The What & Why to Employee Turnover (2024)

How successfully a company hires, onboards, manages and rewards its people is fundamental tosuccess. These factors are too important to leave to chance, so the most successful firmsuse data to ensure excellence: They compare their attrition rates with national andindustry-specific benchmarks. They hold managers responsible for keeping the lines ofcommunication open with their reports. They actively manage their career developmentprograms and look at total compensation metrics in context of the cost of replacing topperformers.

What Is Employee Turnover?

Employee turnover refers to the total number of workers who leave a company over a certaintime period. It includes those who exit voluntarily as well as employees who are fired orlaid off—that is, involuntary turnover.

Turnover is different from attrition. When calculating attrition, force reductions andterminations are not counted.

Key Takeaways

  • Turnover measures separations—employees who leave a company—within a certain timeperiod. Separations include everyone who is no longer with the company, regardless ofthe reason.
  • Turnover is broken down into two types: voluntary, where people leave of their ownvolition, and involuntary, where people have been terminated or were part of a seasonallayoff or reduction in force.
  • Employees who voluntarily leave their jobs are often seeking more money and betterbenefits, career progress, a more optimal work/life balance, or to escape an ineffectiveor toxic manager.
  • Turnover is expensive: Gallup pegs the cost at between one-half to two times the salaryof the employee being replaced.

Employee Turnover Explained

Turnover, especially the voluntary variety, impacts a company’s ability to achieve businessobjectives and is a key concern for executives. The reasons people leave vary, and companiescan’t always stem the tide.

One attrition driver is demographics: Retirements of baby boomers hit a record 28.6 millionin the third quarter of 2020, with Pew Research showing 3.2 million more boomers retired compared with Q3 2019.

Meanwhile, millennials, who now make up nearly 40% of the U.S. workforce, don’t stay at theirjobs as long as previous generations did. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says the mediantenure of workers aged 55 to 64 is 9.9 years. That’s more than three times thetenure of workers ages 25 to 34 years, which is just 2.8 years.

Among workers ages 60 to 64, 54% had been employed for at least 10 years with their currentemployers in January 2020, compared with just 10% of those ages 30 to 34.

Then there’s the issue of supply and demand. For certain roles, and in certain geographies,there aren’t enough people with the right skills to fill open roles. We’ve seen perennialshortages of medical professionals, scientists and mathematicians, skilled tradespeople,engineers and many IT specialties. It’s widely agreed that many of these shortages willpersist even with higher than normal unemployment rates.

And finally, people want more from their employers—and not just money. Recall that guaranteedlifetime employment is no longer on the table for most professions. Even baby boomers arelooking for more than a steady paycheck and say working for a company with a purposefulmission is a top priority. Across the board, LinkedIn’s Talent Trends 2020 survey shows that people wantto work for companies and with people that inspire them. Today’s workforce also valuesflexibility and time-off, as well as a clear career path complete with the training tosteadily advance and remain marketable.

What Do Turnover Rates Tell Us About a Business?

Turnover rates must be viewed in context, as certain industries, such as hospitality andretail, traditionally have higher than average employee churn. A company can and shouldbenchmark its turnover rate across similar businesses in its industry to get a sense of howwell it’s retaining talent.

Let’s consider a restaurant. Personnel managers face challenges including employing manyfirst-time, part-time, seasonal and student workers. Additionally, upward mobility forrestaurant employees often occurs by taking positions at a new location. Yet even restaurants can develop solid“people plans” to lower turnover rates and improve team morale and cohesion, all ofwhich lead to a better experience for guests.

Generally speaking, high turnover rates signal problems—with the company’s recruiting, itsculture, its compensation and benefits structure, individual managers, training and careerprogression paths, and more.

What Are the Top Reasons for High or Low Employee Turnover?

Most studies of the causes of high voluntary turnover agree that more money and time off,better benefits, a promotion and the prospect of a more supportive boss are the Top 5reasons good employees decamp to new positions.

That reality shows that most turnover is preventable if a company is willing to spend onoverall compensation, open up career paths, focus on flexibility and be on the lookout forineffective managers—and take decisive action when they see higher than average attritionfrom one department.

What drives intense employee loyalty? Online retailer Zappos is often cited as a case studyof how to retain workers. The company issues a “Zappos Culture Book” that illustrates how itregularly achieves an 85% orbetter retention rate. It boils down to a culture that embraces creativity and caresabout its employees’ happiness.

Closing the loop, items that make employees happy: Good compensation and benefits and apositive culture, which is largely driven by direct managers.

Types of Employee Turnover

Turnover accounts for all separations, both people who leave the company on their own accordand those who are terminated or part of a reduction in force or round of layoffs. It alsoincludes separations due to retirement, death and disability. Turnover is different fromattrition in that it accounts for all departures from the company, where attrition considersonly voluntary turnover.

Is employee turnover good or bad? It depends on the type.

Voluntary Turnover vs. Involuntary Turnover

Voluntary turnover counts employees who left the company by choice, often totake a new job at a different company, pursue educational opportunities, for personalreasons or to retire. Involuntary turnover is the termination of employeeswho are terminated for failing to meet performance standards and job expectations, havecommitted misconduct, are part of a seasonal layoff as well as employees who are part of acompany-wide layoff.

A recently released study by analyst firm Mercer pegged average U.S. annual turnover at about 20%, with about two-thirds of thatvoluntary.

Desirable vs. Undesirable Turnover

Those who are terminated from their positions, not including unavoidable layoffs, fall intothe category of desirable turnover because newer, more diligent and skilled employees canreplace them. When it comes to voluntary turnover, the loss of people who left the companyfor new roles, not those who retired, is considered undesirable.

Cost of Turnover

The cost of replacing employees is a significant driver in business’s initiatives to reduceboth involuntary and voluntary turnover. Gallup estimates that the cost of replacing anemployee is somewhere between one-half and two times the worker’s salary.

Doing the math, losing an employee with a salary of $80,000 a year can cost the organizationas much as $160,000. A 100-person company that pays an average salary of $50,000 andexperiences 20% turnover could spend $2 million per year replacing 20 workers at the cost of$100,000 each.

Turnover that is a result of hiring the wrong person and then being forced to quickly find areplacement is costly both financially and in lost productivity, morale and compromisedquality of work.

Turnover by Industry

All this begs the question: What is a reasonable level of attrition?

Turnover, like most benchmarks, must be viewed in terms of industry. What’s high for onevertical industry may be completely typical for another. Retail and wholesale have thehighest annual voluntary turnover rates at 37%, per the Mercer study, where the nationalaverage is 20%. Mercer says the job functions with the highest annual voluntary turnover arecontact center/customer service (17%), manufacturing and operations (15%), and sales (14%).

Industries often calculate their turnover monthly; HR teams should look to industry sourcesand analysts for trends in their verticals. The U.S. Department of Labor also tracks job opening and turnoverdata on an ongoing basis.

How to Calculate Employee Turnover

Calculating your turnover rate may seem straightforward, but there are a number of componentsthat can skew results. Companies with human capital management (HCM)specialists should get those experts involved in analyzing attrition rates andcauses. Others can access insights from analysts, including the Society for Human ResourcesManagement (SHRM).

SHRM advises calculating employee turnover rate by dividing the number of separations duringa month by the average number of employees on the payroll, multiplied by 100. Thus, tofigure your employee turnover rate, you need to calculate:

Total headcount: This includes all employees on payroll and direct-hire tempworkers, as well as those on a temporary layoff, leave of absence or furlough. It should notinclude temporary workers or independent contractors on a separate agency’s payroll.

Average number of employees: From there, calculate the average number ofemployees per month by taking each month’s total and dividing by the number of months or thetotal headcount from each report if run more than once a month/number of reports used.

Total separations: The number of separations during a month includes bothvoluntary and involuntary terminations, but employees who are temporarily laid off, onfurloughs or on a leave of absence are not included.

That yields this formula:

Turnover Rate = # of Separations / Avg. # of Employees × 100

To calculate annual turnover rate (TR) or year-to-date turnover rate (YTD), add the monthlyturnover rates together.

YTD Turnover Rate = January TR + February TR + March TR

Alternative ways to calculate employee turnover

Another, less detailed way to calculate turnover rate is to take the number of employees wholeft during a specific period and divide by the number of employees at the beginning of theperiod.

There are also ways to calculate different dimensions of turnover, for instance:

Involuntary turnover = (Number ofInvoluntary Employee Separations / AverageNumber of Total Employees) × 100

Voluntary turnover = (Number of VoluntaryEmployee Separations / Average Number of TotalEmployees) × 100

How does the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculate turnover?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a “Job Openings and Labor Turnover” (JOLTs) reporteach month that classifies data by job openings, hires and separations. Total separationsinclude quits, layoffs, discharges and retirements, deaths, disabilities, and separationsdue to transfers to other locations of the same firm.

The quit rate serves as a measure of workers’ willingness or ability to leave jobs. Forinstance, the quit rate for September 2020 was 2.1%. The sample size is approximately 8million establishments on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' ES-202 Quarterly Census ofEmployment and Wages file.

What Is a Healthy Employee Turnover Rate?

As discussed, turnover rates vary widely by industry and must be viewed within that context.HR teams can peg the national annual turnover average somewhere around 20%, with the monthlyaverage at 3.2%. From there, they need to plug in data from their human resources management systems,which ideally will be integrated with financial systems and thus able to provide insightsinto salaries and associated hard workforce costs.

Tracking overall turnover rates can help companies see if turnover is reaching levels thatare problematic and allows them to dig into specifics. Are turnover rates consistent by age,gender, ethnicity and tenure? How about by role, location, department and manager? Is the workforce managementteam in the loop on trends that could indicate shortages in key roles?

Employee Turnover Prevention

Here’s the good news: Excess turnover is a fixable problem. And the solution, often, startswith departmental managers.

Here are some best practices for HR teams.

Codify requirements for people managers: Don’t leave it to chance thatfront-line supervisors are checking in with their reports regularly or that they arediscussing the factors that cause people to leave—including compensation, career path andbetter work-life balance. Remember: What’s important to one high performer may not matter toanother. It is absolutely crucial that managers uncover individual motivations andunderstand what will cause a person to not only continue to perform, but become deeplyengaged with executing the company’s vision.

Be proactive about communicating openings within the company: When it comesto career development, people who leave are often looking for paths to grow and develop newskills that they believe are unavailable within the company. By publicizing opportunities tomove to new roles—and making sure there are no adverse effects for applying—HR can bothminimize recruitment costs and aid with retention.

Analyze attrition data in detail: If one department is losing people at ahigher rate than other groups, delve into why. It could be the nature of the roles withinthat team, or it could be that leaving employees want better communication and support fromtheir managers, who they expect to treat them with professionalism.

Communicate, communicate, communicate: By increasing communication withemployees via town halls and surveys HR can highlight company vision as well as practicalbut important items like employee recognition programs, professional developmentopportunities and new benefits.

Improve Tracking and Employee Turnover Reduction With HR Software

Full-featured human capital management software plays a crucial role inreducing employee turnover for several reasons.

First, it makes it much easier for HR to collect and analyze data and track KPIs that helpreduce attrition—including turnover metrics themselves. HCM software makes it very easy forHRIS analysts to give leaders and managers answers instead of spreadsheets full of numbersand leaving them to their own devices for analysis.

When selecting workforce management tools, look for solutions that:

Allow organizations to spot problems with absenteeism and put in place themore flexible and predictable scheduling employees demand.

Raise alerts at defined triggers. Interestingly, studies show that the oneyear-mark is a crucial point. Employees may buy in to the thought that they should stay in arole for at least a year lest they be seen as “job hoppers.” Something as simple asautomating an alert to a manager on an employee’s one-year anniversary—as well as the humanresources department—can provide a reminder to check in.

Links performance metrics with stated goals—for instance, sales targets inthe CRM system, so that achievement can be recognized in real time. And with successionplanning tools, the organization is able to visualize bench strength and prepare highperformers to take on key roles with training opportunities and clearly defined careerpaths.

Make transactional parts of the employee’s job easy and accurate—simplefactors like getting paid correctly and on time, tracking accurate vacation accruals,seamless onboarding, ensuring ease of benefits enrollment and getting answers from HR whenthey need them are important to the employee experience.

Software improves the experiences that are at the root of high employee engagement, whichcorrelates with lower turnover rates.

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Employee Turnover FAQ

Who is responsible for employee turnover?

While many factors converge to cause an employee to leave a job voluntarily or involuntarily,the former is most closely associated with the manager. Poor managers are a major reasonemployees leave—and good managers help design work environments that encourage people tostay. HR is responsible for tracking employee turnover and providing insight on trends, butin terms of people within the organization, a manager has the most power to preventvoluntary turnover.

Why should I care about employee retention?

Employee turnover can cost organizations millions every year. Turnover rates outside industrynorms can signal major problems with culture, managers, compensation and benefits, andnegatively impact customers.

What is the ROI of retention?

Besides avoiding the costs of replacing employees and the potential for lost sales, companiesshould realize that every facet of life is now subject to very public ratings. Just as apoor Yelp review can directly reduce a restaurant’s revenue, when employees slam yourcompany on social media or career sites like Glassdoor, you will need to spend more toattract top talent.

As an expert in human resources and employee management, I can attest to the critical role that effective hiring, onboarding, management, and rewards play in the success of a company. The article you provided delves into key concepts related to employee turnover, and I will provide detailed insights into each aspect mentioned.

  1. Attrition Rates and Data Utilization:

    • Successful firms use data to ensure excellence in managing their people.
    • They compare attrition rates with national and industry-specific benchmarks.
    • Managers are held responsible for maintaining open communication with their reports.
  2. Employee Turnover:

    • Refers to the total number of workers leaving a company, including voluntary and involuntary departures.
    • Turnover is different from attrition, as force reductions and terminations are not counted.
    • Gallup estimates turnover costs between one-half to two times the salary of the replaced employee.
  3. Factors Driving Turnover:

    • Employees voluntarily leave for reasons such as better compensation, benefits, career progression, work/life balance, or to escape ineffective management.
  4. Employee Turnover Explained:

    • Voluntary turnover impacts a company’s ability to achieve business objectives.
    • Demographic factors, like baby boomer retirements, and the preferences of millennials contribute to turnover.
  5. Turnover Rates and Business Impact:

    • High turnover rates signal problems with recruiting, culture, compensation, individual managers, and more.
    • Benchmarking turnover rates across industries is essential for assessing talent retention.
  6. Top Reasons for High or Low Employee Turnover:

    • Studies show that more money, time off, better benefits, promotions, and supportive bosses are top reasons for voluntary turnover.
  7. Types of Employee Turnover:

    • Voluntary turnover (e.g., pursuing new opportunities) and involuntary turnover (e.g., termination) have different implications.
    • Desirable turnover includes retirements, while undesirable turnover involves quits and reductions in force.
  8. Cost of Turnover:

    • The cost of replacing an employee is estimated to be one-half to two times the employee's salary.
    • Rapidly replacing employees due to hiring mistakes is costly in terms of finances, productivity, morale, and quality of work.
  9. Turnover by Industry:

    • Turnover rates vary widely by industry, with retail and wholesale having higher turnover than the national average.
  10. Calculating Employee Turnover:

    • HR teams can calculate turnover rates by dividing the number of separations by the average number of employees and multiplying by 100.
  11. Employee Turnover Prevention:

    • Excess turnover is preventable; HR teams can codify requirements for people managers, communicate internal opportunities, analyze attrition data, and improve tracking with HR software.
  12. ROI of Retention:

    • Employee turnover can cost organizations millions, impact culture, and harm the company's reputation, affecting its ability to attract top talent.

By leveraging these concepts, companies can develop strategic initiatives to enhance their employee management practices and, consequently, their overall success.

The What & Why to Employee Turnover (2024)
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