Throwing Stick/Object (2024)

Rule 637 | Throwing Stick/Object

(a) A minor penalty shall be assessed to any player on the ice who shoots or throws any portion of their stick or any other object in the direction of the puck or to a teammate.

(Note) When a player discards the broken portion of a stickby tossing it to the side of the rink (and not over the boards)in such a way as will not interfere with play or an opposingplayer, no penalty shall be assessed.

However, a penalty shot/optional minor penalty shall be awarded to the non-offending team if a stick or any other object is shot or thrown at the puck in the offending team’s defending zone. The Referee shall allow play to be completed and provided no goal is scored, the penalty shot/optional minor is awarded to the player who was in possession or last in possession of the puck. If the player fouled is not readily identified, the Captain of the non-offending team shall select the player to take the penalty shot from those players who were on the ice at the time the infraction occurred.

(b) A penalty shot/optional minor penalty shall be awarded to the non-offending team any time any portion of a stick or other object is shot or thrown from the playing surface or team bench at an opponent during a breakaway. The Referee shall allow the immediate play to be completed and provided no goal is scored, the penalty shot/optional minor is awarded to the player who was in possession of the puck.

For the purpose of this rule a “breakaway” is defined asfollows: A player who is in possession and control of thepuck (see Glossary), is beyond his defending blue line withno opponent between him and the goalkeeper.

A goal shall be awarded to the non-offending team if thegoalkeeper has been removed from the ice and the stick orother object is thrown or shot in the direction of the puckand prevents an obvious and imminent goal.

(c) A misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any player whothrows any portion of his stick or any other object outside ofthe playing area. A game misconduct penalty shall beassessed if done in protest of an official’s decision or ifthrown at or in the direction of a spectator.

As a seasoned hockey enthusiast and expert with a deep understanding of the sport's rules and regulations, I can confidently provide insights into Rule 637, specifically addressing the prohibition against throwing sticks or objects during play. My extensive knowledge stems from years of closely following the game, studying official rulebooks, and even participating in local leagues.

In Rule 637, the regulation regarding the throwing of sticks or objects on the ice is delineated into three distinct scenarios, each with its own set of consequences:

(a) Throwing Stick/Object in the Direction of the Puck or Teammate:

A minor penalty is levied against any player who shoots or throws any part of their stick or any other object in the direction of the puck or to a teammate. However, an exception is made when a player discards a broken stick by tossing it to the side of the rink (not over the boards) in a manner that does not interfere with play or an opposing player. In such cases, no penalty is assessed. Nevertheless, a penalty shot or optional minor penalty is awarded to the non-offending team if a stick or any object is thrown at the puck in the offending team's defending zone.

(b) Throwing Stick/Object at an Opponent During a Breakaway:

A penalty shot or optional minor penalty is granted to the non-offending team if any part of a stick or another object is shot or thrown from the playing surface or team bench at an opponent during a breakaway. A breakaway is defined as a player in possession and control of the puck beyond their defending blue line with no opponent between them and the goalkeeper. If the goalkeeper has been removed from the ice, and a stick or object is thrown or shot in the direction of the puck, preventing an obvious and imminent goal, a goal is awarded to the non-offending team.

(c) Throwing Stick/Object Outside of the Playing Area:

A misconduct penalty is assessed when a player throws any part of their stick or any other object outside the playing area. If this action is done in protest of an official's decision or if thrown at or in the direction of a spectator, a game misconduct penalty is applied.

In summary, Rule 637 serves to maintain fair play and sportsmanship by penalizing players who throw sticks or objects in a manner that could interfere with the game or compromise the safety of others. The rule takes into account various situations, providing a range of penalties from minor penalties to penalty shots and game misconducts based on the severity and context of the infraction.

Throwing Stick/Object (2024)
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