seen it


  11. BULL sh*t! Cheerleading?? really??? i understand how its dangerous but HOW THE F**K IS HORSEBACK NOT ON HERE!!!?!?!?!? buck, rear, spook, trip, slip, bolt, falls. people die and break things and fall oops i mean EVERYBODY every single person who takes lessons HAS fallen off. i know about a girl who died just by jumping bareback. gosh its not on here because people dont htink its a sport well u know what? bull sh*t to that!


    1. It is on the list it is the most dangerous.


    2. Its literally on here as the most dangerous sport lmao how did you not see it??


      1. yall are being kinda stupid about this, cheerleading isnt a sport. my roping teacher hurts me more than the horses, englich riding is for puss*s. and saddle bronc, the thing your riding is trying to kill you. we dont need counts because our adrenaline pumping for minutes after our 8 seconds is up, evening talking is impossible( the feeling of not being sble to sit still without twitching is the only reason i do it). so do the research first before you try to say these things.


    3. you can die under 2 seconds


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    1. Lawn Bowling hahah


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  14. okay i am not trying to make fun any other sports or anything, but i just need to say that in gymnastics and cheerleading and all that stuff yes you can fall from great heights, injure yourself and others, etc, etc. but something i need to point out is that when we are horseback riding you are not just controlling your on body but you are trying to have you and the horse as one so that then and only then you can control the horse there are so many things to think about and if you just let one thing slip for a milisecond like all other sports it can be fatal. please think about how much we have to go through and so do other sorts but riders like us also fight against what is considered the “safe” way because there really is no “safe” way to do anything riding because everything has a major risk. in some other sports there is a “safe” or a “right” way but in horse riding there isn’t there is only good and bad good meaning:you survived and bad meaning:you didn’t make it and you will never find out if it was good or bad until you have finished whatever you were doing whether it was tackling a 5 foot water drop fence or half passing or pole bending or whatever you were doing. riding is in my and many others opinion the toughest sport and most dangerous sports.


    1. Basically, when riding a horse, pray that said horse isn’t a jerk. 😉


    2. your saying that horse back riding takes no special skill
      your right


      1. hey i fallin off 4 time
        dude it does take skill


  15. oh and we also deal with injuries not just deaths we have to not only take care of our broken bones our dislocated shoulder etc etc before the next event we also have to take care of the horse and there injuries ice their legs, etc before we take care of ourselves. so that perosn on here that commented with “horse back riding is too babyish so suck it up horseback riders and learn your danm counts” hahahaa i would just love to see them ride a three day event then try to get out of the bed in the morning.


  16. omg do you realize how stupid you sound “oh horses back riding is so baby-ish” my aunt was taken from this earth by riding last year
    So you HAVE no clue how much it pains me to hear you say that anyways with riding its not also about you its your horse and your horse ALWAYS COMES FIRST
    so take some riding lessons and than come back and comment


  17. I’m not gonna lie, horseback riding is NOT that dangerous when you’re on a pony ride, taking beginning lesson, or just leisurely trail riding. That is NOT real horseback riding. I am a horseback riding who has been riding for 4 years now and have been through 4 big spooks, 2 minor ones, and plenty of times where a horse has tripped and you almost fall with it. Granted, in these 4 years of danger, I have not fallen off.

    So whoever said, “Oh horseback riding is so babyish learn your damn counts,” stop being an ignoramus pig. Oops, you probably don’t know what ignoramus means. I’m not knocking your sport of cheerleading, so don’t knock my sport. And a little FYI: We really don’t have “counts,” whatever you mean by that.

    I think we should all respect each other’s sports here because they all include dangers, hell even walking across the street is dangerous.


    1. I think he means strides


    2. how did u not fall for 4 years of horseback riding. I have only been riding for 2 years and I have alrety fallen off 2 times.


      1. I haven’t even been riding for 2 years and ive fallen of 3 times


  18. i think lots of these sports are dangerous… like im not going to disagress, but what about gymnastics? iv done cheerleading for 5 years both compitition and high school. iv also done gymnastic since i was 4, i am now 16 (12 years). The only reason any cheerleader gets hurt is normally bc they have learded a skill wrong or are messing around. sometimes it can be because of a mess up or fall… cheerleaders are lazy (normally. not all, but alot of them are). gymnasts on the onther hand work extremely had. sometimes more then 4 hours a day everyday. Or olympic gymnast… 7 hours a day, 2 hour schooling… gymnast flip in the air and do things that most people dont even know is possible. Maybe this should be checked in to more, because cheereading is number 11 and gmnastics isnt even on there… and dont forget this is coming from someone who has done both.


  19. ive been in gymnastics since i was 4. I am now 17. i have broken both ankle, almost blown my knee, broken all of my fingers and toes, twisted and sprung both of my ankles and wrist… i have had stress fractures in my feet and ankles and not only that, i just had to quit because of my back and knee’s. i have seen girls break their backs and necks at gymnastics meets, also ive seen a girl blow her knee doing a full and many other injuries. just some things to look into. im sure gymnastics should be pretty far up there


    1. FINALLY. thank you, ya a 13 year old who used to be on my team had to quit for that reason to. gymnasts cannot always control them selves for all of the people DISSING OUR SPORT HOW BOUT YOU TRY TO BE ON A COMPETITIVE TEAM AND NEVER GET HURT YA MY FRIEND SPRAIND HER ANKLE TRYING TO DO A CARTWHEEL SO GO TRY TO DO A DOUBLE FRONT AND TELL ME HOW THAT GOES


  20. oh, but i give lots of credit to horseback ridders, i have also done that along with cheer and gymnastics, and they are right it is very hard and i dont even compete, i just do it for fun… they do not only have to deal with them selves and fear and injuries, but also their horses. horses are very sinsitive (sorry if its spelled wrong) and will take advantige of that. they can since when the ridder is scared.. knowing they can now take controll wheather its a good thing or a bad thing, the horse will do it. horseback ridders have to deal with alot. not just them selves, but but an animal too ( a huge one too of all animals) so way to go horseback ridders 🙂


  21. I am a horseback rider and it pains me to see the comments some people put. IN the last 2-3 years three people have lost their lives doing riding and two of the girls were 14! Cheerleading can be hard but most of the time its mistakes that can be prevented. I give props to all gymnasts escpecially thoose training for olympics who give away their lives to after their dream that can bee ruined by one fall. But i will admit horse riding is very dangerous. We spend years perfecting skills and deal with so many injuries and not to mention sore muscles. Plus one wrong move or shifting your postition can kill you and the horse. Everytime we sit in the saddle we risk our lifes but then again riding is ourlife. And people like Sam before you diss us think of people like Jessica Forsyth who was doing the thing she loved most which was jumping with her horse she would ide for and she fell and her horse accidentlycrushed her skull and broke her neck. R.I.P Jessica. So please keep your rude comments to yourself.


    1. you think your muscles get sore?!??!


      1. ella, you dont know what sore is. i wish there was a way to show a video of 1 thing that hapened to me. i was calf roping on a horse that did not know how to work rope well. he reared up in the box falling back and some cowboy ripped my off the horse before it fell on it self and killing 2 kids that where behind me. the horse was killed in the accident the kids where rushed off. after the kids left the horses body was moved they gave me the option to not ride because i dint have a horse, i got on a horse i had never ridden before and roped as soon as i got on i had some much adrenaline pumping that i could not talk even 30 mins after the incident happened. i roped a 3 second run and won the rodeo. i lost my life earnings on the horse my best friend(the horse) and 2 kids died. this is 1 of the many storys i could share so please stop disrespcting not only the sport but the innocent people who have died and the horses who have lost there lifes. you are honestly being kinda selfish for going through these cooments trying to make fun of people that are defending there sport. if you really are just that bad of a person then i feel bad for your parents, friends(probably hasd none),future husband and kids. and notice how we arent saying cheer isnt a sport even tho it isnt. these people where trying to be nice and inform you but u where being a bafoon and scratching your ass while reading.


        1. im sorry but try doing competitive gymnastics for 8 hour a week.


          1. i finished reading that just now, bitch

  22. Hi,
    I do cheerleading, gymnastics and horseback riding. But there is another sport that i do that i think is way more dangerous than them all. Horse vaulting this is gymnastic on a moving horse. We do not wear helmets or anything just leotards and when you are doing your cantre freestyle on a 17hh horse you have every right to be scared. But i think the thing that makes it the worst, is team cantre freestyle this is when your vaulting team come up with moves that they can do together were you can have up to 3 people on the cantering horse at one time. And because horses have a mind of there own and are so unpredictable, it can spook, buck or rear anytime. But don’t worry the number one thing we are taught is to be considerate to the horse so we definately do not hurt them 🙂


  23. The author should know that the base jumper’s skills have a great deal to do with his chance for survival. As well, some years ago, a thing called a wingsuit was invented, and continues to be developed. Ironically, as I understand it, Wingsuit flying is even more dangerous than basic base jumping.

    I do not pretend to be an authority on the subject yet the author of this article does! I would greatly appreciate an update on this article. Thanks.


  24. dude, american football has way more injuries per year than rugby… read a f*cking book bro


    1. Watch the fricking equestrian sports in the Olympics, bro.


  25. MMa is for sure on of the most brutal and dangerous sports out there. Imagine getting elbowed and kneed in the face several times than thrown to the ground and getting punched while on the ground until you can’t see straight and then expected to do it again. And again. And again. So yeah for all you haters out there that’s mixed martial arts. Trust someone who knows what it feels like


  26. I’ve been rode for ten years and one thing I’ve learned is that one way you can prevent injury is by being strong and having muscle. When I go to the barn, these people aren’t exactly jacked; a lot of them have a normal muscle mass and so of course you should expect to be injured if you have a weak frame.


    1. Muscle mass isn’t going to help you if your horse decides to step on your neck.


  27. Many people are complaining that cheerleading is not a dangerous sport, look at the number of injuries in the statistics. Almost 22,861 injuries in people between the age of 15 to 20. I enjoyed reading this article, many sports that I never thought would be dangerous is actually in this list 😐


  28. And then my wife complains and wonders why I never play any sports !!!! This is dangerous 😀


  29. Base jumping should not be even considered as a sport, it is straight suicide! Either you land safely or face death!


  30. Well, I have done gymnastics and cheerleading both. To be honest I find both of them to be equally dangerous as it includes high jumps and bruises are very common. I have got ankle sprains many times… well as you grow you only remember the fun and passion so its worth the pain 🙂


  31. Bull Riding by just the look of it is giving me anxiety… Horseback riding is indeed dangerous but I guess an angry Bull will take you down… Hats off to the riders


  32. In my opinion the most dangerous sport in the world is jallikattu(India).The sport is almost like fighting against a bull.The site says that the sports you have given are the worlds ultimate dangerous sports but it doesn’t shows the sport which I have mentioned (Jallikattu) according to the sports history the sport which I have mentioned have done several deaths also only few people was ready to do this sport so this have only created 9% of danger in the world as you all this sport is one of the rare sport which is very dangerous.I think this sport is now banned from the current place (Tamilnadu,India).

    Thanks for reading this information….<3


    1. Its me again.Sorry for the silly mistakes which I have created.I hope you all understand.

      Thank you….


  33. In bull riding, the flank strap is loosely tied in a slip knot around his FLANK not his testicl*s. The flank strap is just there so he’ll kick.


  34. The description for cheerleading is offensive and incredibly inaccurate


  35. Okay, just because you’ve done both does not mean you are an expert. Saying your experience with cheerleaders has led you to believe they are lazy is not a reflection on cheer leading, but instead on your gym and who you were as an athlete. If your saying that they never got hurt, or only when they were messing around, I would hate to be on your team, because my gym trains to be the best of the best, creating never been done before stunts that, by the way, are extremely dangerous. Yeah, we flip and soar in the air too, and new tumbling skills are added/created in cheer everyday. Maybe sports like cheer/gymnastics/dance, and any other sport that’s been over looked should stand together instead of apart, because I’m sure as hell that no Olympic athlete would bash another like you just did.


    1. Ouch.


  36. the highest ever was actually 2.47m plus I am a actual horseback rider


  37. I am a actual horseback rider and the highest a horse has ever jump was 2.47m


    1. YES EXACTLY idk why everyone thinks snowman broke the record with 2.37 meters bc it was Huaso in argentina. And he broke the record in 1949 at the time they didn’t jump as high as they do now making the feat even more impressive.


    2. YES EXACTLY idk why everyone thinks snowman broke the record with 2.37 meters bc it was Huaso in argentina. And he broke the record in 1949 at the time they didn’t jump as high as they do now making the feat even more impressive.


  38. sorry thought the first time i replied did not work


  39. i like turtles


    1. Me too.


  40. soccer is very dangerous.


  41. I like soccer


  42. Why aren’t we considering the Iditarod. Days in the wilderness of Alaska, you risk starvation, getting attacks by bear, you falling off the sled and your dogs running away, falling in a frozen river, all your dogs dying and you being left alone, you dying, getting lost . . . and more. Yes, I know there is checkpoints, but what if you get lost? You’re good as dead. (I’m also aware there has never been any deaths, too.

    Overall, I think the Iditarod, Bull Riding, and Horseback Riding are the most dangerous sports on Earth. (Unless, you know, people fight to the death as a sport, like the Greeks in the Olympics . . . .)


  43. *****(Why aren’t we considering the Iditarod?)
    Forgot question mark.


  44. why isnt anyone considering any motorsports? not even the ones on this list. sure horseback riding is dangerous or whatever. but events like the Dakar (which is the baja 1000 but averages 6x the distance) or the isle of man tt, which people reach speeds of 200 mph passing through little towns with houses passing by them, or even the wrc, many forget or dont even know about group b, which got people to speeds of around 120 in a car going down a trail just as narrow as the car itself at points. many forget that motorsports even exists, i believe that motorsports need to be considered more


  45. The section on BASE jumping is extremely frustrating to read.
    Saying that we have no controls or checks and blind betting on performance has no root in reality.

    There is so much preparation behind every jump. We train in the skydiving environment and use those skills when BASE jumping.
    Our gear is purpose built for BASE jumping. We go through MANY controls and checks, both physical and mental, before every jump.

    The section on wingsuiting has some truth to it, but it is an incredibly broad statement that pisses on many talented pilots out there.

    Please get in contact with someone that has knowledge about this before writing about it. Attitudes like yours is detrimental to our sport.


  46. When people say English riding isn’t dangerous it god well is how about you fall on dry solid mud. I have punctured one of my lungs from doing it I was supposed to be off for six weeks but after 2 I got back in the saddle. Btw this was when I was six.


  47. “Soccer is a dangerous sport” NICE JOKE


  48. Horseback riding is one of the most dangerous sports because the horse could fall on you, and you could die!!!!!!!!!!


  49. Horse back riding is the hardest sport. I Dare you to try it you say its easy go to YouTube and look up horse riding isn’t a sport. IT IS THE MOST DANGEROUS.We suffer from brutal Injuries. Have you ever fallen 7 feet going 45 mph into a solid obstacle. And what ever happens it is never the horses fault. So shut your mouth. I have scars everywhere from horseback riding.


  50. Finally someone under stands! One little mistake could end your life or send to do a hospital. We ride 12 hundred pound beasts and people say it’s easy! They have a mind of there own and they could kill you in a split second. Ya a trail ride might not be that hard but try leading your horse through a pattern, speeding through barrels, jumping over jumps that are taller than you, and dancing with something that doesn’t speak your language!


  51. @Ella
    Stop going on and on about whiplashes and gymnastics. I do both gymnastics and horseback riding, but i’d say equestrian is more dangerous. I’ve been riding for about six years now, I’ve fallen off many times. There are more injures in gymnastics, I agree, but the incidents in horseback riding are much worse.


  52. Have you seen Hurling?, might be a little bit more dangerous than pool maybe.


  53. I found your blog post about the most dangerous sports very interesting and informative. You have given me some insights and facts about the extreme physical and mental challenges that these sports pose. I like your photos and your descriptions of the different sports and their risks. I’m especially interested in learning more about BASE jumping and bull riding, as they seem to be the most thrilling and daring sports.


  54. Yeah but horse back riding is still dangerous :/


  55. On what are you basing your rankings? Why did you put horseback riding as the number one most dangerous sport, and boxing or football as number 9 and respectively, when the statistics don’t even come close to bearing that out? And you even list them!! Those sports are much more dangerous!!


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Most Dangerous Sports - Top 37 List (2023) (2024)


What is the #1 dangerous sport? ›

According to an ESPN ranking, street luge is considered the most dangerous sport in the world. 10-15 jockeys die each year due to horse racing accidents. Base jumping results in one death for every sixty participants. Rock climbing accidents cause approximately 30 deaths per year in the U.S.

What is the most dangerous sport in the world 2024? ›

Highlining often tops the list of the most dangerous and extreme sports in the world. It doesn't only require the participant to be physically fit but also challenges them mentally. The sport involves walking on a Highline that is fixed between two rocky formations or mountains.

What is the most painful sport? ›

Sports like American football, rugby, and ice hockey typically have the highest injury rates due to their physical nature and frequent contact.

What is the most violent sport in America? ›

Andrew Gillen, a managing partner at a personal injury law firm in California, and his team analyzed 2021 data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) and concluded that basketball is the most dangerous sport in America.

What is the most difficult sport in the world? ›

We've done our own Tale of the Tape, and we've come to a surprising conclusion. Pound for pound, the toughest sport in the world is . . . Boxing.

Which sport has the most broken bones? ›

The highest rate of fractures was in football (4.61 per 10 000 athlete exposures) and the lowest in volleyball (0.52). Boys were more likely than girls to sustain a fracture in basketball (rate ratio, 1.35,; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-1.72) and soccer (rate ratio, 1.34; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-1.71).

What is the most safest sport ever? ›

Sports with the least injuries, such as swimming, golf, or table tennis, still provide a fantastic workout for participants. They help improve cardiovascular health, build endurance, and strengthen muscles without the high risk of major injuries.

What is the most dangerous sport for females? ›

Cheerleading is the absolute most dangerous girls' sport for a large number of females. Data shows that this includes girls ages 6 through 22, which is a huge demographic at risk for life-altering injuries.

Which sport is the most athletic? ›

No sport requires as much work and skill to master at the professional/ elite level like boxing. Some years ago, ESPN did a survey to rank sports based on various criterion like endurance, speed, power, nerve, agility, flexibility, hand-eye coordination, etc., and boxing came out on top.

What is the hardest sport in school? ›

In the poll, athletes, non-athletes, and teachers voted wrestling as the most difficult high school sport with 37.5 percent (80 votes) of the votes. “It takes a good mental mentality,” junior Isaiah Blackwell said. “You have to be in it to win it. “It is the most physically demanding sport that we have.

What is the most dangerous sports fight? ›

Professional boxing and MMA are two of the most dangerous combat sports in the world due to the lack of protective gear worn (compared to the protected fists).

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.