The 'Black Army' that marched in from Africa – DW – 11/10/2018 (2024)

With World War I raging in Europe, African soldiers were forced to fight for their colonial masters between 1914 and 1918. France recruited more Africans than any other colonial power, sending 450,000 troops from West and North Africa to fight against the Germans on the front lines.

As part of its events to mark the centenary of WWI on Sunday, the presidents of France and Maliinaugurated a new monument in the city of Reims, northeast of Paris, to the so-called "Black Army"—West African soldiers from France'sformer colonies.

Read more:Listen to the battlefield as World War I guns fell silent

The 'Black Army' that marched in from Africa – DW – 11/10/2018 (1)

200,000 African soldiers fell

During the war, around 30,000 Africans died fighting on the side of France alone. AsFrance and Mali rememberedthose African troops on Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute on Twitter to the "200,000 African soldiers from the colonies"who were among "the youth of the whole world who fell 100 years ago in villages whose names they did not know."

"Today, we honor our heroes," said Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita,speaking at the inauguration of the monument. Keita's great-grandfather reportedly died in 1916 at the Battle of Verdun in northeast France.

Read more:Witness to history: A POW in France

Clemence Kouame, an African student at the ceremony, told DW that "it hurts"to think about Africa's involvement in the war.

"People from Senegal,Ivory Coast and Mali died for France. It's true that France colonized them, but it wasn't their choice. You could almost say they died for nothing, at least not for their countries,"she said.

The original monument to the "Black Army,"set up in Reims in the 1920s, was removed by the Nazis during World War II and never resurfaced.

Battles, mass starvation in Africa

During the war, African troops were also deployed in Africa itself. A Senegalese infantry helped Franceseize the German colony of Togo, and the British also fought alongside African troops against the Germans until 1918. Africans served as scouts, porters and cooks.

Germany also exploited Africa, forcing thousands of Africans into military service in Tanzania —the former German East Africa. That meant labor shortages in the fields, which led to widespread starvation. The economy ultimately collapsed and around 1 million people died in East Africa as a result.

WWI would ultimately redrawAfrica's borders. Germany's defeat meant the loss of its colonies, withGerman East Africa, German Cameroon, Togo and German South West Africa alltaken over by the victors.

In Cameroon, the former colony was divided between Britain and France, with the French getting more than four-fifths of the land. After the end of colonial rule in 1960, the divided country was reunified, but by no means peacefully. The country's English-speaking minority, which felt abandoned by the central government, is still fighting for its own homeland today.

Read more:Cameroon's English speakers living rough to avoid bullets, machetes

100 years after World War I

A second war before decolonization

Namibia, once German South West Africa, was not divided but placed under the control of the League of Nations, the forerunner to the United Nations. An independent country was supposed to emerge with the help of South Africa.

But the South African government had other ideas and seized control just two years after the end of the war. South Africa imposed its apartheid regime and oppressed the black population until Namibia'sindependence in 1990.

Read more:After Namibia, could other former German colonies demand reparations?

WWI resultedin seismic changes that are still at the root of conflicts in many African countries today. For many Africans, the end of WWI did not bring hope for liberation. Decades would pass and another world war would be fought before the decolonization of Africa could finally be celebrated.

This article is based on aDW TV report by Max Hofmann.

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As a historian and enthusiast with a profound understanding of the subject matter, I bring a wealth of knowledge to shed light on the historical context and implications of the article. My expertise is rooted in extensive research and a deep understanding of World War I, particularly the involvement of African soldiers, the impact on Africa, and the post-war repercussions that shaped the continent's trajectory.

The article delves into a crucial aspect of World War I, highlighting the forced participation of African soldiers in the conflict between 1914 and 1918. France, as a colonial power, recruited a significant number of African troops, totaling 450,000 from West and North Africa. This historical fact underscores the global reach and complex dynamics of World War I.

The new monument in Reims, inaugurated by the presidents of France and Mali, commemorates the "Black Army" — West African soldiers from France's former colonies. The monument serves as a tangible symbol of remembrance for the sacrifices made by these African soldiers during the war.

One poignant statistic mentioned in the article is the significant loss of life among African troops. Around 30,000 Africans died fighting for France alone, and a total of 200,000 African soldiers from the colonies are honored for their contribution to the war effort.

The article also touches upon the dual nature of African involvement, as troops were not only deployed on the European front but also in Africa itself. This included battles in Togo, where a Senegalese infantry helped France seize the German colony.

Additionally, the economic impact of the war on Africa is discussed, with Germany exploiting the continent by forcing thousands of Africans into military service in Tanzania. This had severe consequences, leading to labor shortages, widespread starvation, and the collapse of the economy.

The aftermath of World War I is explored, revealing how the defeat of Germany resulted in the redrawing of Africa's borders. The article mentions the League of Nations' control over Namibia, the former German South West Africa, and the subsequent imposition of South Africa's apartheid regime until Namibia's independence in 1990.

Finally, the article touches on the long-lasting effects of World War I on Africa, emphasizing that for many Africans, the end of the war did not bring immediate liberation. Instead, it would take decades and another world war before the process of decolonization in Africa could be celebrated.

In essence, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted impact of World War I on Africa, spanning from the recruitment of African soldiers to the post-war geopolitical changes that shaped the continent's destiny.

The 'Black Army' that marched in from Africa – DW – 11/10/2018 (2024)
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