Wayne Gretzky Has Moved to St. Louis (Again) and We are Pumped (2024)

Wayne Gretzky Has Moved to St. Louis (Again) and We are Pumped (1)

ByJaime Lees onMon, Oct 11, 2021 at 4:31 pm

click to enlarge Wayne Gretzky Has Moved to St. Louis (Again) and We are Pumped (2)

The G.O. is kind of an O.G. St. Louisan.

It seems as though Wayne Gretzky just can’t get enough of us. It makes sense, though. We’re really cute.

The hockey legend has moved back to St. Louis after living here at least twice before: Once when he played for the Blues in the 1995-1996 season and then again in 2012 when he and his wife Janet bought a home in Frontenac. Janet is from Bridgeton and went to Pattonville High School, so the family has always had ties to the area.

The Great One was quoted on TheAthletic.com saying that he and his wife have moved back to St. Louis to be close to her mother, who is 100 years old. Gretzky said he had a rough year because he’d lost his father, Walter, and that he was excited to be “getting an opportunity to spend time in the Midwest with Janet’s family.”

Wayne Gretzky is now St. Louis-based. Family moved to be closer to his 100-year-old mother-in-law (Janet Jones's mother).

— Richard Deitsch (@richarddeitsch) October 6, 2021

Things are really shaking up in Gretzky’s life lately. He just accepted a broadcasting gig helping out with Turner Sports’ NHL coverage. And since they’re based in Atlanta (and he has a couple of grandkids in Florida), it will be much easier for him to travel to the South from St. Louis than from California, where he’d lived previously. Living in St. Louis also makes it a lot easier for Gretzky to link up with his buddy Brett Hull, who shares his love of golfing.

Rumor around town is that Gretzky also has an eye on getting involved with the St. Louis Blues organization in some way in the future. Local hockey fans couldn’t be happier about these developments and neither could we.

Welcome, Mr. Great One. Sit down. Stay a while. Try the toasted ravioli.

Email the author at [emailprotected]

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About The Author

Wayne Gretzky Has Moved to St. Louis (Again) and We are Pumped (3)

Jaime Lees

Jaime Lees is the digital content editor for the Riverfront Times.

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As an expert in sports and specifically in the career and activities of Wayne Gretzky, I can confidently provide insights into the information presented in the article about Wayne Gretzky's return to St. Louis. My expertise in sports and hockey, in particular, allows me to shed light on the significance of Gretzky's move and his potential involvement with the St. Louis Blues organization.

Firstly, Wayne Gretzky is a hockey legend often referred to as "The Great One." He enjoyed a highly successful career, setting numerous records and becoming one of the most iconic figures in the history of the sport. His decision to move to St. Louis has notable reasons, primarily being his wife Janet's ties to the area, with her mother residing there.

The article mentions that Wayne Gretzky moved back to St. Louis to be closer to his 100-year-old mother-in-law, following a challenging year that included the loss of his father, Walter. This personal connection and the desire to spend time with family highlight Gretzky's commitment to his loved ones, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of his decision to relocate.

Furthermore, Gretzky's involvement in broadcasting with Turner Sports' NHL coverage is a significant development in his post-playing career. The article suggests that living in St. Louis facilitates his travel to the South, where the broadcasting job is based. This relocation aligns with his personal life and professional commitments.

The mention of Gretzky's potential interest in getting involved with the St. Louis Blues organization adds an intriguing layer to the story. As a hockey enthusiast, I can emphasize the excitement among local hockey fans about the possibility of Gretzky contributing to the team in some capacity. This speculation opens up discussions about the impact he could have on the franchise and the local hockey community.

In summary, Wayne Gretzky's return to St. Louis involves personal and professional factors, including family ties and career opportunities. His presence in the city is not only a matter of personal choice but also holds implications for the local sports scene, especially in the context of potential involvement with the St. Louis Blues organization.

Wayne Gretzky Has Moved to St. Louis (Again) and We are Pumped (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.