Vintage Matchbooks | Collectors Weekly (2024)

Matchbooks have been around since 1892, when Joshua Pusey patented the idea of paper matches, whose tips were dipped in a solution of sulphur and phosphorus and then stapled to a piece of cardboard. The Diamond Match Company promptly purchased Pusey’s patent (he remained Diamond’s attorney for the rest of his life), and in 1894, a company salesman named Henry Traute got his first order for 10 million matchbooks bearing ads for Pabst beer on...

Vintage Matchbooks | Collectors Weekly (2024)


What are the most sought after matchbooks? ›

The famous Charles Lindbergh matchcover, dated June 14, 1927, is the most coveted in the hobby. It is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the valuable matchcover in the world, selling for a record $6,000 in 2015. In 1952 the listed value was $ the time more than a Honus Wagner baseball card.

Are old matchbook covers valuable? ›

Matchbooks from notable establishments or individuals: Covers associated with famous hotels, restaurants, bars, or other establishments can command high prices. Matchbooks linked to notable individuals, such as celebrities, politicians, or historical figures, are also sought after by collectors.

Are old boxes of matches worth anything? ›

Not many old collections appear on the market, but when they do they are relatively inexpensive and well worth any trouble that you may have had to track them down. Advertise the fact that you collect matchbox labels by telling all your friends and relations.

Who collects old matchbooks? ›

Collectors, known as phillumenists, remove the flammable matchsticks from inside the covers and display them flat. "I was young, but I didn't play with matches," said Eadie (who has also never smoked) of his early fascination.

What is the most expensive matchbook cover? ›

In 2015, the most valuable matchbook cover, featuring Charles Lindbergh, sold for $6,000.

What is the most sought after collectable? ›

What Are the Most Valuable Types of Collectibles?
  • Vintage Bakeware. ...
  • Rare Coins. ...
  • Vintage Toys. ...
  • Stamps. ...
  • Vintage Magazines. ...
  • Antique Furniture. ...
  • Jewelry. ...
  • Antique, Classic, and Vintage Cars.
Aug 21, 2023

What is the rarest matchbook? ›

Charles Lindbergh Matchbook

Interestingly, it landed a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records as most valuable in the world after one sold for $6,000 in 2015.

What do I do with old matchbook collections? ›

Contacting local collectors in your area to see if they might be interested in what you have. This is the easiest, quickest way.

Is it legal to mail matchbooks? ›

Can I ship matches with USPS: Yes, you can ship matches with the United States Postal Service (USPS), but there are some restrictions and guidelines you need to follow. In general, matches are considered a hazardous material, and they must be properly packaged and labeled when they are shipped through the mail.

Why collect matchbooks? ›

Matchbooks are the one item that can uncover all the layers of history,” he says, “because every business — and especially restaurants — always had matchbooks, even if the businesses didn't last, so I can actually take the address of a matchbook and go through the last 100 years of what businesses were at various ...

Do places still give out matchbooks? ›

They bring back memories, but they don't have any monetary value — but they're fun, you know?” Today, matchbooks don't have nearly the widespread popularity they once did, but some modern restaurants hold strong to the tradition.

Why do restaurants give out matchbooks? ›

In the mid-1900's, the purpose of being handed a matchbook with your dinner bill was two-fold: It was an advertising play and a tool for your post-meal cigarette. The former is still true, but matchbooks now serve more as decoration—and people are obsessed with showing off their collections.

How do you get rid of box of matches? ›

Matches in books or loose in boxes should be dipped in water then put in the garbage.

Do people collect old match boxes? ›

For Collectors, the Value of Matchbooks and Matchboxes can vary Widely. For collectors, the value of matchbooks and matchboxes can vary widely, depending on factors such as rarity, age, and condition. Some rare and highly sought-after matchbooks can sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Are matchboxes collectable? ›

They were often made of brass, china, wood, or silver. They are highly collectable and popular with not only phillumenists. Some people collect complete boxes, not just labels, and many still have their matches inside.

How to sell matchbook covers? ›

Offer your covers for sale through the auctions conducted by many clubs. Most are conducted by mail, but Pacific Northwest Matchcover Collector's Club runs an auction on their website and Rathkamp Matchcover Society (RMS) runs a live auction at the annual convention. RMS also runs an auction in its bimonthly bulletin.

Do people still collect matchbooks? ›

They bring back memories, but they don't have any monetary value — but they're fun, you know?” Today, matchbooks don't have nearly the widespread popularity they once did, but some modern restaurants hold strong to the tradition.

What do you do with a matchbook collection? ›

You could use a box or a tray, but let's be real: matches are meant to be seen. You should purchase a photo album where the matches are somewhat sealed away from moisture and where they can be easily displayed when you want to show your collection off.

Do people collect old matchbooks? ›

Everything is potentially collectible, including matchbooks. However, not every matchbook is worth collecting. Like nearly everything, there are certain important factors to consider: condition, age, availability, uniqueness and desirability help govern whether an item will increase in value or not.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.