Rams won't release new uniform in 2022 but plan to wear 'modern throwbacks' more (2024)

Rams won't release new uniform in 2022 but plan to wear 'modern throwbacks' more (1)

When the Los Angeles Rams underwent their brand refresh in 2020, they introduced two new uniforms: royal blue and Bone. But what had fans even more excited was the fact that the team teased additional uniform releases in 2021 and 2022.

The Rams nailed the introduction of their “modern throwbacks” last year, bringing out classic white, blue and yellow jerseys to go along with their other two uniform sets. And while there was a lot of anticipation about which direction the team would go this year for its second alternate uniform, disappointment is on the way instead.

Rams COO Kevin Demoff said on the 11 Personnel podcast Monday that the team won’t be releasing a new uniform this year. Demoff cited supply chain issues, which have had a worldwide impact, as a major reason for the lack of a fourth jersey being released this offseason.

He also said that the league’s new helmet rule, which allows teams to wear a secondary helmet, was another reason the team wants to wait before releasing another jersey. He said the team is targeting 2023 for its next uniform release, but that could get pushed back to 2024.

“There’s no reason to introduce a new uniform just for the sake of introducing a new uniform,” Demoff said.

There was some good news, however. Demoff said the Rams are planning to wear their white modern throwback uniforms more often this season, considering how well-received they were in 2021.

And the reason the Bone uniforms were absent from media day is that the team already had photos of players in those jerseys from last year, but they didn’t have any shots of them in the white throwbacks. So the Bone isn’t going away, it’s just being overtaken a bit by the modern throwbacks.

Rams won't release new uniform in 2022 but plan to wear 'modern throwbacks' more (2024)
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