Sports Agent Salaries | Sports Management Worldwide (2024)

How much money can I make as a sports agent?

In the sports agent business, you get paid when your athlete gets paid. The amount agents make varies with the athletes they sign. Successful sports agents can make over a million dollars per year.

Sports Management Worldwide provides the academic foundation to help you work as a sports agent. And the Agent Advisor program gives you an immediate entry point into the athlete management world.

Salaries by Sport: Football| Basketball | Baseball | Hockey | Soccer | Cricket | Rugby | MMA

Football Agent Salaries:

Annual Client Earnings By League:Low-End:High-End:
  • National Football League (NFL)
  • Arena Football League (AFL)
  • United States Football League (USFL)
  • XFL
  • Canadian Football League (CFL)
  • Indoor Football League (IFL)
  • $705,000
  • $400 per game
  • $4,700
  • $59,000
  • $65,000
  • $37,470
  • $54,993,000
  • $8,000/ entire season
  • $55,050
  • $59,000
  • $550,000
  • $37,470
Sports Agent Commissions Per Client:
  • $21,150 - $1,649,790
  • $240
  • $141 - $1,651.50
  • $1,770
  • $1,950 - $16,650
  • $1,124.10

Become a Football Agent with our Athlete Management Course

Basketball Agent Salaries:

Annual Client Earnings By League:Low-End:High-End:
  • National Basketball Assoc. (NBA)
  • National Basketball G- League (NBGL)
  • Europe Basketball 1st Division (Spain, Italy, Turkey, France, Russia)
  • Australian National Basketball League (NBL)
  • Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA)
  • Chinese Basketball Association (CBA)
  • $4,718,300
  • $37,000
  • $60,000
  • $13,000
  • $61,682
  • $25,000
  • $48,070,014
  • $462,629
  • $5,000,000
  • $500,000
  • $234,936
  • $4,400,000
Sports Agent Commissions Per Client:
  • $188,732 - $1,921,600
  • $1,480 - $18,505
  • $2,400 - $200,000
  • $520 - $20,000
  • $2,467 - $9,397
  • $1,000 - $176,000

Baseball Agent Salaries:

Annual Client Earnings By League:Low-End:High-End:
  • Major League Baseball* (MLB)
  • Minor League Baseball (USA)
  • $570,500
  • $45,300
  • $43,333,333
  • $45,300
Sports Agent Commissions Per Client:
  • $22,820 - $1,733,333
  • $1,812

Become an MLB Agent with our Baseball Agent Course

Hockey Agent Salaries:

Annual Client Earnings By League:Low-End:High-End:
  • National Hockey League (NHL)
  • American Hockey League (AHL)
  • Minor League Hockey
  • $750,000
  • $51,000
  • $10,000
  • $12,500,000
  • $51,000
  • $200,000
Sports Agent Commissions Per Client:
  • $30,000 - $500,000
  • $2,040
  • $400 - $20,000

Become an NHL Agent with our Hockey Agent Course

Soccer Agent Salaries:

Annual Client Earnings By League:Low-End:High-End:
  • Major League Soccer** (MLS)
  • English Football/Soccer Premier League
  • English Football/Soccer Championship
  • English Football/Soccer League 1
  • English Football/Soccer League 2
  • $65,000
  • £20,000
  • £20,000
  • £15,000
  • £12,000
  • $14,000,000
  • £26,800,000
  • £235,000
  • £67,850
  • £49,600
Sports Agent Commissions Per Client:
  • $3,275 - $700,000
  • £1,000 - £1,340,000
  • £1,000 - £11,500
  • £750 - £3,392
  • £600 - £2,480

Become an Soccer Agent with our Soccer Agent Course

Cricket Agent Salaries:

Annual Client Earnings By League:Low-End:High-End:
  • Cricket - England County
  • Cricket - International
  • Cricket - Indian Premier League
  • £10,300
  • £25,000
  • $20,000
  • £80,000
  • £400,000
  • $2,400,000
Sports Agent Commissions Per Client:
  • £515 - £4,000
  • £1,250 - £20,000
  • $1,000 - $120,000

Become a Cricket Agent with our Athlete Management Course

Rugby Agent Salaries:

Annual Client Earnings By League:Low-End:High-End:
  • Rugby – National Rugby League (NRL)
  • Rugby – Top 14 (France)
  • £20,000
  • $15,000
  • £1,000,000
  • $1,200,000
Sports Agent Commissions Per Client:
  • £1,400 - £28,000
  • $7,500 - $60,000

Become a Rugby Agent with our Athlete Management Course

Mixed Martial Arts Agent Salaries:

Annual Client Earnings By League:Low-End:High-End:
  • Mixed Martial Arts (MMA, UFC/Strikeforce)
  • $10,000 - $20,000
    per fight
  • $1,500,000 per fight
    Potential bonus:
    Knockout of the night:
    $60 - $80,000
    Submission of the night:
    $60 - $80,000
    Fight of the night:
    $60 - $80,000
Sports Agent Commissions Per Client:
  • $250 - $75,000

Become a MMA Agent with our Athlete Management Course

*Revised as of February 27th, 2023

**All amounts are in USD unless otherwise specified.

In addition to being a provider of sports management education, Sports Management Worldwide is an international full-service sports agency with an extensive network of Agent Advisors serving athletes throughout the world.

SMWW’s Agent Advisor program will jumpstart your sports agent career by connecting you with certified agents in pro sports, showcasing your personal agent webpage on, assisting you with recruiting and representation, and providing you new daily leads of athletes looking for agents.

As an Agent Advisor, you will be an agent-in-training who co-represents Sports Management Worldwide athletes. You will recruit and represent athletes on behalf of Sports Management Worldwide, and share equally in any commission fee paid to the company by clients successfully recruited.

Click here to learn more about the SMWW Agent Advisor Program.

How much money can I make as a sports agent?

In the sports agent business, you get paid when your athlete gets paid. The amount agents make varies with the athletes they sing. Successful sports agents can make over a million dollars per year.

Sports Management Worldwide provides the academic foundation to help you work as a sports agent. And the Agent Advisor program gives you an immediate entry point into the athlete management world.

Salaries by Sport:

Football | Basketball | Baseball

Soccer | Cricket | Rugby | MMA

Salaries by Sport:

Football | Basketball | Baseball | Soccer | Cricket | Rugby | MMA

Football Agent Salaries:
  • National Football League (NFL)
  • Low-End: $705,000
  • High-End: $54,993,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $21,150 - $1,649,790
  • Arena Football League(AFL)
  • Low-End: $400 per game
  • High-End: $8,000/ entire season
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $240
  • United States Football League (USFL)
  • Low-End: $4,700
  • High-End: $55,050
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $141 - $1,651.50
  • XFL
  • Low-End: $59,000
  • High-End: $59,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $1,770
  • Canadian Football League (CFL)
  • Low-End: $65,000
  • High-End: $550,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $1,950 - $16,650
  • Indoor Football League (IFL)
  • Low-End: $37,470
  • High-End: $37,470
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $1,124.10

Become a Football Agent with our Athlete Management Course

Basketball Agent Salaries:
  • National Basketball Assoc. (NBA)
  • Low-End: $4,718,300
  • High-End: $48,070,014
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $188,732 - $1,921,600
  • National Basketball G- League (NBGL)
  • Low-End: $37,000
  • High-End: $462,629
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $1,480 - $18,505
  • Europe Basketball 1st Division (Spain, Italy, Turkey, France, Russia)
  • Low-End: $60,000
  • High-End: $5,000,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $2,400 - $200,000
  • Australian National Basketball League (NBL)
  • Low-End: $13,000
  • High-End: $500,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $520 - $20,000
  • Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA)
  • Low-End: $61,682
  • High-End: $234,936
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $2,467 - $9,397
  • Chinese Basketball Association (CBA)
  • Low-End: $25,000
  • High-End: $4,400,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $1,000 - $176,000

Become a Basketball Agent with our Basketball Agent Course

Baseball Agent Salaries:
  • Major League Baseball* (MLB)
  • Low-End: $570,500
  • High-End: $43,333,333
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $22,820 - $1,733,333
  • Minor League Baseball (USA)
  • Low-End: $45,300
  • High-End: $45,300
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $1,812

Become an MLB Agent with our Baseball Agent Course

Hockey Agent Salaries:
  • National Hockey League (NHL)
  • Low-End: $750,000
  • High-End: $12,500,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $30,000 - $500,000
  • American Hockey League (AHL)
  • Low-End: $51,000
  • High-End: $51,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $2,040
  • Minor League Hockey
  • Low-End: $10,000
  • High-End: $200,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $400 - $20,000

Become an NHL Agent with our Hockey Agent Course

Soccer Agent Salaries:
  • Major League Soccer** (MLS)
  • Low-End: $65,500
  • High-End: $14,000,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $3,275 - $700,000
  • English Football/Soccer Premier League
  • Low-End: £20,000
  • High-End: £26,800,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: £1,000 - £1,340,000
  • English Football/Soccer Championship
  • Low-End: £20,000
  • High-End: £235,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: £1,000 - £11,500
  • English Football/Soccer League 1
  • Low-End: £15,000
  • High-End: £67,850
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: £750 - £3,392
  • English Football/Soccer League 2
  • Low-End: £12,000
  • High-End: £49,600
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: £600 - £2,480

Become an Soccer Agent with our Soccer Agent Course

Cricket Agent Salaries:
  • Cricket – England County
  • Low-End: £10,300
  • High-End: £80,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: £515 - £4,000
  • Cricket – International
  • Low-End: £25,000
  • High-End: £400,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: £1,250 - £20,000
  • Cricket – Indian Premier League
  • Low-End: $20,000
  • High-End: $2,400,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $1,000 - $120,000

Become a Cricket Agent with our Athlete Management Course

Rugby Agent Salaries:
  • Rugby – National Rugby League (NRL)
  • Low-End: £20,000
  • High-End: £1,000,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: £1,400 - £28,000
  • Top 14 (France)
  • Low-End: $15,000
  • High-End: $1,200,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $7,500 - $60,000

Become a Rugby Agent with our Athlete Management Course

Mixed Martial Arts Agent Salaries:
  • Mixed Martial Arts(MMA, UFC/Strikeforce)
  • Low-End: $10,000 - $20,000 per fight
  • High-End: $1,500,000 per fight
    Potential bonus:
    Knockout of the night: $60 - $80,000
    Submission of the night: $60 - $80,000
    Fight of the night: $60 - $80,000
  • Sports Agent Commissions Per Client: $250 - $75,000

Become a MMA with our Athlete Management Course

*Revised as of February 27th, 2023

**All amounts are in USD unless otherwise specified

In addition to being a provider of sports management education, Sports Management Worldwide is an international full-service sports agency with an extensive network of Agent Advisors serving athletes throughout the world.

SMWW’s Agent Advisor program will jumpstart your sports agent career by connecting you with certified agents in pro sports, showcasing your personal agent webpage on, assisting you with recruiting and representation, and providing you new daily leads of athletes looking for agents.

As an Agent Advisor, you will be an agent-in-training who co-represents Sports Management Worldwide athletes. You will recruit and represent athletes on behalf of Sports Management Worldwide, and share equally in any commission fee paid to the company by clients successfully recruited.

Click here to learn more about the SMWW Agent Advisor Program.

Sports Agent Salaries | Sports Management Worldwide (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.