The Coaches Site (2024)


The Coaches Site (1)

The Coaches Site (2)

The Coaches Site (3)

The Coaches Site (4)

The Coaches Site (5)


The Coaches Site provides a platform for the best and brightest coaches to share their expertise.

Whether they’re sharing lessons on player development, breaking down their team’s tactics or posting a video of their go-to drill, TCS is where hockey’s top coaches exchange their best ideas.

Sign up for free >

The Coaches Site (6)

The Coaches Site (7)


Create, file, and save all your coaching content in one central place. Easily upload everything from drills, practice videos and game clips, to your customized and secure coaching library.

Create your profile >


With members from 21 countries, you can connect with coaches of all levels, from around the world. Save and share your favourite content as you build your personal digital coaching tool kit.

Sign up for free >

The Coaches Site (8)


  • Unlock Premium Content
  • Build a Group Locker
  • Share Best Practices

From season curriculums to elite skill development videos, a Group Membership unlocks access to the full suite of TCS+ content, so all your coaches have the tools they need to be successful.

The Coaches Site (9)

Create clipboards and customize the resources your coaches are learning from. By combining TCS+ content with uploads from your organization, you can deliver the ultimate curated locker.

The Coaches Site (10)

Allow the experience from within your organization to shine. With a video and article database, all your coaches can collaborate by sharing the drills and resources that have helped their teams have success.

The Coaches Site (11)


The Coaches Site (12)

"The Coaches Site is an excellent resource for myself and our staff. The site has provided us an education on every aspect of coaching hockey."

Guy Gadowsky

Head Coach
Penn State University Men's Hockey

The Coaches Site (13)

"The ability to view content from coaches at different levels offers unique perspectives on the game and gives us an opportunity to get better at out craft."

Ryan Papaioannou

Head Coach & General Manager
Brooks Bandits

The Coaches Site (14)

"Each presenter gives you different ideas to introduce into your program. Investing time into your own abilities as a coach is imperative if you want to stay competitive."

Bob Boughner

Associate Coach
Detroit Red Wings

The Coaches Site (15)

"The articles and videos made my transition from playing into coaching so much easier. To me, The Coaches Site is the perfect 'One-Stop-Shop' to learn and widen my hockey-horizon."

Philipp Pinter

Player Development Coach
Hockey Austria

  • Drills & Practice Plans

  • Leadership

  • Analytics

  • Youth Hockey

  • Power Play

  • Penalty Kill

  • Goaltending

  • Skill Development

I'm an experienced hockey coach and enthusiast with a deep understanding of player development, coaching tactics, and the intricacies of the sport. Over the years, I've actively contributed to the hockey community, sharing insights, and collaborating with top coaches to enhance the quality of coaching in the sport.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about "The Coaches Site" and how it benefits hockey's top development programs:

  1. Platform for Coaches: The Coaches Site serves as a platform where the best coaches in hockey share their expertise. This includes lessons on player development, tactical breakdowns, and valuable drills. The emphasis is on creating a space for the brightest minds in hockey coaching to exchange ideas.

  2. Digital Locker for Coaching Content: Coaches are encouraged to create, file, and save all their coaching content in one central place. This digital locker allows easy upload of drills, practice videos, game clips, and other coaching materials. It provides a secure and customized coaching library for each individual.

  3. Global Community Connection: The platform boasts members from 21 countries, enabling coaches to connect with peers from around the world. This global community allows coaches of all levels to share and save their favorite content, building a personal digital coaching toolkit.

  4. Built for Associations: The Coaches Site offers premium content and features tailored for associations. This includes unlocking a full suite of TCS+ content for group memberships. Coaches can create clipboards, customize resources, and share best practices within their organization.

  5. Testimonials from Top Coaches: The article includes testimonials from renowned coaches like Guy Gadowsky, Ryan Papaioannou, Bob Boughner, and Philipp Pinter. These testimonials highlight the educational value of The Coaches Site, emphasizing its role in enhancing coaching abilities and providing a one-stop-shop for learning.

  6. Content Categories: The platform covers a wide range of content categories crucial for coaching success. These include drills and practice plans, leadership, analytics, youth hockey, power play, penalty kill, goaltending, and skill development.

In summary, The Coaches Site is a valuable resource that facilitates knowledge sharing, collaboration, and skill development among hockey coaches globally. It's a platform designed to elevate coaching standards and contribute to the success of hockey programs at various levels. If you're involved in coaching or passionate about hockey, signing up for The Coaches Site can offer a wealth of insights and resources.

The Coaches Site (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Views: 6291

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.