Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact) (2024)

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Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact) (1)

Seven ideals for seven gods, and of these, Eternity is nearest unto Heaven.
~ Raiden Ei

Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact) (2)

Mine is the most supreme and noble form. Power over the realm has been vested within me, and I am the essence of all that is the "Raiden Shogun."
~ The Raiden Shogun


The Raiden Shogun, true name Ei, is the Electro Archon and the exalted ruler of the island nation of Inazuma. Despite her status as the incarnation of thunder itself, transient and instantaneous, she is committed to the pursuit of Eternity, the preservation of Inazuma in a world where Celestia destroys all unwanted civilizations, due to her wish to never lose the things that are precious to her ever again.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least 6-C, far higher with the Musou no Hitotachi, higher with Musou Isshin's Full Power

Name: Raiden Ei, Beelzebul (divine name), Raiden no Inazuma Tono

Origin: Genshin Impact

Gender: Female

Age: Over 2000 years (mentally); less than 500 years (physically; spent 500 additional years fighting in Makoto's realm of consciousness)

Classification: Deity, Kagemusha (formerly), Samurai, Electro Archon, Puppet (Shogun), God of Eternity

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Multiple Selves (Type 2), Immortality (Types 1, 2 and 8. As an automaton created through divine means, The Raiden Shogun's body does not age and does not have a lifespan, being also capable of acting in spite of severe injuries and the body of Raiden Shogun could be restored by Ei even if it is destroyed), Inorganic Physiology (Though her body is stated to be "indistinguishable from true life", the Raiden Shogun is a puppet body separate from Ei, who resides within the Plane of Euthymia, with its own mind and thoughts and free from biological limits such as mortal lifespans), Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2, possibly Type 3), Supernatural Willpower (The Raiden Shogun and Ei were able to fight for 500 years in Makoto's realm of consciousness, The Raiden Shogun was built to have a will stronger than any other living being's including Ei herself[1]), Self-Healing via willpower while inside a realm of consciousness (The Raiden Shogun and Ei are capable of completely recovering from any damage they sustain via willpower while inside a realm of consciousness[1]), Master Spear and Swordswoman, Electricity Manipulation, Weather Manipulation (Created and sustains a perpetual storm surrounding the nation of Inazuma, and is capable of instantly ceasing all storms across the entire planet at once), Overwhelming Fear Aura (Her divine aura can envelop the entirety of the Tenshukaku area of Inazuma City, making the air feel suffocating and difficult to breathe even for The Traveler, who was able to easily withstand the divine aura of Osial), Illusion Creation (Can separate herself into four illusions[1]), Dimensional Storage and Limited Telekinesis (Like Allogenes, the Shogun can freely summon and telekinetically move anything within her personal inventory), Forcefield Creation (Like Allogenes, the Shogun can erect an elemental shield to defend against attacks), Creation (Can create constructs which she can utilize for various attacks[1]), Homing Attack via Puppet's Shadow, Transformation (Can transform into an alternate state[1]), Elemental Intangibility (Like certain Allogenes, the Shogun briefly transform into lightning to vastly increase her speed to either evade or close the distance in battle), Flight, Spatial Manipulation (Retreats into a rift in space while performing The Final Calamity[1]), Durability Negation (Musou Isshin is shown to be capable of cutting through space and the same happens with The Final Calamity[1]), Portal Creation (Can warp through portals to and from the Plane of Euthymia), Time Stop (Stops time while performing The Final Calamity[1]), Limited Time Manipulation (While Ei and the Raiden Shogun fought inside Makoto's realm of consciousness for 500 years not much time passed on the outside[1]), Disease Manipulation and Empathic Manipulation (Raiden can release large amounts of concentrated elemental energy[2] with some of her abilities causing effects similar to if not worse[2] than the effects of prolonged exposure to Smaragdus Jadeite which vary from illnesses at best to changes in personality at worst[3]), Energy Reduction (Can passively reduce the amount of elemental energy her enemies have while in her transformed state, Reduces her enemies' elemental energy to zero with The Final Calamity[1]), Statistics Amplification, Limited Durability Negation, and Damage Boost (For her and nearby allies with various abilities), Resistance to Hacking and Technology Manipulation (Ei installed a robust system safeguard to protect the Shogun from modification, which resists even Ei's own attempts at modification), Disease Manipulation and Empathic Manipulation (Archons can resist the effect of their own concentrated elemental energy they release which is far more potent than Smaragdus Jadeite's own concentrated elemental energy[3]), Possession (The Raiden Shogun can resist Ei's control[1]), Time Stop via a barrier (Can avoid being affected by Time Stop this way[1]), Invulnerability to Electricity Manipulation and electricity-based Paralysis Inducement

All previous abilities except for Immortality (Type 2) and Inorganic Physiology. Immortality (Types 1 and 6. Due to no longer possessing a physical body, Ei is no longer bound to the lifespan a "perishable form of flesh" has. Ei can recreate the Raiden Shogun from within the Plane of Euthymia, thus restoring her even if she's destroyed), Incorporeality (Ei exists as a disembodied consciousness within her sword "Musou Isshin", residing within the Plane of Euthymia, her personal pocket dimension), Clairvoyance (Ei is always aware of all topics and events related to "eternity"), Law Manipulation and Power Bestowal Negation (Can nullify the powers granted by Visions by enforcing Vision Hunt Decree), possibly further Time Stop (Time is shown to briefly freeze when Ei uses the Musou no Hitotachi in the final boss fight of the Inazuma Chapter), Possession (Ei transferred her consciousness into the sword carried by the Shogun, and is also able to take control over The Shogun's body and use it as her own), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Created and can subconsciously control the contents and state of the Plane of Euthymia, Preserved Makoto's realm of consciousness after she died[1]; not combat-applicable and likely doesn't scale to AP), Limited Mind Manipulation (Accessed an unconscious Makoto's realm of consciousness by entering her mind[1]), BFR (Ei can pull opponents into the Plane of Euthymia, but is extremely unlikely to do so in combat, as Yae said that nobody besides The Traveler had been brought there in the centuries since its creation)

Attack Potency: At least Island level+ (One of the strongest known gods in Teyvat so far, Ei is far stronger than her sister Makoto, who she won the Archon War with. Ei is said to be so strong that even Orobaxi, a mighty god that survived the end of the Archon War, was said to have never had any chance of matching her. The Raiden Shogun maintains a perpetual storm around Inazuma, which she can shape as she pleases, as shown when Ei accidentally causes it to start moving towards the nation. Furthermore, it is also implied that Ei has gotten stronger over the centuries, as Yae Miko's perfect simulation of her techniques did not include several ones used during her final boss fight. Should be comparable to Venti in his prime, who threw the largest mountain in Teyvat), far higher with the Musou no Hitotachi (This technique was strong enough to slay Orobaxi in a single strike, even having enough power left-over to destroy the massive chunk of Yashiori Island that was beneath the giant serpent god - creating the Musoujin Gorge - and after witnessing it reduce La Signora to nothingness, the Traveler believed that it would be impossible to defend against), higher with Musou Isshin's Full Power (Ei attained the ability to unleash Musou Isshin's Full Power after coming to fully understand her sister's ideals)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Faster than Traveler who can dodge lightning)

Lifting Strength: At least Class K (Should be far superior to Shenhe)

Striking Strength: At least Island level+, far higher with Musou no Hitotachi, higher with Musou Isshin's Full Power

Durability: At least Island level+ (Tanked attacks from the Statue-Empowered Traveler, who was capable of matching her blow-for-blow and eventually defeating her)

Stamina: Superhuman (The Shogun is stated to have zero need for physical rest. Despite fighting each other at maximum power for over 500 years in a pocket dimension, neither the Shogun nor Ei were visibly tired)

Range: Extended Melee Range normally; Several Meters while transformed; Planetary with magic (as Raiden is casually capable of manipulating all storms across the entire world)

Standard Equipment: Her sword "Musou Isshin", and her naginata "Engulfing Lightning"

Intelligence: At least Gifted normally, Genius combatant (By studying and perfecting the technology that allowed her to construct the puppet body known as the Raiden Shogun, Ei has made it possible for the Raiden Shogun to almost perfectly mimic her in every way. When it comes to sword and spear combat, all Inazuman martial arts can trace their roots back to Ei. Even today, her expertise is seen as unparalleled, and her power is held up as a metaphor for absolute dominance)

Weaknesses: None notable for the Raiden Shogun puppet. Due to no longer having a physical body, Ei can only manifest herself outside her Plane of Euthymia in the physical world by using the puppet's body as her own.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Musou no Hitotachi: A peerless sword art performed by Ei and the Raiden Shogun. This technique is applicable in several distinct ways, being usable:
    • As an instantaneous series of slashes that erupt into a violent torrent of energy, such as how she used it to execute Signora.
    • As an instantaneous series of slashes over a wide area that briefly stops time, such as how she used it against the Traveler.
    • As a single titanic slash of a blade composed of lightning, such as how she used it to slay Orobaxi.
  • Miscellaneous Techniques: Ei and the Raiden Shogun display various techniques during their boss fight.
    • Blink: Ei transforms into lightning to instantaneously close the distance between herself and her opponent for an attack or to evade attacks at the last moment to waste her opponent's energy.
    • Bladestorm: Ei rapidly sheathes and unsheathes her blade, firing a spherical bladestorm at her opponent or manifesting it directly at their location.
    • Chakram Wave: Ei slashes the air and fires three large chakrams composed of electro energy, followed by a large electro wave.
    • Sword of Judgement: Ei unleashes a blindingly-fast combination of strikes before dashing forward with a slash, leaving a bladestorm in her path for those who would evade her main strike. She can also occasionally feint the dash and instead fire the bladestorm forward.
    • Samsara Wheel: Ei performs two high-speed wide-slashes before enhancing her speed with Electro and whirling around in a large circle to slash everything around her.
    • Domain of Sanction: Ei raises her sword, calling down slow-moving spheres of electricity along the edges of her arena, baiting her enemies closer by forcing them to evade the lightning fields that the spheres generate upon touching the ground; and once they enter her range, she instantly unleashes the Musou no Hitotachi over a wide area, stopping time and cutting through space, followed by the energy of the slashes bursting and dealing further damage.
    • Illusions: The Raiden Shogun separates herself into four illusions capable of launching lightning blades and requiring three hits to be destroyed.
    • Baleful Vajra's Destructive Waves: In her transformed state, she creates three totems at the center of the arena that periodically releases waves of Electro energy.
    • Puppet's Shadow: In her transformed state, she sends out a shadow that follows her enemy and transforms into a hand that smashes down at that enemy after a while.
    • The Final Calamity: In her transformed state, she blinks away and reduces her enemies' elemental energy to zero. Slashes horizontally with a giant arm armed with a sword while also stopping time.
  • Transcendence - Baleful Omen: The Raiden Shogun unveils a shard of her Euthymia, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents and granting nearby allies Eye of Stormy Judgment, which damages nearby with lightning every fraction of a second as well as increasing the power of their Elemental Manipulation based on the energy put into it.
  • Secret Art - Musou Shinsetsu: The Raiden Shogun unleashes the Musou no Hitotachi and enters a brief state where she is empowered by her Chakra Desiderata, which increases in power based on the amount of elemental energy previously used by herself and her allies.
  • Wishes Unnumbered: When nearby allies use elemental bursts or regain elemental energy from an outside source, Ei's Chakra Desiderata gains additional power.
  • Enlightened One: When receiving elemental energy from an outside source at a high enough rate, The Shogun gains additional efficiency with her energy and electro damage based on the rate she's earning it.
  • Ominous Inscription: Increases the effectiveness of Ei's Chakra Desiderata.
  • Steelbreaker: All attacks performed by Musou Isshin ignore 60% of the target's durability.
  • Shinkage Bygones: Increases the effectiveness of Musou Shinsetsu.
  • Pledge of Propriety: After using Musou no Hitotachi, nearby allies gain a 30% boost to their attack.
  • Shogun's Descent: Increases the effectiveness of Transcendence: Baleful Omen.


Notable Victories:

Okuyasu Nijimura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Okuyasu's Profile (Okuyasu was bloodlusted and had knowledge of Raiden shogun, speed was equalized, Raiden's Musou no Hitotachi was restricted, Standard Melee Range Distance and the battle took place in Tokyo Japan. Victory condition was death.)

Notable Losses:

Raiden (Metal Gear) Raiden's Profile (Both were at their peak. Raiden had the Mariachi Uniform. Speed was equalized.)

Haimura Moroha (Seiken Tsukai no World Break) Moroha's Profile (Both were at their peak. Speed was equal. Starting distance was 50 meters.)

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Genshin Impact; Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter Act II Transient Dreams
  2. 2.0 2.1 Genshin Impact; Archon Quest Chapter II Act III Omnipresence Over Mortals
  3. 3.0 3.1 Genshin Impact; Mission A Teapot to Call Home; Part I


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Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact) (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.