The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (2024)

Whales are really big, and a hippopotamus is roughly the same size as a rhinoceros. But do you know the biggest mammals by category? Here's a list of the 20 biggest mammals, in 20 categories, starting with the biggest whale and ending with the biggest shrew:


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Biggest Whale: Blue Whale (200 Tons)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (1)

At 100 feet long and 200 tons, not only is the blue whale the biggest mammal in the world, but it's also the largest vertebrate animalthat has ever lived. Not even the largest dinosaurs approached it in bulk. Some titanosaurs were over 100 feet long, but they didn't weigh 200 tons. Fittingly, the blue whale is also the loudest animal on earth. This cetacean can vocalize at 180 decibels, enough to render most other animals deaf.


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Biggest Elephant: African Elephant (7 Tons)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (2)

The largest land-dwelling mammal on earth, at seven tons, the African elephant is smaller than the blue whale for good reason: The buoyancy of water helps to counteract the blue whale's weight, and elephants are terrestrial. One reason the African elephant has enormous ears is to help dissipate its internal body heat. A warm-blooded, seven-ton mammal generates a lot of calories.


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Biggest Dolphin: Killer Whale (6 to 7 Tons)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (3)

How can the biggest dolphin be a whale?Killer whales, also known as orcas, are classified as dolphins rather than whales. At six or seven tons, male orcas are bigger than the largest sharks, which means that killer whales, rather than great white sharks, are the atop predators of the oceans. Sharks have a more fearsome reputation because very few humans have been killed by killer whales.


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Biggest Even-Toed Ungulate: Hippopotamus (5 tons)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (4)

Even-toed ungulates, or artiodactyls, are a widespread family of plant-eating mammals that includes deer, pigs, cows, and the biggest cleft-hoofed mammal, the common hippopotamus. The pygmy hippopotamus doesn't approach its cousin's five-ton heft. You could make a case for another even-toed creature, the giraffe, which is much taller than a hippo, but they weigh only two tons.


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Biggest Odd-Toed Ungulate: White Rhinoceros (5 tons)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (5)

Perissodactyls, or odd-toed ungulates, aren't as diverse as their even-toed cousins. This family consists of horses, zebras, and tapirs on the one hand and rhinoceroses on the other. The biggest perissodactyl is the white rhinoceros, which at five tons rivalsPleistocene rhinoceros ancestors such as theElasmotherium. There are two types of white rhinos, the southern white rhinoceros and the northern white Rhinoceros; it's easy to figure in what part of Africa they reside.


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Biggest Pinniped: Southern Elephant Seal (3 to 4 Tons)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (6)

At up to four tons, not only is the southern elephant seal the biggest pinniped alive, but it's also the biggest terrestrial meat-eating mammal, outweighing the largest lions, tigers, and bears. Male southern elephant seals vastly outweigh females, which top out at two tons. Like blue whales, male elephant seals are extraordinarily loud; they bellow their sexual availability from miles away.


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Biggest Bear: Polar Bear (1 Ton)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (7)

If you're under the illusion that polar bears, grizzly bears, and pandas are comparable in size, you're wrong.Polar bears are by far the biggest—and deadliest—ursines. The largest males can reach a height of 10 feet and weigh up to a ton. The only bear that comes closeis the kodiak bear; some males can reach 1,500 pounds.


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Biggest Sirenian: West Indian Manatee (1,300 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (8)

Thesirenians, the family of aquatic mammals that includes manatees and dugongs,are distantly related to pinnipeds and share many characteristics. At 13 feet long and 1,300 pounds, the West Indian manatee is the biggest sirenian by an accident of history: A bigger member of this breed, Steller's sea cow, went extinct in the 18th century. Some of them weighed 10 tons.


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Biggest Equid: Grevy's Zebra (1,000 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (9)

The genus Equus comprises not only horses but also donkeys, asses, andzebras. While some domesticated horses exceed 2,000 pounds, Grevy's zebra is the world's largest wild equid; adults reach half a ton. Like many other animals on this list, Grevy's Zebra is nearing extinction; there are probably fewer than 5,000 in scattered habitats in Kenya and Ethiopia.


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Biggest Pig: Giant Forest Hog (600 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (10)

How big is the giant forest hog? This 600-pound pig has been known to chase African hyenas from their kill, though it's sometimes preyed on by the largest African leopards. Despite its size, the giant forest hog is relatively gentle. It is easily tamed, if not outright domesticated, and can live alongside humans. It'smostly a herbivore, scavenging meals only when it's especially hungry.


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Biggest Cat: Siberian Tiger (500 to 600 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (11)

Male Siberiantigersweigh a whopping 500 to 600 pounds; females reach 300 to 400 pounds. Only 500 or soSiberiantigersstill live in eastern Russia, andcontinuing ecological pressure may strip this big cat of its title. Some naturalists claim that Bengal tigers have surpassed their Siberian relatives, since they're not as endangered and are better fed. There may be as many as 2,000 Bengal tigers in India and Bangladesh.


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Biggest Primate: Eastern Lowland Gorilla (400 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (12)

There are two contestants for world's largest primate: theeastern lowland gorilla and the western lowland gorilla. Both live in the Congo, and by most accounts, the 400-pound eastern variety has the edge on its 350-pound western cousin, though western lowland gorillas outnumber the eastern variety by a 20-to-1 ratio.


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Biggest Canid: Gray Wolf (200 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (13)

Although some domesticated dog breeds grow larger, the consistently beefiest species of genus Canis is the gray wolf.Full-grown wolves often reach 200 pounds. Gray wolves mate for life.


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Biggest Marsupial: Red Kangaroo (200 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (14)

The red kangaroo of Australia reaches five and a half feet tall and 200 pounds, making it the largest marsupial. That's notsaying much considering the enormous sizes of its ancestors. The giant short-faced kangaroo weighed 500 pounds, and the giant wombat reachedtwo tons. Male red kangaroos are much bigger than females and can cover almost 30 feet in a single leap.


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Biggest Rodent: Capybara (150 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (15)

A full-grown capybara, a South American rodent closely related to guinea pigs, can reach 150 pounds. But the capybara isn't the largest rodent that ever lived. The hippopotamus-size Josephoartigasia weighed a whopping two tons.


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Biggest Armadillo: Giant Armadillo (100 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (16)

During the Pleistocene epoch, armadillos were the size of Volkswagen Beetles. Abandoned shells of the one-ton Glyptodonwere used by early humans as shelter. Today, this comical-looking breed is represented in the record books by the 100-pound giant armadillo of South America.


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Biggest Lagomorph: European Hare (15 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (17)

The 15-pound European hare is by far the world's biggest lagomorph,a family that includes rabbits, hares, and pikas. European hares put their heft to good use: In the spring, females can be seen rearing back on their hind legs and swatting males in the face, either to refuse an invitation to mate or to see what kind of stuff their prospective mates are made of.


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Biggest Hedgehog: Greater Moonrat (5 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (18)

The five-pound greater moonrat,native to Indonesia, emits a strong, ammonia-like odor, hisses menacingly to keep enemies at bay, and prefers to live alone, except during mating season.The greater moonrat isn't much smaller than theDeinogalerix, a giant hedgehog of the Pleistocene epoch.


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Biggest Bat: Golden-Capped Fruit Bat (3 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (19)

"Megabat" is the term naturalists use to describe any bat weighing more than a few ounces, and no megabat is larger than the golden-capped fruit bat of the Philippines, also known as the giant golden-capped flying fox. Fortunately for humans, fruit bats are strictly herbivorous, and they also lack the common bat's ability to echolocate, or to finddistantprey by emitting sound waves reflected back to them.


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Biggest Shrew: Hispaniolan Solenodon (2 Pounds)

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (20)

The Hispaniolan solenodon, whichlives on Hispaniola, the island shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic, can reach two pounds, which may not sound like much until you realize that the vast majority of shrews weigh only a few ounces. Fortunately for the Solenodon, Hispaniola has few predators that could make it lunch.

The 20 Biggest Mammals, Ranked by Category, From Whales to Shrews (2024)


What are the top 5 biggest mammals? ›

Of the five biggest animals on earth, all are mammals, four are herbivores, one is marine and all are truly imposing to behold.
  • Great Whales. ...
  • Elephants. ...
  • Hippopotamus. ...
  • Rhinoceros. ...
  • Polar Bear.

What are the 3 largest mammals? ›

After elephants and rhinoceros, the hippopotamus is the third-largest land mammal and the heaviest surviving land artiodactyl.

What are the largest mammals in the world? ›

The Antarctic blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus ssp. Intermedia) is the biggest animal on the planet, weighing up to 400,000 pounds (approximately 33 elephants) and reaching up to 98 feet in length.

What is the 2nd largest mammal? ›

Share. The fin whale is the second largest animal to ever live, in the entire history of Earth. Reaching lengths of at least 85 feet (26 m) and weights of 80 tons, this species is second only to its close relative, the blue whale.

What is the largest order of mammals? ›

Rodents are the largest group of mammals, constituting almost half of the class Mammalia's species. Rodents, (order Rodentia), consist of any of more than 2,050 living species of mammals characterized by upper and lower pairs of ever-growing rootless incisor teeth.

What are the big 6 animals? ›

Effective October 1, 2021 -- "Big six African species" means any specimen of any of the following members of the animal kingdom: African elephant (Loxodonta africana), African lion (Panthera leo), African leopard (Panthera pardus pardus), black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum ...

What's the largest mammal on land? ›

African bush elephant

What mammal has the biggest balls? ›

North Atlantic right whales have the largest testicl*s in the animal kingdom. They can exceed 900 kg, which corresponds to about 2% of the animal's total weight. Harbour porpoises have nothing to be ashamed of either: during the mating season, the testicl*s of males swell to represent 5% of their body weight.

What are the top 5 heaviest animals? ›

1. African elephant: 12.25 tons
  • African forest elephant: 6 tons. .
  • Hippopotamus: 4.5 tons. .
  • White rhinoceros: 4.5 tons. .
  • Indian rhinoceros: 4 tons. .
  • Black rhinoceros: 2.9 tons. .
  • Javan rhinoceros: 2.3 tons. .
  • Giraffe: 2 tons. .
  • Bison: 1.8 tons.

Which mammal has largest and heaviest? ›

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales (called Mysticeti). At 30 metres (98 ft)[4] in length and 170 tonnes (190 short tons) or more in weight, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed.”

What is the largest mammal that Cannot jump? ›

In the case of the elephant, in fact, it's impossible. Unlike most mammals, the bones in elephant legs are all pointed downwards, which means they don't have the "spring" required to push off the ground.

What is the fourth largest mammal? ›

Hippopotami are the fourth largest mammals in the world (after whales, elephants and rhinoceroses). The Egyptian hippopotamus is smaller than the others. They can live in the water or on land. They can walk or even run along the bottom of a river.

What is the 3rd largest animal in the world? ›

After elephants and white rhinos, hippos are the third-largest living land animal.

What is the largest order of animals? ›

Arthropoda: It is an invertebrate animal exhibiting a segmented body, an exoskeleton, and paired jointed appendages. Arthropods come under the phylum Arthropoda, which comprises arachnids, insects, crustaceans, and myriapods. It is the largest group of animals or the largest phylum in the kingdom Animalia.

What are the 5 orders of mammals? ›

Over 70% of mammal species are in the orders Rodentia (blue), Chiroptera (red) and Soricomorpha (yellow).
  • Rodentia.
  • Chiroptera.
  • Soricomorpha.
  • Primates.
  • Carnivora.
  • Artiodactyla.
  • Diprotodontia.
  • Lagomorpha.

What were the first large mammals? ›

Named Repenomamus giganticus and Repenomamus robustus, the sturdily built mammals lived in China about 130 million years ago, around 65 million years before we thought their kind inherited the Earth.

What are the 10 examples of mammals? ›

Examples of mammals include rats, cats, dogs, deer, monkeys, apes, bats, whales, dolphins, and humans.

What is the Big 7 hunt? ›

Lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and buffalo…and Southern Right whales and Great White sharks. With two-thirds of our country surrounded by coastline, a trip to South Africa is not complete without seeing Southern Right whales and Great White sharks.

Why isn't the hippo in the Big 5? ›

Danger is a consideration, but hippos actually kill more people than any of the Big Five, yet aren't on the list because they apparently are not as difficult to hunt.

What are the 7 main animals? ›

This means the big seven animals are made up of Cape buffalo, African elephant, leopard, lion, rhinoceros, southern right whale and great white shark.

What is the largest animal to ever walk on land? ›

Patagotitan mayorum may have been the world's largest terrestrial animal of all time, based on size estimates made after considering a haul of fossilized bones attributed to the species.

What's the largest mammal in North America? ›

1. Bison are the largest mammal in North America. Male bison (called bulls) weigh up to 2,000 pounds and stand 6 feet tall, while females (called cows) weigh up to 1,000 pounds and reach a height of 4-5 feet. Bison calves weigh 30-70 pounds at birth.

What is the biggest balls on a man? ›

Wesley Warren, 49, spent more than four years with this extra burden before having surgery to repair the damage from a rare medical condition called scrotal lymphedema. When doctors placed the swollen mass they had cut from Warren's scrotum on the scale, it weighed 132 pounds.

What is the biggest testicl*? ›

The tuberous bush cricket wrests the record for largest testes in relation to body weight from a tiny species of fruit fly, Drosophila bifurca, whose testes account for 10.6% of its bodyweight.

What mammal has the largest breasts? ›

A blue whale's mammary glands are the largest in the world. The breast of a blue whale is just 5 feet long and as big as a tiny human, but it weighs 250 pounds, the same as a baby elephant. The inverted breasts on all blue whales only come out when the newborn whale stimulates them.

What is the heaviest animal that can fly? ›

The great bustard is probably the heaviest living animal that can fly. The males normally weigh between 10 and 16 kilograms, but some can reach 21 kg. For comparison, the wandering albatross has a larger wingspan, but only the biggest reach even 16 kg.

What is the heaviest thing to ever live? ›

The largest animal ever to have lived is thought to be the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus). The maximum recorded weight was 190 tonnes for a specimen measuring 27.6 metres (91 ft), whereas longer ones, up to 33.6 metres (110 ft), have been recorded but not weighed.

What is the heaviest predator in the world? ›

Sperm whales are the world's largest predator, with males reaching lengths of up to 67 feet (20.5 meters) and weights of up to 90 tons (81 metric tons). Females are slightly smaller, reaching lengths of up to 33 feet (10 meters).

What mammal is bigger than a bear? ›

At up to four tons, not only is the southern elephant seal the biggest pinniped alive, but it's also the biggest terrestrial meat-eating mammal, outweighing the largest lions, tigers, and bears. Male southern elephant seals vastly outweigh females, which top out at two tons.

What animal has the most brains? ›

Elephants have the largest brains of all terrestrial mammals, including the greatest volume of cerebral cortex.

What are the big 9 animals? ›

The Big Nine
  • Giraffe (Giraffa) ...
  • Cheetah (Acinonyx jubantus) ...
  • Hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) ...
  • Zebra (Equus quagga) ...
  • Aardvark (Orycteropus afer) ...
  • Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) ...
  • African Hare (Lepus capensis) ...
  • Banded Mongoose (Mungos mungo)

What is bigger than a hippo? ›

The Hippopotamus is the third largest land animal, after the elephant and white rhino.

What animal has 3 hearts? ›

Octopuses have blue blood, three hearts and a doughnut-shaped brain. But these aren't even the most unusual things about them! Known for their otherworldly look and remarkable intelligence, octopuses continue to reveal astonishing qualities, abilities and behaviour.

What animal can't spit? ›

No spitting

Its scary-sounding name comes mostly from the frightful fables people tell about it. It has been accused of spitting venom, stinging with its tongue, and even killing people with its poisonous breath! But while Gila monsters do have venom, they can't spit or spray it.

Which animal Cannot drink water? ›

Kangaroo rats, according to scientists, are the only animals that can exist without water. According to the findings, they do not have any water in their bodies for any of their digestive functions. Kangaroo rats can survive in deserts without ever drinking.

What are the top 10 heaviest land animals? ›

1. African elephant: 12.25 tons
  • African forest elephant: 6 tons. .
  • Hippopotamus: 4.5 tons. .
  • White rhinoceros: 4.5 tons. .
  • Indian rhinoceros: 4 tons. .
  • Black rhinoceros: 2.9 tons. .
  • Javan rhinoceros: 2.3 tons. .
  • Giraffe: 2 tons. .
  • Bison: 1.8 tons.

What mammals have the biggest balls? ›

North Atlantic right whales have the largest testicl*s in the animal kingdom. They can exceed 900 kg, which corresponds to about 2% of the animal's total weight. Harbour porpoises have nothing to be ashamed of either: during the mating season, the testicl*s of males swell to represent 5% of their body weight.

What is the top 10 heaviest animal in the world? ›

At up to 219 tons, the blue whale, the largest animal on earth, is also the heaviest. It is followed by the fin whale, the bowhead, and the Northern Pacific right whale, which all come in at 120 tons. They are followed by the North Atlantic right whale and the Southern right whale, which both weigh around 110 tons.

What is the biggest land predator? ›

The largest terrestrial carnivore is the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). Adult males typically weigh 400–600 kg (880–1,320 lb), and have a nose-to-tail length of 2.4–2.6 m (7 ft 10 in–8 ft 6 in).

What is the largest creature to ever exist? ›

Far bigger than any dinosaur, the blue whale is the largest known animal to have ever lived. An adult blue whale can grow to a massive 30m long and weigh more than 180,000kg - that's about the same as 40 elephants, 30 Tyrannosaurus Rex or 2,670 average-sized men.

What was the biggest animal to walk on land? ›

Meet Patagotitan mayorum, a long-necked behemoth that weighed as much as 12 African elephants. Meet Patagotitan mayorum, the biggest dinosaur ever discovered. A newly named species of sauropod is not only the largest known dinosaur, it now also holds the record as the largest animal that has ever walked on land.

How big do human balls get? ›

Your testicl* is an oval-shaped, sperm-producing organ within your scrotum. The average length of a testicl* is between 4.5 to 5.1 centimeters (about 1.8 to 2 inches). testicl*s that are less than 3.5 centimeters (about 1.4 inches) long are considered small.

What is the strongest animal? ›


In brute strength, elephants are the strongest mammals and the strongest land animals.

What is the thickest animal in the world? ›

The whale shark isn't only the largest fish in the oceans. It also has the thickest skin of any living creature – in the oceans or on land. Typically around 10 cm (4 in) in thickness, the skin offers vital protection and insulation for the animal.

What is the heaviest thing human? ›

The greatest weight ever raised by a human being is 6,270 lbs. in a back lift (weight lifted off trestles) by 364- lb. Paul Anderson (U.S.) (b. 1932), the 1956 Olympic heavyweight champion, at Toccoa, Georgia, on June 12, 1957.”

What are the big 5 Predators? ›

The term “Big Five” originally referred to the difficulty in hunting the lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and African buffalo. These five large African mammal species were known to be dangerous and it was considered a feat by trophy hunters to bring them home.

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