null (2024)

The revised crease rule is intended to implement a "no harm, no foul, no video review" standard. The rule is based on the premise that an attacking player's position, whether inside or outside the crease, should not, by itself, determine whether a goal should be allowed or disallowed - i.e., goals scored while attacking players are standing in the crease may, in appropriate circ*mstances be allowed. Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper's ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; or (2) an attacking player initiates more than incidental contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. The rule will be enforced exclusively in accordance with the on-ice judgement of the Referee(s), and not by means of video replay or review.

  1. If an attacking player initiates contact with a goalkeeper, incidental or otherwise, while the goalkeeper is in his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.
  2. If an attacking player initiates any contact with a goalkeeper, other than incidental contact, while the goalkeeper is outside his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.
  3. In all cases in which an attacking player initiates other than incidental contact with a goalkeeper, whether or not the goalkeeper is inside or outside the goal crease, and whether or not a goal is scored, the offensive player will receive a penalty (minor or major, as the Referee deems appropriate). See also Rule 47(c) -- Charging).

    (NOTE 1) In exercising his judgment under subsections (a) and (b) above, the Referee should give more significant consideration to the degree and nature of the contact with the goalkeeper than to the exact location of the goalkeeper at the time of the contact.

    (NOTE 2) If an attacking player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by a defending player so as to cause him to come into contact with the goalkeeper, such contact will not be deemed to be contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact.

    (NOTE 3) A goalkeeper is not "fair game" just because he is outside the goal crease. The appropriate penalty should be assessed in every case where an attacking player makes unnecessary contact with the goalkeeper. However, incidental contact will be permitted when the goalkeeper is in the act of playing the puck outside his goal crease provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such unnecessary contact.

  4. If (i) a goalkeeper initiates contact with an offensive player who is in the goal crease; and (ii) such contact is (a) initiated by the goalkeeper in order to establish position in his goal crease; and (b) results in an impairment of the goalkeeper's ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.
  5. If, after any contact by a goalkeeper who is attempting to establish position in his goal crease, the attacking player does not immediately vacate his current position in the goal crease (i.e. give ground to the goalkeeper), and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. In all such cases, whether or not a goal is scored, the offensive player will receive a minor penalty for goalkeeper interference.

    (NOTE 1) The overriding rationale of subsections (d) and (e) above is that a goalkeeper should have the ability to move freely within his goal crease without being hindered by the actions of an attacking player.

    (NOTE 2) If, while attempting to establish position within his goal crease, a goalkeeper commits an act that is worthy of a penalty (i.e. cross-checking, slashing, etc.), then the appropriate penalty shall be assessed by the Referee.

  6. When a goalkeeper has played the puck outside of his crease and is then prevented from returning to his crease area due to the deliberate actions of an attacking player, such player may be penalized for goalkeeper interference. Similarly, the goalkeeper may be penalized, if by his actions outside of his crease he deliberately interferes with an attacking player who is attempting to play the puck or an opponent.
  7. If an attacking player establishes a significant position within the goal crease, so as to obstruct the goalkeeper's vision and impair his ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.

    (NOTE) For this purpose, a player "establishes a significant position within the crease" when, in the Referee's judgment, his body, or a substantial portion thereof, is within the goal crease for more than an instantaneous period of time.

  8. Subject to (i) below, if an attacking player enters the goal crease and, by his actions, impairs the goalkeeper's ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.
  9. In a rebound situation, or where a goalkeeper and offensive player(s) are simultaneously attempting to play a loose puck, whether inside or outside the crease, incidental contact with the goalkeeper will be permitted, and any goal that is scored as a result thereof will be allowed.
  10. In the event that a goalkeeper has been pushed into the net together with the puck after making a stop, the goal will be disallowed. If applicable, appropriate penalties will be assessed.

    In the event that the puck is under a player in or around the crease area (deliberately or otherwise), a goal cannot be scored by pushing this player together with the puck into the goal. If applicable, the appropriate penalties will be assessed, including a penalty shot if deemed to be covered in the crease deliberately (see Rule 55(c) -- Falling on Puck).

  11. A goalkeeper who deliberately initiates contact with an attacking player other than to establish position in the crease, or who otherwise acts to create the appearance of other than incidental contact with an attacking player, is subject to the assessment of a minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
  12. An attacking player who, in the judgment of the Referee, initiates contact with the goalkeeper, whether inside or outside the crease, in a fashion that would otherwise warrant a penalty, will be assessed an appropriate penalty (minor or major and/or game misconduct) and will be subject to additional sanctions as appropriate pursuant to Rule 33A -- Supplementary Discipline.

    (NOTE 1) For purposes of this rule, "contact", whether incidental or otherwise, shall mean any contact that is made between or among a goalkeeper and attacking player(s), whether by means of a stick or any part of the body.

    (NOTE 2) The above-stated standards relating to when a goal will be disallowed will be applied in all situations in which the puck enters the net regardless of whether it was directed into the net by the attacking or defensive team.

  13. Whenever the Referee stops play to disallow a goal as a result of contact with the goalkeeper (incidental or otherwise), the resulting face-off shall take place at the nearest neutral zone face-off spot outside the attacking zone of the offending Team.
null (2024)


What is null number? ›

In mathematics, the word null (from German: null meaning "zero", which is from Latin: nullus meaning "none") is often associated with the concept of zero or the concept of nothing. It is used in varying context from "having zero members in a set" (e.g., null set) to "having a value of zero" (e.g., null vector).

How do you use the word null? ›

null in American English
  1. without legal force; not binding; invalid. usually in the phrase null and void.
  2. amounting to naught; nil.
  3. of no value, effect, or consequence; insignificant.

What is the synonym of null? ›

adj.ineffectual, valueless.

What does null mean in computer? ›

In computer science, a null value represents a reference that points, generally intentionally, to a nonexistent or invalid object or address. The meaning of a null reference varies among language implementations.

Is null true meaning? ›

Advanced Concepts with null=True

If a string-based field has null=True , that means it has two possible values for “no data”: NULL, and the empty string. In most cases, it's redundant to have two possible values for “no data;” the Django convention is to use the empty string, not NULL.

Why is null used? ›

A NULL value is a special marker used in SQL to indicate that a data value does not exist in the database. In other words, it is just a placeholder to denote values that are missing or that we do not know.

Is null a good thing? ›

The short answer: NULL is a value that is not a value. And that's a problem.

Does null mean true or false? ›

Comparisons to null

The SQL null value basically means “could be anything”. It is therefore impossible to tell whether a comparison to null is true or false. That's where the third logical value, unknown, comes in. Unknown means “true or false, depending on the null values”.

What is null in text? ›

In the Text parameter: It is considered as null any variable that has no value assigned to it, so there is no reference address for this variable in the computational memory. It is considered as empty any text variable that has an empty string assigned to it, ie blank space.

What is the opposite of null? ›

Opposite of null hypothesis is alternative hypothesis.

Is null a root word? ›

-null-, root. -null- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "none; not one. '' This meaning is found in such words as: annul, null, nullify.

What is the origin of the word null? ›

Etymology. From the noun Null (“the number zero”), from Italian nulla, from Latin nulla, feminine singular of nullus (“no, none”).

What symbol means null? ›

Null sign (), the empty set.

What is the null symbol? ›

The empty (or void, or null) set, symbolized by {} or Ø, contains no elements at all.

What does null mean for data? ›

In SQL, null or NULL is a special marker used to indicate that a data value does not exist in the database.

Does NULL mean does not exist? ›

Null is used to define something programmatically empty. Undefined is meant to say that the reference is not existing. A null value has a defined reference to "nothing". If you are calling a not existing property of an object, then you will get undefined.

What is NULL in relationship? ›

For an FK a NULL means no value (meaning no relationship). If there is a value in an FK it has to match exactly one value in the PK that it references.

Is null a false? ›

The null value represents the intentional absence of any object value. It is one of JavaScript's primitive values and is treated as falsy for boolean operations.

What is null and empty? ›

An empty string is a string instance of zero length, whereas a null string has no value at all. An empty string is represented as "" . It is a character sequence of zero characters. A null string is represented by null .

Why is null a problem? ›

The fundamental problem of null is that it is trying to represent the fact that it is not a value while being assigned as a value. This fundamental flaw then snowballs and manifests into problems that we see in everyday production code.

Is null a power? ›

Null power is a term used to describe energy stripped of all of the environmental and renewable attributes – also called green attributes -- of renewable electricity. Null power and unspecified power get assigned a residual mix emissions factor.

What is the value of null? ›

A field with a NULL value is a field with no value. If a field in a table is optional, it is possible to insert a new record or update a record without adding a value to this field. Then, the field will be saved with a NULL value. Note: A NULL value is different from a zero value or a field that contains spaces.

Is null or zero? ›

The answer to that is rather simple: a NULL means that there is no value, we're looking at a blank/empty cell, and 0 means the value itself is 0.

Can the null be true? ›

A null hypothesis is either true or false. Unfortunately, we do not know which is the case, and we almost never will. It is important to realize that there is no probability that the null hypothesis is true or that it is false, because there is no element of chance.

What is null after a name? ›

It means that there is no value associated with name . You can also think of it as the absence of data or simply no data.

IS null same as space? ›

It is very important to understand that a NULL value is different than a zero value or a field that contains spaces, spaces are considered as values because they are strings (and sql can't tell what the value of a string means to the user per se), but a NULL signifies a missing value, and hence has no value associated ...

What's another word for null and void? ›

Canceled, invalid, as in The lease is now null and void. This phrase is actually redundant, since null means “void,” that is, “ineffective.” It was first recorded in 1669.

Where null is defined? ›

NULL is defined in the following header files: CRTDBG. H, LOCALE. H, STDDEF. H, STDIO.

What language is null? ›

NULL is a programming language in zero dimensions. Programs in it are single positive integers of arbitrarily large size.

What kind of name is null? ›

Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Noll German (also Nüll): variant of Noll and Nuelle .

How do you read ∅? ›

An empty set is denoted using the symbol '∅'. It is read as 'phi'.

Is null and 0 is same? ›

The answer to that is rather simple: a NULL means that there is no value, we're looking at a blank/empty cell, and 0 means the value itself is 0. Considering there is a difference between NULL and 0, the way Tableau treats these two values therefore is different as well.

What is null give example? ›

A null value indicates a lack of a value, which is not the same thing as a value of zero. For example, consider the question "How many books does Adam own?" The answer may be "zero" (we know that he owns none) or "null" (we do not know how many he owns).

IS null defined as 0? ›

Null is a built-in constant that has a value of zero. It is the same as the character 0 used to terminate strings in C. Null can also be the value of a pointer, which is the same as zero unless the CPU supports a special bit pattern for a null pointer.

IS null same as 0 for integer? ›

No its not the same as null means a value that is unavailable unassigned or unknown and zero is a defined value.

Is null equal to empty? ›

The Java programming language distinguishes between null and empty strings. An empty string is a string instance of zero length, whereas a null string has no value at all.

Why is a 0 a null set? ›

Cardinality of null sets

For instance, Set Z = {1,2,4} contains three elements, so its cardinality is three. Empty sets do not contain any elements, so their cardinality is zero. This is also why zero is defined as the cardinality of the null set.

How do you write a null character? ›

On some keyboards, one can enter a null character by holding down Ctrl and pressing @ (on US layouts just Ctrl + 2 will often work, there being no need for ⇧ Shift to get the @ sign). In documentation, the null character is sometimes represented as a single-em-width symbol containing the letters "NUL".

Is null == undefined true? ›

null == undefined evaluates as true because they are loosely equal. null === undefined evaluates as false because they are not, in fact, equal.

What is the symbol for nothing? ›

Null sign (∅), the empty set.

What are integers 0 called? ›

Zero is known as the neutral integer, or the integer that's in the middle of the positive and negative integers and has neither a positive nor negative sign.

Can integers be null? ›

Java primitive types (such as int , double , or float ) cannot have null values, which you must consider in choosing your result expression and host expression types.

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