Secrets to a $42 Weekly Grocery Budget for a Frugal Lifestyle (2024)

Here is the secret to a frugal $42 weekly grocery budget for a family of 4! (and no, it’s not couponing!) If you are trying to live a frugal lifestyle and stay in a thrifty budget for your food, these tips, and tricks will give you the simple steps you need to feed your family for only $42 per week!

Have you ever left the grocery store in tears?And not because they were sold out of your favorite ice cream that you binge when the kids are asleep.

You know that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that you get when stand at the cash register, watching the cost go up as each item is scanned?Especially after you spent so long trying to choose the least expensive items?

Have you tried tomeal planand stick to a shopping list, only to blow your food budget in the second week of the month?

Secrets to a $42 Weekly Grocery Budget for a Frugal Lifestyle (1)

Hey y’all, Tiffany here.

I’ve been there.I’ve been in your shoes.And I’ve felt that feeling of dread as the numbers climb higher and higher as each item from my cart is scanned in.

But you know what?I’ve found the answer.

And the answer isnotcouponing(which will probably surprise those of you who know that Phillip and I used to own a couponing blog).

And the answer isnota perfect meal plan, or even just living on ramen noodles.

A Frugal Grocery Budget

A couple of months ago, a good friend of mine and I sat down to look at her budget.Her husband is a teacher and they have two growing boys. They were on an extremely limited income, especially with summer vacation approaching and the loss of coaching income.I went through this process with her that I’m going to share with y’all, and it has completely revolutionized her life.

She feels confident and optimistic as she writes her grocery shopping list and enters the store. She then leaves the grocery store feeling empowered and successful.

Last week, she texted me and said, “Thanks so much!You have turned my world upside down, but it’s great. I feel so much more on top of things.”

She’s not the only one who has told me that.

I’m not telling you these things to brag or show how amazing I am.I’m telling you to show thatthis works.

So let’s get started!

First, I want to start with a disclaimer: this is not going to be the most fun meal plan in the world. The meals are going to start out being repetitive, bland, and boring.

But as you get more comfortable with the process, you’ll be able to make adjustments that you want to.

Meal Plan for Your Frugal Grocery Budget

(And no, this isn’t our Monthly Meal Plan.)

We’re going to walk through an example of how to do this.You donotneed to choose these exact meals or items.It’s the process that’s important, not the details.

To begin, either print out this sheet or draw a copy of it on a piece of paper:


We are going to start by focusing on dinners.We’ll get to breakfast and lunches in a bit.

Pick a different meal for each day of the week.This is your official new meal plan.You’re going to eat this same meal plan every single week.Remember, I told you this would get boring.You may get sick ofhomemade macaroni and cheese.

If you need some ideas, check out these13 Tips on How to Eat Healthy on a Budget.

Now, as you pick your meals, I require you to select several meals where meat is optional.Spaghetti, for example, you can have with or without hamburger or meatballs.This is very significant.We’re choosing the bases – the starches/carbs.We’re not starting with meat or fresh fruits/vegetables.

The reason for this is that meat and fruits/vegetables are expensive.They also vary in price based on season and sales in different stores. I promise that wewillinclude them, but we will select them at a moderate cost in the end.

For each meal that you select, break it down into the items that you need to purchase.Take a few minutes to do a quick shopping online or check on your local store’s website (Kroger, Walmart, etc.) and find the lowest price from the regular price of each item.

If you require healthier meals, here are10 easy and cheap gluten-free recipes.

Your page should now look something like this:


For our meal plan scenario, we’re going to cook, and the kids have oatmeal for breakfast each morning.

You can get two 42 oz canisters ofGreat Value Oatmeal at Walmartfor around $5. This should be enough for a week’s worth of breakfast for a family of 4.You could also purchase a25 lb bag of oatmealfor $33 at Sam’s Club.That should feed your family of 4 for two months.

If you require eating something a bit more filling, then alternate between a hard-boiled egg or a slice of toast with peanut butter.


Lunches are going to be a little rock simple, as well: leftovers and PBJ sandwiches.Those are simple, kid-friendly, and inexpensive.

Secrets to a $42 Weekly Grocery Budget for a Frugal Lifestyle (4)

Now that we know what we’re going to need to buy for our frugal grocery budget, let’s put it into two different shopping lists.

The first list is going to be your weekly shopping list.Pick one day family of four during the week to do your grocery shopping except for your perishables and items that you’ll go through each week.

The second list is going to be what you can purchase in bulk to be less expensive.You will go on the first day of each month, no matter what day of the week it falls on or whether it’s your regular shopping day.(Unless it’s Sunday, then go the day after.)

For our scenario above, here are our lists:



Note that we are purchasing oatmeal at Sam’s Club for only $17.That is a low cost because each bag costs $33, but it lasts two months. To budget this, I’m going to save half of it the first month, then save half the second month.I did the same thing with the rice and the cream cheese.

Secrets to a $42 Weekly Grocery Budget for a Frugal Lifestyle (7)

Frugal Grocery Budget – Money

Now, let’s talk about low-cost plans and how much all of this food waste is going to cost.Let’s say that you want to stay within a food budget of $250 per month.

First, subtract your monthly grocery list from the $250.In our scenario, it costs $40 for our monthly amount.That leaves us $210 to then spend on groceries for our weekly lists.

Next, let’s talk about how much we get each week.Some months you’ll have 4 shopping days, and other months you’ll have 5 trips.To make this as simple as possible, we’re going to say that we have 5 shopping days each month.

$210 split up between two children over 5 weeks gives us a national average of $42 per week to spend on groceries.

Our weekly grocery list now has a $25 value. This means we have an extra $17 per week to spend on meat, fresh fruit, and vegetables. This is where the variety of food costs and sales comes into play!

Keeping Organized

Sometimes this is difficult to keep track of.When you’re first starting, it’s helpful to do this part of your monthly food budget as cash only and use theenvelope method.

Get seven different envelopes (or use an accordion-stylecoupon organizer) and label them for Weeks 1-5, Monthly, and Stock up.At the beginning of each month, take the $250 out of your bank and divide the cash up into the correct envelopes.This way you can easily see how much you have, how much is left over, etc.

The envelope method will keep saving money save time, and also help you to save money over time and stay within your budget. You can’t go over if you don’t have the money to pay for it right then!If you don’t like having real cash out (in case you lose it), then use Monopoly money.

Meat & Fruits/Veggies

Did you know that most grocery stores have a Manager’s Special section?What a good deal! Each department has an area where food that is getting older and is close to expiration gets marked down.

I can’t tell you how many amazing deals I’ve found in those sections. Ground beef for $0.67 per lb. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts thighs, and breasts for $0.33 per lb.Apples for $0.10 each.

This is how you are going to “dress up” your most healthy meals and snacks during the week.See what’s on sale for fresh produce (are strawberries in season?Maybe watermelon) and what is marked down at your particular store.

One idea is to buy a bag of frozen broccoli and toss it into an instant pot of homemade macaroni and cheese.

Extra Week

What are we going to do with the $42 extra if we don’t have a 5th week of the month?That is going to be our “stock up” money!

Sometimes stores will have excellent sales on the items store brands of groceries that you purchase regularly.For example, one week there may be a good sale on pasta sauce that makes you spend $0.75 per jar.Use the stock-up money to buy 8 jars. This is a great way to save money to build up yourfood storagefor emergencies.

Also, if this is a birthday or holiday month, you could use additional savings from it to save money for eating out or saving money for purchasing something special for your favorite healthy meals.

Secrets to a $42 Weekly Grocery Budget for a Frugal Lifestyle (8)

Variety in Your Grocery Budget

Once you become a pro at meal planning and have a frugal grocery budget (and are sick of the same meals every single week), you can start to add some variety to several meals!

For example, do you want to havesilly chili macaroniinstead ofmacaroni and cheeseone week?Well, instead of purchasing the cream cheese for $1 and whatever meat/veggies you were going to put into it, use that $1-$2 to purchase a few cans of chili instead.

The more you practice this method of food planning and budgeting, the easier it will be to find deals and add variety!You can even set up amonthly meal planthat interchanges items seamlessly instead of a week at a time.

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Secrets to a $42 Weekly Grocery Budget for a Frugal Lifestyle (9)

And don’t miss our frugal grocery budget webstory!


Secrets to a $42 Weekly Grocery Budget for a Frugal Lifestyle (2024)


How can I live on $20 in groceries a week? ›

Your Shopping List
  • 1 bag of dried beans: $1.49.
  • 2 pounds of chicken breast: $3.76.
  • 1 jar of peanut butter: $1.98.
  • 1 jar of jelly: $1.79.
  • 1 loaf of whole wheat bread: $1.63.
  • 1 dozen eggs: $1.26.
  • 1 container of oatmeal: $1.35.
  • 1 bag of dried lentils: $1.39.

What is a realistic grocery budget for one person? ›

Remember that you can use grocery money for future weeks in one bulk shopping trip if that will cover your food for the weeks you're drawing money from. The average food budget for a single person is between $250 and $300 a month, but that's just a guideline.

How to be frugal on groceries? ›

17 ways to save money on groceries
  1. Make a meal plan.
  2. Shop alone if you can.
  3. Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  4. Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  5. Buy generic products.
  6. Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  7. Stick to the store's perimeter.
  8. Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

How to live off $150 a month for food? ›

Affordable and nutritious meal ideas for a $150 monthly budget include dishes like vegetable stir-fry with rice, bean and vegetable soups, pasta with homemade tomato sauce, and oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. These meals are cost-effective and can be made in large batches to provide multiple servings.

How to live off $40 a week for food? ›

How I spend $40 per week on groceries
  1. Eat vegetarian for two meals a day. ...
  2. Breakfast: eggs are the best. ...
  3. Lunch: rotate between a few easy, cheap, and pretty healthy options. ...
  4. Dinner: cook one big meal a week with tons of leftovers. ...
  5. Snacks. ...
  6. Buy in bulk and preferably on sale. ...
  7. Try grocery delivery. ...
  8. Stuff you already know.
Feb 15, 2020

How to live on $30 dollars a week for food? ›

Here's how I keep my grocery bill under $30 a week
  1. Breakfast: Cheerios with milk and a banana, plus the free coffee I get from my office.
  2. Mid-morning snack: Granola bar or orange.
  3. Lunch: Whole wheat pasta dressed up with butter and salt.
  4. Dinner: Fried eggs, a side of rice, and a glass of milk.
Jan 13, 2017

Is it cheaper to eat out or buy groceries for a single person? ›

If you are comparing the costs of a single meal, takeout may be cheaper, excluding fast food options. “If you are buying high-quality ingredients for your meals, it can be cheaper to get takeout than to pay for the same quality groceries,” said Zach Larsen, co-founder of

How much should a 2 person household spend on groceries? ›

Average grocery cost per month for 2 people in a household

The average grocery costs for a two-person household across the Thrifty to Liberal plans range from $476.92 to $868.66: Male and female living together: $514.09 to $819.26. Two adult females: $476.92 to $769.86. Two adult males: $551.26 to $868.66.

How much should a single person spend a week on groceries? ›

Feeding Yourself According To The USDA
Thrifty$241.40 – $309.90
Low-Cost$249.60 – $296.60
Moderate Cost$306.90 – $371.70
Liberal$400.80 – $451.80
Nov 27, 2023

What grocery store saves you the most money? ›

  • Aldi. If you consider yourself a frugal spender, you've likely heard of the grocery store chain, Aldi. ...
  • Grocery Outlet. My personal favorite! ...
  • Winco Foods. ...
  • Walmart Neighborhood Market. ...
  • Food4Less. ...
  • Target. ...
  • Lidl. ...
  • Costco.
Apr 9, 2024

How do I live extremely frugal? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

How to spend the least amount of money on groceries? ›

11 tips for saving money at the grocery store
  1. Pay with a grocery rewards card. ...
  2. Sign up for the loyalty program. ...
  3. Clip coupons. ...
  4. Join a wholesale club. ...
  5. Go in with a list and stick to it. ...
  6. Buy items on sale. ...
  7. Avoid pre-packaged items. ...
  8. Compare prices between stores.

What is a realistic food budget for one person? ›

What is a realistic grocery budget for one? The USDA estimates that the average monthly grocery bill for one is between $229 and $419. Whether that's realistic for your household is entirely up to you, especially since it's based on preparing all meals and snacks at home.

How to slash your grocery bill? ›

How to Save Money on Groceries
  1. Redefine dinner. ...
  2. Crunch some numbers while you shop. ...
  3. Round up your grocery cost estimates. ...
  4. Raid your pantry. ...
  5. Think before you buy in bulk. ...
  6. Know when to shop. ...
  7. Start freezing and storing meals now. ...
  8. Pay with cash.
Jan 18, 2024

What is a realistic budget for eating out? ›

Here's how much families spend eating out, on average, based on size: A single person household spends $206 per month eating out ($2,467 per year). Married couples without kids spend $335 per month eating out ($4,018 per year).

How to spend 20 dollars of groceries? ›

  1. 1 loaf of bread, $1.
  2. 1 (16-slice) pack cheese, $1.
  3. 1 (16-oz) pack spaghetti noodles, $1.
  4. 1 head Iceberg lettuce, $1.
  5. 2 Roma tomatoes, $1.
  6. 1 lb ground beef, $3.
  7. 1/4 lb thin-sliced deli ham, $2.
  8. 1 box mashed potato flakes, $1.

How much does one person need for groceries per week? ›

The average household in California spends approximately $297 a week on grocery shopping, according to the data released in November. That is almost $30 more than the reported national average. Here's how much California spends based on household size: One person - $176.81.

How much is $20 a week for a month? ›

$20 weekly is how much per month? If you make $20 per week, your Monthly salary would be $86.67.

Is $200 a month enough for groceries for one person? ›

* YES! It is possible to eat healthy for $200 a month. 30 Days on $200 shopping list is intended for one person.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.