Paper Planes | The Victorian Maths Challenge (2024)

Construct a squad of paper planes andestimate how far each plane will fly.

1. Give each person in your family who is involved in this challenge apiece of A4 paper.

2. Collectthe following: a pair of scissors (for some plane designs), a ruler to help with folding (optional),a tape measure to measure flight distance (optional);a stopwatch to measure flight time (optional); and textas to decorate your designs (optional).

3. Start designing and making paper planes.

4. Even though youare competing with other family members to see whose plane can fly the farthest, talk with each other about the positives, negatives and interesting points of each design to help make everyone’s plane better.

5. Once everyone is satisfied with their plane,draw a table where each person records an estimation of how far their planemight fly and how long their plane might stay in the air. Think about units of measurement that could best be used for distance –would metres, centimetres or millimetres be best? Think about units of measurementthat could bestbe used to record flight time. Do you think hours, minutes or seconds would be best?

6. Launch your planes.

7. Grab a camera to capture images or video of your planes.

8. Reflect: who in your family made the plane that flew the furthest? Who in your family made the nearest estimations regarding their plane’s flight distance and time in the air?

If you are stuck, here are some suggestions that might help.

When you are folding your planes don’t rush. Make sure your planes are well folded. Spend some time rubbing your finger along the folds after you make them.

Throwing your plane is just as important as making your plane. Try throwing your plane at medium pace and pointing the front of the plane upwards.

Paper Planes | The Victorian Maths Challenge (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.