Must-Know Hedge Fund Statistics [Recent Analysis] • Gitnux (2024)


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  • Last Updated: December 16, 2023

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Highlights: Hedge Fund Statistics

  • The global hedge fund industry manages approximately $3.6 trillion in assets.
  • About 44% of hedge funds used fundamental strategies in 2020.
  • 68% of institutional investors allocated their assets to hedge funds in 2020.
  • In 2020, the global hedge fund industry had a positive return of 11.6%.
  • 77% of hedge funds outperformed the global equity market during the first quarter of 2020.
  • 65% of hedge funds employ long-short strategies.
  • There are approximately 575 institutional investors actively investing in fund of hedge funds in 2021.
  • 35% of hedge fund assets were managed by firms with 10 or fewer employees in 2019.
  • In 2020, hedge fund managers allocated 3.85% of their portfolios to technology sub-sectors.
  • The top 20 hedge fund managers on the Forbes 400 list have a combined net worth of over $223 billion.
  • In 2019, hedge funds started with $18.6 billion in net withdrawals by investors.
  • There were 278 hedge fund launches in the first half of 2020.
  • In 2020, female fund managers represented around 11% of total hedge fund managers.
  • The median management fee for hedge funds was around 1.5% in 2019.

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The global hedge fund industry is a rapidly growing sector, managing approximately $3.6 trillion in assets and employing various strategies to generate returns for investors. According to the latest statistics, 44% of hedge funds used fundamental strategies in 2020 while 68% of institutional investors allocated their assets to these funds during that same year. In addition, the global hedge fund industry had a positive return of 11.6%, with 77% outperforming the equity market during Q1 2020 and 3.88% gains reported in March 2021 alone.

Furthermore, there are currently around 15,000 active hedge funds operating globally; 65% employ long-short strategies while nearly 70% have investments from sovereign wealth funds as well as 575 institutional investors actively investing in Fund Of Hedge Funds (FOHFs). Additionally 35 %of total AUM was managed by firms with 10 or fewer employees back 2019 and technology sub-sectors accounted for 3.85%. ESG factors were also considered by 83 percent of institutions when making investment decisions last year whilst 60 percent endowments & foundations invest into this asset class too – not forgetting The Forbes 400 list which shows combined net worth over $223 billion amongst top 20 managers.

Finally it’s important to note that despite some initial withdrawals at start 2019 ($18bn) , overall growth has been strong since then – 278 launches recorded first half 2020 plus projections suggest further inflows up until 2021 ($42bn) . Female representation within manager ranks remains low however at just 11%. Median management fees remain relatively stable though hovering around 1/5th mark throughout past few years..

The Most Important Statistics

The global hedge fund industry manages approximately $3.6 trillion in assets.

This statistic is a testament to the sheer size and scope of the global hedge fund industry. It is a clear indication of the immense power and influence that hedge funds have in the financial markets, and serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding the industry and its dynamics.

About 44% of hedge funds used fundamental strategies in 2020.

This statistic is a telling indication of the current state of the hedge fund industry. It shows that a significant portion of hedge funds are relying on fundamental strategies to make their investments, which suggests that these strategies are proving to be successful. This is important information for investors to consider when deciding which hedge funds to invest in.

Hedge Fund Statistics Overview

68% of institutional investors allocated their assets to hedge funds in 2020.

This statistic is a testament to the growing popularity of hedge funds among institutional investors. It shows that even in a year of economic uncertainty, hedge funds remain a viable option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and maximize returns. This statistic is a clear indication that hedge funds are here to stay and will continue to be a major player in the investment landscape.

In 2020, the global hedge fund industry had a positive return of 11.6%.

This statistic is a testament to the success of the global hedge fund industry in 2020, showing that despite the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic, the industry was able to generate a positive return. This is an encouraging sign for investors, as it indicates that hedge funds can still be a viable option for generating returns in a volatile market.

77% of hedge funds outperformed the global equity market during the first quarter of 2020.

This statistic is a testament to the resilience of hedge funds during a tumultuous period. Despite the global equity market taking a hit during the first quarter of 2020, hedge funds were able to maintain their performance and even outperform the market. This is a powerful indicator of the strength of hedge funds and their ability to weather difficult economic times.

Hedge funds gained 3.88% in March 2021.

The March 2021 hedge fund performance of 3.88% is a noteworthy statistic, as it demonstrates the potential for investors to benefit from the strategies employed by hedge funds. This statistic is a testament to the efficacy of hedge fund strategies, and serves as a reminder of the potential for investors to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the hedge fund industry.

65% of hedge funds employ long-short strategies.

This statistic is significant in the context of a blog post about Hedge Fund Statistics because it reveals the prevalence of long-short strategies among hedge funds. It indicates that a majority of hedge funds are utilizing this particular strategy, which is a popular approach to investing that involves taking both long and short positions in the market. This statistic provides insight into the strategies that hedge funds are using and can be used to inform readers about the current state of the hedge fund industry.

There are approximately 575 institutional investors actively investing in fund of hedge funds in 2021.

This statistic is a testament to the growing popularity of fund of hedge funds, indicating that more and more institutional investors are recognizing the potential of this investment vehicle. It is a sign that the hedge fund industry is continuing to expand and evolve, and that investors are increasingly turning to fund of hedge funds as a way to diversify their portfolios and access a wider range of investment opportunities.

35% of hedge fund assets were managed by firms with 10 or fewer employees in 2019.

This statistic is a telling indication of the size of the hedge fund industry. It shows that a significant portion of the assets managed by hedge funds are handled by smaller firms, which suggests that the industry is highly competitive and that there is a wide range of players in the market. This is important to note, as it highlights the diversity of the hedge fund industry and the potential for smaller firms to make an impact.

In 2020, hedge fund managers allocated 3.85% of their portfolios to technology sub-sectors.

This statistic is indicative of the growing importance of technology sub-sectors in the hedge fund industry. It shows that hedge fund managers are increasingly recognizing the potential of technology investments and are allocating a larger portion of their portfolios to these sub-sectors. This is an important trend to note in the context of hedge fund statistics, as it highlights the changing landscape of the industry and the need for hedge fund managers to stay up to date with the latest developments in technology.

The top 20 hedge fund managers on the Forbes 400 list have a combined net worth of over $223 billion.

This statistic is a testament to the immense wealth that hedge fund managers have accumulated. It highlights the immense success that these individuals have achieved in the world of finance, and serves as a reminder of the potential for financial gain that can be achieved through the hedge fund industry.

In 2019, hedge funds started with $18.6 billion in net withdrawals by investors.

This statistic serves as a stark reminder of the waning interest in hedge funds. It indicates that investors are becoming increasingly wary of the risks associated with hedge funds and are choosing to withdraw their money rather than invest in them. This could have a significant impact on the hedge fund industry, as it could lead to a decrease in the amount of capital available for investment. As such, this statistic is an important indicator of the current state of the hedge fund industry and should be taken into consideration when discussing hedge fund statistics.

There were 278 hedge fund launches in the first half of 2020.

This statistic is a telling indication of the current state of the hedge fund industry. It shows that despite the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic, the industry is still growing and innovating. This statistic is a testament to the resilience of the hedge fund industry and its ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

In 2020, female fund managers represented around 11% of total hedge fund managers.

This statistic is a telling indication of the gender disparity in the hedge fund industry. It highlights the fact that women are significantly underrepresented in the field, and that there is still a long way to go in terms of achieving gender equality in the industry. This statistic is an important reminder that there is still much work to be done in order to create a more equitable and diverse hedge fund industry.

The median management fee for hedge funds was around 1.5% in 2019.

The fact that the median management fee for hedge funds was around 1.5% in 2019 is a key indicator of the industry’s overall health. It shows that hedge funds are still able to attract investors despite the high fees they charge, and that investors are willing to pay for the potential returns they can get from hedge funds. This statistic is also important for potential investors, as it gives them an idea of what to expect when investing in a hedge fund.


The global hedge fund industry is a rapidly growing sector, managing approximately $3.6 trillion in assets and employing long-short strategies for 65% of its funds. In 2020, the industry had a positive return of 11.6%, outperforming the global equity market by 77%. Hedge funds also gained 3.88% in March 2021 and are projected to have net inflows of $42.75 billion this year with an estimated median management fee at 1.5%.

Institutional investors allocated 68% of their assets to hedge funds in 2020 while sovereign wealth funds invested nearly 70%. Endowments and foundations were found to invest 60%, showing that these institutions recognize the potential benefits offered by investing in hedge funds despite some withdrawals from investors amounting up to $18.6 billion last year due largely to COVID-19 related uncertainty .

In terms of diversity within the sector, there are currently around 15,000 operating globally with 35% managed by firms having 10 or fewer employees as well as 11% female fund managers – both figures being lower than desired but still indicative that progress has been made towards greater representation over recent years . Furthermore , ESG factors have become increasingly important considerations when making investments into hedge fund portfolios (83%) which further demonstrates how far this asset class has come since its inception decades ago .

Overall , it is clear that although challenges remain ahead for those involved within the space such as increasing diversity levels amongst staff members , overall trends suggest continued growth across all areas including performance returns , investor allocations & launches throughout 2021 & beyond .


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What is a hedge fund?

A hedge fund is an alternative investment vehicle that pools capital from accredited investors or institutional clients and employs various investment strategies to generate positive returns or to hedge against market risks.

How do hedge funds differ from mutual funds?

Hedge funds differ from mutual funds in several ways, including their fee structure, regulatory oversight, and investment strategies. Hedge funds often employ more sophisticated and riskier investment strategies, face less regulation, and charge higher fees compared to mutual funds.

What are some common investment strategies used by hedge funds?

Common investment strategies used by hedge funds include long/short equity, event-driven, market neutral, arbitrage, global macro, and managed futures. These strategies can involve using leverage, short selling, or derivatives to capitalize on market opportunities and/or hedge against potential risks.

What are the typical fee structures for hedge funds?

Hedge funds typically charge a performance fee and a management fee. The performance fee, usually around 20%, is based on the fund's positive investment returns, which incentivizes the fund manager to generate high profits. The management fee, typically around 2% of assets under management, covers the operational expenses of running the fund.

Who can invest in hedge funds?

Hedge funds are primarily designed for accredited investors or institutional clients, such as pension funds, endowments, and wealthy individuals. Accredited investors typically must meet specific income and net worth requirements, as set by regulatory bodies, to qualify for investment in hedge funds due to their higher risk nature and less stringent regulatory oversight.

How we write our statistic reports:

We have not conducted any studies ourselves. Our article provides a summary of all the statistics and studies available at the time of writing. We are solely presenting a summary, not expressing our own opinion. We have collected all statistics within our internal database. In some cases, we use Artificial Intelligence for formulating the statistics. The articles are updated regularly.

See our Editorial Process.

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Must-Know Hedge Fund Statistics [Recent Analysis] • Gitnux (2024)
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