Washington's Encampment at Morristown, New Jersey and the "Hard Winter" of 1779-1780 (2024)

While the Continental Army’s encampment at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778 is one of the most well-remembered events in American history, Washington’s encampment in Morristown, New Jersey in the winter of 1779-1780 marked another major milestone of the Revolutionary War. The Continental Army camped at Morristown for a roughly six-month span from December 1, 1779 to June 22, 1780. Patriot reinforcements under a French commander, the Count d’Estaing, failed to recapture the city of Savannah, Georgia, or make significant progress along the eastern coast in the summer of 1778. In the north, British forces had remained close to New York in the wake of their evacuation from Philadelphia in the same year, creating a stalemate between the Redcoats and the main body of the Continental Army. By 1779, the tide of war began to shift to the southern colonies. The bulk of Washington’s Army, however, remained in the North, and in the winter of 1779-1780, Washington selected Morristown, New Jersey as the location for his troops’ winter encampment.

Located between New York and Philadelphia, Morristown, New Jersey provided a strategic location for Washington's Army to make camp. The town was a center for local farming mining, and timber, which would later provide Washington’s Army with necessary resources to build winter shelters. As Washington wrote to Congress, a camp near Morristown provided a location “compatible with our security which could also supply water and wood for covering and fuel.” This was not the first time Washington and his men camped in the Morristown area. Washington had selected Morristown for the Continental Army’s camp in the winter of 1776-1777, following the Patriot victories at Trenton and Princeton. During that winter, Washington went to work inoculating the army and many of the civilians living in and around the town in order to combat the threat of a smallpox epidemic.

After marching into Morristown in December of 1779, Washington’s troops settled in a mountainous region nearby called Jockey Hollow. The Continental soldiers cut down thousands of acres of timber to construct a “log house city” of more than a thousand wooden structures which accommodated about twelve men each. The site also included parade grounds and officers’ quarters. An estimated 10-12,000 soldiers camped at Morristown, although desertions and deaths reduced the number to only about 8,000, and Washington claimed that as many as one third of these troops were unfit for duty. In spite of the factors working in the site’s favor, the conditions at Morristown would ultimately prove even harsher and more difficult to endure than those at Valley Forge several years before.

While camped at Morristown, Washington had his headquarters in the home of Colonel Jacob Ford, Jr. and his wife, Theodosia. During his time at the Ford Mansion, Washington chronicled the intense cold to which he and his troops were exposed, describing the winter as “intensely cold and freezing.” Martha Washington joined her husband at Morristown in early spring. While the residence was larger than the Potts House in which Washington had his headquarters at Valley Forge several years before, the Washingtons shared the home with Mrs. Ford and her children, as well as both families’ servants, Washington’s aides de camp, and any visitors, making for a crowded space. It was from the Ford’s home that Washington worked to overcome the many challenges his army faced during the winter of 1779-1780.

Extreme cold proved to be one of the army’s greatest trials during the winter at Morristown. Though Valley Forge is remembered for its harsh conditions, that winter in Morristown, Washington’s troops faced even bitterer cold than they had witnessed in Pennsylvania a few years before. Known as “the hard winter,” the season bridging the end of 1779 and early 1780 proved to be one of the coldest onrecord. Morristown received twenty-eight snowfalls during the Continental Army’s residence there, adding to the miserable conditions the troops faced in the wake of the shortages of food and supplies. In early January, there was a blizzard that lasted for two days, leaving 4 feet of snow in its wake. The temperature often remained below freezing, and snowdrifts piled up as soldiers struggled to keep warm with their scanty clothes and blankets. The challenges the freezing temperatures presented were only aggravated by the army’s serious lack of food and supplies. Shoes, shirts, and blankets were scarce, making conditions even more bleak as soldiers sought to fend off hunger and cold.

Shortages of food and other provisions also posed a constant challenge for the army at Morristown. Fresh meat was usually unavailable, and shortages of flour often made bread scarce. Washington noted that the soldiers sometimes went “5 or Six days together without bread, at other times as many days without meat, and once or twice two or three days without either.” According to some sources, soldiers were so desperate for food that they ate tree bark, leather from old shoes, or even dogs, a situation made worse by the fact that Morristown was located amidst numerous local farms. Despite their proximity to the farmland, however, drought had created shortages in the harvest seasons before, and farmers were often unwilling to give up their crops to feed soldiers. Many farmers had cut back the number of acres they were cultivating as the war progressed. This was due to the poor prices the Continentals offered for goods. The inclement weather added to the difficulty in transporting available supplies to the army. Community members’ reticence to offer their support to the Continental Army provided a constant source of frustration for the Commander-In-Chief. Though Washington was loathe to anger locals by allowing his troops to pillage their farms and fields, he eventually permitted the confiscation of grain and cattle from nearby properties to keep his troops from starving.

During the Revolution, the Continental Congress delegated the responsibility of supplying the army with materials and provisions to the thirteen colonies, which oftentimes resulted in empty commissaries. In a Circular Letter to the States, written on December 16, 1779, Washington recounted that “The situation of the Army with respect to supplies is beyond description alarming, it has been five or six Weeks past on half allowance, and we have not three days Bread or a third allowance on hand nor any where within reach.” Washington voiced his concerns regarding the shortages of food, supplies, and pay for the army, detailing the absence of adequate rations and funds for acquiring necessary provisions. According to Washington, the Army had “never experienced a like extremity at any period of the War,” signifying his distress over the conditions his troops faced. He expressed his fears that without relief, “the Army will infallibly disband in a fortnight.” Some historians suggest that this experience with the thirteen colonies during the Revolution influenced Washington’s advocacy for a more centralized Federal government during the Constitutional Conventions of the late 1780s.

Financial problems presented another source of difficulty for the Continental Army during the winter encampment at Morristown. Following a significant depreciation of colonial currency, the Continental Army struggled to find the funds to transport supplies, send messages, or even buy local provisions, whose sellers were hesitant to accept the colonial currency that frequently fluctuated in value. Many soldiers had not been paid for months, adding to their frustrations and increasing the risk that they would desert or choose not to continue supporting the war effort. Soldiers’ wages were often five to six months late, making it difficult to attract new recruits, secure reenlistments, or retain officers who were unable to support their families at home on minimal pay. This only added to Washington’s concerns about the fate of his army.

Worries about mutinies, desertion, and a British attack against the vulnerable Continental Army plagued Washington throughout the encampment at Morristown. In the spring, regiments from the Connecticut Line staged a mutiny in the camp, retaliating against the delayed wages and shortages of basic supplies. Though the small insurrection was quickly put down, it provided a stark reminder of the army’s dissatisfaction and demoralized state.

The Continental Army also saw several important personal and political developments while encamped at Morristown. On December 23, 1779, Benedict Arnold, who would later become the most notorious traitor of the Revolution, was court-martialed in Morristown, where he was tried for abusing his power as an army officer for financial gain. In May of 1780, the Marquis de Lafayette returned to the United States and reunited with Washington at the Morristown encampment. After spending the previous year persuading France’s king to support the Revolution, the Marquis rejoined the Continental Army bearing good news – the French would send a second fleet of ships across the Atlantic to assist the Patriot forces. The encampment at Morristown also proved significant for Washington’s right-hand man, Alexander Hamilton, who met Elizabeth Schuyler, his future wife, that winter.

Much like Valley Forge, the winter encampment at Morristown, New Jersey became an important symbol of patriotism and persistence in the American Revolution. In perhaps the most severe winter encampment of the war, Patriot forces held together, in spite of conditions that threatened to tear the army apart. In the winter of 1779-1780, the Continental Army’s perseverance and determination to overcome the challenges they faced prepared them for the campaigns that would eventually secure American Independence.

Washington's Encampment at Morristown, New Jersey and the "Hard Winter" of 1779-1780 (2024)


Washington's Encampment at Morristown, New Jersey and the "Hard Winter" of 1779-1780? ›

Known as “the hard winter,” the season bridging the end of 1779 and early 1780 proved to be one of the coldest on record. Morristown received over 2o snowfalls during the Continental Army's residence there, adding to the miserable conditions the troops faced in the wake of the shortages of food and supplies.

Why did George Washington choose to winter in Morristown New Jersey in 1776 1777? ›

BACKGROUND: In late November of 1779, General George Washington decided that the Continental Army would return to a familiar location for winter camp. He chose Morristown, NJ where they had spent the winter of 1776 to 1777 after their historic victories in Trenton and Princeton.

Where did George Washington camp for the winter during the Revolutionary War today in 1779? ›

By 1779, the tide of war began to shift to the southern colonies. The bulk of Washington's Army, however, remained in the North, and in the winter of 1779-1780, Washington selected Morristown, New Jersey as the location for his troops' winter encampment.

How many soldiers were camping out at Morristown during the winter of 1779-1780? ›

December 1779 –June 1780: Major encampment during "Hard Winter", 10,000 men in Jockey Hollow, Washington in headquarters at Ford Mansion.

Where was Washington encamped during the harsh winter of 1777-1778? ›

Valley Forge is the location of the 1777-1778 winter encampment of the Continental Army under General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.

How important was the winter of 1776 1777? ›

The particularly severe winter of 1777-1778 proved to be a great trial for the American army, and of the 11,000 soldiers stationed at Valley Forge, hundreds died from disease. However, the suffering troops were held together by loyalty to the Patriot cause and to General Washington, who stayed with his men.

What was the hard winter of 1780? ›

According to Ludlum, January 1780 rated as the most persistently cold calendar month in the history of the eastern United States, and “The severity of the 1780 season reached all parts of the colonies.

What was the name of the camp where Washington and his troops spent a brutal winter in 1778? ›

In December, 1777, General George Washington moved the Continental Army to their winter quarters at Valley Forge.

What were the conditions at Washington's winter camp at Valley Forge? ›

Valley Forge, 1777-1778

While rain, snow, and cold temperatures afflicted the army, the situation was made far worse by the lack of shelter, blankets, winter coats, and even shoes. It has been estimated that a third of Washington's army at Valley Forge lacked viable footwear.

What city in New Jersey did George Washington set up a winter camp for his soldiers? ›

Morristown, New Jersey was the location where General George Washington established two winter encampments during the Revolutionary War.

What happened at the Morristown encampment? ›

An estimated 10-12,000 soldiers camped at Morristown, although desertions and deaths reduced the number to only about 8,000. In total 96 men died, 1,062 deserted, 140 were captured, and 2,735 were discharged, whereas others were sent out on outpost duty.

Who won the battle of Morristown? ›

Battle of Morristown
Part of the American Civil War
Date October 28, 1864 Location Present-day Hamblen County, Tennessee Result Union victory
United States (Union)Confederate States of America (Confederacy)
7 more rows

What was Morristown known as during the American Revolution? ›

Morristown has been called “The military capital of the American Revolution” because of its strategic role in the Revolutionary War. It was situated between Philadelphia and New York and shielded from British forces behind the Watchung Mountains.

How many of Washington's men died in the winter of 1777? ›

Cold and starvation at Valley Forge were not even the most dangerous threats: diseases proved to be the biggest killer. By the end of the six-month encampment, some 2,000 men—roughly one in six—died of disease.

Who is the only officer that stayed at Valley Forge the entire winter with the troops? ›

Significance: In winter of 1777, Steuben joined General Washington's troops at the Valley Forge encampment and put them through proper military training; creating a newer, more effective, and more professional Continental Army in the process.

What happened in the winter of 1776? ›

“Six months after the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution was all but lost. A powerful British force had routed the Americans at New York, occupied three colonies, and advanced within sight of Philadelphia (from Washington's Crossing by D.H. Fischer).”

What setbacks did the Americans suffer from 1779 to 1781 explain? ›

The Americans suffered a number of setbacks from 1779 to 1781, including the defection of General Benedict Arnold to the British and the first serious mutinies within the Continental Army. In the South, the British occupied Georgia by early 1779 and captured Charleston, South Carolina in May 1780.

What two events happened in 1777? ›

  • Battle of Princeton. ...
  • America Has a Flag. ...
  • The British Attack Philadelphia. ...
  • Saratoga. ...
  • The "Conway Cabal." Many in Congress were unhappy with Washington's leadership; some murmured the name of General Horatio Gates as a possible replacement. ...
  • Articles of Confederation.

What was the most important event in America in 1776? ›

By issuing the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain.

What was the worst winter in US history? ›

The winter of 1880–1881 is widely considered the most severe winter ever known in many parts of the United States. The initial blizzard in October of 1880 brought snowfalls so deep that two-story homes experienced accumulations, as opposed to drifts, up to their second floor windows.

What was the worst winter recorded? ›

1936 North American cold wave.

What was the worst winter weather ever? ›

The Coldest Winter Ever Recorded in California's History

Located just north of Lake Tahoe, Boca dipped into subzero temperatures on January 20, 1937. The lowest recorded temperature was an unimaginably frigid -45 °F.

What was the name of the winter camp where Martha Washington visited her husband? ›

Martha Washington

(1732-1802) - During the Revolutionary War, Martha joined her husband for part of each winter encampment he attended, including the 1777-1778 encampment at Valley Forge.

How cold was it at Valley Forge? ›

The Encampment saw basically two periods of severe cold. The end of December with a low of 6 Degrees and the end of March with a low of 8 Degrees. The low in January reached 12 Degrees and February was 16 Degrees.

Where did Washington camp for a long winter in which he lost 1 4 of his army because of exposure to cold and disease like smallpox? ›

After failing to retake Philadelphia, Washington led his 12,000-man army into winter quarters at Valley Forge, located approximately 18 miles (29 km) northwest of Philadelphia.

What disease hits the men at Valley Forge? ›

Two-thirds of the men who perished during the encampment died during the warmer months of March, April and May when supplies were more abundant but disease was running rampant. The most common killers were influenza, typhus, typhoid and dysentery.

How many people died in the Valley Forge? ›

Fact #4: Over 2,000 soldiers, or one-in-six, died during the winter encampment. Due to shortages of food, lack of proper hygiene, sanitation, and medical knowledge of the time, over 2,000 soldiers perished during the winter.

What did Washington do with his soldiers during the winter at Valley Forge? ›

On December 19, 1777, commander of the Continental Army George Washington, the future first president of the United States, leads his beleaguered troops into winter quarters at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

When was the winter at Morristown? ›

Weather historians agree that the Morristown winter of 1779-1780 was the worst winter of the 18th century. It wasn't the weather that was the problem at Valley Forge; it was the army's inexperience. For most of the soldiers at Valley Forge it was their first winter camp with the army.

What is Morristown historical park known for? ›

Morristown National Historical Park commemorates the sites of General Washington and the Continental army's winter encampment of December 1779 to June 1780, where they survived through what would be the coldest winter on record.

Why is Morristown NJ historic? ›

Morristown National Historical Park is nationally significant as the site of the 1779-80 winter encampment of the Continental Army under General George Washington.

Why did Washington select the Morristown area for his encampments? ›

Located between New York and Philadelphia, Morristown, New Jersey provided a strategic location for Washington's Army to make camp. The town was a center for local farming mining, and timber, which would later provide Washington's Army with necessary resources to build winter shelters.

Was Morristown woman found safe? ›

Chastity Lucas was found safe on Sunday morning. She was last seen leaving the hospital in Morristown against medical advice on April 19, according to police. Copyright 2023 WVLT. All rights reserved.

Who was hung in Morristown NJ? ›

MORRISTOWN, NJ - A vivid re-telling of the 19th Century trial of triple murderer Antoine LeBlanc, which led to his public hanging on the Morristown Green is set for Saturday morning, June 20, in the very courtroom where a Morris County jury found him guilty 182 years ago.

Where did George Washington stay in Morristown? ›

In 1776, Washington's officers had used Jacob Arnold's Tavern located on the Morristown Green in the urban center as the army's headquarters; Washington himself stayed in nearby Ford Mansion.

How many soldiers were camping out at Morristown during the winter of 1779 1780? ›

December 1779 –June 1780: Major encampment during "Hard Winter", 10,000 men in Jockey Hollow, Washington in headquarters at Ford Mansion.

Where is Washington's encampment? ›

Washington's Headquarters, also known as the Isaac Potts House, is the structure used by General George Washington and his household during the 1777-1778 encampment of the Continental Army at Valley Forge.

What did Washington do in the winter of 1776? ›

Rather than skulk off to winters quarters, Washington decided to attack an isolated garrison of Hessian troops who were stationed on the far side of the river at Trenton, New Jersey. To surprise the Hessians, Washington ordered a night-time crossing on Christmas Day, 1776.

What did George Washington do in Morristown? ›

Morristown, New Jersey was the location where General George Washington established two winter encampments during the Revolutionary War. The town's location between Philadelphia and New York City held strategic advantage for the Continental Army.

What was the winter at Morristown? ›

Known as “the hard winter,” the season bridging the end of 1779 and early 1780 proved to be one of the coldest on record. Morristown received over 2o snowfalls during the Continental Army's residence there, adding to the miserable conditions the troops faced in the wake of the shortages of food and supplies.

When did the Continental Army winter at Morristown? ›

On December 1, 1779, the Continental Army, under the command of General George Washington, established winter headquarters at Morristown, New Jersey. The army stayed there until June 1780. It was one of the worst winters ever endured and is known as the Hard Winter.

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