What’s the Deal with Those Hella Expensive Berkey Water Filters? (2024)

Sharon Franke

Sharon Franke

Sharon Franke is the kitchenware maven. For over 30 years, she was in charge of testing and reporting on everything from wooden spoons to connected refrigerators at Good Housekeeping. In her free time, you’ll find her banging pots in her own kitchen.

updated May 1, 2019

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What’s the Deal with Those Hella Expensive Berkey Water Filters? (1)

Perhaps you’ve seen ads for Berkey water filtering systems and wondered why they’re so darn expensive? More than $600 for a water filter? Do they do something that no other filter can do? Can they turn water into, uh, gold?

Curious to find out the deal with them (and if the price is justified), I did some homework and called experts from major testing labs. Here’s the story.

How do Berkey systems work?

Berkey systems use a very fine filter that the company claims can not only remove chlorine, lead, and other heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and VOCs, but also actually purify water by removing viruses and bacteria. They also use a so-called gravity system, which means the water drops down and there’s no mechanism to help push it through the microfilter.

It doesn’t need any electricity or a plumbing hookup (you just pour in water and let it — and gravity — do its thing), so it’s particularly advantageous in, say, a cabin or beach house. Just note that, because the water is not kept refrigerated, it is particularly important to empty out any unused water after about a week and clean the unit thoroughly.

Do they really work?

While the company does have independent lab tests to back up its claims, its products do not have the widely-trusted NSF certification that other filter systems have. For this reason, many media outlets don’t review Berkey units, never mind recommend them, and many stores don’t carry them.

Everyone I spoke to stressed the importance of that certification from NSF or another accreditation like the Gold Seal from the Water Quality Association. (These approvals offer the assurance that a water filtering system is safe to use and actually does what it says it does.) However, an expert from the National Testing Laboratories, Ltd. reviewed the test results provided by Berkey on its website and felt it does meet the EPA’s protocol for water purification.

So, why are Berkey systems so expensive?

With prices ranging from $35 for a 22-ounce water bottle to $630 for a six-gallon countertop system, Berkey products are considerably more expensive than the water filter pitchers so many of us use in our homes. This is because they’re made of stainless steel and other high-quality materials. The filters themselves, the company says, are made of more than six different materials including high-grade coconut shell carbon. In addition, the high cost of independent testing for water purification may add to the price.

Would you pay this much for a water filter system? Why or why not? Discuss in the comments below.

What’s the Deal with Those Hella Expensive Berkey Water Filters? (2024)


What’s the Deal with Those Hella Expensive Berkey Water Filters? ›

Berkey systems use a very fine filter that the company claims can not only remove chlorine, lead, and other heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and VOCs, but also actually purify water by removing viruses and bacteria.

What's going on with Berkey water filters? ›

What happened to Berkey? Through expanded Covid-era regulations the EPA decided to use their new power to treat Berkey black filters as pesticides earlier this year. Berkey was forced to stop selling them. Keep in mind these filters are not treated with any harmful substances.

What is the Berkey lawsuit about? ›

In August 2023, the manufacturers of Berkey Water Filtration Systems filed a lawsuit against the EPA to prevent them from classifying Berkey filters as a pesticide, in what is considered by some, including Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to be an abuse of the agency's power in an attempt to put the company out of business.

Why did the EPA ban Berkey water filters? ›

Berkey was issued a Stop Sale Order by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency USA) in December 2023 due to Berkey's unregistered use of silver in Black Berkey elements, and because of Berkey's labelling and contaminant reduction claims. The EPA classifies silver as a pesticide.

Can bacteria grow in Berkey filters? ›

The Black® Purification elements are self-sterilizing, which prevents any bacterial growth inside the filter.

Why are Berkey replacement filters so expensive? ›

With prices ranging from $35 for a 22-ounce water bottle to $630 for a six-gallon countertop system, Berkey products are considerably more expensive than the water filter pitchers so many of us use in our homes. This is because they're made of stainless steel and other high-quality materials.

How many years does a Berkey water filter last? ›

A single Black Berkey filter can last for up to four years before needing a replacement. But say you have a family of four that consumes about eight gallons of water per day. A single Black Berkey filter would last about one year.

Why is Berkey not certified? ›

The Berkey Filter is not NSF-53 certified. The Berkey Filter claims to exceed the requirements of NSF-53, this is not true. Where NSF-53 would've required they run 6,000 gallons of water through the filter and THEN test the water, one of the labs used only ran 2 liters of water through the Berkey before testing.

How healthy is Berkey water? ›

The Berkey water filter is one of the few that can actually be called a water purifier because it removes 99.999% of bacteria and viruses. Independent research shows that the Berkey water filter removes 99.9% of: Viruses (most water filters don't) Bacteria (including E.

Why can't Berkey be sold in California? ›

California's health regulations are arguably the strictest in the nation. In 2009, their no-lead law effectively put a stop to Berkey water filters. The law mandates that any device intended for human consumption through drinking or cooking must be NSF certified to be lead-free.

What does Berkey filter not remove? ›

A Berkey will remove harmful pollutants while leaving in the beneficial minerals that are essential for our health, with one exception: zinc.

What is the best home water filtration system? ›

The Bottom Line

The 3M Aqua-Pure Whole House Water Filter is our pick for the best whole house water filter overall because of its moderate price point, easy-to-change filters, and its ability to remove chlorine and other sediments.

Can Berkey water go bad? ›

It is recommended that you replace your Berkey water after three days. For water that is in a cold environment, the water can keep for up to one week.

Why are Berkey filters closing? ›

The EPA has not utilized this new re-interpretation to stop the sale of any other outdoor water filter, just Berkey® alone. We have been informed that the real issue is that because of Covid-19, the EPA does not like the fact that Berkey® filters are capable of removing virus from your water.

Does the Berkey filter out parasites? ›

Berkey® filtration systems are significantly better than other water filtration systems because they remove viruses, harmful pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites, as well as chemical contaminants and impurities, while leaving essential minerals your body needs.

Is Berkey better than Brita? ›

So even though it has been a popular brand for many years, Brita filters are ultimately only marginally effective in removing the increasing number of residual pollutants from tap water. Indeed, Brita filters are in no way comparable to the excellent performance of Black Berkey® filters.

Why is Berkey Filter not working? ›

One of the most common remedies to you may need to clean your Black Berkey Filters. Depending on the water that you put into the top chamber, the pores in your filters may have become blocked. Try doing a full system clean to get your system running at peak performance.

What is the water filter controversy? ›

A class-action lawsuit has accused Brita, the popular water filter company, of false advertising. A lawsuit filed against the maker of some of the nation's most popular water filtration systems has accused the Brita company of falsely advertising that its products remove or reduce hazardous contaminants from tap water.

Why are Berkey filters not NSF certified? ›

The Berkey Filter is not NSF-53 certified. The Berkey Filter claims to exceed the requirements of NSF-53, this is not true. Where NSF-53 would've required they run 6,000 gallons of water through the filter and THEN test the water, one of the labs used only ran 2 liters of water through the Berkey before testing.

Does Berkey water still have minerals in it? ›

The filters in Berkey Water Systems, known as the Black Berkey Filter, removes sedimentary minerals but keeps beneficial (ionic) minerals. This is because the media formation of the filter elements doesn't attract beneficial minerals. So minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium pass through the filter.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.