What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (2024)

So what do you know about edible insects?

“Insects edible?” you ask. “Maybe for some people. But not for me.”

It’s definitely hard to overcome our innate aversion to creepy crawly things. Even the idea of insects in the same cabinet that our food is in disgusts us.

Insects are repulsive. Squirmy. A sign of filth and uncleanliness. Why would anyone eat them?

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (1)

Well, turns out that 80% of the world’s population would disagree with you on that. [1] The inhabitants of most parts of Asia and Africa, and even South and Central America, have included insects as a staple of their diet for generations.

Despite this, relatively little is known about insects as a food source. We are aware of their nutritional value, and the requirements for raising them.

But are they really safe to eat? And can we get past the yuck factor?

Let’s explore the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to the world of edible insects.

The good

Eating bugs, as gross as it seems, benefits our bodies and our world in many ways.

Insects are a great source of nutrients

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (2)

You may be surprised to learn that edible insects are really very good for you!

The protein content of an insect is 20-76% of dry matter, depending on the insect’s type and development stage [2].

For example, one 3.5 ounce portion of grasshopper typically contains between 14 and 28 grams of protein.

This translates to 25-60% of your recommended daily allowance...from just one small serving of food. [3]

The same size serving of red ants also yields about 14 grams of protein, as well as a whopping 71% of the recommended daily allowance of iron. Crickets, beetles and caterpillars are great sources of these nutrients as well.

Why does this matter?

First of all, protein is life. And that’s no exaggeration. [4]

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (3)

It’s the basic building block of every part of your body. Muscles, bones, and skin all count on protein to grow and to repair themselves.

That’s why athletes and bodybuilders go to any lengths possible to fill themselves with it. Shakes, vitamin supplements, and protein bars are popular ways to try to fill in the protein gap.

Protein paired with iron is a true “power couple.” These nutrients combine to form hemoglobin, which is needed to move oxygen to your blood cells. [5] Iron also builds your immune system, and protects your body from anemia.

Eating insect meat is resource efficient

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (4)

As we saw above, protein is an essential nutrient for human survival. So the best use of the earth’s land, water, and other resources is the production of food that provides it.

Beef is generally considered an excellent source of protein and other valuable nutrients. But in fact, 100 grams of beef yields around the same amount of protein as crickets. [6]

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (5)

Producing this mere 1 kg of beef also takes a toll on our resources. The process requires an average of about 15 liters of water, in addition to the water used to grow food for the cattle to eat. Raising the same amount of mealworms uses about 4 liters, a full 9 liters less than each kg of beef.

According to a 2006 report of the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the raising of livestock accounts for the use of 70% of agricultural land use worldwide. Insect farming requires a very small space in comparison.

Almost no greenhouse gas emission (GHG)

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (6)

The raising of livestock produces methane gas, a major contributor to global warming/climate change. The effect of methane is estimated to be 25 times more harmful than carbon dioxide [7].

Nitrous oxide and ammonia are also released by cattle into our environment.

But raising insects produces between 10 and 80 times less methane gas than does the raising of cattle, and 8-12 times less ammonia.

Since we all have to breathe the same air, this is pretty good news for everyone.

Eating insects can help us secure food for upcoming generations

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (7)

It’s no secret that a rapidly expanding population is straining the earth’s resources.

In 1800, the world population reached one billion. In a mere 130 years after that, this number doubled itself to reach 2 billion. And it has only picked up speed since then. The world population is estimated to reach 10 billion by 2055. [8]

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (8)

Feeding these burgeoning numbers of people poses a challenge even now. The Food Aid Foundation [9] estimates that one out of every seven people in the world are hungry, meaning they do not access to the nutritious food needed to live a healthy life.

Poor nutrition causes almost half the deaths worldwide of children under the age of five.

We are facing world hunger in spite of the fact that the earth presently produces more than enough food to feed everyone [10].

As the population continues to explode and supplies of available land and water diminish, the problem is only going to worsen. Some sources estimate that the world may no longer produce enough food for everyone as early as 2030, unless dramatic change happens.

The large-scale farming and eating of insects offers a ray of hope in this bleak prognosis.

Requiring very little land and water use, and providing so many of the nutrients needed for life, they may be our best chance to avoid this disaster.

On top of this, children are much more open towards the idea of eating bugs then we are.

Economy - Insect farming can provide a stable income

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (9)

When it comes to producing insects for food, edible insects could level the playing field.

Farming insects does not require a lot of land or expensive machinery. Even the poorest segment of the population in our least developed countries can do it and make a profit.

Insect farming can also provide a stable income to established farmers, who can earn net incomes of between $5000-$10,000 a year in countries where the average gross income is about $5640 per year [11].

Empowering so many underprivileged members of the global economy is a huge societal benefit of the edible insect industry.

Benefits of edible insects

  • Rich in needed protein and iron
  • Less strain on land and water resources
  • A reduction of greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to climate change
  • A potential solution to world hunger and food insecurity
  • A stable income to farmers in developing countries

The bad

Even so, there are a few points to consider before embarking on a diet of grasshoppers, crickets and ants.

The possibility of allergens

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (10)

Although insects have been consumed as food for generations in some parts of the world, there is still very little known about how they might affect our bodies.

It’s well known that food allergies are becoming an increasing problem. Eggs, shellfish, nuts, and milk, once considered so benign, are now common triggers for allergic reactions.

One study [12] found that insects have the same capacity to trigger allergic reactions as do crustaceans (like shrimp and lobster).

This makes sense when you consider that insects and crustaceans are both classified as arthropods, meaning they have an exoskeleton and segmented bodies.

So if you have a shellfish allergy, you may want to steer clear of cricket flour or roasted grasshoppers.


What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (11)

Let’s be honest; there are good reasons why we’ve been trying to keep bugs away from our food instead of eating them.

Many insects feed on decaying matter: rotting food, animal corpses, human waste which are full of bacteria. This is a common danger associated with wild caught insects.

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (12)

What’s more, there is the potential for a small amount of microbial fauna and spore-bearing bacteria to find its way into farmed bugs that we use for food. The insects need to be bred in a clean environment.

Unfortunately, many insect farms in Asia don’t necessarily obey with the high hygienic standards.

It has also been found that insects can carry parasites which are harmful, even deadly [13].

In the early 1950s, it was found that a large number of people living in Malaysia had been infected by an intestinal “fluke,” or an infestation of harmful bacteria, which they had gotten from consuming dragon flies.

It appears that regulating the conditions in which bugs are raised would offset this problem.

But more research is needed before we know for certain how safe it is to introduce insects as a dietary staple.


What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (13)

These are the dark twin of nutrients: substances that interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and use protein. They can compromise the nutritional value of many foods, especially those made from plants (like rice or flour). Some common anti-nutrients are phytic acid, tannins, and lectins.

The exoskeleton, or “chitin,” of an insect has been found to have small amounts of these anti-nutrients. But most studies have found these levels to be relatively low compared with what might be found in plant-based foods.

Luckily, it is not all so dark.

Although chitin reduces our bodies ability to absorb insect protein, there are many health benefits of eating chitin.

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (14)

We still don’t know much about the levels of anti-nutrient substances in insects. More research is needed to find out whether they are significant.


Very little research has been done on the use of pesticides in the raising of insects. One study [13] found low levels of certain harmful chemicals. These were no greater than what you would find in most animal-based foods. However, we can’t ignore the fact that the use of pesticides in producing edible insects is largely unregulated, and so using insects as a food source does carry a small amount of risk.

The risk is greater when insects are harvested in the wild as opposed to raised by an insect farmer. In both Thailand and Kuwait, widespread health problems have resulted in cases where dead insects were used for food after there had been attempts to “disinfest” agricultural areas through the use of pesticides [14].


Do you know the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?

In appearance, they are similar. Yet one is a delicious and healthy food source while the other is poisonous.

It’s the same with insects. Some knowledge of insects is necessary in order to know which ones are good for you and which ones might kill you.

Bees and certain kinds of ants carry toxins inside of them in order to ward off predators. Those same toxins can be dangerous if you eat them.

Some kinds of beetles carry a metabolic steroid which can result in growth retardation, infertility, or the masculinization of females if it is consumed too frequently. [14]

It’s important to note that most of the “cons” on this list present only a very small risk, no greater than the risk encountered in eating meats or grains. And most experts agree that the benefits are significant enough to outweigh them.

Main risks related to insect consumption

  • Allergens
  • Bacteria
  • Anti-nutrients
  • Pesticides
  • Toxins

In short, here are the main takeaways in regards to safety:

  1. Source your insects good.
  2. Never eat raw insects.
  3. Don’t eat just any kind of bugs, it might kill you
  4. Be cautious if you’re allergic to shellfish

And now...the ugly.

The ugly

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (15)

In Western cultures, we have a natural aversion to bugs. Our skin crawls if we see flies crawling on a piece of meat or a mealworm infestation in our flour bin.

But in most countries of the world, bugs are routinely eaten and even enjoyed.

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (16)

In Ghana, it’s common to snack on roasted termites. In southwest Brazil, queen ants are a popular delicacy.

But in Europe and North America, we are doing everything in our power to avoid eating these nasty insects.

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (17)

Despite our best efforts, though, we have been consuming insects for a long time without knowing it.

The FDA Defect Levels Handbook [15] states that there are certain “natural and unavoidable defects” in foods which can be allowed without posing a threat to humans.

In any macaroni and cheese product, you may have as much as 225 insect fragments per each 225 grams. Frozen broccoli may contain an average of 60 aphids or mites per 100 grams. Imported olives, peanuts, and a variety of spices including ginger, allspice and black pepper all allow a certain amount of insect fragments.

In this context, any repulsion you feel towards eating insects seems a bit misplaced.

Not to mention, those who have tried edible insects, even those who were skeptical to begin with, report that the taste is not objectionable or unpleasant at all. Depending on the type of bug, they are variously reported to taste like nuts, mint, or even bacon.

Edible insects...

  • Are already a dietary staple In most countries
  • Have been allowed by the FDA to be present in certain foods
  • Don’t have an unpleasant taste

And when you think of all the good that you accomplish for your body, for the world, and for the environment, overcoming your cultural disgust seems like a small price to pay.

So the next time anyone offers you roasted mealworms or a cricket protein bar, go ahead and give it a try.

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (18)

You may be glad you did.

Now I would like to hear from you.

Would you like to start eating bugs or would you like to learn more?

Let me know what you think in the comments below, and I’ll give you a heads-up.

What Are The Most Important Pros And Cons Of Eating Insects? (2024)


What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating insects? ›

  • Insects are the largest source of protein on the earth.
  • They are actually quite tasty, - if prepared and cooked properly.
  • Their meat is extremely low in fat.
  • They are very abundant.
  • The downside -
  • Some are poisonous.
  • Sometimes they are poisonous because of what they have been feeding on.
Apr 10, 2019

What are the advantages and disadvantages of insects? ›

Answer: Advantages- keep pest insects in check, pollinate crops we rely on as food, and act as sanitation experts. Disadvantages- Some insects can sting, bite, or even spread disease.

What are the negative effects of eating bugs? ›

Insects may appear to have good nutritional value on paper, but they may actually be toxic to humans. According to studies, they can deplete the body of vitamins, affect the immune system, cause allergies, and harbor parasites.

What are good facts about eating bugs? ›

Millions of people from around the world have relied on insects as an essential source of nourishment for thousands of years. Insects are high in protein, easy to cultivate, have a low carbon footprint, and could be instrumental in alleviating world hunger and climate change.

What are 3 benefits of eating insects? ›

Edible insects may have superior health benefits due to their high levels of vitamin B12, iron, zinc, fiber, essential amino acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and antioxidants.

What are some advantages of eating insects? ›

Edible insects are considered an excellent source of nutrients, including high-quality protein, essential amino acids, fiber, mono- and polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals, even at a comparable level of animal protein sources like beef or chicken [2,3,4].

Why should we eat bugs instead of meat? ›

Why should we use insects as food? Insects are great sources of nutrients with 80% protein by weight, and they have energy rich fat and micronutrients and minerals. Eating insects also provides more iron than beef, and provides a great source of iron to combat iron deficiency in people around the around the world.

Is eating insects good for the environment? ›

Compared to conventional animal farming, the production of insects for food and feed generates significantly less greenhouse gas emissions and uses considerably less land.

Is eating insects the future? ›

They argue that eating arthropods can meet the growing demands for food, particularly protein-rich food, for people around the world in the near future. Professor Hazarika and Professor Kalita claim this is especially true if commercial food producers add their support by raising insects-as-food.

Does eating insects cause inflammation? ›

Notably, edible insects have been found to be a rich source of bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids and phenols. These bioactive compounds possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, insulin regulators, anticancer, and glycaemic inhibiting properties.

Why is eating crickets bad for you? ›

Commercially farmed crickets are safe to eat raw since they've been fed a clean diet. However, wild crickets can be unpleasant and sometimes even parasitic if they've been feeding upon things that may make them unsafe to eat. They can carry nematodes, so it's a good idea to cook them before you eat them.

Can stink bugs make you sick? ›

Stink bugs meet the definition of being poisonous but nowhere near the extent of numerous venomous reptiles or spiders that inject their venom. On rare occasions, stink bugs may cause allergies and dermatological symptoms when someone is highly allergic to the fluid they produce when defending themselves.

What does the Bible say about eating bugs? ›

"`All flying insects that walk on all fours are to be detestable to you. There are, however, some winged creatures that walk on all fours that you may eat: those that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground. Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.

Is eating bugs good or bad? ›

The Benefits of Bugs

The Nature Food study found that many bugs provide all the essential amino acids needed for human nutrition along with important vitamins and minerals, including folate, biotin, B12, potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Are insects healthier than meat? ›

Insect nutritional composition showed high diversity between species. According to the Ofcom model, no insects were significantly 'healthier' than meat products. The NVS assigned crickets, palm weevil larvae and mealworm a significantly healthier score than beef (P<0.001) and chicken (P<0.001).

What are the healthiest bugs to eat? ›

The best insects to eat are from three species: At least three insects – crickets, honeybees, and mealworms – have at least the same if not higher nutritional value than the commonly consumed meats like beef and chicken, and not a single comparison shows insects to be nutritionally inferior to meat.

Do edible insects carry diseases? ›

Edible insects can potentially transmit parasitic diseases [74,127]. It appears that entomopathogenic parasites are unable to complete their full life cycle in humans or livestock due to biological specificity of the host. Entomopathogenic parasites cannot be transmitted between vertebrates either.

Why are insects healthier than meat? ›

The median iron content of crickets and honeybees is 180 and 850% greater (respectively) than for beef, which has the highest iron content of the three meats. However, iron content of beef offal is higher than crickets. All of the insects had higher calcium and riboflavin levels than any of the meats or meat offals.

What are the benefits of eating insects compared to traditional farm animals? ›

Compared to cattle and pigs, insects have a faster growth rate, a higher feed-to-food conversion efficiency, lower requirements for space and water as well as lower emissions of greenhouse gas and ammonia.

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.