When Is It Time to Leave a Job? 21 Signs to Quit Your Job in 2023 (2024)

Are you tired of your job and waiting for the universe to send you a sign?

You may have it right in front of your eyes. Around 2.5 percent of the entire U.S. workforce is turning over monthly.

While the reasons can be different, the feeling of frustration of being stuck in a job that is not offering you what you deserve remains the same.

Whether the company’s goals don’t align with the individual goals or employees are under-compensated, the great resignation has become a severe concern in the US.

While every work has its challenges, some are not worth giving any attention to. If your mental peace is compromised, growth is hindered, or physical health is affected - these are some signs you should quit your job immediately.

Read on to know more about when is it time to leave a job and some FAQs around it:

  • How to decide when is it time to leave a job?
  • How do you know when it's time to leave your job?
  • What steps to take when you decide to leave your job?
  • What to do once you decide to quit your job?

How to Know When It's Time to Leave a Job?

You know something is not right with your current job if all you can think is should I quit my job.

Being at ease in a job requires time, but that in no way means you should crush yourself under the weight of ‘fitting in’.

While it should be your personal decision whether to quit a job or not, you must consider the following points that can help you with the listicle of signs I should quit my job:.

  • Chart out the pros and cons of your current job and reflect on what weighs more. It will give you an idea of when is it time to leave a job.
  • Identify what your current job is lacking and what you expect from your ideal job. Once you get some clarity, voice it to the management to improve your situation.
  • If you feel that your organization is not supporting your needs, trust your instincts and conclude that it is probably time to quit your job.

Also Read: How to know which career is right for you in 2023?

Signs When Is It Time to Leave a Job

Before sending your resignation, you should be aware of the signs that it's time to leave a job because there's no turning back from it.

Here are some signs that can tell you when is it time to leave a job:

1. You Feel Burnout & Exhaustion

If your job makes you feel burnout and exhausted and you do not find time or energy to do anything else, it is time to quit your job.

Zippia's 2023 statistics states that 77% of employees have experienced feelings of burnout at their current job.

It would be best if you kept in mind that any job that takes more than it gives is not worth it. Going to work should not feel dreadful and should enrich your life - both professionally and personally.

Hiration pro tip:

Make sure that the reasons for burnout or exhaustion are not related to your health or any other factor. Make a list of all the factors that could be contributing to your exhaustion, and then decide if your job is the biggest factor or not.

2. You See No Growth

If your organization is not providing any opportunity to hone your skills, you should reconsider continuing your stint in that company. You should work where you are given exposure to work on new projects, and where eventually you see yourself getting a promotion.

It is one of the signs you should quit your job immediately if you are working in an organization that does not support your professional growth. Here's a step-by-step approach that you can follow:

  1. Talk to prior colleagues for honest company insights and feedback.

  2. If you and predecessors remain in same roles, reflect on potential career stagnation.

  3. Prolonged role stagnation prompts introspection and possible need for career adjustments.

Do not hesitate to talk to the management/bosses before you take any concrete action though. It's surprising how the biggest obstacles can sometimes get resolved by a single, honest conversation.

3. Your Workplace Is Toxic

A toxic workplace is one where there is needless stereotyping, harmful gossiping, and discrimination.

Workplace toxicity can surface in multiple forms, such as senior management acting indifferently to your needs, distrust among colleagues, high employee turnover, and lack of leadership in the organization.

American Psychological Association recently reported that employees who reported a toxic workplace were more than 3 times as likely to have experienced harm to their mental health at work than those who report a healthy workplace (52% vs. 15%).

You should know these signs to decide when is it time to leave a toxic job. If you are stuck in such an environment, practice coping mechanisms while you look for a new job.

In case the toxicity stems from a single individual, there's still hope to salvage the situation. But if that toxic environment is rooted in the organization's DNA, it's probably too late.

There's no point in you single-handedly trying to turn the wheel - hoping that relentless attempts will turn the tide - when most probably the wheel is rotten and slated to break apart.

Also Read: What are the most common signs of a toxic workplace?

4. Your Company Has No Future

If your company has been underperforming for a long time, you know your future is at stake too. You can review your company's financial reports to get an insight into the potential longevity and future scope.

If you observe that your company is laying off employees from time to time, you might be next in line too. Before the worse hits, you should consider leaving your job and finding a new opportunity.

When Is It Time to Leave a Job? 21 Signs to Quit Your Job in 2023 (1)

5. You Are Undercompensated

You might have accepted the job offer with less pay to grab the opportunity, but if you are highly under-compensated, you should consider leaving the job. 41% of U.S. workforce believe they’re currently being underpaid.

When you accept a job with less pay, you hint to the company that you do not value yourself, which can impact the type of tasks and responsibilities you could be asked to perform at work.

Staying in such a job can make you resentful over time. Hence, you should change your job or request a raise if you have spent a substantial amount of time in the company.

Also read: How to ask for a raise in writing in 2023?

6. You Found a Better Opportunity

A better opportunity does not mean more money. You must know that the new opportunity that has surfaced will be able to offer what the previous job couldn’t.

Once you have weighed the pros and cons of the new job and how it is better than the previous one, you can send your resignation.

Do not make hasty decisions or show unprofessional behavior, and for that, you must know how to professionally quit your job.

Also read: How do I professionally resign immediately?

7. You Don’t Have Work-life Balance

If your work is taking up all your time and you do not find the energy to do any other work, it is one of the reasons to leave a job.

Your job should be a part of your life rather than your whole life. If you are working on off days, not getting a vacation, and often hear your loved ones complaining about your time, you should know when it is time to leave a job.

8. You Feel Uninspired and Unengaged

When you start feeling that the current job does not stir you and you often feel boredom, it is the answer to when is it time to leave a job.

You might be good at your job, but if the job does not motivate you to look forward to it or you feel you have reached your limit, you should consider finding a new job.

9. Your Skills Are Not Enhanced

Your job is supposed to enhance your skill set to grow professionally. However, if the job fails to do so, it is time that you find yourself a new one.

Your skill set is your biggest asset in the professional world. Whether you would like to apply to a renowned company or want a better salary, your skill set will take you ahead.

Your employer should support you in developing your talents as an employee by offering you opportunities to visit conferences and attend training. If the organization in which you are currently working does not provide opportunities to upskill, you should consider quitting your job.

Also Read: What are the top skills to put on your resume in 2023?

10. You Are Experiencing Abuse

Any physical or mental torture should not happen in the workplace. If you are experiencing abuse or harassment or witness any illegal behavior, it is time to leave the job.

If your office does not offer you a safe space, you should reconsider working for that organization.

11. You Are Finding Ethical Misalignment

Compromises in a job might feel necessary, especially if you want to climb the ladder. However, it would be best if you did not let that thought direct you in your professional life, as it would affect your self-respect and morale in the long run.

Your job should never put you in a situation where you need to compromise on your values. A company run by strong values and ethics will never put you in a position where you feel your ethics are compromised.

Also read: Ho to showcase good work ethic on resume?

12. Your Health is Affected

If working in a place is taking a toll on your physical, mental, or emotional health, you should not think twice before quitting a job.

Workplace stress has become a general mental health concern which eventually leads to physical issues too. Nearly 3 in 5 employees (59%) experience negative impacts of work-related stress.

If you are still in the initial stages, wondering when is it time to leave a job, you can consider carving a boundary at a particular time after which you dedicate time doing things outside work. Observe if the company respects that and make decisions based on it.

13. You Lack the Passion

Your job can become mundane if you do not feel a passion for thriving in it. Passion in the workplace can increase productivity and bring positive results. If you cannot view your job as a career but see it as a job, then chances are you might feel wasted for not utilizing your full potential.

If you lack passion, it is a sign of how to know when it is time to leave a job. You should quit your job if you are stuck in one such position.

Also read: How to find the sweet spot between your passion and job?

14. You Do Not Have the Freedom to Speak

Your job should allow you an open space to voice your opinions. If you have good insights regarding a project and cannot express them due to the fear that you might be criticized, you should consider quitting your job.

Also read: How and why should your company be an equal opportunity employer

15. You Often Receive Negative Criticism

No matter how good of effort you put into your work, you do not receive positive feedback. If that sounds like your situation, consider quitting your job.

Positive feedback can help you upskill and eventually get promotional opportunities. On the contrary, if the senior managers offer too much negative criticism, it can hinder the company's overall growth.

16. You Often Procrastinate

A feeling of procrastination often takes over all of us once in a while, but if you always feel the same for your daily tasks, rethink continuing that job.

Pursuing a job that interests you can help you achieve your goals and bring fruitful results for the company. Procrastination in the workplace can often lead to decreased self-esteem and loss of opportunities.

Also read: How to get out of work without earning the scorn from of bosses?

17. Your Boss is Intolerable

What is a good reason to quit your job?

If your boss cannot tolerate you and vice versa.

It is good if you know how to handle conflict with your seniors, but if you have to exercise conflict management skills on an everyday basis, it is time that you quit your job.

A healthy office environment should inspire you to be on your best behavior. If your boss is unsupportive and incompetent, you should exit from that organization.

18. You Notice High Employee Turnover

If you notice many employees leaving your organization out of the blue, it could be a sign that it is time to leave a job. A high turnover hints that your organization has some major systemic concerns.

High turnover rates can give you an idea about company culture, and you can dig in deep by talking it out with colleagues leaving the job to know the reason.

19. Your Job Doesn't Suit Your Lifestyle

How do you know when it's time to leave your job?

If your job does not go in tandem with your lifestyle, say you have started a family that requires more personal time, then you should reflect on your priorities and decide accordingly.

It might happen that you got married and have kids and cannot offer as much time to your work as earlier. It is completely acceptable and can be a valid reason for quitting your job.

Hiration pro tip:

Find yourself a job that gives work life balance as it would help you create and maintain boundaries and establish happy relationships with your loved ones.

20. Your Self-worth is Compromised

Your self-worth should be above anything else, whether in your personal or professional life. If your employer or colleagues make you question your self-worth, you should consider it one of the signs you should leave your job.

Doing a job that questions your self-worth will only disturb your mental peace, and you should strive to grow in a company that adds to your worth, not diminish it.

21. Your Confidence is Affected

There can be many situations in the workplace that are not easy to handle. It can be negative feedback from your senior or some argument with colleagues over a trivial issue. You need to know how to manage them.

However, if the comments or arguments are affecting your confidence in any way, it is time that you should consider it as one of the significant reasons to quit a job.

Your workplace environment should make you feel more capable than otherwise. If your achievements do not sync with how you are being treated, feel free to leave that job.

Also Read: What to do if you hate your job?

Steps to Take If You Decide to Leave Your Job

Once you reflect on all reasons to leave your job and finally decide to do so, here are the next steps you need to take care of:

Update Your Resume

It is time to update your resume with your recent job experience and skills. Make sure to personalize it to the specific job you will be applying for.

With Hiration Resume Builder, you can create immaculate resumes from scratch or update your existing resume to modify and save time.

Creating the perfect resume within minutes will be a piece of cake for you with features such as AI-Review, Job Match, etc.

Also Read: How to rewrite your resume as per current industry standards?

Prepare a Cover Letter

A cover letter shows that you went the extra mile, it is simply impressive (if done right). Tailor your cover letter to each job you apply for.

You can research the company and the position and accordingly include industry-specific keywords and your career highlights that align with the position.

By the way, we can take care of that too. Check out Hiration Cover Letter Builder, where you will find pre-written cover letter templates that you can quickly customize - and you are all set!

Also Read: How long should a cover letter be in 2023?

Update Your LinkedIn Profile

An almighty job search tool will be your LinkedIn profile. It is often the first thing hiring managers skim when they search for potential candidates. Make sure it is up-to-date and professional.

Updating LinkedIn can be a daunting task, and how to know whether you have done it right or not? We have got you covered.

Visit Hiration LinkedIn Review, upload your profile and receive a complete assessment of your profile with suggestions based on the latest industry standards.

Also Read: How to optimize your LinkedIn profile during a job change?

Create or Update Your Digital Portfolio

Make sure your portfolio, if you have one, features your finest work and emphasizes your expertise. We recommend you consider building a portfolio if you don't already have one and are especially in a creative profession.

You should know by now that we are full of surprises. Create your portfolio today with Hiration Digital Portfolio, consisting of easy-to-use, modern templates based on your experience.

Also Read: What are some of the creative resume templates trending in 2023?

Prepare for Job Interviews

Make sure to research the position and the company, and practice your answers to commonly asked interview questions in your chosen field.

Also, a good initiative is to think about important and relevant questions you want to ask the interviewer.

Last, but not the least, we have Hiration Interview Prep to help you get ready with a diverse and rich interview questions bank, and as well as AI-powered mock interview sessions to judge your body language, time to answer, etc.

Also Read: What are some questions you can ask your interviewer?

What to Do Next Once You Decide to Quit Your Job?

Once you know when is it time to leave a job, the next step would be to inform the employer about the same. You can follow the points mentioned below that can help you navigate through the process easily:

  • Convey to your management that you no longer want to continue the job. The sooner you inform about quitting your job, the better it is.
  • Give at least a two weeks notice period before quitting the job so that your organization can find a replacement with sufficient time on their hand.
  • Never lose decorum, no matter how bad an experience you had at your workplace. Even in your resignation, try to politely convey the reason for quitting your job.
  • Train your substitute well, so you leave your responsibilities in good hands. You can offer your contact to colleagues so that they can reach out to you after the last working day.
  • If HR asks the reason for leaving, try to give positive feedback as it might help them improve their working conditions.

FAQs on Signs to Quit Your Job

What are good reasons for leaving a job?

Valid reasons for leaving a job include seeking better growth opportunities, a mismatch between job role and skills, toxic work environment, or pursuing a new career direction.

How do I quit my job gracefully?

Resign from your job gracefully by providing ample notice, expressing gratitude for the experience, and offering to assist with the transition. Maintain professionalism and leave on a positive note to uphold relationships and your professional reputation.

How much time do you need before leaving a job?

Typically, providing two weeks' notice is standard when leaving a job. However, the exact timing may vary depending on your role, company policies, and the complexity of your responsibilities.

Check out Hiration’s ChatGPT-powered Career Activator Platform, which offers 24x7 chat support if you need expert guidance in knowing more about when is it time to leave a job.

When Is It Time to Leave a Job? 21 Signs to Quit Your Job in 2023 (2)

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When Is It Time to Leave a Job? 21 Signs to Quit Your Job in 2023 (2024)


How do you tell it's time to leave your job? ›

Here are a few signs to look for to confirm that it's time to move on to a new opportunity:
  • You want room to grow. Got the feeling like you've hit the ceiling with your current company? ...
  • You're experiencing problems with a supervisor or boss. ...
  • You feel undervalued. ...
  • You feel unmotivated. ...
  • You notice a high turnover rate.
Dec 1, 2023

How long should I stay at a job 2023? ›

If you stay at a job less than two years, you might be seen as a job-hopper who could be aimless, difficult to work with or chasing the highest salary offer. If you stay more than 10 years in the same position, recruiters might question why you weren't promoted or if you're motivated to learn new ways of doing things.

What is the best month to quit your job? ›

Generally, the most preferred and best month to resign from your job is December. That's because most American companies distribute their end-of-the-year bonuses in late December, and if you have made up your mind to leave, it is best to do it without missing out on it.

When should you quit your job immediately? ›

This is not always possible, and there are a few situations where it's acceptable and even necessary to quit without notice, including:
  1. Unsafe work environment.
  2. Hostile work environment.
  3. Family emergency.
  4. Personal health.
  5. Fear of retribution.
  6. Better opportunities.
  7. Frequent layoffs.
  8. Lack of work opportunities.
Feb 2, 2024

Should you resign on a Monday or Friday? ›

Time your resignation wisely. The best time to resign is at the end of the day, and on a Monday or Tuesday. The end of the day timing is for your benefit. Resigning at 5:00 p.m. allows you to have your resignation meeting, and then allow you to distance yourself from the potential discomfort by leaving the office.

What to do when you are being pushed out of your job? ›

What to Do If Your Boss is Pushing You Out of Your Role
  1. Find Out Why. If you suspect that your boss wants you to quit, go straight to the source. ...
  2. Reframe the Situation. ...
  3. Calculate Your ROI. ...
  4. Document Everything. ...
  5. Think Carefully Before Turning Down Voluntary Severance. ...
  6. Take the High Road. ...
  7. Cover Your Bases.
Aug 31, 2022

Why do employees leave their jobs 2023? ›

Better Job and Growth Opportunities

One primary reason employees consider leaving their jobs for a possible career change is to pursue better job prospects and growth opportunities. When an offer presents itself and it is something you have wanted career-wise, you start thinking about the possibility of accepting it.

How long does the average person stay at a job? ›

How long the average employee stays at a job. As of January 2022, the median amount of time employees had been with their current employers was 4.1 years, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)—the same amount of time as was reported two years earlier in 2020 [1].

How long should you stay at a job you don't like? ›

Experts agree that you should stay at your place of employment for a minimum of two years. It's enough time to learn new skills and build your qualifications, while short enough to show that you value growing in your career.

How to tell if your boss wants you to quit? ›

10 Signs Your Boss Wants You to Quit
  1. You don't get new, different or challenging assignments anymore.
  2. You don't receive support for your professional growth.
  3. Your boss avoids you.
  4. Your daily tasks are micromanaged.
  5. You're excluded from meetings and conversations.
  6. Your benefits or job title changed.

How early is too early to quit a job? ›

Leaving a job shortly after you've started can be a red flag to future employers. Most professionals believe you should stay at a job for a minimum of one year to show some level of commitment before moving on.

What months are hardest to get a job? ›

What's the worst time of year to find a job? Late November through December are typically the worst times of the year to find a job due to many hiring managers and employees being absent with seasonal holiday vacations. More so, many companies are at the end of their fiscal year and hiring budgets could be scarce.

What is the best day of the week to quit your job? ›

Ideally, it's best to resign on a Friday morning. While this isn't the case for every organization, most employers will view it as giving enough advance notice while allowing the team to start planning for your departure. Typically, mornings are the best time to hand in your notice.

How to quit a job without burning bridges? ›

5 steps to resigning without burning bridges
  1. Resign face-to-face where possible. “Generally, people find it more respectful for you to resign in person,” she says. ...
  2. Show you're thankful. ...
  3. Follow up in writing. ...
  4. Work hard during your notice period. ...
  5. Continue to support the business after you've left.
Mar 5, 2024

Is it bad to quit a job suddenly? ›

Just know that you may be forfeiting a good reference and running the risk of hurting your professional reputation (at least within your current company). That said, if you don't make a habit of quitting without notice, you'll mostly likely be just fine.

When to quit your job without another? ›

20 situations where quitting your job without another job is common
  1. Focusing on starting a new business. ...
  2. Taking a sabbatical. ...
  3. Needing a break. ...
  4. Making time for your job search. ...
  5. Requiring more flexibility. ...
  6. Protecting your mental health. ...
  7. Protecting your physical health. ...
  8. Protecting your relationships.
Feb 2, 2024

When should you quit your job and focus on your business? ›

6 Signs You Should Quit Your Job
  1. You're Making a Healthy Income. ...
  2. You've Built Up a Cash Cushion. ...
  3. You've Tested and Proven a Business Model. ...
  4. You Can't Stop Thinking About Your Side Hustle. ...
  5. You Have a Plan. ...
  6. You're Ready and Willing.
Mar 1, 2023

When to quit and when to keep going? ›

It might be time to quit if you cannot remember why you started, if you did not have a strong reason for starting, or if circ*mstances have changed and your reason for starting is no longer relevant. On the other hand, you might want to keep going if you had a strong reason for starting, and that reason still applies.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.