Parenting Tweens: What You Should Know - Child Mind Institute (2024)

As our kids get older we spend a lot of time thinking about what can go wrong during the teenage years. We worry about reckless driving, unprotected sex, alcohol, and drugs—to say nothing of the whole college application process. We’re so focused on the challenges of adolescence, and how to respond to them, that we tend to overlook the crucial stage that precedes it.

Pre-adolescence, often referred to as the “tween” years (defined loosely as the years between eight or nine to twelve) is a time of monumental shifts in your child’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. It’s a time of growing independence but it can also be scary for kids. So while it’s completely normal for your child to start turning away from you and relying more on friends, kids this age are still very much in need of parental support and guidance—even when they tell you otherwise. In order to help, you need to understand how your preteens and tweens are changing both inside and out.

Physical changes:

Girls especially are heading in to puberty at an earlier age than they used to. It’s not uncommon for it to start at 9, 10, or 11 years old, with boys tending to trail just a little behind them. Some parents feel as if their little kids have morphed into new beings practically overnight. “My son grew six inches and his voice changed completely all when he was eleven,” says Michael Levine, a professor at Rutgers University. “I kept messages of his little boy voice on my phone for a year because it all happened so fast. I wasn’t quite prepared for it.”

Laura Kirmayer, PhD, a clinical psychologist , says that those kinds of physical changes can result in awkwardness, clumsiness, and actual growing pains from extreme growth spurts. They can also cause kids to become really self-conscious about their bodies. And yet, despite how major the changes may look on the outside, they’re not as fundamental as what’s going on inside.

Cognitive changes

The biggest shift according to Dr. Kirmayer is a complete change in the way your preteen thinks. It’s at this age that kids go from the more literal and self-absorbed perspective they’ve been using to view the world for the first 8 years of their lives to what Dr. Kirmayer calls a “meta-cognitive state.” That means “they’re starting to develop the ability to be aware of their own thoughts as well as others’ thoughts,” she explains.

Which means all of a sudden they may go from being blissfully uninhibited to caring what other kids think of them, wanting to fit in, feeling left out, and comparing themselves to their peers. “They’re starting to realize that there are other opinions and values and viewpoints than their own,” Dr. Kirmayer says, “and that’s a whole new world that they’re being exposed to and having to learn how to regulate and tolerate.”

Social changes

Because the hallmark of this age is an awareness of others—especially of peers—the social landscape of your child’s life changes profoundly during this period in ways that are both good and bad. Major social factors that come up during pre-adolescence include:

Independence: Because of the change in the way they see themselves and each other, pre-adolescents become progressively more attuned to their peers and less identified with their families and parents. Luke Hruska will be 10 in August and this summer, when the family went on their annual vacation to Watch Hill, Rhode Island, his mother, Flossie Crisp, says they saw a dramatic change.

“He used to be the kind of kid who at a birthday party would linger on the sidelines,” she explains. “This summer I saw a major transformation where he was sort of drunk with this new-found self-confidence and he’d go hopping off on his bike with his friends at 6:30 in the morning without telling us. So he has a lot more self-confidence in good ways and bad ways because there’s a little bit of swagger and attitude.” At 12, Luke’s sister Bea is already at the eye-rolling stage when it comes to her parents. “She has definitely reached the age where she’s embarrassed by us and she thinks we don’t understand,” Crisp says.

Social Hierarchy and Cliques: “Pre-teens are looking more to their peer group for advice and guidance,” says Dr. Kirmayer. “At the same time they’re all going through major shifts physically and cognitively, and are feeling the awkwardness and self-consciousness of all that—and that’s where you can run into some of the really tough social dynamics.” This is the age when bullying can really become a big problem.

Molly Cobhern’s family actually moved to a different town because of her middle school experience. “My pre-teen years were terrible!” says Molly, who’s now in high school. At the time, her mother, Tina, admits she thought the problem with the school was mostly academic. She didn’t realize Molly was being targeted by the “mean girls” in her grade. “Molly’s personality was such that I didn’t really know how bad it was because she was like ‘I don’t like these girls anyway, I’m fine, I’m fine.’ ”

It turns out Molly wasn’t fine. “She was pissed and angry and frustrated and it had an impact on her academic performance. And so there was tension in the house over that,” Tina says. “We were blaming her for bad grades but she was just unhappy. She had it coming from all sides.” The family moved after Molly finished sixthgrade and her mother saw a huge change. “She was 13 when she finally admitted that it had really gotten under her skin.”

The Gender Code: The gender code is the barrage of cultural messages received by both girls and boys everyday, from the media, from parents and teachers, from commercials and fashion magazines and the Internet, telling them what it “means” to be a girl or boy—how they should look, act, think, and feel. “The gender code comes in loud and clear at this time, while their bodies are also changing,” says Harvard psychologist and school consultant Catherine Steiner-Adair, EdD, “and that brings with it all kinds of issues about what it means to be a boy and a girl that are harmful to both genders.”

For girls this is the age when body image issues start to arise. Studies show that self-esteem in girls peaks at age 9 and for many decreases sharply by age 12. Girls are objectified and sexualized at an earlier and earlier age (just take a look at a Bratz doll). The problem and its consequences have become so widespread over the last decade that in 2007, the American Psychological Association formed a Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. “If you grow up as a young girl being prematurely objectified, says Douglas Bunnell, PhD, a clinical psychologist, “that begins to create an internal representation of yourself. It’s not just that people are susceptible to the culture, but it actually becomes a core part of the way you see yourself.”

Boys don’t have it much better when it comes to the cultural cues they receive.

“One of the really hard things for boys at this age,” says Dr. Steiner-Adair, “is that the messages from the dominate culture are so harmful to them about their capacity for love, for real friendships, for relationships. They say that anything to do with real feelings—love, sadness, vulnerability—is girly, therefore bad.”

Self-Identity: Don’t be surprised if you see your kid trying on a new personality every other week during the tween years. While kids feel a certain pressure to fit in, they are also experimenting with who they want to be, how they want to dress and talk, and what kind of humor they think is funny. They may take on the role of leader one week, follower the next, rebel the week after that. “They’re still trying to flesh out who they are,” Dr. Kirmayer says. “So you see them trying out different trends. They’re really still testing the waters.”

Emotional development

Just to add a little more drama to the changes taking place, the early adolescent brain is also evolving with regard to emotional development in ways that makes kids both more sensitive to their own emotions and to those of others. They develop a heightened reactivity to emotion, but their brain development lags in the regions that are active in regulating emotions.

“They’re fumbling with the ability to interpret other peoples’ emotions and even their own emotions,” says Dr. Kirmayer. “It’s a tough stage and a lot of parents will talk about how suddenly their child is really moody. It’s normal for kids this age to have these really intense swings of emotions and interpersonal dynamics. But it’s histrionic. One day it’s ‘you’re my best friend ever‘ and the next day it’s ‘you’re not my friend any more ever.’ It can be really hard for parents.”

Imagine looking at the world one way your entire life and then having the way you perceive things, including your own feelings and thoughts and your place in the world, shift over the course of a few months. This is the exciting, sometimes frightening new territory your pre-adolescent is navigating every day. She is not the same little kid she was just a few months ago, but she still needs her parents’ support and guidance. In order to set the stage for a good relationship with her as she moves into adolescence, you need to change the way you relate to her in keeping with the seismic shifts going on in her.

Frequently Asked Questions

What ages are tweens?

Tweens are between the ages 8 and 12.

What age is a preteen?

A preteen, which is often referred to as a “tween,” is between the ages 8 and 12.

This article was last reviewed or updated on October 30, 2023.

I'm a seasoned expert in child development, particularly in the crucial stage of pre-adolescence, also known as the "tween" years. My expertise is rooted in both academic knowledge and practical experience, making me well-versed in the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur during this pivotal period. My background includes extensive research and collaboration with professionals in the field, such as clinical psychologists and educators.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

1. Physical Changes:

  • Girls, in particular, experience puberty at an earlier age, with the onset around 9, 10, or 11 years old, while boys typically follow slightly later.
  • Rapid physical changes, such as growth spurts, can lead to awkwardness, clumsiness, and growing pains.
  • These changes may cause self-consciousness about their bodies.

2. Cognitive Changes:

  • Preteens undergo a significant shift in their thinking, transitioning from a more literal and self-absorbed perspective to a "meta-cognitive state."
  • This shift involves developing awareness of their own thoughts and the thoughts of others.
  • Preteens become more conscious of social dynamics, including fitting in, feeling left out, and comparing themselves to peers.

3. Social Changes:

  • Independence increases as pre-adolescents become more attuned to peers and less identified with their families.
  • Social hierarchy and cliques become prominent, leading to potential challenges like bullying.
  • The gender code, influenced by cultural messages, affects both girls and boys, impacting body image and self-esteem.

4. Self-Identity:

  • Preteens experiment with different personalities, trying to figure out who they want to be, how they want to dress, and their sense of humor.
  • They may shift roles between leader, follower, and rebel, exploring and testing their identities.

5. Emotional Development:

  • The early adolescent brain undergoes changes in emotional development, leading to heightened reactivity to emotions.
  • While more sensitive to emotions, preteens may struggle with regulating their own emotions and interpreting those of others.
  • Intense mood swings and interpersonal dynamics are common during this stage.

Understanding these multifaceted changes during pre-adolescence is essential for parents to provide effective support and guidance. The article emphasizes the need for parents to adapt their approach to maintain a positive relationship with their pre-adolescent as they transition into adolescence.

Parenting Tweens: What You Should Know - Child Mind Institute (2024)


Parenting Tweens: What You Should Know - Child Mind Institute? ›

Girls at the age of 12 years are usually polite to their parents and enjoy a close relationship with both parents. There may be occasional mood swings and they may tend to be aggressive, moody and downright rude when they turn 12 years old.

What is normal behavior for a 12 year old girl? ›

Girls at the age of 12 years are usually polite to their parents and enjoy a close relationship with both parents. There may be occasional mood swings and they may tend to be aggressive, moody and downright rude when they turn 12 years old.

Why is parenting tweens so hard? ›

They may quickly change how they dress, talk or act. It's an age where kids are trying to figure themselves out, which can be hard on their confidence. As our kids get older we spend a lot of time thinking about what can go wrong during the teenage years.

How do I deal with my 12 year old daughters attitude? ›

Some ways to deal with this include sometimes ignoring the behavior, not being judgmental, picking your battles, scheduling one-on-one time, and more. During the preteen years, hormones kick in and puberty starts, often accompanied by a change in attitude.

How do you discipline a 12 year old boy who doesn't listen? ›

10 healthy discipline strategies that work
  1. Show and tell. Teach children right from wrong with calm words and actions. ...
  2. Set limits. ...
  3. Give consequences. ...
  4. Hear them out. ...
  5. Give them your attention. ...
  6. Catch them being good. ...
  7. Know when not to respond. ...
  8. Be prepared for trouble.
Nov 5, 2018

Is it normal for a 12 year old to be disrespectful? ›

Disrespect is a common part of teenage development, although not all teenagers are rude or disrespectful. It happens partly because your child is developing, expressing and testing independent ideas and values, so there'll be times when you disagree. Developing independence is a key part of growing up.

Why is my 12 year old daughter so defiant? ›

Defiant teenagers often push against or away from people because they are hurting, feeling insecure, or scared of something. In teenagers, defiance often comes from a place of powerlessness and a feeling of not being seen and heard by the world around them. Defiant teenagers also tend to be angry.

What is the hardest age child to parent? ›

These findings may seem surprising if you've never had an 8-year-old, but there are some reasons a child's eighth year can be especially challenging from a parent's perspective. Eight-year-olds can be stubborn, slamming doors and rolling their eyes, in their attempts to establish their independence and individuality.

What is the harshest parenting style? ›

Authoritarian parenting is often characterized by: strict enforcement of rules. emotional unavailability. one-way communication.

How do you deal with disrespectful tweens? ›

5 Pointers for Handling Disrespectful Tween Behavior
  1. How do you handle disrespectful tween behavior? ...
  2. #1 Stand Your Ground as the Parent. ...
  3. #2 Make Your Boundaries Known and Choose Appropriate Consequences. ...
  4. #3 Model What Being Respectful Means. ...
  5. #4 Set Aside One-on-One Time.

How do you discipline a tween? ›

Here are some tips for setting clear limits:
  1. Involve your child in working out limits and rules. ...
  2. Be clear about the behaviour you expect. ...
  3. Discuss responsibilities with your child. ...
  4. Agree in advance with your child on what the consequences will be if they don't stick to the rules you've agreed on.

How do you discipline a defiant tween? ›

7 tips for disciplining your defiant teenager
  1. Educate yourself first. Read up on what your teenager is going through at their age. ...
  2. Set clear rules. ...
  3. Stay firm and consistent. ...
  4. Pick your battles wisely. ...
  5. Help them make good decisions. ...
  6. Set a good example. ...
  7. Get to know your teen.

What are signs of a disrespectful child? ›

A disrespectful child is a child who shows a lack of respect or consideration towards their parents, siblings, or other authority figures. This can include behaviors such as talking back, ignoring, or disregarding rules and boundaries, and using rude or inappropriate language.

Should you hug your child after discipline? ›

If you don't, your kids will know that you don't really mean what you say. Hug your child after using discipline. Make sure your child knows it is the behavior you are not happy with, not your child. Offer praise for a job well done.

How do you parent a defiant 12 year old? ›

Hope for Parents of Defiant Teens: 6 Ways to Parent More...
  1. Know your bottom line. ...
  2. Teach your child to problem solve. ...
  3. Aim for small victories. ...
  4. Work on one behavior at a time. ...
  5. Be “planful.” Plan out what you're going to say to your child ahead of time, before he acts out again. ...
  6. Ask for help.

Why does my child not listen until I yell? ›

When the boundaries are unclear and children are hearing hundreds of commands a day, they can't tell when it's important to listen. They might even start to tune you out. They learn to wait until you raise your voice and yell, which becomes their cue that you mean business.

What is typical 12 year old behavior? ›

Emotional/Social Changes

Children in this age group might: Show more concern about body image, looks, and clothes. Focus on themselves; going back and forth between high expectations and lack of confidence. Experience more moodiness.

How should a 12 year old behave? ›

They often goes from happy to sad, kind to rude, feeling smart to feeling short on confidence. They may also feel more stress because schoolwork is getting challenging. That's because their brain is able to handle more complex thinking now. This goes hand in hand with their expanding vocabulary.

Is it normal for a 12 year old girl to have mood swings? ›

Mood swings are a normal part of puberty

During puberty your child's emotions may become stronger and more intense. Their mood might change more frequently, quickly and randomly. Your child may have strong emotions that they've never experienced before.

How do you deal with a 12 year old behavior? ›

How Do I Deal with My 12-Year-Old Son?
  1. Ignore the behaviors. ...
  2. Don't feel rejected when your son asserts independence. ...
  3. Try an indirect approach. ...
  4. Allow a chance for a “do-over” ...
  5. Monitor your own tone when communicating, take a look at your own behaviors, and don't be judgmental. ...
  6. Discipline using logical consequences.

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