TSA CBT Test Scores - Important Facts & Tips For Success (2024)

On this page:

What is the passing score for the TSA test?

TSA Scores: What Do They Mean?

How is the TSA CBT Test Scored?

How are TSA Scores Reported?

What happens if you fail the TSA test?

What is the passing score for the TSA test?

You must get a “qualified score” to pass the test and continue with the TSA hiring process. But it’s not that simple. Because of the test's complexity and the large number of candidates, the TSA exam has a 32 percent pass rate.

After finishing the test your results will be calculated, and you will be placed into one of 3 categories:

  • Qualified - Passed all selection criteria successfully, but will be picked only after the two higher categories fill up available positions. Usually, getting into this category is not enough - it means that you meet the minimum standards. You need to be more than qualified to beat the competition and get hired.
  • Highly Qualified – will be picked second after the ‘best qualified' candidates.
  • Best Qualified - the highest score, candidates in this category are the first to get a job offer.

TSA Scores: What Do They Mean?

When you get into the "best qualified" group on the TSA CBT exam, you've done well. It is important to achieve a high score because those placed in the best qualified category have the best chance of landing the job they want.

Other candidates can wait from several months to two years for a job offer.

Can I improve My TSA Test Score?

You may believe that you can simply retake the TSA exam, but this is not the case. During the waiting period, you will not be able to retake the exam to raise your ranking.

We suggest putting in the most effort to ensure that you complete the exam with the highest possible score. Give yourself the advantage you'll need to land a job offer quickly.

Want to hear the best tips for solving the TSA CBT and get into the "best qualified" group? Watch this short video:

TSA CBT Test Scores - Important Facts & Tips For Success (1) TSA CBT Test Scores - Important Facts & Tips For Success (2)

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How is the TSA CBT Test Scored?

The good news is that the TSA CBT test only counts your right answers. There is no penalty for incorrect responses, on either the new test version or the x-ray test and the writing skills assessment.

The test's multiple-choice questions bolster your chances since they enable taking educated guesses.

So, it's crucial to answer all of your questions. Guess if you don't know the correct answer.

How are TSA Scores Reported?

Your results will be sent to you by email as soon as possible, usually within 30 minutes. If you pass, you will be notified of in advance. Don't leave your job since this is only a "conditional offer". You still have a long way to go!

What happens if you fail the TSA test?

It is crucial to try and pass the TSA CBT test on the first try. If you fail the test, you must wait six months before applying for any TSO positions. After a second failed attempt, the TSA-CBT test cannot be taken again.

Prepare and Get a "Best Qualified" Score

To give yourself the highest chance to score above other candidates and pass the test, it is highly recommended to practice questions that mimic the CBT exam and its format.

Our TSA practice tests are made to mirror the exact questions you'll face in the new TSA exam. Plus, we've got you covered with the former X-ray and English tests that have still been given to candidates throughout the year.

Just starting your TSA hiring process? Take a look at the Free TSA test sample to see what's ahead.

TSA CBT Test Scores - Important Facts & Tips For Success (2024)
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