
Building your business from the ground up takes a lot of effort and suffering. Selling it can become complex, but the owner knows when it is right to make an exit. An entrepreneur must prepare for succession planning for a few years and decide on the course of the selling process. Most people consider hiring a broker for the sale. However, when yousell your business online, you get the freedom to manage things yourself.

It may sound a bit unnerving, but entrepreneurs are skilled in negotiations and identifying qualified candidates. Thus, it is not a challenging task and can be considered by business owners who do not want the interference of a broker or an agent. If you are confused between the two methods, here is some information to help you make the decision.01. Selling A Business Yourself

Selling your businessonline has made the process effortless and quick. An entrepreneur can easily do it without any hassles. Here are the advantages of selling the business yourself.

  • No CommissionWith the broker gone out of the game, you do not have to pay for the commissions. The commission charges usually range between 6% and 12% of the selling price. In addition, some of them charge an additional upfront fee to start the selling process. Thus, you can save all those extra payments by selling yourself.
  • Satisfying NegotiationThe broker is usually concerned about his commission and wants to get over with the sale so that he can assist his next client. There is no personal interest in getting the best price or an excellent buyer. However, as the business owner, you will make sure that you find the best fit for your business and sell it for a profit.
  • You Know Your Business BetterDuring the due diligence process, the entrepreneur is the right person to answer all the questions. This is because he knows his organisation inside-out and will be able to provide all the correct information along with facts for the buyer to remain interested in the deal. Also, the business owner can identify a qualified lead quickly rather than wasting time on research.
  • Sell IndependentlyWhile selling online, you will be in total control of the sale and make the most out of it. You can schedule meetings, discuss the financials, ask all the required questions, and negotiate effectively to score on all aspects of the deal. There is no dependency on a third party.

02. Hiring A Broker

If you plan to hire a broker for the sale of your business, it can increase the costs. Here are the advantages of hiring a broker.

  • Presentation SkillsBrokers are salespersons who are experts in selling businesses and can present your entity in the best possible manner to make it look attractive to buyers. However, an entrepreneur is equally talented in making a pitch and can do a great job himself in preparing an enticing advert.
  • SupportSelling a business needs a lot of paperwork, such as creating anon-disclosure agreement, purchase contract, organising financial documents, etc. The broker can provide the required help in putting everything in order. However, an entrepreneur already has an accountant and lawyer to help out with these details.
  • Screening Potential BuyersShortlisting qualified candidates can take a lot of time and a broker can reduce this and provide you with a list of the best leads. However, it is possible that they may miss out on desirable buyers because they are only looking at high commission rates.
  • Business ValuationBrokers are aware of the market trends and the prices at which similar businesses are getting sold. They understand the local market and can help in correctbusiness valuation.
  • Database of CustomersBrokers operate day-in and day-out in the same industry. They are aware of the customer base of potential buyers and have contacts that help them to generate leads quickly. However, with the advent of dedicated business buying and selling websites, it has become more than easy to find buyers in one place.
  • Save Time and EffortAs stated above, screening of buyers and paperwork can be time-consuming. When you are running a business, it can be challenging to devote time to the buying process. Thus, many entrepreneurs tend to rely on brokers for the purpose. However, selling online has taken away all the stress and legwork from the task and made it effortless. Even brokers these days use these listing websites to reach out to buyers.


It is apparent that if you sell your business online, you can get rid of the commissions and interference of brokers. On the other hand, hiring a broker can free up your time, but it may not be able to find you the best deal. Both the methods have their set of pros and cons, so make your choice wisely.



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Why use a broker to sell a business? ›

The broker can negotiate the sale price using the appraisal and other factors that impact company value. Your broker will analyze the sales of similar companies, industry trends, and market factors. Their goal is to ensure that the seller does not leave money on the table.

What is the best way to sell a business? ›

If you're considering selling your small business, consider these seven steps to stay on the offensive.
  1. Determine the value of your company. ...
  2. Clean up your small business financials. ...
  3. Prepare your exit strategy in advance. ...
  4. Boost your sales. ...
  5. Find a business broker. ...
  6. Pre-qualify your buyers. ...
  7. Get business contracts in order.
Jan 3, 2014

Why not use a business broker? ›

To avoid potential pitfalls when selling your business, consider opting out of using a business broker. High fees, conflicts of interest, lack of control, and misrepresented value of the business are some of the issues to keep in mind.

How can I sell my business without a broker? ›

Selling Your Business Without a Broker
  1. Get a business valuation before starting the sale process.
  2. Prepare your business for sale ahead of time.
  3. Create a Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)
  4. Have your lawyer draft an NDA for interested buyers to sign.
  5. Make a list of potential buyers within your network.

Should I use a broker to sell a small business? ›

They will work with your deal team, as well as the buyer's, to quarterback the entire process of selling. Hiring a small business broker should pay for itself by finding a great buyer for your business, negotiating the best possible asking price and terms, and helping you avoid costly mistakes.

Why a broker is better than an agent? ›

The main difference between an agent and broker is the number of responsibilities they're able to take on. A broker can do everything an agent can do, but they have the added responsibility of making sure all real estate transactions are lawful, all paperwork is accurately completed and all finances are accounted for.

How are you taxed when you sell a business? ›

In California, the profits you get from selling your business will count as capital gains. Even if you sold your business for a low price (under $10,000), you would still be subject to a taxable income rate of 1%. Unless you experienced a net loss on the sale of your business, you would incur capital gains taxes.

How can I sell my small business fast? ›

How to sell your business quickly (fastest: 2 weeks)
  1. Step 1: Decide on your reasons. ...
  2. Step 2: Prepare your business for sale. ...
  3. Step 3: Calculate your business' value. ...
  4. Step 4: Carefully consider using a broker. ...
  5. Step 5: Get your documents ready for due diligence. ...
  6. Step 6: Settle on a buyer. ...
  7. Step 7: Get ready for new endeavors.
Sep 16, 2022

How do I sell my business myself? ›

How to sell your business
  1. Do the prep work. ...
  2. Talk to your accountant early. ...
  3. Prepare financials and other documents. ...
  4. Determine the asking price. ...
  5. Understand the tax implications of a business sale. ...
  6. Look for buyers. ...
  7. Negotiate the sale. ...
  8. Complete the sale and prepare for the closing.

Is it better to have a broker or not? ›

Working with a mortgage broker can potentially save you time, effort, and money. A mortgage broker may have better and more access to lenders than you have. However, a broker's interests may not be aligned with your own. You may get a better deal on a loan by dealing directly with lenders.

Do people still use brokers? ›

Do you need a broker? The short answer is no—you don't need a living, advice-giving, fee-charging broker (although you shouldn't rule them out). You do, however, need a brokerage—the online storefront where you purchase stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other investments.

Why is it better to go through a broker? ›

Brokers, particularly teams of broking specialists, have intimate knowledge of all the options available to borrowers at any one time. Having a finance broker find which lender is right for you saves you time. You'll also be more likely to get a successful finance approval.

How much to sell a business for? ›

Generally speaking, business values will range somewhere between one to five times their annual cash flow. When you estimate your earnings multiplier, you can assess your business in several key areas that impact the future, such as profit trends and revenue. This also factors in customer base and industry position.

Can you sell a business with no revenue? ›

Buyers do not typically want to buy unprofitable companies as the acquisition carries more financial risk and potential harm to their own profitability. However, some buyers may see a business's strategic value and be willing to invest their time and money into it to make it grow in revenue and profit.

How to find someone to take over your business? ›

Using external sources. If you're struggling to find a person inside your business to take over leadership, then consider an outside sale. Look at your external network, this can include your accountant, wealth advisor, industry contacts, other small business owners, business broker, chamber of commerce etc.

What is the benefit of using a broker? ›

Many individuals prefer to work with a broker regardless of their situation because it gets them access to lenders they wouldn't think to look for. Mortgage brokers may also be able to help loan seekers qualify for a lower interest rate than most of the commercial loans offer.

Why would someone use a broker? ›

A broker will be able to offer you practically the entire finance market. If you want a home loan, a quality broker can identify the most appropriate loan for you, normally from over 30 lenders. A banker can offer one set of products from their own bank, nothing else.

Why brokers are necessary? ›

A broker is an intermediary between an investor and a securities exchange—the marketplace where financial assets are bought and sold. Because securities exchanges only accept orders from individuals or firms who are members of that exchange, you need a broker to trade for you—that is, to execute buy and sell orders.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.