What To Do For Blisters From Ice Skates: Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center: Foot & Ankle Surgeons (2024)

Whether you are a Colorado Avalanche fan screaming at the Pepsi Center or a hockey mom sitting in the stands yelling for your kid’s team, you know the risks that the players take. Besides the cuts, bruises, and concussions the players may face, there is another annoying problem that can raise its ugly head: blisters from ice skates.

Blisters form when the skin of your feet rub against your skates. Ice skates need to be quite rigid to fully support the ankle through a long game. However, that very stiffness can increase the irritation on the ball of your foot, ankle bones, and heel if the skates don’t fit properly or aren’t laced tightly enough. You want the foot to sit firmly in the heel and not slide around too much. It is best to break in new skates gradually so they can adapt to your foot shape without causing these sometimes-painful sores.

The pushing off, quick turns and stops, and constant motion during a game puts extra stress on the feet of hockey players. You can try to prevent blisters by using moleskin or “second skin” padding at pressure points. Socks can help prevent blisters, too, but the fit of the skate is paramount. Try using a slightly thinner sock and find a pair of skates that molds well to the contour of the foot.

If you do get blisters from ice skates, it is best to leave them intact. Cover the sore with a bandage, or use liquid bandage and tape to protect the area. You can also try corn pads with a hole in the middle to cushion the skin bubble from pressure. If the blister has burst, don’t remove the loose skin. Use antibiotic cream and bandage it securely while it heals. Once the new skin has toughened up underneath, then you can carefully clip the dead covering away with a sterile nail scissors or clippers.

When the blister is large, blood-filled, or causing a lot of pain, give Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center a call at (303) 423-2520 and schedule an appointment at our location in Wheat Ridge, Golden, Evergreen, or Granby, CO. You canrequest an appointmentthrough our website as well. Check us out onTwitter,FacebookandPinterest, too, for up-to-date tips and information.


Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center

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As an enthusiast with a profound understanding of podiatry and foot health, I can confidently delve into the concepts discussed in the article from the Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center Blog regarding blisters from ice skates.

The primary issue addressed is the formation of blisters due to the friction between the skin of the feet and the rigid ice skates. The article aptly explains that the stiffness of the skates, while necessary for ankle support during gameplay, can lead to irritation on the ball of the foot, ankle bones, and heel if the skates are ill-fitting or not laced tightly enough.

The preventative measures suggested showcase a nuanced understanding of the subject. Recommendations include gradually breaking in new skates to allow them to adapt to the foot shape, using moleskin or "second skin" padding at pressure points, and emphasizing the importance of proper sock selection for blister prevention. The article emphasizes finding skates that mold well to the foot's contour, underscoring the critical role of a well-fitted skate in preventing foot issues.

In case blisters do occur, the article provides practical advice for treatment. It advises leaving intact blisters covered with a bandage or using liquid bandage and tape for protection. Moreover, for burst blisters, the article wisely recommends not removing the loose skin but instead using antibiotic cream and securely bandaging the area until it heals. The mention of corn pads with a hole to cushion the skin bubble reflects a nuanced approach to addressing specific blister-related issues.

Furthermore, the article demonstrates a commitment to patient care by advising individuals to seek professional help from the Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center in case of large, blood-filled blisters causing significant pain. This not only highlights the importance of timely medical intervention but also establishes the credibility of the healthcare provider.

In conclusion, the article not only showcases a deep understanding of the factors contributing to blisters from ice skates but also offers practical and evidence-based advice on prevention and treatment, reinforcing the author's expertise in podiatry and foot health.

What To Do For Blisters From Ice Skates: Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center: Foot & Ankle Surgeons (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.