What is Job’s 'Behemoth'? (2024)

Picture a mighty 7-ton African elephant charging toward you. Trunk outstretched, eyes dilated, massive post-like legs pounding the earth. The ground shakes under your feet—a deafening trumpet blast pierces your ears—and there is nothing between you and him but flat grass. Your heart beats wildly. How do you escape? What do you do?

This would certainly get the adrenaline flowing.

Did you know that animals far more fearsome and mighty than African elephants once roamed the Earth? I am not talking about the dinosaurs.

Consider this creature described in Job 40:15-24 (King James Version):

Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. … Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

That’s a pretty spectacular creature: “the chief of the ways of God,” “he drinketh up a river.” Is it possible that such a beast used to roam the Earth with people? Or did the author just make up the story to illustrate a point?

What Was the Behemoth?

There are two prevailing views on what this creature really is. Young Earth creationists, those who believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old, say this passage proves that dinosaurs lived recently. They point out that the behemoth “moveth his tail like a cedar.” This, they say, indicates that the behemoth is most likely a sauropod dinosaur such as diplodocus or brachiosaurus—dinosaurs with long necks and gigantic tails.

Yet this argument falls far short. Can you imagine Adam and Eve living in a world dominated by ferocious giant carnivores sporting jaws full of razor-sharp, banana-size teeth? Eden wouldn’t have been a very well-manicured garden if Adam were constantly hiding in caves to escape from being eaten. For that matter, imagine Job trying to farm or keep his crops and animals from being flattened by herds of stampeding stegosaurs or horned triceratops. It is not very logical that God would place puny man in a world overrun with packs of hungry velociraptors and predatory pterodactyls with 6-meter wingspans.

What many creationists don’t understand is that the seven-day creation week spoken of in Genesis is really describing the re-creation of Earth after it had been destroyed. In Genesis 1:2 the word was should actually be translated became. In other words, Earth became without form and void (Hebrew tohu and bohu)—implying it was not always in this state of total disrepair.

Pre-Adamic World

The Bible reveals two creations—the first, in Genesis 1:1; and the second, from Genesis 1:3 onwards. Earth’s initial creation may have occurred billions of years before the creation of Adam. The Bible does not reveal how long ago this initial creation took place. During this time, dinosaurs and other animals were created and may have lived and died for tens or hundreds of millions of years prior to Earth becoming so destroyed it could no longer support life. (For a full explanation of this, see “Dinosaurs, the Bible, and a 6,000-year-old Earth?”)

Geologists refer to this massive worldwide destruction as the Cretaceous extinction.

But following this mass extinction event, geologists note something amazing about the fossil record. In newer rocks found immediately adjacent to these “Cretaceous” rocks, they find a completely new and different cast of characters. In these more recent deposits, they only find the fossils of modern-type animals like mammals and birds, as well as modern plants.

KT boundary. Badlands near Drumheller, Alberta where erosion has exposed the KT boundary. Paleogene above (darker), and Cretaceous below (lighter).PUBLIC DOMAIN

Vertebrate palaeontologist Dr. George Simpson described this amazing chronology in the fossil record as “the most dramatic and in many respects the most puzzling event in the history of life on the Earth.”

The sudden change in the fossil record from the Age of Reptiles to the Age of Mammals is well known and undisputed. Simpson wrote:

It is as if the curtain were rung down suddenly on the stage where all the leading roles were taken by reptiles, especially dinosaurs in great numbers and bewildering variety, and rose again immediately to reveal the same setting but an entirely new cast, a cast in which the dinosaurs do not appear at all, other reptiles are mere supernumaries and the leading parts are all played by mammals.

It is only in “post-Cretaceous” rocks that the remains of modern-type animals and man are found.

Behemoth Created With Man

Why is all this important? Notice Job 40:15 (kjv): “Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee ….” The behemoth was an animal created at the same time as man. It did not exist in the pre-Adamic world that was dominated by the giant, reptile-like dinosaurs and other strange creatures. It was a unique creature created with man—for a specific purpose.

Additionally, the description of the behemoth in the book of Job doesn’t really fit that of any of the dinosaurs that Young Earth creationists put forth. For example, sauropod dinosaurs are characterized by their almost comically tiny-looking heads perched atop extremely long necks. Scientists say their heads were so small that they were probably among the least intelligent of dinosaurs. Yet in Job, it describes the behemoth as having such a large head that, as the New American Standard Bible translates it, “If a river rages, he is not alarmed; He is confident, though the Jordan rushes to his mouth.” Sauropods, with their tiny mouths and long necks, would drink water in a way more like sucking water through a straw.

Long-necked sauropods are also known for eating leaves of trees, not “grass as an ox,” as it says in Job. Geologists note that grass did not even exist on Earth before the beginning of man’s world (Genesis 1:11-12). Evidence of grasses, flowering and fruiting plants and trees don’t exist in Cretaceous and earlier rocks. As Science Week reported in 2005, “the earliest unequivocal grass fossils date to … well after the demise of non-avian dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period.”

Grasses and fruiting trees do not show up in the fossil record until the age of man because God created these plants specifically for man’s use (Genesis 1:29). Genesis 1:11 says: “And God said: ‘Let the earth put forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit-tree bearing fruit after its kind …” God specifically records the creation of grasses and fruiting trees during this “re-creation” of the Earth. Prior to this time, they did not exist. The geological record confirms it.

There is one other problem with the “behemoth is a dinosaur” claim. There is not a single fossilized example of human bones being found with dinosaur bones. And as far as the purported petroglyph art in Utah depicting dinosaurs, that has been thoroughly disproven too.

Supposedly ancient petroglyph art in Utah depicting dinosaursPUBLIC DOMAIN

What the Others Think

Many modern scholars and theistic evolutionists realize that the Earth is far older than 6,000 years. They know that dinosaurs did not live at the same time as man. These Old Earth believers also have an interpretation of the beast described in Job.

Was behemoth a hippopotamus?Aardvark Safaris

Most of these Bible apologists say the behemoth—which, in Hebrew, literally means four-legged beast—is referring to an elephant, hippopotamus or crocodile. Those who favor hippopotamus do so because of Job 40:23, which talks about the behemoth’s huge mouth drinking up the gushing Jordan River. The gaping mouth of the hippo provides a pretty compelling picture.

However, there are two problems with this theory, and they apply to elephants too. First, Job describes the behemoth as having a big tail that “moves like a cedar.” Hippopotami have short tails; elephants have small, weak, pig-like tails. Second, Job describes the behemoth as being so massive that man cannot control it. “No one can catch it off guard or put a ring in its nose and lead it away” (Job 40:24; New Living Translation). Verse 19 implies that it was too big for people living during Job’s day to kill. These descriptions could obviously not apply to any animals alive today. People have been hunting and killing these animals as far back as recorded history. There are ancient pictographs of Egyptians hunting hippos and crocodiles. And people have been domesticating elephants for work and warfare for thousands of years.

But if the behemoth was not a dinosaur, and it is not an animal alive today, what could it be?

What the Fossil Record Says

In 1910, a British scientist was dumbfounded when he found massive bones from what appeared to be an enormous, previously unknown type of rhinoceros. The bones were so huge that they made elephant bones look small. He named the animal baluchitherium, which means “beast of Baluchistan,” after the province in Iran where he found the bones.

The creatures were confirmed to be an extinct, gigantic, hornless rhinoceros! And their description neatly fits Job’s description of the behemoth.

For almost a decade, the creature remained an enigma because no further investigation was carried out. Then, after the end of World War I, additional discoveries began to emerge. A true picture of the beast of Baluchistan began to take shape.

Relative sizes of Paraceratherium (another term for “Baluchitherium”), Elasmotherium, white rhinos, Indian rhinos, black rhinos and Sumatran rhinos compared to a human; the animal-outlines and size comparisons are taken from Henry Fairfield Osborn.DagdaMor

In 2003, a team of French scientists returned to Baluchistan to conduct further fossil hunts. The results were astounding. They found the complete remains of many male and female baluchitherium simply lying on the ground, which, according to one report, “was a quite rare event in paleontological findings” that suggested that “the massive creatures were swept away by a river [or flood] and had accumulated on the banks” (Dawn, Dec. 20, 2010).

The creatures were confirmed to be an extinct, gigantic, hornless rhinoceros! And their description neatly fits Job’s description of the behemoth.

When the book of Job described the behemoth as “the chief of the ways of God,” so powerful that only “he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him,” it was no exaggeration. If the behemoth was the baluchitherium, it was probably the largest land animal that God made for man’s world.

In an age when a 7-ton African elephant or 2½-ton hippopotamus seem big, the baluchitherium seems almost impossibly huge.

1.5 meter long skull of the baluchitheriumPUBLIC DOMAIN

This animal’s head averaged 1.5 meters long and had a gaping mouth, yet still does not appear overly large upon its body. Estimates suggest it stood 5.5 meters tall at the shoulder and 8 meters tall with its neck fully outstretched. From nose to rump it measured a whopping 9 meters. By comparison, the biggest elephant ever recorded stood only 4 meters at the shoulder; the tallest known giraffe measured in at only 6 meters tall. Based on its bone size and length, the baluchitherium may have weighed a gargantuan 20 tons—equivalent to about three African elephants.

The baluchitherium is the largest land mammal that is known to have ever existed, and “represents about the maximum size to which a land-living mammal can develop” (The Illustrated Library of the Natural Sciences, Volume 2). Its long legs also probably made it faster than any elephant or smaller species of rhinoceros.

This mammal was so big and strong that after adolescence, it probably had no natural predators. No animal could touch it. If it felt threatened, scientists say its defense would have been to charge at opponents and try to crush them beneath its massive weight.

There is yet more evidence that the baluchitherium could be the behemoth of Job. “His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron” (verse 18; kjv). The fossil evidence shows that the baluchitherium had huge, post-like limbs and bones, bigger than all other land mammals.

It had a large 2.5-meter-long thick tail, aptly described as “like a cedar” in Job (verse 17). It is the only known mammal with a tail that approaches the description.

Also, its possible habitat and diet, as noted by observing living rhinoceros species, matches the description in the Bible. Today you find species of rhinoceros inhabiting both savanna and mountainous ecosystems. They eat a range of foliage including grass, sedges, shrubs, ferns, submerged and floating plants, twigs, fruit and leaves of trees (see verses 15 and 22), just as the Bible indicates. The fact that some rhinoceros species eat aquatic plants indicates that the baluchitherium may have spent considerable time in rivers, which would have also helped keep it cool—and why the book of Job mentions it “drawing up the Jordan into his mouth” (verse 23).

Then there is the fact that the description in Job does not mention any tusks or horns. Surely if it was an elephant, or regular rhinoceros, God would not have left out those dominant features. If it was a crocodile, wouldn’t He have mentioned its scaly skin, or sharp teeth? And if it were a giant extinct sloth, surely there would be a mention of its huge claws.

No, the best candidate for the behemoth—at least so far discovered in the fossil record—is the “beast of Baluchistan,” the giant hornless rhinoceros.

Take-Home Lesson

But why would God have created such an impressive animal? And what lesson was He trying to teach Job—and for that matter, all of us—with it?

God was teaching a lesson in humility. In order to counter Job’s aggrandized opinion of himself, He wanted to show this man just how insignificant he was in the grand scheme of things.

If you were alone next to an angry African elephant, surely you would feel quite small and helpless. How much punier and more terrified would you feel, though, if a behemoth were charging you? Would you not be inclined to seek God for protection? Would you not hurriedly repent of any wrongs?

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God used this largest and most powerful of all land mammals to help crush Job’s self-righteousness. God created this giant of mammals to humble people, who, like Job, let vanity swell their sense of greatness and importance.

God recorded the behemoth in Scripture for a reason. He wants us to realize just how insignificant we are apart from Him. That is the lesson of Job’s behemoth.

For an in-depth look at where dinosaurs, mankind, and even baluchitherium fit into the biblical timeline, as well as the general age of planet Earth, take a look at our article by Ryan Malone.

What is Job’s 'Behemoth'? (2024)


What is Job’s 'Behemoth'? ›

Behemoth, in the Old Testament, a powerful, grass-eating animal whose “bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron” (Job 40:18). Among various Jewish legends, one relates that the righteous will witness a spectacular battle between Behemoth and Leviathan in the messianic era and later feast upon their flesh.

What is a Behemoth in Job? ›

Biblical description

The Hebrew word behemoth is only mentioned once in Biblical text, in a speech from the mouth of God in the Book of Job. It is a primeval creature created by God and so powerful that only God can overcome him: Take now behemoth, whom I made as I did you; He eats grass, like the cattle.

What does Behemoth represent in the Bible? ›

For example, the Behemoth is mentioned as part of God's attempt to show Job God's power in comparison to human strength and understanding.

What was known as the Behemoth? ›

In the biblical book of Job, Behemoth is the name of a powerful grass-eating, river-dwelling beast with bones likened to bronze pipes and limbs likened to iron bars. Scholars have speculated that the biblical creature was inspired by the hippopotamus, but details about the creature's exact nature are vague.

What is the meaning of Behemoth in KJV? ›

King James Dictionary - Behemoth

A huge, strong animal. Behold now BEHEMOTH, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. ( Job 40:15-16 ) Source: A King James Dictionary. ( Used with permission.

Why is 777 God's number? ›

The number refers to a triumph of "God's number" 7 over the Devil's number 666.

Why aren't dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? ›

Some Christians think it isn't old enough to have housed dinosaurs. Using family trees in the Bible, they trace the start of the world to between 6,000 and 12,000 years ago. They believe in a very 'young' earth. The issue here is that fossils suggest dinosaurs existed billions of years ago, making the earth much older.

What are the monsters in the Book of Job? ›

The Book of Job is full of references to mysterious, powerful monsters — the sea serpent Leviathan, for example, and the gigantic land animal Behemoth. But Richey sees something monstrous in Job himself.

What is the Leviathan in the Book of Job? ›

The Leviathan of the Book of Job is a reflection of the older Canaanite Lotan, a primeval monster defeated by the god Baal Hadad.

How was Behemoth killed? ›

Behemoth tried to turn his remaining chunk into a super-massive bomb but Scion simply disintegrated him, making him the first Endbringer ever killed.

Is Behemoth evil? ›

it appears that Behemoth is a demonic-creature, which owns various traits of animals such as a body of a hippo and a head of an elephant.

What does the Behemoth demon symbolize? ›

For many Jewish exegetes, the primordial Behemoth serving as meat for the messianic banquet symbolizes God's future care for and protection of the righteous in spite of present circ*mstances, whereas Christians have tended to see Behemoth as an already-vanquished spiritual foe or a present demonic threat.

Where is Behemoth found in the Bible? ›

God continues to interrogate Job by calling him to study two creatures, Behemoth and Leviathan (Job 40:15; 41:1). Most likely these are references to the mythological chaos creatures of Job's ancient world. These powerful creatures supposedly roamed the earth and caused death and suffering.

What is the Behemoth in Job 40? ›

The Behemoth in reference to the Old Testament of the Bible, is a large animal mentioned in Job 40:15–24 as God addresses Job. God's description of this animal focuses on its great size and strength in comparison to Job's smallness and human frailty.

Why did God create Leviathan? ›

In the Talmud, the Leviathan was created by God on the fifth day of creation. Seeing the creature's power, God left only one alive so that it could not procreate and destroy the rest of creation. The Leviathan will be hunted in future times, and eventually, be vanquished and serve as food for righteous people.

Were there dinosaurs in the Bible? ›

There are later descriptions of creatures in the Bible that could be referring to dinosaurs. One example is the behemoth of Job 40:15-19. Even in fairly modern history there are reports of creatures which seem to fit the description of dinosaurs.

What is a Leviathan in job? ›

Only once, in the Book of Job, the Leviathan is translated as Sea-Monster (ketos). In the following chapter, a seven-headed beast, described with the same features as the dragon before, rises from the waters endowing a Beast of the Earth with power.

What Bible verse in Job talks about Behemoth? ›

Job 40:15-24 King James Version (KJV)

Behold now behemoth, Which I made with thee; He eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, And his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar: The sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

Is Behemoth a positive word? ›

If you refer to something as a behemoth, you mean that it is extremely large, and often that it is unpleasant, inefficient, or difficult to manage. The city is a sprawling behemoth with no heart.

How do you deal with a Behemoth? ›

The Behemoth has four glowing blue weak points. Destroying one will cause the Behemoth to shut down for a few seconds. Use this opportunity to relocate or whale on it with armed fire. There is a weak point on all four sides of the Behemoth however they are covered in armor which will have to be destroyed first.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.