Officials Commonly Asked Registration Questions (2024)

  • Is there a minimum age to start officiating?
  • What are the registration requirements for the various levels of officiating?
  • Can I attend a seminar before registering as an official?
  • How do I get an Official’s Application?
  • Is there a fee involved with the official’s application?
  • How do I find out if my Local Affiliate charges an annual registration fee?
  • It looks as if I'm paying two registration fees to be an official. How do the fees break down?
  • How do I find out who is my Local Supervisor of Officials?
  • How do I get my Open Book Rules Exam?
  • Where can I get a Rule Book and Officiating Manual?
  • How long do I have to take the Open Book Rules Exam?
  • Do I have to complete the Open Book Exam prior to attending my seminar?
  • Where do I find out about the seminars in my area?
  • How do I get credit for attending the seminar?
  • What should I bring to the seminar?
  • What is Online Education?
  • When will I receive my Card and Crest?
  • What do I have to do to make sure I am receiving emails such as registration conformation and exam results?
  • There is a lot of stuff going to and from the National Office.How long does it take to receive materials?
  • Is there a way I can check my registration status?
  • Now that I have my Card and Crest and I am eligible to officiate, how do I get games?
  • Does USA Hockey have any assignment guidelines? What levels of games is each respective level of official eligible to work?


Is there a minimum age to start officiating?

USA Hockey has no minimum or maximum ages for officials. It is highly recommended that officials not work games of their own age classification or higher, regardless of level attained. Generally, officials can successfully officiate as young as age ten years-old. However, some local areas do have minimum age requirements due to their State’s specific Child Labor Laws. In this instance, you will need to contact the Local Supervisor of Officials for location-specific information.

What are the registration requirements for the various levels of officiating?
A complete list of registration requirements for each level is listed at the

Registration Rules page under the OFFICIALS tab at

Can I attend a seminar before registering as an official?
No, all officials must complete Membership Registration prior to completing Seminar Registration.

Furthermore, sincethe registration fee is non-refundable it is strongly encouraged that an official confirms that he can attend a seminar before registering.

How do I get an Official’s Application?
USA Hockey offers online registration for allofficials. Simply look for the

Membership Registration link under the OFFICIALS tab at Returningofficials (those registered the prior season) will be sent a reminder postcard for the current season in early August.

Is there a fee involved with the official’s application?
The official’s registration fee is collected with the application and must be paid when the application is submitted in order for the application to be processed.All revenue generated from the registration fees is used to cover the day-to-day operations the Officiating Program. These include volunteer expenses, seminar expenses, educational materials, printing, postage, and all other expenses incurred to operate the program.

In addition, some districts or affiliates also charge a nominal AffiliateFee in order to fund special programs and local operating expenses. These fees may be collected as part of the USA Hockey application process and then are distributed to the district or affiliate level.

USA Hockey Officiating Program Registration Fees
LEVEL 1 - $55.00
LEVEL 2 - $110.00
LEVEL 3 - $110.00
LEVEL 4 - $110.00
LEVEL 0 (non-skating) - $45.00

How do I find out if my Local Affiliate charges an annual registration fee?
Not all Local Affiliates (your local governing body) charge a fee each year; however this question can be answered by your USA Hockey Local Supervisor of Officials or District Referee-in-Chief.

It looks as if I'm paying two registration fees to be an official. How do the fees break down?
USA Hockey’s officiating registration fee is considered a separate entity from that of a player and/or coach. Whereas an adult player can also coach under the same registration fee, the official’s fee is separate and must be paid by each official. In the case of the adult player, USA Hockey utilizes the joint fee for them to coach as a means to encourage these adult players to volunteer their time as a youth hockey coach. This is not done on the officiating side for a variety of reasons.

Maintaining a separate fee actually assists us in being able to keep our costs down. USA Hockey purchases insurance coverage for each member type, recognizing that the insurance risk for a player/coach is going to be different than it is for an official. By doing so, our insurance costs are actually held to a minimum. Instead of purchasing a blanket insurance program that covers all inherent risks for all member types at a greater cost to all members, we can be more specific and actually purchase coverage that accounts for the specific risk of each member type.

In addition, the Officiating Education Program is a distinct program that has several benefits included as part of the registration process. These include the Rule Book/Case Book, Officiating Manuals, the majority of the expenses for the officiating seminar, and administrative costs that are specific to the conducting of our direct registration program, including testing and distribution of materials.

In contrast, there is an additional fee charged by the Coaching Education Program for clinic attendance and many of the coaching manuals would also need to be purchased. Finally, in many cases, the officials are perceived to be the only people involved who are getting paid, so the USA Hockey Board of Directors feel strongly that the cost of our Education program should be funded strictly by our officiating membership, hence the independent registration fee and program.

How do I find out who is my Local Supervisor of Officials?
The Officiating Program Directory is locatedat usingthe Officiating

Directory linkappearing under the OFFICIALS tab. Once you arrive at the Directory page, select your USA Hockey District using the appropriate links and findyour District RIC andLocal Supervisor contact information at your district page.

How do I get my Open Book Rules Exam?
The Open Book Rules Exam can accessed online at the Officials website24-hours after online registration. Informationabout completing theOpen Book Rules Examwill be sent to you from the National Office upon receipt of your application and registration fee. For those who register online, an email will be sent with information on how to complete the online Open Book Exam.

It is strongly recommended that all officials use the current USA Hockey Playing Rules & Casebook and Basic Officiating Manual to complete the Open Book Exam.

Where can I get a Rule Book and Officiating Manual?
All new officials will receive a copy of theUSA Hockey Playing Rules & Casebook and red Basic Officiating Manual in the mail within a few days of their processed registration. Since the USA Hockey Rule Book is a four-year rule book all returning officials will receive a copy of the Playing Rules & Casebook every fouryears (after each rule change process).

The Playing Rules and Casebook and all Officiating Manuals arealso available for (PDF) download online at the

Rule Book & Resourcespage undertheOFFICIALStab.

A mobile friendly version of the USA Hockey Rule Book & Casebook is available by entering into your computer, tablet, or smart-phone web browser.

How long do I have to take the Open Book Rules Exam?
The Open Book Rules Exam is designed to be completed in a time frame convenient to the official. An official may sign into their exam and complete the entire exam in one day, or use the "save" feature to save their progress over a few days.

Please understandthat new officials will not be eligible to work games until they have completed the exam and attended a seminar.Furthermore, areturning officials’ previous year registration expires on November 30th of thenew season, so they will need to complete the exam in a timely manner in order to continue to work games. Ultimately, USA Hockey will accept Open Book Exams up until February 28thof the current season at which point the registration season closes.

Do I have to complete the Open Book Exam prior to attending my seminar?

It is strongly recommended that all officials attend their seminar prior to completing their Open Book Exam.We recommend all officials to sign into their exam and printing a hard-copy before attending their seminar. That way they may review the questions and ask the seminar instructors for assistance with any question they don't understand.

Where do I find out about the seminars in my area?
Since seminar attendance is one of the registration requirements, USA Hockey conducts several hundred seminars throughout the country each season. You can obtain seminar information by clicking the

Seminar Registrationlinkunderthe OFFICIALS tabatUSAHockey.comand then use the search fields at the Seminars page to find a seminar in your area. Please Note: You are not required to attend a seminar in you local area. An official may attend any accredited seminar in any District and still get credit toward their membership.

Sometimes, a local area may add a late-scheduled seminar in order to accommodate officials who did not attend any previously scheduled seminars. These seminars may not appear on the schedule or be posted on the website. In this instance, you may wish to contact your Local Supervisor of Officials to inquire about a late scheduled seminar in your area.

How do I get credit for attending the seminar?
Depending on where you live, each official who attends a USA Hockey seminar must complete Seminar Registrationandcheck-inat the seminar they attend.Seminar attendance information is then sent to the National Office where your attendance is matched up with your registration record.

If Pre-Registration is not required in your area, it is imperative that each official "check-in" at the seminar. Furthermore, they may be required to sign an Attendance Form. Officials who do not go through the required seminar "check-in" process may not be given credit for seminar attendance.

What should I bring to the seminar?
For the In-Person Classroom Session, all officials should bring a pen, notebook, and the USA Hockey Rulebook. While at the seminar, make sure you record the contact information for your local supervisor of officials and local assignor(s) for future reference after you complete your registration and are ready to work games.

For the On-Ice Session, all new officials are expected to bring skates, a hockey helmet, and some form of whistle. We do not require full equipment for new officials.

What is Online Seminar Module Education?
Online Seminar Module Education is a series of video modules that uses videos examples, animation, content slides, and quizes to help educate our 25,000 officials across the country.

Access to the modules will be given 24-hours after membership registration is completed. Once accessed, all officials are encouraged to read the directions at the homepage carefully.

At the end of each module, there is a short quiz to complete. If the official does not answer the required number of questions correctly the official must complete the entire module again.

Online Seminar Education requires both Required and Elective-Menu courses be completed, and an official will not receive credit for Online Education until allcourse categories are completed.

Once completed, the official will still have access to the modules to continue/review educational material through the season.

When will I receive my Card and Crest?
Once the National Office has received your,

  • Membership Registration
  • Open Book Exam
  • Online SeminarModule credit
  • Classroom Seminar attendance credit
  • USA Hockey SafeSport Training credit (if 17+ years of age)
  • USA Hockey sanctioned Background Screen clearance

your Card and Crest will be issued to you and you will be eligible to work games.

What do I have to do to make sure I am receiving emails such as registration conformation and exam results?
All of the emails sent from USA Hockey come from a server with the address of You need to enter in a valid email address such as

officiatingexam@usahockey.orginto your email address list and that will let your spam filters know it isan "accepted"address.

Naturally, keeping your contact information current and accurate in the USA Hockey database is also critical to successful communication. To update your personal information please contact

RefHistory@usahockey.orgor call the Officiating Department at the USA Hockey National Office (+1.719.576.8724)

There is a lot of stuff going to and from the National Office.How long does it take to receive materials?
Generally, we are simply at the mercy of the U.S. Postal Service. Once the material is receivedat the National Office, it will be processed and the appropriate materials will be sent out within 2 business days. Furthermore, the National Office has little control over is the timeliness of receiving seminar attendance and Closed Book Exam information from our volunteer Seminar Coordinators. They are encouraged to submit the seminar materials within a day of the seminar, but sometimes it takes a little longer to reach the National Office.

Of coursesubmitting your Membership Registration,Open Book Exam, Online Education Modules, and SafeSport trainingonline should speed up this process as we are not counting on the Post Office for obtaining some of the necessary information.

Is there a way I can check my registration status?
All USA Hockey Officials may check their registration status online in the USA Hockey Courses System.

Before this can be done, the official must create an online profile for themselves inthe USA Hockey Courses System. To do this the official must start at the homepage. Use the R

egistrationStatuslink under the OFFICIALS tab to access yourCourses profile. Once at the page, read all information carefully and scroll down to the sign-in area to "create a profile".

Note: This process simply creates an online website profileand it

does not register you as a member with USA Hockey. You will pay no registration fee and your membership information will not be affected

Now that I have my Card and Crest and I am eligible to officiate, how do I get games?
First, you should be aware that simply completing registration with USA Hockey is not a guarantee of game assignments. Although we highly encourage all of our Local Supervisors and Local Assignors to involve every eligible official in the assignment process, as Independent Contractor officialsit is still up to the individual official to solicit game assignments from assignors, leagues, or affiliate governing bodies.

Contact your Local Supervisor of Officials or Local Assignor and let them know you are now eligible to work games and when you are available. If possible, identify a more experienced official in your local area to serve as a mentor and who can also help you get games. Once you get that first assignment, go out and give 100% to do your best and the rest will take care of itself.

Does USA Hockey have any assignment guidelines? What levels of games is each respective level of official eligible to work?
Yes, USA Hockey has established some assignment guidelines.But they are just that – guidelines.There may always be some unusual circ*mstances or emergency situations where it may be impossible to follow the specific guidelines. In this instance, the game(s) should be played as long as there are capable and completely registered officials available to work.

USA Hockey strongly recommends that our younger officials only work age classifications that are at least one age group younger than what they would currently be playing at. The remainder of the assignment guidelines are available posted below:

As someone deeply entrenched in the world of hockey officiating, I understand the intricacies and nuances involved in becoming a qualified and effective official. I've delved into the extensive regulations, procedures, and requirements set by USA Hockey, demonstrating not only a passion for the sport but also a comprehensive understanding of the officiating journey.

Let's address the various concepts covered in the provided article:

Minimum Age to Start Officiating

There is no specified minimum or maximum age for USA Hockey officials. While it's recommended not to officiate games in one's age classification or higher, some local areas may have age requirements based on state-specific Child Labor Laws.

Registration Requirements

Detailed registration requirements for each officiating level are available on the Registration Rules page under the OFFICIALS tab at

Seminar Registration

Officials must complete Membership Registration before Seminar Registration. The non-refundable registration fee should be paid upon submission of the application.

Official’s Application

The application is available online under the OFFICIALS tab at Returning officials receive a reminder postcard in early August.

Registration Fee

The registration fee varies by level, and revenue generated covers various operational expenses, including volunteer expenses, seminar costs, and educational materials.

Local Affiliate Fees

Some districts or affiliates may charge additional fees, and inquiries should be directed to the Local Supervisor of Officials or District Referee-in-Chief.

Separate Registration Fees

The officiating registration fee is separate from player and coach fees, allowing for specific insurance coverage tailored to officials.

Local Supervisor of Officials

The Officiating Program Directory on provides information on the Local Supervisor of Officials.

Open Book Rules Exam

Accessible online 24 hours after registration, the Open Book Rules Exam is recommended to be completed before attending a seminar.

Rule Book and Officiating Manual

New officials receive physical copies, and digital versions are available for download at

Seminar Attendance

Seminar information is accessible through the Seminar Registration link under the OFFICIALS tab at

Online Education

Online Seminar Module Education includes video modules, quizzes, and required and elective courses.

Card and Crest

Issued upon completing registration, exam, seminar attendance, SafeSport Training, and background screening.


Emails from USA Hockey use the domain. Keeping contact information updated is crucial for effective communication.

Material Processing Time

Materials are processed within two business days of receiving them at the National Office, but postal service delays may occur.

Registration Status

Officials can check their registration status online via the USA Hockey Courses System.

Getting Games

While completing registration makes officials eligible, actively seeking game assignments from local supervisors, assignors, or leagues is necessary.

Assignment Guidelines

USA Hockey provides assignment guidelines, recommending younger officials work games one age group below their playing level.

In summary, the journey to becoming a USA Hockey official involves meticulous registration, comprehensive education, and proactive engagement with the local officiating community. As an enthusiast in the field, I encourage aspiring officials to embrace the process and contribute to the integrity of the sport.

Officials Commonly Asked Registration Questions (2024)
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