Sharpening | Imatest (2024)

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IntroductionExamplesOversharpening and UndersharpeningExamples
Unsharp masking (USM)LinksStandardized sharpening

Introduction to sharpening

Sharpening is an important part of digital image processing. It restores some of the sharpness lost in the lens and image sensor. Every digital image benefits from sharpening at some point in its workflow— in the camera, the RAW conversion software, and/or image editor. Sharpening has a bad name with some photographers because it’s overdone in some cameras (mostly low-end compacts and camera phones), resulting in ugly “halo” effects near edges. But it’s entirely beneficial when done properly.

Almost every digital camera sharpens images to some degree. Some models sharpen images far more than others— often excessively for large prints. This makes it difficult to compare cameras and determine their intrinsic sharpness unless RAW images are available. [Imatest has developed an approach to solving the problem— standardized sharpening, described below, which is useful for comparing “black box” cameras, but is not recommend for camera engineering or development work.]

The sharpening process

Sharpening | Imatest (1)
Sharpening on a line and edge

A simple sharpening algorithm subtracts a fraction of neighboring pixels from each pixel, as illustrated on the right. The thin black curve in the lower part of the image is the input to the sharpening function: it is the camera’s response to a point or a sharp line (called the point or line spread function). The two thin dashed blue curves are replicas of the input, reduced in amplitude (multiplied by –ksharp⁄2) and shifted by distances of ±2 pixels (typical of the sharpening applied to compact digital cameras). This distance is called the sharpening radius RS. The thin red curve the impulse response after sharpening— the sum of the black curve and the two blue curves. The thick black and red curves (shown above the thin curves) are the corresponding edge responses, unsharpened and sharpened.

Sharpening increases image contrast at boundaries by reducing the rise distance. It can cause an edge overshoot. (The upper red curve has a small ovrshoot.) Small overshoots enhance the perception of sharpness, but large overshoots cause “halos” near boundaries that may look good in small displays such as camera phones, but can become glaringly obvious at high magnifications, detracting from image quality.

Sharpening also boosts MTF50 and MTF50P (the frequencies where MTF drops to 50% of its low frequency and peak values, respectively), which are indicators of perceived sharpness. (MTF50P is often preferred because it’s less sensitive to strong sharpening.) Sharpening also boosts noise, which is can be a problem with noisy systems (small pixels or high ISO speeds).

Sharpening is a linear process that has a transfer function.The formula for the simple sharpening algorithm illustrated above is,

\(displaystyle L_{sharp} (x) = frac{L(x): -: 0.5k_{sharp} (L(x-V) + L(x+V))}{1-k_{sharp}}\)

L(x) is the input pixel level and Lsharp(x) is the sharpened pixel level. ksharp is the sharpening constant (related to the slider setting scanning or editing program). V is the shift used for sharpening.

\(V =R_S / d_{scan}\)

where R is the sharpening radius (the number of pixels between original image and shifted replicas) in pixels. dscan is the scan rate in pixels per distance. 1/dscan is the spacing between pixels. The sharpening algorithm has its own MTF (the Fourier transform of Lsharp(x) ⁄ L(x)).

\(displaystyle MTF_{sharp}(f) = frac{1-k_{sharp}cos(2pi f V)}{1-k_{sharp}}\)

This equation boosts response at high spatial frequencies with a maximum where

\(cos(2pi f V) = cos (pi) = -1\) or \( f = frac{1}{2V} = frac{d_{scan}}{2R_S}\).

This is equal to the Nyquist frequency, \( f_{Nyq} = d_{scan}/2\),for RS = 1 and lower for RS > 1. Actual image sharpening is a two dimensional operation.

Sharpening examples

Sharpening MTF forradii RS = 1, 2, and 3 pixels (Note that the y-axis is 1 at the bottom.)

The plot on right shows the transfer function (MTF) for sharpening with strength ksharp= 0.15 and sharpening radius RS= 1, 2, and 3. Note the the bottom of the plot is MTF = 1 (not 0).

At the widely-used sharpening radius of 2, MTF reaches its maximum value at half the Nyquist frequency (f =fNyq/2 = 0.25 cycles/pixel), drops back to 1 at the Nyquist frequency (fNyq= 0.5 C/P), then bounces back to the maximum at 1.5×fNyq= 0.75 C/P.

Note that sharpening MTF iscyclic, i.e., it oscillates. This can have serious consequences for some MTF measurements on sharpened images.

The MTF plots below are for two images sharpened with radius ≅ 3. This camera is quite sharp prior to sharpening— there is significant energy above the Nyquist frequency. There is a response dip response around MTF ≅ 400-500 LW/PH that causes MTF50 (the spatial frequency where MTF is 50% of the low frequency value) to become ext–remely unstable—799 and 507 LW/PH for the similar images. This is a fairly rare (extreme) case, but it’s something to watch for. MTFnn at lower levels— MTF20, MTF10, etc.— can be even more unstable.

This camera would have performed better with RS ≤ 2.

Comparison of two images sharpened with R = 3.
A small difference in MTF response makes a BIG difference in MTF50.

Be cautious about using strong sharpening with large sharpening radii (RS > 3). Cyclic response can lead to unexpected bumps in the MTF response curve that can severely distort summary metrics such as MTF50, MTF20, etc. Large sharpening radii have characteristic signatures— thick “halos” and low frequency peaks in the MTF response. We recommend keepingRS≤ 2 unless there is a compelling reason to make it larger.

A camera’s sharpening can be analyzed if you have access to raw (unprocessed) and JPEG (standard processed camera output) files using the ImatestMTF Compare module.

Here is an example from the Canon EOS-6D full-frame DSLR. A JPEG image (blue curve) with sharpening slightly reduced is compared with a TIFF image converted from raw by dcraw (with no sharpening and noise reductions). The exact same exposure and regions were used for each curve (both JPG and raw files were saved).The peak at 0.25 cycles/pixel indicates that sharpening with radius = 2 was used. The plot deviates from the ideal plot (for a very simple sharpening algorithm) for spatial frequencies above 0.35 C/P. The EOS-6D allows you to change the amount of sharpening but not the radius for camera JPEGs. (I’m not happy with this limitation.)

Sharpening MTF, comparingthe same image,
Canon EOS-6D,converted as a JPEG (sharpened; blue)
and raw (unsharpened; red).Sharpening radius = RS = 2.

Sharpening | Imatest (5)
Sharpening | Imatest (6)Sharpening | Imatest (7)

Corresponding edges for the Canon EOS-6D: unsharpened (left), sharpened (right)

These curves (and the curves below for the Panasonic Lumix LX7) show how MTF curves(in the MTF Compare plots) correlate to edge response. The modest amount of overshoot (“halo”) on this edge would not be objectionable at any viewing magnification. Better overall performance would be achieved with a sharpening radius of RS = 1 and an appropriate sharpening amount.

Here is another example from the Panasonic Lumix LX7. As with the Canon, the same exposure and regions are used: one from a JPEG image (default sharpening, which is very strong), and one from a raw image, converted with no sharpening or noise reduction.The sharpening radius of 1 makes for a sharper image at the pixel level than JPEGs straight out of the EOS-6D, above. Of course the EOS-6D has twice as many pixels (20 vs. 10), but the difference in sharpening accounts for the relatively close sharpness noted in the post, Sharpness and Texture from

Sharpening MTF, comparing thesame image,
Panasonic Lumix LX7,
converted as a JPEG
(sharpened; blue) and raw (unsharpened; red).
Sharpening radius RS = 1.

Sharpening | Imatest (8)
Sharpening | Imatest (9)Sharpening | Imatest (10)

Corresponding edges for the Panasonic Lumix LX7: unsharpened (left), sharpened (right)

These curves show how MTF curves (red for raw and blue for JPEG (sharpened) in the MTF Compare plot, above) correlate to edge response. The LX7 is much more strongly sharpened in both frequency and spatial domains than the EOS-6D (above). It also has a smaller sharpening radius (RS = 1). The strong sharpening would be visible and objectionable at large magnifications, though is results in some impressive measurements: sharpened MTF50P is 2600 LW/PH vs. 2239 for the EOS-6D, which has twice as many pixels. (The EOS-6D would do better,both visually and numerically (i.e., better measurements) with a sharpening radius of RS = 1 instead of 2.)

Oversharpening and Undersharpening

Oversharpening or undersharpening is the degree to which an image is sharpened relative to the standard sharpening value. If it is strongly oversharpened (oversharpening >about 30%), “halos” might be visible near edges of highly enlarged images. The human eye can tolerate considerable oversharpening because displays and the eye itself tend to blur (lowpass filter) the image. (Machine vision systems are not tolerant of oversharpening.) There are cases where highly enlarged, oversharpened images might look better with less sharpening. If an image is undersharpened (oversharpening < 0; “undersharpening” displayed) the image will look better with more sharpening. Basic definitions:

Oversharpening = 100% (MTF( feql ) – 1)

where feql = 0.15 cycles/pixel = 0.3 * Nyquist frequency for reasonably sharp edges (MTF50 ≥ 0.2 C/P).
feql = 0.6*MTF50 for MTF50 < 0.2 C/P (relatively blurred edges)

When oversharpening < 1 (when MTF is lower at feql than at f = 0), the image is undersharpened, and

Undersharpening = –Oversharpening is displayed.

If the image is undersharpened (the case for the EOS-1Ds shown below), sharpening is applied to the original response to obtain Standardized sharpening; if it is positive (if MTF is higher at feql than at f = 0), de-sharpening is applied. (We use “de-sharpening” instead of “blurring” because the inverse of sharpening is, which applied here, is slightly different from conventional blurring.) Note that these numbers are not related to the actual sharpening applied by the camera and software.

Examples: under and oversharpened images

Sharpening | Imatest (11)Undersharpened image

Sharpening | Imatest (12)
Oversharpened image

The 11 megapixel Canon EOS-1Ds DSLR is unusual in that it has very little built-in sharpening (at least in this particular sample).

The average edge (with no overshoot) is shown on top; the MTF response is shown on bottom. The black curves are the original, uncorrected data; the dashed red curves have standardized sharpening applied.

Standardized sharpening results in a small overshoot in the spatial domain edge response, about what would be expected in a properly (rather conservatively) sharpened image. It is relatively consistent for all cameras.

The image above is for the 5 megapixel Canon G5, which strongly oversharpens the image— typical for a compact digital camera.A key measurement of rendered detail is the inverse of the 10-90% edge rise distance, which has units of (rises) per PH (Picture Height). The uncorrected value for the G5 is considerably better than the 11 megapixel EOS-1Ds (1929 vs. 1505 rises per PH), but the corrected value (with standardized sharpening) is 0.73x that of the EOS-1Ds. Based on vertical pixels alone, the expected percentage ratio would be 100% (1944/2704) = 0.72x. MTF50P is not shown. It is displayed when Standardized sharpening is turned off; it can also be selected as a Secondary readout. For this camera MTF50P is 0.346 cycles/pixel or 1344 LW/PH, 9% lower than MTF50. It is a better sharpness indicator for strongly oversharpened cameras, especially for cameras where the image will not be altered in post-processing.

Here is an example of an insanely oversharpened image, displayed in Rescharts with Show edge crop & MTF checked. This displays small edge and MTF plots under a large image of the slanted-edge region.

When customers send us problem images we do our best to educate them about how it can be improved.

Everything is wrong about this image.

To begin with it’s perfectly vertical, not slanted as we recommend (a slant of ≥ 2 degrees is usually sufficient). This means the result will be overly sensitive to sampling (subpixel positioning) and won’t be consistent from image to image.

It’s also extremely oversharpened, and both the negative and positive peaks are strongly clipped (flattened), which makes it difficult to determine the severity of the oversharpening. Clipping invalidates the assumption of linearity used for MTF calculations, and makes the result completely meaningless— MTF curves can be much more extended than reasonable. In this case, MTF never drops below 1 at high frequencies, so MTF50 and MTF20 are not even defined.

These results illustrate how uncorrected rise distance and MTF50 can be misleading when comparing cameras with different pixel sizes and degrees of sharpening. MTF50P is slightly better for comparing cameras when strong sharpening is involved.

Uncorrected MTF50 or MTF50P are, however, appropriate for designing imaging systems or comparing lens performance (different focal lengths, apertures, etc.) on a single camera.

Unsharp Masking (USM)

“Unsharp masking” (USM) and “sharpening” are often used interchangeably, even though their mathematical algorithms are different. The confusion is understandable but rarely serious because the end results are visually similar. But when sharpening is analyzed in the frequency domain the differences become significant.

“Unsharp masking” derives from the old days of film when a mask for a slide, i.e., positive transparency, was created by exposing the image on negative film slightly out of focus. (Here is a great example from a PBS broadcast. (Alternate Youtube page.)) The next generation of slide or print was made from a sandwich of the original transparency and the fuzzy mask. This mask served two purposes.

  • It reduced the overall image contrast of the image, which was often necessary to get a good print.
  • It sharpened the image by increasing contrast near edges relative to contrast at a distance from edges.

Unsharp masking was an exacting and tedious procedure which required precise processing and registration. But now USM can be accomplished easily in most image editors, where it’s used for sharpening. You can observe the effects of USM (using the Matlab imsharpen routine) in the Imatest Image Processing module, where you can adjust the blur radius, amount, and threshold settings.

Most cameras perform regular sharpening rather than USM because it’s faster— USM requires a lot more processing power.

Thanks to the central limit theorem, blur can be approximated by the Gaussian function (Bell curve).

$$displaystyle text{Blur} = frac{e^{-x^2 / 2sigma_x^2}}{sqrt{2pi sigma_x^2}}$$

σx corresponds to the sharpening radius, R. The unsharp masked image can be expressed as the original image summed with a constant times the convolution of the original image and the blur function, where convolution is denoted by *.

$$displaystyle L_{USM}(x) = L(x) – k_{USM} times text{Blur} = L(x) times frac{delta(x) – k_{USM} e^{-x^2/2sigma_x^2} / sqrt{2pi sigma_x^2}}{1 – k_{USM} / sqrt{2pi}}$$

L(x) is the input pixel level and LUSM(x) is the USM-sharpened pixel level. kUSM is the USM sharpening constant (related to the slider setting scanning or editing program). L(x)= L(x)* δ(x), where δ(x) is a delta function.

The USM algorithm has its own MTF. Using

$$ F(e^{-px^2}) = frac{e^{-a^2/4p}}{sqrt{2p}}, $$where F is the Fourier transform,

$$MTF_{USM} (f) = frac{1 – k_{USM} e^{-f^2 sigma_x^2 /2} / sqrt{2pi}}{1 – k_{USM} / sqrt{2 pi}} = frac{ 1 – k_{USM} e^{-f^2 / 2 f_{USM}^2} / sqrt{2pi}}{1 – k_{USM}/ sqrt{2pi}}$$

wherefUSM = 1x. This equation boosts response at high spatial frequencies, but unlike sharpening, response doesn’t reach a peak then drop— it’s not cyclic. Actual sharpening is a two dimensional operation.


How to Read MTF Curvesby H. H. Nasse ofCarl Zeiss. Excellent, thorough introduction. 33 pages long; requires patience. Has a lot of detail on the MTF curves similar to theLens-style MTF curve in SFRplus. Here isan interesting list of Zeiss technical articles.

Understanding MTF from Luminous has a much shorter introduction.

Understanding image sharpness and MTF A multi-part series by the author of Imatest, mostly written prior to Imatest’s founding. Moderately technical.

Bob Atkins has an excellent introduction to MTF and SQF. SQF (subjective quality factor) is a measure of perceived print sharpness that incorporates the contrast sensitivity function (CSF) of the human eye. It will be added to Imatest Master in late October 2006.

Optikos makes instruments for measuring lens MTF. Their 64 page PDF document, How to Measure MTF and other Properties of Lenses, is of particular interest.

Standardized sharpening

Standardized sharpening was developed in Imatest’s early days for comparing “black box” cameras,
but it is NOT recommend for camera engineering or development work.
It is of interest primarily because it was used to develop the concepts of “
oversharpening” and

“undersharpening” (which indicates whether a camera could benefit from more sharpening).

We recommend selecting Display oversharpening-only (default), which turns
Standardized sharpening OFF. Here is a typical setting, showing the tooltip.

The amount of sharpening performed by digital cameras varies greatly. Some cameras and most RAW converters allow you to change the amount of sharpening from the default value. If an image is undersharpened, the image will benefit from additional sharpening during the image editing process. Many compact digital cameras strongly oversharpen images, resulting in severe peaks or “halos” near boundaries. (Moderate oversharpening is usually beneficial.) Extreme sharpening may make images look good on small camera phone displays, but it doesn’t enhance image quality in large displays or prints.

Sharpening increases the 50% MTF frequency (MTF50). A camera with extreme oversharpening may have an impressive MTF50 but poor image quality. A camera with little sharpening will have an MTF50 below its potential. For these reasons, comparisons between cameras based on simple MTF50 measurements have little meaning. Raw MTF50 is a poor measure of a camera’s intrinsic sharpness, even though it correlates fairly well with perceived image sharpness.

MTF50P, the frequency where MTF drops to half its peak value, is equal to MTF for weak to moderate sharpening but lower for strong sharpening. Hence it is a somewhat more stable indicator of perceived sharpness and image quality. Imatest displays MTF50P when standardized sharpening is not displayed (is unchecked in the input dialog box). It is also available as a secondary readout.

To obtain a good measure of a camera’s sharpness— to compare different cameras on a fair basis, the differences in sharpening must be removed from the analysis. We do this in Imatest by setting the sharpening of all cameras to a standard amount. This means sharpening undersharpened images and de-sharpening (blurring) oversharpened images. We call this procedure Standardized Sharpening (recommended only for comparing “black box” cameras; not for developing cameras or testing lenses).

The algorithm for standardized sharpening takes advantage of the observation that most compact digital cameras sharpen with a radius R of about 2 pixels (though R = 1 is not uncommon). This has been the case for several cameras I’ve analyzed using data from and The algorithm for standardized sharpening is as follows.

  1. Apply sharpening (or de-sharpening) with a default radius of 2 to make the MTF at feql = 0.3 times the Nyquist frequency (feql = 0.3fN = 0.15 C/P; a relatively low spatial frequency) equal to 1 (100%), which the MTF at very low spatial frequencies. MTF at higher spatial depends on lens and image sensor quality. The sharpening radius is adjustable in Imatest; 2 is the default.
  2. Linearize the phase of the pulse by removing the imaginary part of the MTF. This results in antisymmetrical edges with a small overshoot (halo)— typical of what you would get with fairly conservative manually-applied sharpening.

If the edge is seriously blurred (MTF50 < 0.2 fN ), so that there is very little energy at feql = 0.3 fN, the sharpening radius is increased and the equalization frequency is decreased to feql = 0.6 * MTF50. The sharpening radius is not increased if Fixed sharpening radius in the Settings menu of the Imatest main window has been checked.

The formula for standardized sharpening with radius R is,
MTFstandard(f) = MTF( f ) (1- ksharp cos(2πR f/dscan)) / (1- ksharp )

where sharpening constant ksharp is set so
MTFstandard( feql ) = MTF(0) = 1.
fN = dscan/2 is the Nyquist frequency; feql = 0.3 fN = 0.15 C/P;
feql = 0.6 MTF50 for seriously blurred edges where MTF50 < 0.2 fN (0.1 C/P).

The image is sharpened if ksharp > 0 and de-sharpened if ksharp < 0 (a bit different from standard blurring). For R = 2, the maximum change takes place at half the Nyquist frequency, f = fN/2 = dscan/4, where cos(2πRf/dscan) = cos(π) = -1. Sharpening with R = 2 has no effect on the response at the Nyquist frequency (fN= dscan/2) because cos(2πRfN/dscan) = cos(2π) = 0.

  • Raw MTF50, without standardized sharpening, produces the most accurate results for comparing lenses and for comparing the sharpness at the center and edge of a single image.
  • MTF50P is somewhat better when comparing cameras with strong sharpening. MTF50P equals MTF for unsharpened to moderately sharpened images, but it is lower for oversharpened images.
  • Standardized sharpening may be a useful approach for comparing different cameras, but it can be misleading for cameras with sharpening radii much different from 2.
Sharpening | Imatest (2024)


What does sharpening an image mean? ›

Sharpening enhances the definition of edges in an image. Whether your images come from a digital camera or a scanner, most images can benefit from sharpening. When sharpening images, keep the following in mind: Sharpening cannot correct a severely blurred image.

What is the formula for sharpening? ›

At the widely-used sharpening radius of 2, the transfer function reaches its maximum value at half the Nyquist frequency (f = fNyq/2 = 0.25 cycles/pixel), drops back to 1 at the Nyquist frequency (fNyq = 0.5 C/P), then bounces back to the maximum at 1.5×fNyq = 0.75 C/P.

How to judge image sharpness? ›

Sharpness is most visible on features like image edges (Figure 2) and can be measured by the edge (step) response. Several methods are used for measuring sharpness that include the 10-90% rise distance technique, modulation transfer function (MTF), special and frequency domains, and slanted-edge algorithm.

What is sharpening effect? ›

The Sharpen effect improves image detail and clarity by increasing the contrast near any edges in the image.

What do you mean by sharpening? ›

Sharpening is the process of creating or refining the edge joining two non-coplanar faces into a converging apex, thereby creating an edge of appropriate shape on a tool or implement designed for cutting.

What is sharpening in psychology? ›

Leveling and sharpening are processes we use during memory recollection. Leveling refers to the tendency to omit minor details and distinctions, whereas sharpening occurs when certain aspects of a memory are exaggerated or made more profound.

Which sharpening method is better and why? ›

Bench stone

This sharpening technique is the most elaborate, but also the best method for giving high-quality knives the right polish. When sharpening manually on water stones or diamond plates, a geometrically correct cutting edge is formed.

What is acceptable sharpness? ›

Also known as the “Zone of Acceptable Sharpness”, the 'Depth of Field' is the distance across the part of the picture that is acceptably sharp to the eye. When a lens focuses on a subject it creates only one point of clarity in the image. There is a gradual fall-off of sharpness either side of that point.

Does sharpness improve picture quality? ›

We suggest you turn the sharpness control down to zero, then add sharpness sparingly only if the image looks soft, with poorly defined edges. Also turn off any noise-reduction and image-enhancement or “dynamic” modes; these tend to reduce image quality.

What is the sharpness and clarity of an image called? ›

resolution. The resolution is a term used to describe the clarity or the sharpness in the text or image that gets displayed on the screen of the monitor. The resolution is described in terms of the pixel and higher pixels imply higher resolution which in turns provide a much clear image.

When to sharpen images? ›

Sharpen should be applied as the last step to clean up the image and get it ready for export. If you use Lightroom you can export the TIF/TIFF, sharpen and return to LR where you can export to JPG without any Lightroom sharpening applied.

Is high sharpness better? ›

With most TVs, it actually masks fine detail. That means when your sharpness is set too high, you could lose some of the crisp detail possible on that new TV. In some cases, the best sharpness setting is actually zero, while on most TVs the setting is best in the bottom 20% or so.

How do you calculate sharpening angle? ›

The sharpening angle for your knife is half the angle of the cutting edge (after all, you will sharpen on 2 sides). The sharpening angle of a Japanese knife (please find a few examples below) is therefore 15° (30°/2) and of other knives 18° to 20°.

Is it good to sharpen photos? ›

Software sharpening finds the sharp edges in your photograph and increases the contrast of the edges, This gives the image more defined edges and a look of being sharper.

What is the difference between blur and sharpen? ›

Blur mode causes each pixel affected by the brush to be blended with neighboring pixels, thereby increasing the similarity of pixels inside the brushstroke area. Sharpen mode causes each pixel to become more different from its neighbors than it previously was: it increases contrast inside the brushstroke area.

What is the difference between clarity and sharpening? ›

Each affect different sized details on the photo. Sharpening affects the smallest, Texture enhances mid-sized and Clarity larger details - which then affects contrast more dramatically.

What is the difference between contrast and sharpening? ›

Contrast and sharpness have great impact on perceived quality of an image . Contrast refers to difference in gray scale or color exists between image features. It is related with discrimination of objects or content within an image. Sharpness of an image refers to clarity of detail and edges.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.