Titles - CK3 Wiki (2024)

Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 1.10.

A title is essentially a certificate of land ownership, decreeing which characters own a certain place or a certain organization (e.g. churches, mercenaries, and holy orders). Each title has a rank, a unique coat of arms, and a color on map. Certain titles can change name based on the culture of the character holding it and all titles can have their names and coat of arms changed by their holder. A character's titles along with those held by its vassals form a character's Realm.

A character's highest-ranked title is the Primary Title and determines the realm's color and coat of arms. If a character owns multiple titles of the same highest rank they can freely choose which one is the Primary title.


  • 1 Title rank
    • 1.1 Duchy
  • 2 De Jure
    • 2.1 Usurpation
    • 2.2 De jure drift
  • 3 Claim
    • 3.1 Using claims
  • 4 Revocation
  • 5 Holding too many titles
  • 6 Mongol Empire
  • 7 Roman Empire
  • 8 Head of faith titles
  • 9 Unused/Unplayable titles
  • 10 References

Title rank[edit | edit source]

Each title has a Rank, which determines its place in the feudal pecking order. Rank primarily governs who holders of that title can vassalize or become vassals of. A ruler can only have vassals of lower rank and can only be a vassal of someone of higher rank. Title Rank also determines what bonuses it grants to players who hold that title. The lowest playable title is Count.

RankEffectsTitles - CK3 Wiki (2)Prestige per titleTitles - CK3 Wiki (3)Opinion if grantedTitles - CK3 Wiki (4) Creation / Usurpation costTitles - CK3 Wiki (5) Destroy costTitles - CK3 Wiki (6) Create rewardTitles - CK3 Wiki (7) Title succession law removal costTitles - CK3 Wiki (8)De Jure Drift
Titles - CK3 Wiki (9) Barony
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (10) +1 Domain Limit
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (11) +2 Scheme Resistance
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (12) Is always a Vassal of their de jure Count
  • Holding cost
  • Cannot be usurped
Cannot be destroyedN/ACannot have title succession lawsTitles - CK3 Wiki (13)
Titles - CK3 Wiki (14) County
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (15) +2 Domain Limit
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (16) +4 Scheme Resistance
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (17) +5 Number of Knights
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (18) +2 Number of Regiments
  • Always exists
  • Cannot be usurped
Cannot be destroyedN/ACannot have title succession lawsTitles - CK3 Wiki (19)
Titles - CK3 Wiki (20) Duchy
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (21) +2 Domain Limit
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (22) +8 Scheme Resistance
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (23) +6 Number of Knights
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (24) +3 Number of Regiments
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (25) +20 Vassal Limit
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (26) +10% Mercenary Hire Cost
+0.2+60250400300375Titles - CK3 Wiki (27)
Titles - CK3 Wiki (28) Kingdom
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (29) +3 Domain Limit
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (30) +16 Scheme Resistance
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (31) +7 Number of Knights
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (32) +4 Number of Regiments
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (33) +40 Vassal Limit
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (34) +1 Accolades Available
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (35) +30% Mercenary Hire Cost
+0.8+805008004001000Titles - CK3 Wiki (36)
Titles - CK3 Wiki (37) Empire
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (38) +4 Domain Limit
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (39) +32 Scheme Resistance
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (40) +8 Number of Knights
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (41) +5 Number of Regiments
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (42) +60 Vassal Limit
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (43) +2 Accolades Available
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (44) +60% Mercenary Hire Cost
+1.6+100100012005001500Titles - CK3 Wiki (45)

All opinion modifiers from granting titles last 50 years and can stack.Creation costs can be reduced by various modifiers up to a 20% minimum cost. (So a creating a Duchy will always cost at least 50 gold).

Duchy[edit | edit source]

Duchy is the third rank of titles, and the first rank that can be destroyed or created by characters. However, it has some unique properties:

  • Each duchy has a duchy capital building slot in its capital county's capital barony.
  • Characters can hold at most 2 duchy titles without suffering opinion penalties from their vassals; this rule does not apply to any other ranks.
  • Emperors can have duchy rank vassals without penalties. Emperors cannot have county-rank vassals, and kings cannot have county-rank vassals, without penalties).

De Jure[edit | edit source]

De Jure, meaning "by law", means that a title historically covered certain lower Rank titles. The Duchy, Kingdom and Empire map modes will show all De Jure titles. A character who owns a title can choose the De Jure Casus belli to seize a single De Jure title covered by it, provided that the character's culture has the appropriate innovation below:

  • Seize De Jure County requires the Tribal-era innovation Casus Belli.
  • Seize De Jure Duchy requires the Early Medieval-era innovation Chronicle Writing.
  • Seize De Jure Titles requires the Late Medieval-era innovation Rightful Ownership.

If a vassal's primary title does not fall under the de jure territory of any titles their liege holds, that vassal gives 50% less Titles - CK3 Wiki (46) Taxes and Titles - CK3 Wiki (47)Levies alongside -5 Titles - CK3 Wiki (48)Opinion of Liege. Furthermore, count rank vassals give 25% less Titles - CK3 Wiki (49) Taxes and Titles - CK3 Wiki (50)Levies alongside -5 Titles - CK3 Wiki (51)Opinion of Liege if their liege does not hold the de jure duchy of their primary title, but does hold its de jure kingdom or empire.

Any ducal or kingdom title can be created by a character who controls at least 51% of its De Jure Counties as long as they hold either two titles of lower Rank or one title of equal or higher Rank; empire titles require at least 81% of their De Jure Counties. In the Region of Europe, AI characters will only create Kingdom titles if they have certain cultures.

Usurpation[edit | edit source]

If a character is holding more than 50% of the De Jure Counties of a title held by a Ruler of the same Faith or a Faith which is not considered Hostile or Evil, then the character can Usurp the title. This process gives the title to the usurper. If the holder's Faith is considered Hostile or Evil, then they must not hold any De Jure counties of the title to be able to be Usurped.

If a character is a Vassal, they cannot Usurp a title belonging to the Liege, nor can they Usurp one that has the same Rank or higher than the Liege's Primary title.

De jure drift[edit | edit source]

De jure drift or assimilation is the process by which the de jure borders of kingdoms and empires can change over time. If a ruler completely controls a Duchy and owns a Kingdom title other than the one the Duchy De Jure belongs to, or if a ruler completely controls a Kingdom and owns an Empire title other than the one the Kingdom De Jure belongs to, then the said Duchy or Kingdom will slowly become De Jure part of the character's Primary title.

In general, a title will be assimilated after being controlled for 100 years. The duration required for assimilation is decreased by the Chancellor task "Integrate Title". Every duchy in the game is considered to be part of a specific de jure kingdom and every kingdom to be part of a specific de jure empire. Vassals within a de jure border have fewer reasons and abilities to revolt against their liege and declare independence.

A duchy will begin to drift into a kingdom when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The entire duchy (i.e. all county titles belonging de jure to the duchy; baronies are allowed to be outside the realm) is within the realm of the king.
  • The ducal title does not exist.
  • The duchy is not part of the kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • The kingdom is its owner's primary title.
  • The duchy either shares a land border with, or is a maximum of 2 sea tiles away from the existing de jure kingdom.

A kingdom will begin to drift into an empire when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The entire kingdom (i.e. all county titles of all duchies belonging de jure to the kingdom) is within the realm of the emperor.
  • The empire is its owner's primary title.
  • The kingdom either shares a land border with, or is a maximum of 2 sea tiles away from the existing de jure empire.

Upon reaching January 1st of the next year, drift is visible as dashed stripes on the kingdoms and empires map mode. Hovering over the duchy or kingdom will show a tooltip indicating the number of years until full assimilation.

Whenever the conditions for assimilation are no longer met — for example, if the local ruler of a duchy rebels against top-liege, or if one of the counties in the duchy is conquered by another independent realm - the counter will tick backwards instead of forwards, at twice the speed. When the conditions are again met — for example, if the duke's rebellion is put down - the counter will resume ticking forwards.

Assimilation allows titular kingdoms and empires to become non-titular and vice versa. If a de jure kingdom becomes titular, it can be created by whoever controls its de jure capital.

Claim[edit | edit source]

A claim represents a character's legal right to obtain a title which is not theirs and allows the creation of a claimant faction. If the title belongs to a vassal, the claim allows the liege to revoke the claimed title without incurring tyranny. Otherwise, a claim provide a casus belli to gain the claimed title through war. Alternatively, if the title belongs to the liege and the government is tribal, the claimant vassal can use the ‘Challenge the Ruler’ decision, which is a duel. Claims can be pressed, unpressed, or implicit.

  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (52)Pressed claims on a character's titles are given to all legitimate children upon the title holder's death, except to primary heirs under gavelkind succession. Also, these claims are inherited by legitimate children as unpressed claims regardless of sex.
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (53)Unpressed claims are never inherited but can become pressed if a claim war using the claim ends in a white peace.
  • Titles - CK3 Wiki (54)Implicit claims on a character's current titles are given to eligible children[1] while the title holder is still alive.

Claims on landed titles can be obtained the following ways:

  • A vassal that owns 51% of the counties from one of their liege's titles can use Claim Liege Title interaction to get an Titles - CK3 Wiki (55)unpressed claim on that title at the cost of 1500 Titles - CK3 Wiki (56)prestige.
  • Using the ‘Fabricate Claim on County’ councilor interaction will provide an Titles - CK3 Wiki (57)unpressed claim on the targeted county. If the holder of the targeted county also holds its de jure duchy title and the court chaplain has high Titles - CK3 Wiki (58)learning, there is a 20% chance of gaining a claim on the county's de jure duchy instead.
  • A dynasty head can use the claim title interaction on dynasty members of the same religion to gain an Titles - CK3 Wiki (59)unpressed claim on their primary title.
  • A character with the ‘Sanctioned Loopholes’ perk can use the ‘Buy Claim’ interaction to gain an Titles - CK3 Wiki (60)unpressed claim on another character's primary title at the following cost: (Note: if your character's primary title is an Empire, you will be unable to claim another Kingdom/Empire level title, and if it is a Kingdom, you will be unable to claim another Kingdom level title)
Title rankPiety cost
Titles - CK3 Wiki (61)County250
Titles - CK3 Wiki (62)Duchy500
Titles - CK3 Wiki (63)Kingdom1000
Titles - CK3 Wiki (64)Empire2000

There are no claims for baronies; if you want a particular barony, you have to hold the county which the barony's a part of.

Using claims[edit | edit source]

Some claims have additional conditions before they can be pressed in war:

  • With Male Dominated religious doctrine, claims of women can only be pressed against other women, children or incapable rulers.
    • This also applies for Female Dominated.
  • You may only help your direct Vassals and adult Courtiers press their claims.

Revocation[edit | edit source]

Revoking Titles of vassals is a crucial part of realm management, as it allows redistribution of power.

To revoke Titles:

  • Feudal or Clan Rulers require Level 2 Crown Authority (and thus the Tribal Era Innovation Planned Assemblies).
  • Tribal Rulers require Level 3 Tribal Authority. This means that Tribal Rulers can only revoke titles at the earliest 10 years after a game has started, provided they have enough Prestige to implement Level 2 Tribal Authority on Day 1.

Revoking Titles incurs a base of +20 Tyranny if done without a valid reason; valid revocation reasons include:

  • having a Claim on the Title being revoked;
  • Vassal has committed a Crime of a certain Severity

If the Vassal doesn't accept the revocation, they will rise in revolt, along with other disgruntled Vassals; imprisoned Vassals cannot refuse Title revocation.

Note that baronies can be revoked without tyranny.

Holding too many titles[edit | edit source]

Overextension: If a character is a Titles - CK3 Wiki (65) Count or Titles - CK3 Wiki (66) Duke, their realm can include a maximum of 30 County titles without penalties; for Dukes, this include the Counties controlled by their Count Vassals. Each county over the limit gives an overextension penalty that reduces the character's Titles - CK3 Wiki (67)Gold income by -5%. Count-rank characters are unlikely to see this however, as they are further limited by their Titles - CK3 Wiki (68)Domain Limit, which is usually much lower.

Too Many Held Duchies: If a character is a Titles - CK3 Wiki (69) King or Titles - CK3 Wiki (70) Emperor, they can hold a maximum of 2 Duchy titles without penalties. Any Duchy above the limit reduces the Titles - CK3 Wiki (71)Opinion of all Vassals by -15.

Mongol Empire[edit | edit source]

The Mongol Empire is an initially titular title that has special mechanics. It can be created via the Become Greatest of Khans decision and will replace the current primary title. If multiple empire titles are held they will all be merged into the Mongol Empire title that will gain all their de jure territory. Characters holding the Mongol Empire title that have Tribal government will have access to the Mongol Invasion of Kingdom casus belli.

If the Mongol Invasion was not turned off in game rules and a player with realm size of 100 is not Culture Head of the Mongol culture then a married couple will eventually spawn: Temujin and Borte. Based on the Gender Equality game rule one of them will start with 4 Titles - CK3 Wiki (72) Warfare dynasty legacies and take the decision. They will have 4 sons and 1 daughter together and the entire family will be immune to diseases for 10 years. Genghis Khan will immediately declare 5 wars with the Mongol Invasion of Kingdom for the following war targets: Mongolia, Tuva, Buryatia, Khakassia and Angara. After achieving victory in these wars Genghis Khan will target neighbor rulers that are not emperors or allies with him one by one to offer vassalage and declare war on any that refuses. Whenever one of Genghis Khan's armies fully occupies a county it will halve its Titles - CK3 Wiki (73)Development. When Temujin or Borte die their heir will inherit all titles regardless of succession law. After he or she will die, if the empire's realm size is at least 50, all current wars will end in White Peace and the Mongol Empire will break up into multiple empires depending on what regions the Mongol Empire controlled at least 15 counties in:

The Chagatai
  • Siberia
  • Tibet
  • Turkestan
The Golden Horde
  • Cumania
  • Pontic Steppes
  • Russia
  • Volga-Bulgaria
The Black HordeDelhi
The Ilkhanate
  • Asia Minor
  • Jerusalem
  • Arabia
  • Persia
  • South-Eastern Europe
The White HordeGermaniaPrague
The Aarlud Khanate
  • Northern Europe
  • Britannia
The Baruun KhanateAfricaAlexandria
The Tögsköl Khanate
  • Francia
  • Iberia
  • Italy

Titles - CK3 Wiki (74)

Roman provinces marked by color

Roman Empire[edit | edit source]

The Roman Empire is an initially titular title that has special mechanics. It can be created via the Restore the Roman Empire decision and will replace the current primary title. If multiple empire titles are held they will all be merged into the Roman Empire title that will gain all their de jure territory. The character holding the Roman Empire title will always have the Titles - CK3 Wiki (75)Augustus trait. The initial coat-of-arms of the title depends on which of the 3 required empire titles the character taking the decision had.

Characters holding the Roman Empire title that follow a Christian or Greco-Roman faith will have access to the Restore Imperial Province casus belli and will gain +350 Titles - CK3 Wiki (76)Prestige whenever it gains control of all counties from the duchies within one of the empire's old provinces as well as provinces it originally failed to conquer. Restoring all provinces will grant an additional +350 Titles - CK3 Wiki (77)Prestige.

  • Al-Said
  • Alexandria
  • Cairo
  • Delta
  • Sinai
  • Kairouan
  • Kroumerie
  • Jerid
  • Tripolitania
  • Tunis
  • Cornwall
  • Deheubarth
  • Deira
  • East Anglia
  • East Seaxe
  • Gwynedd
  • Hwicce
  • Kent
  • Lancaster
  • Mercia
  • Northumbria
  • Powys
  • Wessex
  • Albany
  • Lothian
  • Mann
  • Moray
  • Strathclyde
  • Suðreyjar
  • Cyrenaica
  • Syrte
  • Anjou
  • Aquitaine
  • Armagnac
  • Auvergne
  • Bar
  • Berry
  • Bourbon
  • Brittany
  • Burgundy
  • Champagne
  • Flanders
  • Gascogne
  • Languedoc
  • Normandy
  • Orleans
  • Poitou
  • Provence
  • Savoy
  • Toulouse
  • Transjurania
  • Upper Burgundy
  • Valois
  • Viennois
  • Alsace
  • Angria
  • Anhalt
  • Augsburg
  • Austria
  • Bavaria
  • Bohemia
  • Brabant
  • Carinthia
  • Currezia
  • East Franconia
  • Flanders
  • Frisia
  • Gelre
  • Hesse
  • Holland
  • Holstein
  • Jülich
  • Lausitz
  • Lower Lorraine
  • Luticia
  • Luxembourg
  • Meissen
  • Moravia
  • Nordgau
  • Ostfalen
  • Pomerania
  • Pomerelia
  • Salzburg
  • Steyermark
  • Thüringia
  • Tyrol
  • Upper Lorraine
  • Utrecht
  • Veletia
  • West Franconia
  • Westfalen
  • Connacht
  • Leinster
  • Meath
  • Munster
  • Ulster
  • Algarve
  • Aragon
  • Asturias
  • Badajoz
  • Barcelona
  • Beja
  • Cantabria
  • Castille
  • Coimbra
  • Cordoba
  • Galicia
  • Granada
  • León
  • Mallorca
  • Murcia
  • Navarra
  • Portucale
  • Seville
  • Toledo
  • València
  • Viscaya
  • Carinthia
  • Croatia
  • Dalmatia
  • Dubrovnik
  • Duklja
  • Friuli
  • Istria
  • Krain
  • Mačva
  • Rashka
  • Slavonia
  • Upper Bosnia
  • Usora
  • Ancona
  • Apulia
  • Benevento
  • Calabria
  • Capua
  • Corsica
  • Emilia
  • Genoa
  • Latium
  • Lombardy
  • Piedmonte
  • Pisa
  • Romagna
  • Salerno
  • Sardinia
  • Sicily
  • Spoleto
  • Tuscany
  • Venice
  • Verona
  • Alger
  • Bejaia
  • Fes
  • Marrakesh
  • Mzab
  • Rif
  • Sous
  • Tafilalt
  • Tahert
  • Tlemcen
  • Zab
  • Baghdad
  • Basra
  • Edessa
  • Kermanshah
  • Mesopotamia
Syria Palaestina
  • Aleppo
  • Antioch
  • Damascus
  • Homs
  • Lebanon
  • Oultrejourdain
  • Palestine
  • Urdunn

Head of faith titles[edit | edit source]

Head of faith titles are not part of the de jure hierarchy as they do not contain any de jure territory. Instead they designate which character is a the head of faith for faiths with Titles - CK3 Wiki (78)Spiritual or Titles - CK3 Wiki (79)Temporal head of faith doctrine. Creating a head of faith title requires control of a Holy Site, 300 Titles - CK3 Wiki (80)Gold and at least a Devoted level of devotion. All head of faith titles have Titles - CK3 Wiki (81)Duke rank, with the exception of the Titles - CK3 Wiki (82)Catholicism and Titles - CK3 Wiki (83)Orthodoxy ones which have Titles - CK3 Wiki (84)Kingdom rank.

Unused/Unplayable titles[edit | edit source]

These are titles that are only available through cheats and therefore are not usually seen in game as it is now. Some of these can be noticed through the title they are de jure of for example if you look a the list of de jure kingdoms to the Byzantine Empire you see the Ottoman Turk kingdom.

List of unused titles
TitleIDRankDe Jure
Latin Empiree_latin_empireEmpireNone
Uyghur Khanatee_uyghur_khanateEmpireNone
Kara Khitaie_kara_khitaiEmpireNone
Winideheimk_winideheimKingdomSouthern Baltic Empire
Kingdom of the Visigothsk_visigothsKingdomHispania
Saruhank_saruhanKingdomByzantine Empire
Tekkek_tekkeKingdomByzantine Empire
Trebizondk_trebizondKingdomByzantine Empire
Ottoman Turksk_ottomanKingdomByzantine Empire
Mentesek_menteseKingdomByzantine Empire
Karamank_karamanKingdomByzantine Empire
Germiyank_germiyanKingdomByzantine Empire
Eretnidk_eretnidKingdomByzantine Empire
Aydink_aydinKingdomByzantine Empire
Candark_candarKingdomByzantine Empire
Old Armeniak_old_armeniaKingdomByzantine Empire

References[edit | edit source]

  1. I.e. excluding illegitimate bastards and, depending on the religion's View on Gender doctrine, characters of a specific sex.

Alright, let's dive into this intricate web of titles, ranks, and mechanics in Crusader Kings III. As an enthusiast in medieval strategy games, especially Crusader Kings III, I've spent countless hours navigating the complexities of feudal systems, political intrigue, and territorial expansion.

Now, about the article you've shared, it covers a wide range of concepts. Here's a breakdown and some insights:

  1. Title Rank:

    • Titles have ranks that determine their place in the feudal hierarchy.
    • The lowest playable title is Count, followed by Duchy, Kingdom, and Empire.
    • Each rank comes with various effects, such as domain limits, scheme resistance, and bonuses.
  2. De Jure:

    • De Jure signifies titles historically covering lower-rank titles.
    • It introduces the concept of Casus Belli to seize titles based on cultural innovations.
    • Vassals outside De Jure territories lead to reduced taxes and levies.
  3. Claim:

    • Claims represent characters' legal rights to obtain titles.
    • Different ways to obtain claims, like using the 'Fabricate Claim on County' interaction or through dynasty heads.
    • Male or Female Dominated religious doctrines affect pressing claims.
  4. Revocation:

    • Revoking titles is crucial for realm management and requires certain authority levels.
    • Valid reasons, like having a claim or vassal committing a severe crime, avoid tyranny penalties.
  5. Holding Too Many Titles:

    • Overextension penalties for characters holding too many county titles.
    • Limits on the number of duchy titles for kings and empire titles for emperors.
  6. Mongol Empire:

    • Special mechanics for the Mongol Empire, including the Become Greatest of Khans decision and the Mongol Invasion of Kingdom casus belli.
  7. Roman Empire:

    • Similarly, the Roman Empire has special mechanics, with the Restore the Roman Empire decision and the Restore Imperial Province casus belli.
  8. Head of Faith Titles:

    • Designate characters as heads of faith for religions with spiritual or temporal heads.
    • Creation requires control of a Holy Site and a devoted level of devotion.
  9. Unused/Unplayable Titles:

    • Lists titles that are usually inaccessible but can be seen through cheats.
  10. References:

    • Points to additional information and sources for further reading.

Phew! That was quite a journey through medieval bureaucracy and power struggles. If you have specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like to explore further, feel free to ask!

Titles - CK3 Wiki (2024)


What is the penalty for too many duchies in ck3? ›

Too Many Held Duchies: If a character is a King or Emperor, they can hold a maximum of 2 Duchy titles without penalties. Any Duchy above the limit reduces the Opinion of all Vassals by -15.

What is the lowest title in ck3? ›

A Barony is the lowest rank of landed titles and the only rank that is not playable (although they may be held by playable characters). Each county has 1-7 baronies, which will always be in the same realm as the county they're part of. Baronies may be sparsely populated or have a holding.

How do you avoid losing titles on succession ck3? ›

Have only one type of your highest title. If you highest title is a county and you have multiple of them then yeah, you're going to lose them in the succession. However, if your highest title is a duchy, make sure you only have one duchy title.

Can you change your title name in ck3? ›

You can change a title name freely, but Islamic cultures in that region disregard title names and use dynastic names instead. So if you want to see 'Ottoman Empire', you'll need to change your character's culture.

What is the maximum child you can have in ck3? ›

Note: Males can have a maximum number of children; 9 living children plus 2 per additional consort or wife (so 15 total with 4 wives). This does not stop event driven pregnancies and special cases such as multiple pregnancies setting off while having 14 children and/or the 15th pregnancy resulting in twins.

How many wives can you have in ck3? ›

A faith's doctrines affects who a character may marry, how many official partners they may have and whether marriage may be ended in divorce: The Consorts & Concubines marriage type doctrine allows rulers to have up to three consorts or concubines, alongside their spouse.

What is the hardest CK3 achievement? ›

Crusader Kings 3: 7 Hardest Achievements To Get
  • 7 I'm In My Element(s)
  • 6 Lingua Franca.
  • 5 A.E.I.O.U. And Me.
  • 4 Your Eternal Reward.
  • 3 King Of All The Isles.
  • 2 Mulct Them Dry.
  • 1 End Of An Era.
Mar 7, 2024

Can you be immortal in CK3? ›

About this mod. "Immortality Trait" mod makes your character immortal with the appearance stuck at age 30. Also includes reduced stress gain to avoid death from high stress levels. Enjoy endless gameplay with your immortal ruler!

What is the best income in CK3? ›

These tips will help William the Conqueror do just that.
  • 13 Build Farms And Trade Ports. ...
  • 12 Become A Steward For Your Vassal. ...
  • 11 Use Hooks To Force Vassals To Pay More Taxes. ...
  • 10 Raiding, The Pirate's Life. ...
  • 9 Winning Wars. ...
  • 8 Ransoming Other Characters. ...
  • 7 Choosing The "Avaricious" Stewardship Perk Tree.
Mar 15, 2024

Do you inherit gold in ck3? ›

Most rulers start the game with gold equal to 18 months of income. When a ruler dies or abdicates, all of their gold is passed onto their heir.

How do you get rid of extra heirs in ck3? ›

Go to your character menu by clicking on yourself in the bottom left of the screen. Right click the child you want to disinherit. Go to the 'hostile' subheading - you may have to click the 'more' option to see all choices. Select 'Disinherit' and your heir will be kicked out of your will.

How do you inherit all titles in ck3? ›

All titles are inherited by the oldest child. If this child is dead, a living heir is sought among their descendants in the same manner. If the ruler has no living descendants, the oldest sibling is chosen. If this sibling is dead, a living heir is sought among their descendants in the same manner.

How many king titles can you have CK3? ›

You may be emperor AND king, unlike too many duchies there is no too many kingdoms limitation. So you technically can hold all the kingdom titles under your empire or empires.

Can you designate an heir in CK3? ›

The ruler's titles will still be split between every child according to the realm succession laws, but the designated heir will get the top title as if they were the firstborn. Player rulers can even choose a child of the "wrong" gender in a realm with male or female preference.

How do you get the great nickname in CK3? ›

It's mostly event-related. I got "The Avenger" after taking avenge the Battle of Tours. Got the Great once when using Nuno to form Portugal, the Wend when using the decision "Unite the West Slav" as Poland and "the Blood-Father" when using strong blood decision.

What is the point of making duchies ck3? ›

If the counties you hold are De Jure under your Kingdom this won't be a problem, but it's to bear in mind. There's a vassal limit too (although it is quite high at ~40), so creating Duchies later on and giving them out allows you to put those counties under someone else, bringing you down below the limit.

What is the offensive war penalty in ck3? ›

The offensive war penalty gives an opinion penalty based on how long you have been in your own offensive wars. It kicks in at about month 6 and it is there every month in your own offensive wars will add -1 to the penalty, and not being in an offensive war will remove -1 per month.

Is there a kingdom limit in ck3? ›

You may be emperor AND king, unlike too many duchies there is no too many kingdoms limitation. So you technically can hold all the kingdom titles under your empire or empires. For the reasons you listed it is better to have counts as direct vassals and not create duchies, until you hit the direct vassal cap.

What is the maximum county development in ck3? ›

Development is the measurement of technological advancement and general infrastructure in a county and ranges from 0 to 100.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.