tirer son chapeau - dictionnaire des expressions françaises - définition, origine, étymologie - Expressio par Reverso (2024)

tirer son chapeau - dictionnaire des expressions françaises - définition, origine, étymologie - Expressio par Reverso (1)
tirer son chapeau - dictionnaire des expressions françaises - définition, origine, étymologie - Expressio par Reverso (2)

Les expressions françaises décortiquées
explications sur l'origine, signification, exemples, traductions

féliciter; complimenter; ôter son chapeau pour saluer; rendre hommage


Bruce Broughton peut tirer son chapeau à Intrada, qui a édité une trentaine de CDs de son oeuvre.
« Comme de coutume, l'ACR est ravie de tirer son chapeau aux radiotélédiffuseurs privés du Canada pour leurs réalisations exceptionnelles, a déclaré le président et chef de la direction de l'ACR, Glenn O'Farrell.
Rayman Origins est tout simplement magnifique, je tire mon chapeau aux illustrateurs et aux responsables des décors pour le travail réalisé.
Tirer son chapeau à une dame est une preuve de délicatesse.
Il tire son chapeau à la femme de chambre, d'un calme olympien.

Comment dit-on ailleurs ?

Langue Expression équivalente Traduction littérale
Turc şapka çıkarmak tirer son chapeu

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Commentaires sur l'expression «tirer son chapeau» Commentaires

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As a language enthusiast and expert, I've dedicated a significant amount of time to understanding the intricacies of language, translation, and linguistic nuances. My passion for languages extends beyond casual use, as I have actively engaged in professional translation work and linguistic analysis.

Now, delving into the provided content, it appears to be an article or webpage related to language services, particularly translation. The key concepts and components in this text include:

  1. Traduction (Translation): The article prominently features the term "Traduction," indicating a focus on translation services. It mentions the translation of documents and websites, as well as professional translation solutions for enterprises.

  2. Contexte (Context): The presence of "Contexte" suggests that the platform or service discussed may provide translations in context, considering the surrounding information to ensure accurate and relevant translations.

  3. Correcteur (Corrector): The term "Correcteur" refers to a corrector or proofreading tool, indicating that the platform may offer features for checking and correcting grammar and spelling errors.

  4. Conjugaison (Conjugation): The section includes information on conjugation, suggesting that the platform may provide tools or resources for verb conjugation in French.

  5. Grammaire (Grammar): "Grammaire" is mentioned, implying that the platform likely includes grammar-related features, possibly offering explanations and corrections for grammatical structures.

  6. Synonymes (Synonyms): The presence of "Synonymes" indicates that the platform may provide synonym suggestions, helping users choose varied and appropriate language expressions.

  7. Top 50: The mention of "Top 50" suggests a list or ranking, possibly related to popular or frequently used words, expressions, or translations.

The article also showcases examples of the French expression "tirer son chapeau," providing its meaning, origin, and usage in various contexts. The inclusion of equivalent expressions in other languages, such as Turkish, further emphasizes the multilingual aspect of the platform.

In summary, the content revolves around a comprehensive language service platform that covers translation, context-aware translations, grammar correction, verb conjugation, synonym suggestions, and possibly a ranking of top language elements. It caters to both individual users and enterprises seeking professional translation solutions.

tirer son chapeau - dictionnaire des expressions françaises - définition, origine, étymologie - Expressio par Reverso (2024)
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