The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (2024)

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (1)

1,314 reviews3,095 followers

October 16, 2023

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (2)
This is a book trying to shift our focus of life from becoming an ideal person to a practical person. The author is mentioning different methods on how to deal with rejections, failures and social media effectively. It is esoteric why some authors think that the best way to make a reader think and understand life is by using a "charged language" and harsh approach to the reader. We will feel that the author is trying to emulate Mark Manson in some parts of this book. It was an admirable attempt, but it is challenging to do what Mark Manson did with his book.

What I learned from this book
1) How are there so many idiots in this world when nobody is born an idiot?
The author is discussing an important concept of parenting here. He tells us the importance of parents in a children's life. It is bad parenting that is destroying the future of many children.

"Emotional responses become one of the earliest teachers of the person. Emotional responses are a garbage teacher because, as a kid, the emotional intelligence is underdeveloped. Because the person learns by absorption, the parents and the surroundings become the other teachers. Instead of teaching a person how to think, the parents and surrounding teach what to think, thereby becoming terrible teachers themselves. Teaching what to think stops children from learning how to think, and since the child doesn't learn how to think, he grows up confused and clueless regarding how to deal with this world. ”

2) What is learning?
The author has given a good simplistic definition for learning.

“Knowledge can be borrowed, but you can’t borrow understanding. Once you reach a conclusion derived from your thinking, it is called a realization. And once you realize something, your perception changes about it once and for all. And that perception remains locked down until another realization impacts it—that's the process of learning and growing."

3) What is the only downside of failing?
The author is describing about failure and how to tackle it in detail.

“The only downside of failing is that your path may become longer. Failures teach you how to win in the future.”

My favourite three lines from this book

"If you want to be crazily motivated to do anything, a 100 percent reason to do that thing should come from inside. The words like others and them have to be replaced by myself. It should not be I want to show them, but I want to show myself. Not I want to be great, so they would be impressed, but I want to be great so that I can be satisfied with myself. If you are relying on others, you are indirectly controlled by others"

"If you need somebody else to tell you that you are special, then you have not done anything to earn it in your own mind."

“Just because somebody is older doesn’t mean they have figured out life.”

What I didn’t like in this book
Ironically, some authors are trying to connect with their readers by writing in a hackneyed euphemistic manner so that they won't hurt the reader's feelings, while others like Mr. Gangwar are grating the readers and trying to make reverse psychology work out. The author's bitter and harsh approach will cause at least some ephemeral discontent among readers. There are indeed followers for both these writing styles. In my opinion, it will be better to stick to the middle ground and write in a practical manner to make it more realistic, especially if you are writing non-fiction. This book is not giving you too much new information, but there are still one or two new ideas that might help you.

3/5 Even though the author sounds hyperbole in some areas, we must acknowledge his fastidious attempt. If you are a follower of the author in social media or a teenager new to the world of self-help books, or if you are someone who liked The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life or Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope by Mark Manson, you can indeed try this book.

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The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (3)

68 reviews120 followers

March 14, 2021

3.5 stars out of 5
Been there, done that
I wouldn’t consider this the rudest book ever, few occasional f bombs and covering common self-help talking points doesn’t make a book rude.

Growing-up with little self-help I could totally relate to this book. When parents don’t provide correct information and label the children special, only to get discouraged later to find that he/she isn’t special when faced with reality. The days where spending hours at coffee table with colleagues gossiping about celebrities only to seek approval and look cool in front of others. Fancy someone and get dumb advice from friends to get to her, fail miserably and generalize that girls are all the same and blame that Love is a waste of time. Been there, done that, ashamed of myself and think “If only I had a right mentor.”. This book is a right mentor.

The book covers about having the right characteristics and helps you choose Satisfaction over happiness. As the spirituality suggests one should not live a life of duality instead drop attachment. The author similarly says, screw happiness as you cannot always be happy, instead choose satisfaction.

Another interesting chapter, “Screw your heros”. People find their role-models based on popularity and have a bias, if his hero is popular and has abundant followers then feel like whatever the hero does is morally accepted and justified. In reality, our heros are mere humans and they too make mistakes, hence, maintain your individuality, always admire your hero’s acts but don’t blindly follow.

This book end with learning how to think and the importance of developing philosophical thinking.

2 reviews

December 12, 2020

Falls Short of Expectation

I had high expectations of this book considering certain excerpts that I came across and the high ratings. It was a disappointing read overall. I found it especially hard to read post the 30% mark of the book because some topics were dragged with baseless fillers. I had to force myself to finish it, hoping to unearth some gold nuggets (which I did). The author's tone is especially annoying at times, I understand that the idea is to zap the reader with 'tough love'/'brutal' kind of advice but it's just patronizing. He teaches you about self-respect but there's perhaps some cognitive dissonance in that regard when he addresses the reader.

The writing style is pretty average leaning towards unusual semantics that make sense to the author but are hard to follow for the audience. Many of his arguments are just 'because I said so' kind of viewpoints, no data or study or even a compelling story to back it up. So even if his argument is right, it just isn't compelling enough to absorb the book's full potential.

This book is directed towards teens and young adults, and the book could surely render useful to them as it is packed with some good advice. It's not a particularly intelligent or thought-provoking book but understandably that is to pander to a larger audience. My only recommendation to young folks is to take Shwetabh's advice with a grain of salt. He is his own person and most likely wouldn't want people to treat his book like the gospel truth either [refer to his notes of hero-worshipping].

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (4)

4 reviews13 followers

December 16, 2019

Speaking about a vast majority of people, I think this book might be nothing short of a revelation. At first, you might think that the content provided in the book is blatantly obvious and you had known this all along. You might even think that you've wasted your money buying this and it's just one more addition to your run-of-the-mill self help books which uses cuss words for sounding smart/genuine just for the sake of it. A book which became a walloping bestsellers in the recent years comes to my mind (If you know what I mean).

But upon further examination, just when you might start to think that you have had enough of this, you come across something and go, "Hmm... Interesting. That's something that I've never thought about." You start thinking (which is what Shwetabh wanted all along) and come to a realisation that contrary to what you had been thinking all this time - the majority of notions that you claimed to have known all this time were actually a result of all the conditioning you have had in your life!"

And to conclude, this book absolutely nails the job to perfection. Doesn't matter whether you're truly smart, intelligent, wise, clear headed (pick any word you can think), I think you should read this.

Everyone will get something useful out of it.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (5)

69 reviews64 followers

September 23, 2023

اگر دور و برتون نوجوان ۱۳ سال به بالا دارید، مخصوصا نوجوانی که کتاب‌های روانشناسی نمیخونه چون کلا با کتاب حال نمیکنه یا حوصله ادبیات کتاب‌های روانشناسی رو نداره، حتما این کتاب رو بهش هدیه بدید. اون چیزی که نوجوان‌های بین ۱۳ تا ۲۰ سال به دونستنش نیاز دارن تو این کتاب اومده و ادبیات نوشتاری‌اش هم حوصله‌شون رو سر نمی‌بره.

یه قاچ از کتاب:
"میل به ثابت کردن چیزی به دیگران نیازمند این است که برای دیگران واقعا اهمیت داشته باشد؛ در حالی‌که برایشان اهمیتی ندارد. فقط تویی که برایت مهم است سرانجامت چه می‌شود. تنها چیزی که برای آن‌ها مهم است این است که سرانجام "خودشان" چه می‌شود."

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (6)

54 reviews1 follower

January 5, 2020

Kind of a letdown if you used to watch his amazing content YouTube

It's nice that the book is a compact light read but there is nothing new under the sun here. The books is written in a way that sounds more like internal monologuing. It would work better as an audiobook. It's difficult to speed read because it's written in a spoken format , akin to a tweet rather than regular basic grammatical literature that we have been accustomed to consume. Random words being bolded for no particular reason , not even contextual emphasis , is super distracting and even after perusing the book, none of the content really sticks with you or makes any sort of impact. It could have been written in a much better format to reach a vast audience in a more effective way but the gimmick of being called the rudest book ever might just give you the misconception that it is going to awaken you from your comfort zone in a rude tough love sort of way. Rather is is just the incessant use of then work f*ck as an adverb, adjective and other pos tags that makes you inadvertently filter it in your mind as inconsequential drivel and distracts you from some decent points. It did the exact opposite of an impact or create a lasting impression for the authors words to stay with you. Maybe I'm not the right audience but I can't imagine anyone quoting anything from this to themselves when they recognize a situation where it might help them. Some of the points should have just been points instead of paragraph. If you are expecting any nuggets of wisdom that you might take away from this book like something off a book from the self help section, then this is even more disappointing because his videos are that much effective and helpful.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (7)

4,698 reviews2,877 followers

November 12, 2022

The trashiest book ever, you mean? Toxic book alert.
Swearing throughout the book without a decent thing to talk about in a wannabe self help book (do not even bother rolling the eyes), there’s no point. And I respect myself enough to throw away something which affects me negatively.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (8)

1 review4 followers

April 3, 2020

Absolute trash !

Naive, ill informed, over simplistic, lamentably ignorant and anti-intellectual treatise, disguised as a set of meaningful(??) advice. Author probably believes that using millennial lingos such as f*ck, f*cking, sh*t, etc., makes it rude or cool; whereas in reality, it remains lame, dumb and trash worthy. Several nuanced concepts such as intelligence, success, wisdom, amongst the other are used carelessly and loosely with sheer disregard to their actual meaning and idea. On language part, its the first book where I didn’t have to refer a dictionary. This is a book for those lazy ones who desperately want to satisfy themselves with non-answers and for those who don’t have abilities to demarcate between ‘serious, well researched stuff’ and BULLsh*t (refer Harry Frankfurt’s essay titled ‘On Bullsh*t’.)

I doubt if anyone with half a brain can bear it without a headache.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (9)

60 reviews20 followers

September 30, 2020

One sincere advice - Don't go buying this book. There is nothing that you already don't know.
I read some reviews praising this book and thought to give it a try. This book only strengthened my belief that this genre is hoax in itself. Anyone can write these things and everyone can relate to them. That's why these books sell like hotcakes.
God, I hate these manuals.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (10)

13 reviews2 followers

April 30, 2020

I do not believe in almost the entire second half of this book. One reason being he's talking about detaching yourself from the ego yet keeps on centering his teachings based on "thinking" and "self" which is counterproductive. Also, he believes meditation is "thinking about nothing" and that can't be any further from the truth. Add that to the fact he keeps on using the word "f*ck" to sort of drive a point just makes it even more cringe.
That being said, I enjoyed the lessons on how to move on from a crush that you've had.. because they actually don't notice your existence. Think about when you dismissed someone..that person wasn't always at the back of your mind when you did your sh*t... In fact, they barely even existed. He also goes on to talk about how to actually pick someone from a sober point of view.
My recommendation for this book is someone new to self-discovery who is completely lost and doesn't have a starting point whatsoever... Otherwise, if I'm being honest, not worth the read.

December 30, 2019

When you need to get a grip on Yourself

It's a must buy - don't read it as a best-seller, don't read it as superhit novel, calm your mind and read it like Gospel of Hardhitting truth. That's what I did and I am sure that will help you too. Read it everyday even if you have completed reading it.

The book is intricately divided into relevant sections, parts where you need urgent help and parts which you might have experienced over the time in your life. That's why you can relate a lot to it. You can use it as a reference book to the various aspects of life - which bother you and yet matter to you, anytime in your life.

Go for it and change your preconceived notions about yourself and the world.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (12)

212 reviews22 followers

February 15, 2021

The Rudest Book Ever byShwetabh Gangwar is a self-help book that helps us realize the ignorance that we pose towards our own self. It teaches us to know ourselves better by freeing our minds from all the bullsh*t we come across in our day to day life.

It briefly discusses about conventional parenting and how children are taught “what to think” instead of “how to think”. And by being a person who only knows “what to think” will lead to several mistakes, for example, the person might blindly follow someone who he thinks is great and will oppose anyone who says otherwise.

Everyone wants to be special but the point that we miss here is, it is in front of our own selves and not in the eyes of others. We all try so damn hard to impress others that we lose out on the important stuff. Stuff that makes us proud of ourselves and by that I mean genuinely proud and not because someone else told so.

The constant need for appreciation is what pulls a person down. We all think the entire universe revolves around us. We try to impress others but we don’t realize that they also are full of themselves. People are weird, they only care about others when there is a gain for themselves. So why waste our time on impressing someone who doesn’t give a damn about us?

The straightforward approach and simple language is what connects the author and the reader here. The whole purpose of a self-help book is to make us realize what our mistakes are how we can correct them. But all those ideas are from the author’s POV. Those ideas may or may not help us. What we need to do is to sit and think about how we can improve our flaws.

We need to search for the answers within ourselves. We need to realize that our problems can only be solved by us and not by some book or a motivational speech. The book or the speech can only provide us a push, everything else should be done by us on our own.

This book is a must-read for those who are yet to understand what went wrong? And how did it go wrong? It helps us realize the mistakes that we made or still make.If you are a person who cares about other’s opinions or who wants to be recognized as special by someone, stuck in a toxic relationship, are tired of being rejected, is a blind follower of an idea or a person then, this is a must-read for you.

December 20, 2019

It takes a hell lot of courage to accept all the wrongs which we have been doing and its even harder to work on replacing them by the rights.
Please be open minded while reading this masterpiece as it will contradict many of ur beliefs. It would have been more productive if i would have read this book 5 years back , but its never too late..
This book isn't only for the students or youngsters...I would recommend anyone to read this as it has the potential to stop u from getting into sh*t in future..

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (13)

33 reviews32 followers

September 9, 2020

2 stars for a few good ideas and thoughts.
I liked the author's selected videos on Mensutra YouTube channel. Nothing new in the book. Though I feel Indian teenagers who haven't read many self help books should give this a read.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (14)

42 reviews9 followers

May 11, 2020

"Insanely practical ideas to free your mind from all bullsh*t"
This line sums up the book.
This book shows how we are losing our "self" day by day and becoming the follower of someone else by seeking acceptance of others or for social approval. The book briefly discusses parenting, how society compels everyone to do conventional things, and combat our minds from "how to think" and pushes it to "What to think".
Along with the problems, this book discusses how you can free our mindset from bullsh*t which is unknowingly attached to ourselves.
The straightforward approach and colloquial language form a connection between the reader and the book. It feels like someone very close to you is revealing the facts. The book states how the knowledge of "self" helps in overcoming all the toxicity around us and lastly the way of "how to think".
The world doesn't know you, therefore, it will sell you what it sells to everybody. The purpose of the book is to show a way how you can give all power to yourself rather than the world. This is a process that will take time to achieve but it will give you completeness and satisfaction from within.
If you are an emotional person, thinks about others opinions, is a blind follower of narratives and ideologies, seeks approval of others, want to be special in someone else's eyes, psychologically mauled by rejections, failures, and looses, stuck in a toxic relationship, follow the trends, have a role-model or hero or contorting your life in finding the momentary happiness then this book is for you.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (16)

395 reviews9 followers

May 22, 2021

As it says on the cover, this book will make you think if not rethink.

Of the several takeaways in the book, below are my noted key takeaways.
- Rejections are normal. You aren’t born to be liked by every damn _____ on the planet and there is no need to suffer even a little on rejections. You fundamentally do not have enough data to ponder upon the reason for rejection and hence don’t necessarily need to give an ear for
- Don’t follow people, instead admire the qualities in the people that appease you
- There is no good or bad. One who does good this moment can do bad in the very next. Its subjective but never a whole.
- Don’t search for happiness, instead look for satisfaction. Does this make me happy? -> Do I feel satisfied if I do this?
- Teach yourself and your kids how to think but not what to think
- Be careful and think before you accept what is being sold to you. From social media to …
- Don’t please people. They don’t care - may be only that moment, the next they don’t even have you in their mind. Do it for your satisfaction but not for pleasing someone else

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (17)

10 reviews1 follower

March 16, 2020

I decided to take advantage of this whole corona situation to improve myself and expand my skill set.
So one of my friend recommended this book to me and I decided to go for it.
Things I like about the book:
The Title is very catchy, simple and easy to comprehend.
I liked the fact the content is expressed very straight forward.

Things I didn't like about:
Very average material. I didn't see any fresh material throughout the book.
Some of the ideas discussed was very controversial from my perspective. For example: the author have stated that we should be satisfied with what we have but does not value happiness. WhichI felt total bullsh*t. I believe for a continuous growth, you should be happy with your situation but never be satisfied. Great things can be only achieved being we find happiness and peace in the present.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (18)

41 reviews2 followers

January 29, 2020

more like the stuff that you find in Shwetabh's YT channel , his concern has been more about making this book as relatable as possible rather than providing with solutions for those relatable problems. Don't expect this book to change your life / provide you with insights / find a new learning which mostly is the reason why people read non-fic , This guy can clearly say how most people would react under certain circ*mstances and making them as a case study would make any reader/viewer go wow! , but in the long run you'll realize He's only telling sh*t that you already know but in an interesting,descriptive,rude manner which in no way would be useful to the reader.

March 22, 2021

I have been avoiding writing anything about this book because I know whatever I say will not do it justice. The sole purpose of this book is to make you think. As the author says, it's not a self-help book, it is a book of perspectives. I definitely need to read this book again to grasp its full glory and to talk about it more. This book is written by one of my favorite Youtubers, Shwetabh Gangwar. I would highly recommend you all to check out his channel. To put it simply, his content is enlightening. He looks at every situation in life logically and leaves you with a new perspective. He also has an English channel called Mensutra.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (20)

103 reviews20 followers

April 22, 2020

A book which forces you to think and gives you a lot of perspectives.

The author is a famous Youtuber of the channel Mensutra.

I have heard a lot of hype about this book and it actually turned out to be true.

Every page makes sense and has a lot of takeaways.

One should definitely read this book to develop a habit of thinking and to gain new perspective :)

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (21)

39 reviews1 follower

June 20, 2020


This could be a good book. But, it seems like it was rushed to the point that none of the things said in the book makes sense. There are a lot of instances where it is just filled with nonsense.

And most importantly, the chapters felt like they were just repeating the same points again and again.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (22)

113 reviews174 followers

December 13, 2020

A thought-provoking book which should not be read as a story, rather the ideas should be practised diligently. A book that perfectly resonates with us and leaves us reflecting on our perspectives. It aims to give insight to youngsters and adults about how to control our thinking.

It might feel like the same old self-help book in trend these days but there is much more to it than just cliched words. It is a complete package of ideas and perspectives on how to free ourselves from our not so useful thoughts. A kind of perspective which is hard to find in our everyday life from people around us.

It is meant to be read unhurriedly and completely comprehend the ideas. The purpose is not to just have a collection of some self - help opinions but make us think, analyse and evaluate our values to bring modifications in our lives.

The conservational style and informal language adds charm to the book and makes the reader feel connected to the notions. With properly formulated chapters and small sections, the navigation through the book is not a tough task and can be read again and again without any problem.
Here are some exceptional ideas worth adding to our belief system and challenge our perspective:

1. Only we know what is best for us and no one else can tell us our strengths or weaknesses. Doing what our heart says is the only thing that matters and everything else is secondary.

2. Everyone is busy building themselves and focused on their life. No one cares about others unless there is some reason behind. So, we should stop thinking about what others have to say and just focus on our own goals.

3. "People are weird." They are complex beings. We can't comprehend how they behave and act. Making judgements based on this perspective makes life easy. There won't be any disappointing feelings for the things people do. Because they are weird!

4. "Rejections are normal." We are not here to be successful in everything be it studies, career or relationships. There might be times when we will get rejected and that's normal. Hence, we must always keep on moving forward even after rejections and not let out self-esteem go down.

5. "You are a nation." This analogy is one of my favourites as it gives a good comparison for us to comprehend ourselves. It means that we should treat ourselves as a nation where our negative thoughts and ego acts as terrorists in our life whereas the positive thoughts work as the developing factors.

6. Don't rely on your emotions and think logically as well as rationally. This way we will be able to make good decisions in our life.

7. Do not focus on pleasing others or seeking their validation. Confidence and self-respect come from within us.

8. Screw happiness." Focusing only on living a happy, relaxed life without working on getting success is not a good path to walk on. We should first be concentrated on succeeding in life and then after achieving the goal, we must live a peaceful comfortable life.

9. "Ask questions". Always collect data and keep analysing things to understand the advice and ideas given by the role models we look up to. We should never follow them blindly.

10. Focus on "how to think" instead of "what to think". Everything in our lives is directed in such a way that there is not much thinking happening in our mind and we are accustomed to accepting the facts and ideas given to us. We should be able to think, analyse and then evaluate any situations by ourselves without accepting the facts given to us. We should be able to think outside the box and train our mind to challenge our belief system to constantly improve ourselves.
With an interesting cover and title, this book grabs our attention from the get-go boosting curiosity about what it has to offer. The language used is very straightforward and the ideas are portrayed in a very explicit way giving precise facts. Moreover, the content is extremely relatable and keeps us engaged till the end.

The notions and perspectives which are given strongly influence our thinking. There are many ideas and principles which resonates to our situations providing reasonable understandings on how to work for success, happiness and life. It will unquestionably assist in altering our thought process.

The language used may be slightly upsetting for some but it will not stop you from appreciating the ideas behind. I found it worthy of my time, hope you do too. I give this book: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (23)

11 reviews1 follower

May 24, 2023

From all the languages in the world, he chose to speak facts.

I mean, did we even read the same book? First of all, he didn't even curse throughout the book like many people said (and i even read the "blacked" version labeled: Now Ruder Than Before). Generally he talked a lot about our inner self and how we should concentrate on that and not on the external world etc. I wont lie he was absolute about many topics. Probably that's what makes this book "rude" and at some points you may feel somewhat insulted.

Personally, I took many notes and bookmarks, mostly on things and ideas I related to or which i found to be an eye opener. Has definitely a reread value. Would recommend.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (24)

142 reviews17 followers

January 10, 2021

I had high hopes for this book, but it disappointed me. To be honest the book was not meant for me. It is written for teenagers and young adults. But I highly doubt the message they will absorb from this book.

Millennials (not all of them, but most of them) find that hating every single opinion of parents is cool. Of course, I do not support putting pressure on children, but there is no heroism in hating parents. Parents and children should normalize regular conversation between them, be it about life or any random topics. A healthy (mentally) family is a happy family.

Rather than shouting "your parents are wrong", teach them how to have a conversation with your parents. How to make them understand you. Rather than promoting "mind in your own business", try to promote how to have small talk with strangers. Because in the real world people get the job over a conversation, they bring followers over a conversation, leaders get a vote by giving a terrific speech. You need to learn how to have a conversation to survive in life.

If you don't learn how to explore, expose, and spread love, then my friend you'll become the rudest person in this world after a few years of your social exposure.

I listened to the audiobook version of the book. The writing style is very simple.

The 80% of the book was just the same thing that elders tell teenagers and in the adolescent phase, every one of them ignores it as a monotonous lecture.

The book is written in the format of "this is what you should do because I say so" without any actual data.

The book seems like the movie named 3 idiots, which focused on blaming the people surrounding us without accepting the real facts. That movie re-presented which we wanted to see. It verified our excuses rather than giving solutions to get rid of the problems in the real world.

Your pen is a weapon to change the world. Use it wisely.

And last but not the least, don't live in the idea of "a simple paper cannot decide my life."
Marks and results matter. IN THE REAL WORLD.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (25)

29 reviews16 followers

February 25, 2020

Everyone you fight is not your enemy and everyone who helps you is not your friend. ~ Mike Tyson

Book is not as rude as it has been portrayed, it has a subtle way to preach. One should have an open mind, free from prejudice while reading this book so as not get stuck in the details or language. One should focus on the overall big picture/message that is there. I like the witty sarcasm used in this book. Book quotes a lot of problems we faced while growing up and the real reasons behind it. It uses logic and inferential based techniques to evaluate any problem, which may seem obvious from a third person perspective, the hard part is to accept that.

The book is clearly not to blame anyone, but to take responsibility. The central idea is that we are a product and when garbage goes in, garbage comes out. Last 2 chapters are really amazing, so take your time to absorb things. You will know most of the things from this book, but here you will find the right context in which problem needs to be solved.

This book is also not one of those hard core self-help books out there, that feeds you entirely with the solution, but focus is heavily on the problem, which I guess is good. Always keep an eye on the real data, this will prevent us from making assumptions. I do believe that self-respect ensures nobody messes up with your mind. Honesty removes the cloak of perfection from your eyes and I find this funny but true that we admire honest people but follow those who are less than that. And last, assumptions exist where data does not.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (26)

14 reviews6 followers

September 12, 2020

This book is admirable!
I'm glad that I read this book since it helped me to gain different perspectives on so many different topics.The reason I didn't find it a proper 5star book was writing did not have a flow.... according to me order of topics could have been better, however in the world where everyone tells us 'what to think' writer of this book tells us 'how to think' which is very much important. give this book a read, atleast once!

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (27)

Author3 books33 followers

January 15, 2020

This the book as it's name . Ultimately there are something good in bad things , positive in negative and best in you if you find it from opposite angle. Actually although written in rudest way but have some politeness also.

The Rudest Book Ever: Insanely Practical Ideas To Free … (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.