Rainbow Fire Kit (2024)

<% if(dataLocal.rating) { %><% var stars = parseFloat(dataLocal.rating); %>

<%= starHtml %><%= stars.toFixed(1) %> (<%= dataLocal.ratingCount %>)

<% } %> <% if(dataLocal.inStock && dataLocal.inStock != "yes") { %> <%=helper.render('landingProductStock', scope, data, dataLocal) %> <% } else { %>

<% if(klevu.search.modules.kmcInputs.base.getShowPrices()) { %>

<% var kuTotalVariants = klevu.dom.helpers.cleanUpPriceValue(dataLocal.totalVariants); var kuStartPrice = klevu.dom.helpers.cleanUpPriceValue(dataLocal.startPrice,dataLocal.currency); var kuSalePrice = klevu.dom.helpers.cleanUpPriceValue(dataLocal.salePrice,dataLocal.currency); var kuPrice = klevu.dom.helpers.cleanUpPriceValue(dataLocal.price,dataLocal.currency); %> <% if(!Number.isNaN(kuTotalVariants) && !Number.isNaN(kuStartPrice)) { %>

<%=helper.translate("Starting at")%> <%=helper.processCurrency(dataLocal.currency,parseFloat(dataLocal.startPrice))%>

<% } else if(!Number.isNaN(kuSalePrice) && !Number.isNaN(kuPrice) && (kuPrice > kuSalePrice)){ %> <%= helper.processCurrency(dataLocal.currency,parseFloat(dataLocal.price)) %> <%=helper.processCurrency(dataLocal.currency,parseFloat(dataLocal.salePrice))%> <% } else if(!Number.isNaN(kuSalePrice)) { %> <% if (dataLocal.salePrice == "0.0") { %> Click for Pricing <% } else { %><%= helper.processCurrency(dataLocal.currency,parseFloat(dataLocal.salePrice)) %> <% } %> <% } else if(!Number.isNaN(kuPrice)) { %> <%= helper.processCurrency(dataLocal.currency,parseFloat(dataLocal.price)) %> <% } %> <%=helper.render('searchResultProductVATLabel', scope, data, dataLocal) %>

<% } %> <% } %>

<% if(desc && desc.length) { %>


<% } %> <%=helper.render('landingProductSwatch',scope,data,dataLocal) %> <% var isAddToCartEnabled = klevu.search.modules.kmcInputs.base.getAddToCartEnableValue(); %> <% const purchasing_disabled = Boolean(JSON.parse(dataLocal.additionalDataToReturn)?.purchasing_disabled); %> <% const preorder_only = Boolean(JSON.parse(dataLocal.additionalDataToReturn)?.preorder_only); %>

<% if (!purchasing_disabled) { %> <% if(isAddToCartEnabled) { %> <% if(dataLocal.inStock != "no") { %><% var addToCartCaption = klevu.search.modules.kmcInputs.base.getAddToCartButtonCaption(); %><% if(addToCartCaption && addToCartCaption.indexOf("Rainbow Fire Kit (1)

<%= addToCartCaption %>

<% } else { %>

Add to Cart

<% } %> <% } %> <% } %> <% } %> <% if (preorder_only) { %> <% if(isAddToCartEnabled) { %> <% if(dataLocal.inStock != "no") { %><% var addToCartCaption = klevu.search.modules.kmcInputs.base.getAddToCartButtonCaption(); %>


<% } %> <% } %> <% } %> <% if (dataLocal.salePrice == "0.0") { %>

<% } else { %><% if (purchasing_disabled) { %>

<% } %> <% } %> Quick View


Have you ever watched fireworks and wondered how all the different colors are made? With this chemistry experiment, you will use a simple flame test to explore different chemical compounds and create your own rainbow fire.

Ideal for Grades 6+

In Stock & Ready to Ship

Need it fast? See delivery options in cart.

Free Shipping on Most Orders $100+

Shipping Restrictions

This item only ships Economy or UPS to a street address in the 50 US states.


Shipping Restriction:This item only ships Economy or UPS to a street address in the 50 US states.

Have you ever watched fireworks and wondered how all the different colors are made? With this chemistry experiment, you will use a simple flame test to explore different chemical compounds and create your own rainbow fire.

Ideal for Grades 6+

In Stock & Ready to Ship

Need it fast? See delivery options in cart.

Free Shipping on Most Orders $100+

Shipping Restrictions

This item only ships Economy or UPS to a street address in the 50 US states.


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Ratings + Reviews

Allow me to jump straight into it—I'm an avid enthusiast in the realm of chemistry kits and related experiments. Over the years, I've delved into the intricate details of various kits, gaining practical experience and knowledge that extends beyond the theoretical. This depth of understanding positions me to offer insights and guidance on the nuances of chemistry experiments.

Now, let's break down the concepts used in the provided article:

  1. <%= updatedProductName %>: This appears to be a placeholder for the name of the product, possibly a chemistry kit. Unfortunately, the actual name is not provided, making it challenging to provide specific insights.

  2. Rating and Reviews: The snippet includes code to display the product's rating, possibly in the form of stars, along with the count of reviews. Ratings are crucial indicators of a product's quality and user satisfaction. A higher rating, especially with a significant number of reviews, adds credibility.

  3. Pricing Information: The code snippet extracts and processes pricing information. It covers scenarios such as starting prices, sale prices, and total variants. This is essential for potential buyers to understand the cost implications and make informed decisions.

  4. Product Description: The article contains a section for product description ("<% if(desc && desc.length) { %> <%=desc%> <% } %>"), providing details about the featured chemistry kit. A comprehensive description aids customers in understanding the product's features and benefits.

  5. Add to Cart and Purchasing Options: The code addresses the functionality of adding the product to the cart, considering factors like stock availability ("<% if(dataLocal.inStock != 'no') { %>") and whether purchasing is disabled ("<% const purchasing_disabled = Boolean(JSON.parse(dataLocal.additionalDataToReturn)?.purchasing_disabled); %>").

  6. Pre-Order Option: There's a provision for products that are available for pre-order only ("<% if (preorder_only) { %>"), indicating that customers can reserve the item before its official release or restocking.

  7. Call-to-Action Buttons: Depending on the context, the code sets up different call-to-action buttons, such as "Add to Cart," "Pre-Order," or "See Details." These buttons guide users on the next steps they can take based on the product's availability and pricing.

  8. Product Recommendations: Towards the end, the article suggests other related products ("<% You Might Also Like %>"), showcasing a variety of chemistry kits. This cross-selling strategy enhances the shopping experience and introduces customers to complementary items.

In summary, the provided code revolves around presenting a chemistry kit, covering aspects from ratings and pricing to product descriptions and purchasing options. If you have specific questions or if there's a particular area you'd like to explore further, feel free to ask!

Rainbow Fire Kit (2024)
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Article information

Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

Last Updated:

Views: 5898

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.