Tasha (2024)


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 11
    • 1.2 Season 13
  • 2 Confessionals
    • 2.1 Season 11
    • 2.2 Season 12
    • 2.3 Season 13
    • 2.4 Season 14
  • 3 Commentary
    • 3.1 Season 11
    • 3.2 Season 12
    • 3.3 Season 13
  • 4 Office Visits
    • 4.1 Season 12
  • 5 Other
    • 5.1 Season 11
    • 5.2 Season 12
    • 5.3 Season 13
    • 5.4 Season 14
  • 6 Misc.


Season 11[]


  • 25 years old from Utah. Dancing since she was 3 years old and always wanted to be a DCC. Became pregnant right out of high school. Initially it felt like her dreams had ended, but eventually became determined to prove everyone wrong. Danced for Utah Jazz and Phoenix Suns for three years each. If she became a DCC, it would show her daughter to never stop working towards her dreams

Season 13[]


  • She’s going on her third season as a DCC. She got into clothing modeling about eight years prior. She works for Closet Candy Boutique, a clothing company. She helps with marketing in addition to modelling. She knows she won’t model forever, so she wants to start a line and a kid’s boutique. She just bought her first house with her husband. She’s always wanted to be a good role model to her daughter, and she’s happy her daughter can see her being a DCC. That will inspire her daughter to know her dreams can come true.


Total: 38

Season 11: 18 (4th most in season)

Season 12: 13

Season 13: 7

Season 14: 1

Season 11[]


  • Biography


  • During my solo, one of my shoulder straps fell off. Tried not to let it phase me, but it’s a dancer’s worst nightmare.
  • Just announced who’s going to training camp and I’m one of them! It’s awesome, excited to show my daughter that you can achieve your dreams… best moment ever.


  • It was amazing seeing K walk in – it’s official, training camp’s started. I think we’re all really excited.
  • We’re here at Valley Ranch, unreal to be at our first rehearsal. Think every girl wants to make it to this point and feel so blessed to be here – this is amazing.
  • This training camp is way harder than anything I ever expected. It’s harder than anything I’ve ever been through. It’s good though, they want the best of the best, so I’m definitely going to have to step it up.


  • [At makeovers] A little nervous for K to get her hands on my head. Wasn’t blessed with best hair, so extensions help me. [They say she could go dark] I’ve been blonde for a while now, so drastic for me to be anything different. Crossing my fingers, will see how it goes.
  • [After makeover] So happy they kept me blonde and gave me lowlights. Just enough to make a little difference, but a lot more natural and fuller. Want to whip my hair.
  • There were times it felt like I was hitting it hard and being powerful. Apparently, I wasn’t. But I’m a delicate, softer dancer anyways, so need to be conscious not to dance super soft.


  • Starstruck right now; that a Grammy-award winner [Kacey Musgraves] picked me out. Can’t wait to go home and tell my daughter – that was probably the best thing that could have happened tonight or any night.
  • I feel like a superstar right now, being able to put this uniform on right now. It’s unreal. They’re definitely going to have to tackle me to take this off.
  • Think tonight is going to be a cut night. Moving along in process quickly, and only 36 that can make the team, so think somebody has to get cut.


  • The key to DCC hair is the bigger the better.


  • Oh my God, I’m so excited. I can’t wait to call my daughter. I’m a DCC!
  • There’s definitely pressure tonight. Kelli and Judy want to see us game day ready. So, I think tonight’s a good night to prove that they made a good choice in this team.
  • We’re moments away from rehearsing. Everything’s on the line. This is a different practice than anything else we’ve ever done. This is game day. There’s no more time to mess us. This is by far the biggest rehearsal of my life.
  • Got some dirty boots from practice. Just cleaning them all up and making sure they look perfect for game day.
  • To become a DCC wasn’t an easy decision. It wasn’t an easy journey for me. [Flashback] I came out here by myself. My husband stayed back in Utah with my daughter. It was really hard for me to stay focused. I was homesick, and training camp was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. When two-time Grammy Award winner Kacey Musgraves picked me out, it lit a fire under me. I really do think that from there on out was the turning point for me in training camp. I’m proud that my daughter can see how much we went through to get here, and I want to show her that it’s hard, but hard work pays off.

Season 12[]


  • If I didn’t make it back based off of my panel interview, I would be devastated. I’d be horrified. [Pauses] I’m going to breathe for a second. I’m like overwhelmed.
  • We’re all obviously in a very vulnerable state, so I think everyone’s just really anxious to hear whose names are called and just go from there.
  • [To daughter] Should we go home and eat pizza? [Daughter says ‘and get ice cream?’] And get ice cream.


  • It’s mind-blowing that the owner of the Dallas Cowboys took the time out of his day to come and talk to us.
  • [Before office visit] If I went in there and they say, ‘Tonight’s you last night. You’re not on this team anymore,’ it would be devastating, especially after doing my rookie season. Everybody wants to come back as a vet. That’s why I auditioned. But at least I’ll be happy I was able to do it one year and cherish those moments, but I’m praying that it’s not my last night.
  • [After office] Kelli definitely doesn’t sugarcoat anything, so I’m just going to take it as they’re trying to help me out, and they want the best out of all of us. Being called big isn’t fun.


  • [Before office] Kelli and Judy have kind of hit me at every angle as far as critiques go so far this season in training camp. We’ve talked about my weight. We’ve talked about my hair color. But since I went in there, I’ve changed all my eating habits. I’m, you know, upping my workout game. So, yeah, my head’s spinning. It could, I mean, I could always get cut. You never know.
  • [After office] A positive meeting doesn’t happen very often, so I’m happy that they took the time to tell me that they noticed a change and tell me that they noticed the improvement. No one ever wants to be called into the office, but if it’s for a good thing, I think any of us will take it.
  • Tonight’s a huge deal. This is the first show for show group, and it’s my first year on show group, so I’m super excited, and there’s like 15,000 people here for this event tonight. None of us have seen the stage. We’re going to be finding out our spots right then and there.
  • That was so amazing. It was so fun. The best part was definitely the walk-on. Like…


  • There’s a net at the end of our field, so for me and Yuko and Simone, we had to pretty much pass through the net. And we can’t really do that. So, we’re having to make some last-minute changes, but we’re just trying to stay going.
  • [Standing with Cersten and Selina] It’s really cool to see all of the Cowboys things in the Hall of Fame museum.
  • We’re part of history, and I feel so honored to not only put on this uniform but to be a part of this night.

Season 13[]


  • I definitely feel a lot of pressure after last year [being on the cover]. It was a huge accomplishment and I’m so proud to be able to be on the cover.
  • [Stingrays] I don’t like it.
  • [Shark] I’m just kind of nervous how I’m going to get back to the boat, to be honest.
  • Biography
  • This is the first time that I’ve ever done a photo where I’m literally on a wet tile floor, so that’s new. But, Michael’s so confident in his vision that you just kind of have to go with it.


  • I’m just really excited to show these girls that are coming in new all of the great things that we have for recovery.
  • It is so important to take time to care for your body. If you don’t that’s when injuries happen. If you get injured, then you obviously can’t be a DCC.

Season 14[]


  • Nothing, nothing, even compares to being a part of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.


Season 11[]


  • “Hello” – K [about her prelim dancing]
  • “She’s got a tight split” – K [semis]
  • [Semis judging] Yes pluses because face is beautiful/something about the splits wasn’t right/thought one leg was good – K/Can I give her a yes for next week since I won’t be there?


  • “I hate your costume. Did i say hate? Hate your costume.” – Kitty Carter
  • [Finals deliberations] Thought the dance was cute and she’s adorable/She was a hot mess to me


  • [Yes or no’s] “Maybe, on that dance” – K
  • “You’re cute to look at, but I’m not confident you could do all of our routines and just look totally confident as opposed to kind of a little girl chasing the choreography” – K


  • [Kelli and Marshall discuss her having lots of extensions, and consider making her hair darker]
  • “She’s our spicy blonde” – Marshall [after makeover]
  • I think you could be better. You have the memory, but you’re doing everything kind of softer than you could. Like your arms never fully extend or straighten. Really attack the step-kick. – J


  • “I liked Tasha, too.” – Musgraves
  • “I don’t see no signs of a baby.” [At fittings]
  • [To Judy] “I’m starting to see what you saw in Tasha. I mean she’s gotten spunkier.” – K


  • “Yes. Wow.” – K [cameos]

Season 12[]


  • [Mentioning her performance last season] Tasha did well during the year. Yeah, she did good. And she’s extremely photogenic. – K


  • “She’s kind of coming into finals off the panel interview a little flat.” – K
  • “Can we look at Tasha’s weight again?” “I can definitely see it.” – J
  • [About her and Allie] Every single judge is noticing weight gains with some of our veterans. We will have some very tough decisions once we go into deliberations.
  • [Finals deliberation] I wish that she had come back stronger. – Brenda/ It was that heavy waistline for me. – Jay/ It’s really hard for me to say this: I felt she failed the interview. Okay? Like miserably failed it/ She definitely has the look. I mean you look at her, and it like, ‘That’s DCC.’


  • I think Tasha’s weight has gone up. Tasha was always very disciplined, and she may have just let off that focus a little bit. – K
  • [Says she has concerns] Tasha. Weight. – Tina Kalina
  • Tasha is ten pounds heavier than she was at last year’s auditions. Do y’all see it? – K, Yes, and wiggly. – Tina Kalina
  • I think she needs to be reminded that she needs to maintain the physical appearance she came in with. – J


  • We have Cersten, KaShara, Tasha, Heather, and Stephanie who have never performed with us as a show group member. And they’re going to be pressured to put on a great show. – J
  • “Tasha, make sure you look ahead.” – J

Season 13[]


  • I was super excited when I got put in Tasha’s group for our photo shoot today. She has a mature essence about her when she poses. – Heather


  • [To Tara] When I see you next to Tasha, she’s kicking your butt. – Kitty Carter


  • [Calendar reveal] This picture is, “I ain’t your mama.” – K

Office Visits[]

Season 12[]


  • [End of episode, 1st of 4] Kelli says she wants to give her the chance to be her best this year. A lot of judges at auditions thought she gained weight, and Kelli says she has. Tasha says she’s always been naturally smaller, and thinks it’s from getting older and snuck up on her. But she will get back to where she was. Kelli says it about getting back to the gym and getting in shape, and knows Tasha can do this, but she needs to do it. Tasha is grateful they called her in to talk about this. Kelli says that was it.


  • [Mid episode, 1st of 3] Kelli says they wanted to touch base and wanted to let her know they think she looks better and appreciate her efforts. Tasha thanks them and says she’s being trying really hard at everything they say, and says she feels like she’s going to pass out. Kelli asks how she feels about her role here in the studio. Tasha thinks it’s going well. She loves her group, and they are like a family. Kelli would encourage her to keep being Tasha. She has a very approachable, warm, and supportive spirit about her, and she thinks that will be important for the rookie candidates who are scared out of their minds. She hopes Tasha uses that as one of her strengths. Tasha appreciates that and thinks that is sweet of them to say.


Season 11[]


  • Shown dancing in semis after Kelli mentions dancers making them go “Wow”
  • Invite to finals is shown


  • Shown giving an answer about moving to Dallas as a family at panel interviews that is received well
  • Shown being invited to Training Camp


  • Has chat with Kelli during makeovers
  • Makeover glamour shot [hair curlier, shorter, darker]


  • Locker room photo briefly highlighted

Season 12[]


  • After Kelli mentions in confessional that if a veteran flat lines, her job may be at risk, her panel interview is shown: She is asked to name one member of the Trump Cabinet. She initially says Kellyanne Conway before correcting herself that she is his counselor. Then, she is asked if she knows who Sean Spicer is, and she does not.
  • Shown being invited to training camp


  • Along with Stephanie, she is at media training with the rookie without explanation


  • Announced as a member of show group


  • Shown being placed in the fourth row of the triangle for the Canton performance

Season 13[]


  • Shown being invited to training camp


  • She gives modelling advice to others multiple times throughout the episode
  • Shown posing for the calendar shoot


  • While not highlighted, it can be seen that she has placed in the fourth row of the triangle
  • Revealed to be in the swimsuit calendar for September-December 2018


  • On the board, it can be seen that she’s received stickers from 5 of 6 evaluators (everybody but Nick Florez)


  • She leads some of the rookie TCC’s (and Molly, for some reason) in a “body restoration” session at Cowboys Fit

Season 14[]


  • Addresses the team about her retirement. Afterwards, Jessika jokingly says she was hoping for a pregnancy announcement


  • Former Phoenix Suns Dancer
  • Former Utah Jazz Dancer
Season 11 Rookie Class
Allie, Cersten, Heather H., Heather O., Jessika, Kelli, Kelsey, Khalyn, Maddie, Maggie, Mandy, Milan, Selina, Tasha, Tess, Yuko

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Tasha (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.