What is the Average Golf Handicap? [Full Chart] (2024)

While golf rules are pretty strict, the question of what is a good handicap is somewhat subjective. The truth is, if you have been playing for a bit, and paying attention, you should have a fair idea of where you fit in the big picture. So, what is an average golf handicap?

Most golfers will have a handicap between 14 and 20, and anyone with a score of around 90 on most golf courses will have a handicap around this. The average pro golfer has a handicap of +5.4, while brand-new golfers will start at 28 for men, and 36 for women.

But golf is a complex sport to master, and add to that, every course will be different. Below you’ll learn about the age and numbers of the average handicaps across the range of golfers. If you want to see how you measure up, read on to learn everything you need to know.

Read next: Would a new set of golf clubs help lower your handicap? Read this full review of the best golf clubs this year.

Why Is There a Handicap System?

The idea is to give golfers of different skills, abilities, and experience levels a relatively even playing field. This is not an easy task, but it does work for the most part.

Much is built on the trust and honesty inherent to the game, but the system works for the most part.

It is one of the few, if not the only sport, in which amateur players can compete with more experienced players and have a fair and even result. The rules are relatively complex but consistent and applied equally to all players, whether you have a typical golf handicap or an above-average handicap in golf.

Read more: What Is a High Handicap?

How Many Men & Women Have These Golf Handicaps?

Handicap Index RangeAverage Number of Men with This Golf HandicapAverage Number of Women with This Golf Handicap
1.0 or better20,0002,100
0.9 to 0.012,000500
0.1 to 1.018,000750
1.1 to 1.919,000750
2.0 to 2.928,000850
3.0 to 3.934,0001,000
4.0 to 4.943,0001,200
5.0 to 5.951,0001,900
6.0 to 6.961,0001,900
7.0 to 7.970,0002,100
8.0 to 8.979,0002,200
9.0 to 9.986,0002,500
10.0 to 10.990,0002,800
11.0 to 11.994,0004,000
12.0 to 12.996,0004,750
13.0 to 13.996,0005,800
14.0 to 14.994,0006,200
15.0 to 15.992,0007,900
16.0 to 16.987,0008,900
17.0 to 17.973,0009,000
18.0 to 18.974,00010,500
19.0 to 19.958,00011,500
20.0 to 20.941,00012,800
21.0 to 21.938,00013,800

What Is the Average Handicap of Women?

The average handicap for women is 27.5, with around 18,000 women having this score. The mid-handicap will differ from men to women, however.

To sum up the chart and what you can learn from it:

  • Men golf far more than women
  • Men tend to have a better handicap index than women
  • Most men fall in at around 14.2, whereas women fall in at around 27.5
  • There’s a largely uneven number at the top of 1.0 or better for both men and women

How Do Men and Women Handicaps Differ?

Women often get extra shots and play from forward tees, which can frustrate some male golfers. The reason behind this is biology and how women don’t tend to have as much strength as men.

Men hit the ball farther than women, which explains why women are allowed extra shots to even it out.

You also tend to have more men with a lower handicap than women, but this may have more to do with how you have fewer female golfers. Check out this golf handicap beginners guide if you still have questions.

Average Handicaps in Different Countries: How Do They Compare?

They designed the handicap system to keep us all on par with each other. With that in mind, you may wonder how the various countries measure up to each other.

Today, the global average handicap sits at around 14.5. Still, golfers in the United States show an average handicap of around 14.2, making them slightly better than the handicap in other countries.

Australia, another major golf-playing country, has an average golf handicap of around 16.9. In England, the golf handicap goes even higher, with the average at 17.2. We should keep in mind the differences in population.

Golf has grown in popularity since the 1990s, and the handicap has consistently dropped as more people have gotten serious about the game. For example, men in the United States went from 16.5 in 1991 to 14.4 the average by 2018.

Women have also gone from 29.9 to 26.4, which shows how as the game grows in popularity, more have begun to take it more seriously.

How Did The Handicap System Come Into Effect?

Handicaps date back almost to the origins of golf in Scotland. It was first recorded by Thomas Kincaid in the 17th century. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and wrote widely on the subject of golf.

Simply expressed, a handicap is a numerical value assigned to a golfer’s ability from past performance. It typically equals the number of strokes over par a player will make. As the skill of the golfer increases, the number decreases.

A good player that generally makes par or less on a course will have a scratch or zero handicap. This can vary from course to course, so the difficulty of each particular course is accounted for.

The system has evolved over the years and is now highly regulated. Computers have added to the management of handicaps. Obviously, much still depends on the honesty of the golfer, as does the game itself. The truth is, there is no valor in cheating.

Course Rating and Slope

While the handicap system tries to level the playing field for golfers at different levels, the courses range in difficulty. The rating of each course, and the slope, are also taken into consideration.

Each course will have a specific rating according to the difficulty.

Read more: The Best Golf Courses in all 48 States

What Is A Scratch Golfer?

Once you achieve a zero handicap, you are considered a scratch golfer. It means you can get around a rated course on handicap, on par, or under par.

It will generally take years of practice, dedication, and effort to achieve a scratch handicap.

So, What Is the Average Golf Handicap?

According to the UK site Golf Monthly, Insurers Golf Care did an extensive survey into handicaps. While, as we have said before, many players do not register for an official handicap, it is still the best way to measure skills.

For the professionals to even think of you as good, you at least need to have an official handicap.

What is a good handicap in golf? The survey found golfers with around 16 to 20 handicaps to be the average handicap in golf.

They will sometimes call the average golfer a bogey golfer. Generally speaking, a bogey golfer, will score a bogey on most holes, which means one stroke over par at a hole. Usually, they will score at just slightly over 90 and play at around the 20 handicap range.

You may wonder, “What is my handicap if I shoot 90?” For anyone who shoots a 90, your handicap would hover at around 18 on 72-par golf courses.

What is the average golfer’s handicap? According to Golf Digest, the true average is probably a lot higher because of players without an official handicap.

Given that we can only work with what we can measure, it should be fair to say that the average golfer sits somewhere between 15 and 20.

By that logic, players below 15 could be considered good. As much as golf is a competitive sport that you play against other players or teams, the most important aspect is personal development.

All golfers aim to shoot under a specific number or achieve a certain handicap. You will know when you are becoming good, but golf requires constant effort and practice to achieve and advance.

Remember that handicaps are much easier to reduce when the numbers are higher, which is where the average golfer’s handicap sits at. In other words, it is much easier to go from a 23 to a 22 than to go from a 10 handicap in golf to an 8 golf handicap. That is why a player with a handicap of 10 might consider someone with a 5 to be a much better golfer. They have a good golf handicap.

Read more: The Best Drivers for the High Handicapper


What Is the Golf Handicap of an Average Golfer?

Men will usually have a golf handicap of around 14.2 in the United States, and women will have an average handicap of around 27.5. Anywhere from 14 to 20 for men is the average golf handicap, and you will likely find yourself in that range if you just started.

What’s My Golf Handicap if I Shoot 100?

If you score around 100 on an 18-hole course, your golf handicap will hover at around 28. This also assumes that you play a par-72 course. You would calculate this by taking 100 subtracted by 72, which equals 28.

Final Thoughts

What is a good golf handicap? While there is no clear definition of an average golf handicap, you are pretty much there if you are in the single digits. While not quite a scratch player, you have plenty of experience and get around a course well.

If you are in the 10 to 15 handicap range, you are well above average and would be considered good by the average USGA handicap. That’s a good golf handicap average.

For the rest of the golfers near the middle and above, it is all about practice and experience. Most golfers do not become good without years of dedication and effort to improve their average handicap. If you enjoyed this article, you might check out “What is an average golf score?” to see how it relates to your golf handicap.

Other Related Articles

  • How To Lower Your Handicap
  • The Golf Handicap System – A Beginners Guide

Nick Lomas

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Nick Lomas is the founder of GolfSpan, an avid golfer, not quite a pro but has over 15-years of experience playing and coaching golfers from all over the world. His mission is to bring the golfing community a better experience then it comes to choosing the right golf gear, and finding the right set up for your game.

What is the Average Golf Handicap? [Full Chart] (2024)


What is a decent golf handicap? ›

What is a good golf handicap? A good golf handicap is ten or less. With a handicap index of ten or less, you will generally shoot somewhere around 82. Shooing in the low 80s is better than average but certainly not good enough to be considered a scratch player.

What is my handicap if I shoot 90? ›

The lower the number, the better the golfer. For example, if you typically shoot around 90 on par 72 golf courses, your golf handicap would be around 18.

What's my handicap if I shoot 85? ›

If you shoot between 70 and 75, your handicap will be between 1 and 2. If you shoot between 76 and 80, your handicap will be between 3 and 5. If you shoot between 81 and 85, your handicap will be between 6 and 9. If you shoot between 86 and 91, your handicap will be between 10 and 13.

How many golfers can break 80? ›

What is the percentage of golfers that break 80? Only about 2 percent of golfers are able to break 80. Breaking 80 is something that requires very few mistakes, incredible ball striking, and the ability to play well under pressure.

What is my handicap if I shoot 100? ›

What is your handicap if you shoot 100? If you shoot around 100 for 18 holes, your handicap is roughly a 28 (100-72 = 28).

Who has the lowest handicap on the PGA Tour? ›

Tiger Woods has the lowest handicap of any tour pro.

Technically, Tiger Woods hasn't had an official handicap since he was 20 and playing off +8.

What does a 36 handicap mean? ›

Updated on 01/06/19. System 36 is a same-day handicapping system that allows golfers who don't have official handicap indexes to play in tournaments that require the use of net scores. Note that System 36 is not a substitute for a USGA Handicap Index (or any other official handicap).

What is my handicap if I shoot 110? ›

A scratch player on a course of average difficulty will typically shoot 69 to 79. Conversely, a 25-handicapper will typically shoot 95 to 110, a difference of 15 strokes. The 10 tends to be about in the middle in score deviation.

What is my handicap if I score 120? ›

Ratings vary, but most typically someone with a 21 handicap would shoot around 120 or less every time they hit the greens in competition format golfing events such as stroke-play matches or tournaments sanctioned by Golf Associations USA (GUSA).

Do triple bogeys count for handicap? ›

If your Course Handicap is between 19 and 36: Triple Bogey is your baseline – post up to Triple Bogey +1 on holes with stroke index values less than or equal to your Course Handicap – 18.

How many golfers can break 85? ›

According to data from the National Golf Foundation, only 26 percent of all golfers shoot below 90 consistently on regulation 18-hole courses; 45 percent of all golfers average more than 100 strokes per round. A player who shoots 85 is doing better than nearly three out of four of his golfing peers–a good score.

How many golfers can break 100? ›

According to their statistics, 55% of golfers break 100. Here is the breakdown according to their study: Average score: Under 80 – 5%

Has anyone ever birdied all 18 holes? ›

But no one is ever going to birdie 18 holes. In the perfect game you reach the green in the fewest possible number of strokes and hole your first putt. If you can reach the green in two strokes, then the second shot should go in the cup. It will never be played.

How hard is it to shoot under 80? ›

With golf, you can't break 80 unless you put the time in and develop a plan. At some point, your game may be good enough to walk up to the first tee and shoot 79, even when you don't play well. However, this takes time. One of the best things you can do is create a structured practice plan for improvement.

How many golfers can break 70? ›

Breaking 80 is reserved for a very small percentage of golfers, roughly 5%. And breaking 70, well, that milestone is only accomplished by roughly 1% to 3% of golfers.

What is a beginner handicap? ›

The Golfing Handicap

The handicap is an allowance of shots per round, based on a player's ability. Handicaps start at 28 for men and 36 for women and the better the player, the lower their handicap. At the end of a round each player adds up their total number of shots and deducts their handicap to get their net score.

What is the highest score I can take for my handicap? ›

What is my maximum hole score for handicap posting purposes? A. If you have an established Handicap Index®, the maximum score for each hole played is limited to a net double bogey, equal to double bogey plus any handicap strokes you are entitled to receive based on your Course Handicap™.

What is my handicap if I consistently shoot 95? ›

With that disclaimer out in the open, if you're looking for a quick imperfect reference number: If you shoot a 95, you can say that your handicap is an 23.

What handicap do you need to turn pro? ›

To be a PGA pro, a male needs a handicap of 4.4 or better, and a female needs a handicap of 6.4 or better - and you have to relinquish your amateur status and earn your way in one of the most competitive environments in existence.

What handicap was Tiger in his prime? ›

So, what is Tiger Woods' handicap? As of 2020, Tiger Woods' current handicap index was +6.5. When he started playing professionally at 20 years old, his handicap was +8; at his peak, it was more than +9. However, golf stat guru Lou Stagner found that between 2016 and 2020, Tiger had an average index of +6.3.

What is the maximum golf handicap for a man? ›

Rules of Handicapping FAQs

A. The maximum Handicap Index is 54.0 for all players.

What is your score if you are a 20 handicap? ›

Step 1 – You need to change the gross scores into adjusted total score
Course HandicapMaximum Score
40 and above10
1 more row

How many strokes can a 20 handicap take? ›

A 20 Handicap can record up to an 8 on Hole# 5 —Double Bogey plus 2 Handicap Strokes. 9 Hole Round vs 18 Hole Round — 7- 13 holes will be considered a Nine Hole Score and 14 holes or more will be considered an 18 Hole Score.

How many shots does a 36 handicap get? ›

If a player has a handicap of 36 they would get 2 shots taken off their gross score for each of the 18 holes. Here, you score points on each hole as you go along, e.g. you receive 2 points for a nett par on a hole.

How many times should you shoot your handicap? ›

The USGA Handicap Research Team tells us a player is only expected to shoot to his or her Course Handicap once every four to five rounds, or about 25 percent of the time. This target score is determined by a net score equal to the Course Rating of the set of tees played.

Why is my handicap lower than what I shoot? ›

This is because The system doesn't use every score when calculating your handicap index. The calculation takes into account your 20 most recent scores, and of those 20, the best 8 scores (lowest differentials) are used to determine your Index.

What is a scratch golfer? ›

A scratch golfer is a golfer who shoots par or better on a regular basis. These golfers have a handicap of zero. They can usually shoot in the 70s or better.

What is an impressive handicap? ›

USGA Handicap Trends

So, if we want to define a “good handicap” based just on having a lower handicap index than most other golfers with indexes, we answer a handicap lower than 14 for men and less than 28 for women.

How do I calculate my golf handicap? ›

How to calculate your golf handicap: First step, grab a calculator. Then do this.
  1. You can find your golf handicap by taking the average score of the best eight of your last 20 scores.
  2. Use this equation to calculate your handicap for any course: Course Handicap = [Handicap Index * (SR / 113)] + (CR- Par)
Sep 3, 2022

How many golf scores do you need for a handicap? ›

You must play at least five 18-hole rounds or ten 9-hole rounds in order to determine your handicap index rating. However, the handicap index rating can be determined using up to 20 scores.

What handicap am I if I bogey every hole? ›

A bogey golfer is around an 18 handicap. These golfers are just on the high end of the mid handicap range and are typically able to make a bogey on every hole. Most bogey golfers realistically make a few pars and a few double bogeys in the course of their round.

Is there a max stroke in golf? ›

MAXIMUM STROKES (PER HOLE) The Rules of Golf do not limit the number of strokes a player may take on any one hole. If it requires seventeen (17) strokes to hole out (including penalty strokes) then your score for that hole is "17". In sanctioned tournament play, such scores can occur, albeit rarely.

Is Double bogey the worst? ›

What is worse than a double bogey? Triple bogey is worse than a double bogey. Technically, any score greater than 2-over par would be considered worse than a double bogey.

What does the 90 degree rule in golf? ›

The 90-degree rule means that a golfer is supposed to drive their cart along the cart path until the cart has reached a point where a 90-degree turn would cause the cart to drive laterally across the fairway directly to the ball.

What percentage of men break 90 in golf? ›

Breaking 90 is playing “bogey golf”. If you play each hole 1 over par you will end up with a 90. Golfers with an 18-handicap or better break 90. 75% of male golfers and 20% of female golfers can break 90 on a regular basis.

What percentage of people play golf? ›

According to the National Golf Foundation, nearly 25 million people played golf on a golf course in the United States in 2020. That's around 8 percent of the total population of the U.S. which is a pretty large number all things considered.

What is an ostrich in golf? ›

What is an ostrich in golf? An ostrich is, according to golf lore, the score assigned to scoring five below par on a hole. On most traditional golf courses, this is not possible, as the lowest score possible on a par five is four under the assigned par.

Are there any par 6 golf holes? ›

Do par-6 holes exist on golf courses around the world? Yes, but they are not common. How long does a hole have to be to be called a par-6? Nearly 700 yards for men, nearly 600 yards for women — but there are other factors besides length that determine what the par rating of a golf hole is.

How many strokes is 18 holes? ›

In statistics released by the National Golf Foundation, the average golfer carded 100 strokes in 18 holes. Now, this may be the average amount of strokes for all golfers.

What is a 30 handicap in golf? ›

Now imagine you are relatively new to the world of golf and have a golf handicap of 30. Theoretically speaking, this means that on the St Andrews Old Course - a course par of 72 - you would be expected to take 30 additional strokes, making a total of 102 strokes to complete the game.

What does 85% handicap mean in golf? ›

The 85% handicap allowance results in a 17-stroke difference between partners for Team 1 and a 16-stroke difference between partners for Team 2. This is approximately 85% of the difference between the Course Handicaps, and maintains relative equity.

How many people break 90 in golf? ›

Does the average golfers break 90? Although 14% of golfers do not break 100, this doesn't mean that you cannot be successful at the sport. 2. 49% of golfers are able to hit a ball over 90 regularly – so if you can consistently get your shot in the air, you're on your way to success.

What's my handicap if I shoot 95? ›

With that disclaimer out in the open, if you're looking for a quick imperfect reference number: If you shoot a 95, you can say that your handicap is an 23.

What is my handicap if I shot a 120? ›

Ratings vary, but most typically someone with a 21 handicap would shoot around 120 or less every time they hit the greens in competition format golfing events such as stroke-play matches or tournaments sanctioned by Golf Associations USA (GUSA).

What is a mid handicap golfer? ›

So what is a mid-handicapper? A mid-handicapper falls within the middle range of golfers - with a handicap index between 9 and 18 - and shoots between 80 to 94 in scores. Read on to learn about mid-handicappers - from the best equipment to tips to lower your scores.

What is the average handicap for a male golfer? ›

The average golf handicap for men is 14.2 and the average for women is 27.5.

How many golfers break 60? ›

In the long history of the PGA Tour, only six golfers (so far) have carded multiple rounds of 60 or lower. The first 60 in tour history (it was by Al Brosch) happened in 1951. The first 59 (by Al Geiberger) was in 1977. And the first 58 (by one of the golfers listed below) was in 2016.

What is a 90 foot rule in golf? ›

So almost all courses provide a cart path, situated along side of the fairways. The 90-degree rule means that a golfer is supposed to drive their cart along the cart path until the cart has reached a point where a 90-degree turn would cause the cart to drive laterally across the fairway directly to the ball.

How far should a 70 year old man hit a golf ball? ›

Chart for 70-79 Year Olds
ClubMen (Distance in Yards)Women (Distance in Yards)
3 Wood150125
5 Wood145120
3 Hybrid140115
6 more rows

How many over par is bad? ›

If you wonder what's a bad score in golf, in theory, any net score over par may be considered bad. However, a +1 to +3 day on the course is not too bad. Professional golfers can often shoot a few over par on day one and still come back to be in contention going into Sunday.

What is considered scratch golfer? ›

A scratch golfer is a golfer who shoots par or better on a regular basis. These golfers have a handicap of zero. They can usually shoot in the 70s or better.

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